Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 313

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Peter had just finished his dinner when he was informed that Gabe was back.

Following that, Henry poured two cups of tea and placed them on the table.

Peter looked Gabe in the eyes and asked directly, “You’ve been away from the company for quite a

while. What exactly were you doing for Wayne?”

Gabe froze and asked, “Oh? Did you know about it?”

He reasoned that since Peter was asking, he must have known what was going on. However, he still

needed to ask and confirm his suspicions.

“Tell me what’s up with Sophia York.” Peter sipped his tea, then frowned. He appeared to be very


Gabe was nervous and had to take a sip of tea to ease himself.

Then he responded, “Wayne asked Leo to find him a surrogate woman six years ago. His plan was that

the woman would leave the country after giving birth to the child. But, by chance and coincidence, the

woman did not go to the hotel that night. As a result, they let Sophia take her place. After a few months,

Sophia was pregnant. So, they agreed to let her have the baby.”

Peter remained silent but appeared agitated. He then snarled, “What? This is outrageous!”

Peter thought Wayne looking for a surrogate was ridiculous enough, let alone that they had the wrong

person. 313 Did You Invite Her to the Pa.

“Rest assured, Mr. Williams. Leo had previously paid Sophia compensation,” Gabe said carefully for


Peter became angrier, saying, “What? Does Wayne truly believes that money can solve all problems?”

Embarrassed and flustered, Gabe kept his head down and drank his tea. And he quickly finished his

cup of tea.

At this point, Henry said in a low voice, “Gabe hasn’t finished yet, Sir. Don’t get angry just yet, okay?

Let him tell us how he found her.”

Peter nodded slightly after hearing that.

Gabe sighed quietly in relief and said, “Wayne had a feeling that something was wrong a while ago, so

he asked me to look into it. Later, | found that Sophia York turned out to be Matthew’s birth mother after

a lengthy investigation. She was married but had no children. Her husband had terminal stomach

cancer and only had six months to live.”

Overcome by mixed emotions, Peter sighed, “We should help her.”

Meanwhile, Gabe shook his head and said, “Wayne repeatedly asked me to give her money, but she

refused it. She claimed that she had no reason to get the money because her husband was doomed to

die. Plus, she said that she would travel to America after her husband’s funeral to further her education.

Sophia has never had children with her husband, and her only wish is to see Matthew before she goes


“Well, that makes sense. We should just let her have it,” Peter said.

And then the housekeeper advised, “Peter, | believe that you should think twice before making your

decision. Miss Gabriel will be upset if she knows that Matthew meets this woman.”

Peter immediately frowned, realizing that it was indeed tricky. 313 Did You Invite Her to the Pa.

After meeting Sophia, Anna was preoccupied with business and attending dinner parties for a few

days. As a result, she spent most of her nights in hotels.

She wasn’t actually that busy. She did so because she didn’t want to be alone with Wayne.

Henry sent an invitation to Anna’s company for Peter’s birthday party, which was held before

Christmas. He did this not only to show her his respect but also to make future business between them


When Mona handed Anna the invitation, she to her said cautiously, “Are you still upset with Wayne,

Anna? So, will you attend his grandfather’s birthday party?”

The purple-red evening sun had already entered the office through the window. And Anna noticed the

invitation had Peter’s name on it in huge letters.

“Did Wayne come to the company again this afternoon?” She asked.

Mona immediately responded, “Yes. He had brought us afternoon tea a few days before. | didn’t give it

to you because you said you didn’t want anything from him.”

Hearing that, Anna thanked Mona with a nod.

Wayne had come to Anna’s office every day when she hadn’t been home recently. And every time he

arrived, he had his assistant bring plenty of food for the staff.

Anna was exhausted, and it appeared that everyone around her began to support Matthew, wanting

them two to reconcile with each other.

Moreover, it made her seem like she was the one who was 313 Did You Invite Her to the Pa.


With a sigh, Anna knew she had no choice but to attend this party. Also, she wanted to take this

opportunity to talk things over with Wayne.

She was determined that she wouldn’t let that liar take Matthew away from her.

The next day, the Wrights hosted a party on the top floor of Birmingham’s most exclusive hotel.

The venue was elegantly decorated with several circular tables next to the stage, keeping with the

solemn yet joyful atmosphere.

Peter was dressed formally in a black suit and appeared energetic.

As soon as Anna arrived there, Henry seated her at the largest table, next to Wayne.

Anna believed that they had reserved this seat for her to show how much they valued her. It also

allowed the guests to meet Anna and learn that she was Wayne’s future wife.

“Hello, Anna,” Peter said as he smiled and greeted her.

“Where are Matthew and Tammy?” Anna asked, nodding and looking past Wayne at her side to Peter.

“The babysitter took them to the bathroom,” Wayne said before Peter could respond.

Anna frowned and didn’t reply to him. She simply turned her head toward the restroom.

She did this to avoid looking Wayne in the eyes and embarrassing herself. However, Anna didn’t

expect to see a woman who shouldn’t have

been there, which was Sophia. 313 Did You Invite Her to the Pa.

People unfamiliar with the Wrights but eager to see them sat in an out-of-the-way corner of the

ballroom. The majority of them were journalists who wanted to take photographs. And Anna spotted

Sophia sitting there at a glance.

Sophia was dressed in a beige gown that made her appear gentle. And like Anna, she was staring at

the toilet

Anxious, Anna felt like a hand suddenly grabbed her heart, preventing her from breathing. She

immediately turned around and asked Wayne, “Did you invite her to the party?”

Wayne went entirely still. He noticed Sophia when he followed her gaze.

At the same time, Tammy and Matthew ran out of the bathroom laughing, one after the other, with the

nanny following close behind them.

Seeing Anna, Tammy exclaimed, “Mommy!”

The two little ones ran toward Anna the moment they saw her. Matthew dropped something he was

holding in his hand as they ran past Sophia.

Then Sophia knelt, picked the thing up, and handed it to Matthew.

Seeing that, Anna clenched her fist and immediately became agitated.

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below Chapter 313 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 313 and update the next chapters of this series at


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