Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 324

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324 What If I Die

Ryan stood outside the warehouse door, surveying the five men.

As far as he knew, Dylan was the most powerful of them all. He appeared to be the boss, directing

several other men to move the boxes. Several of the other men appeared to be junkies and were

skinny in a weird way.

Dylan turned to Ryan and asked, “What’s taking you so long to use the restroom? Come help us move

our stuff. You mentioned earlier that you wanted to empty this warehouse, didn’t you?”

Ryan nodded and approached them. Dylan muttered, perplexed, “What exactly is going on? Why are

you willing to assist us today?”

After carrying a box of stuff, Ryan stood in the back of the van, surveying the contents. He believed the

drugs could put them in prison for the rest of their lives.

Then Dylan said to all of them, “Tom said we’re going to sell all this s**t before Christmas. Then, we’ll

make a new vacation batch to sell next year. Think of all the money we’ll make, dudes! “

Everyone nodded excitedly and then continued to move the boxes. At the same time, Ryan saw a lot of

drug-making tools, such as test tubes and measuring cups in the corner.

While calculating how much money these people could make out of the drugs, he heard Emily’s voice

in his headphones, “Where are you?”

Ryan had signaled Emily five minutes before, but she had not responded. He assumed that the group

had previously blocked all of the signals of the area. (324 What If! Die il

“I’m at the warehouse, but there are people in here,” he said quickly, lowering his voice.

“Hold on, I’ll be right there,” Emily said right away.

Then Dylan tapped Ryan on the shoulder and asked, “Who are you talking to?”

Ryan immediately began to think, attempting to come up with a plausible explanation for himself. Then

he heard someone shout from the bathroom, “Ah! Mr. Gilbert is lying in the restroom!”

Ryan shook off Dylan’s hand and stabbed the knife deep into his stomach before Dylan could react.

Dylan screamed in pain, then squatted down and covered his stomach. The guys quickly realized Ryan

was their enemy and rushed towards him.

One man said, “s**t! We can’t let this guy leave here alive.”

Hearing that, all five men pounced at Ryan like crazy.

Ryan was an exceptionally gifted student. But, as Emily pointed out, he was terrible at fighting. As a

result, when he saw the group of men approaching him, he immediately searched in his pockets for the

powder he had brought with him.

Before leaving, he had taken a small amount of allergy powder from the lab. Although the medicine

would not work as quickly, it would cause pain in these people’s eyes.

To his surprise, he didn’t find it. Then he remembered that he had just

is jacket on Mr Gilbert for fear that he would freeze to death in the

At that critical moment, he heard several shots from the southeast comer of the warehouse. He then

quickly covered his head with his hands and knelt on the ground. 324 What If | Die ol

The man who had just hit him was kicked and fell to the ground. Then he struggled and covered his

arm in pain.

When Ryan looked up, Emily’s leather boots were stomping on the man’s face. She appeared to be the

actual hero.

Emily turned to him and asked, “Ryan, are you okay?”

Ryan shook his head and stood up slowly, holding on to the box next to him. Soon, the two group

members pointed guns at the men and Mr. Gilbert and had them crouched in the corner.

“Is everything here?” Emily asked, looking at the paper boxes in the van’s rear.

“Yes, | saw boxes like this the last time | was here,” Ryan replied.

Emily drew her saber and unwrapped a box, but she froze when she realized what was inside. She

found that there were a lot of children’s watches there.

Ryan frowned, unpacked several more cartons and later flipped them all over, He found that it was all

filled with children’s watches.

Emily stared at him in disbelief, speechless.

Ryan threw down the box, took up the knife, and headed towards the cowering men in the corner.

“Where’s the stuff?” he said, tightening his grasp on Dylan’s collar.

Dylan asked in surprise, “What are you talking about? What is it? “

Ryan slapped him and yelled, “Don’t try to fool me! Where’s the meth?

Dylan was astonished and asked, “What? The meth? We would never, ever deal drugs. We are just

law-abiding citizens.” “Damn!”

As Ryan was about to hit him again, Emily stopped him and asked ‘324 What If | Die wal Dylan, “Are

you guys really toy sellers? Then, why did you run when you saw us just now? Besides, | doubt a toy

retailer could afford to rent a warehouse here.”

Joan Group’s warehouse was located on the city’s east side and near the city center. The warehouse

was quite expensive to rent and was exclusively for the group. They would not have been able to rent

such a costly warehouse if it hadn’t been for Mr. Gilbert. Furthermore, no one would store worthless

toys in such a warehouse.

Dylan gave Emily a hesitant glance before saying, “I swear to God, young lady, this business is all

about toys, if you don’t believe me, | can break it and show you.”

Emily nodded her head. However, her instincts told her that something was definitely wrong with these


Dylan then approached the van and then opened a random box. He took a watch from it, unscrewed

the back cover, and presented it to Emily and Ryan.

‘■Look, it’s just a regular watch!” he exclaimed

Ryan had just neared it when he noticed a glittering light ahead of him. At that critical moment, Emily

shoved him aside before he could react.

He was surprised when he heard Emily’s muted grunt of pain. Despite appearing to be in considerable

pain, she took the knife from Dylan’s grip and kicked him to the ground.

Following that, Dylan was shackled by members of their group.

Concerned, Ted asked Emily, “Are you okay?”

Emily nodded her head, but sweat soon dripped from her brow. She clutched her stomach wound

tightly. Ryan immediately noticed blood

ees bel Fue aire Baan iat ied rides She Udbilie on Ale is | eee ae 324 What If | Die adh hurt!” he

shouted in panic.


Ryan instantly laid Emily on his back and told the other two group members, “Okay, I’ll leave this to

you. There’s clearly something wrong with this stuff, so please take it to school for testing. I’m going to

take her to the hospital.”

Emily had always been a tough young girl. She felt the bumps on Ryan’s back, chuckled, and said,

“Don’t worry, I’m just fine. Look, | was just stabbed. During my training, I’ve been harmed far worse.”

Ryan gasped, then ran faster and said, “Shut up. You were hurt in training because of training, but this

time you were hurt because of me. That is not the same thing.”

“Ryan, what if | die? “

Ryan’s face quickly became pale, and he asked in a panic, “What? You just said you were fine! “

Emily’s voice was becoming increasingly quiet. She responded, “I’m just kidding, don’t worry.”

Update of Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand by Novelebook

With the author's famous Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 324 readers Immerse yourself in love

anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand series are available today.

Key: Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 324


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