Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 127

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“So, what about Anna? You think she’s a better mother for Matthew than I am, don’t you?” Ada

continued to ask, even though she was a little upset.

Wayne frowned slightly. After pondering for a moment, he nodded and said, “Yes.”

He thought that sometimes he didn’t always have to tell everyone what he thought. He had always liked

to solve most of the problems he encountered efficiently, so he would end the conversation by

answering her in this way.

Although Ada didn’t look too happy, she didn’t continue to ask questions.

After leaving Wayne’s office, Ada clenched her fists and got into the elevator. She thought that she

would have been Wayne’s wife if it weren’t for Anna.

As the elevator doors were about to close, Ada heard a young man say, “Please wait!”

She immediately pressed the button. And she thought she had heard that voice somewhere before.

Then she saw a young man walking calmly into the elevator when she looked


He nodded at her and said, “Thank you.”

The moment she saw the man’s face, Ada’s face turned pale. Luckily, the sunglasses she was wearing

blocked her surprised expression.

“It’s you!” The young man looked at her and asked in confusion, “What? You know me?”

Ada clenched her fists and denied, “No, I don’t.” She realized that the man looked exactly like Pearson

Ray, who had been lost.

Ada thought, he didn‘t seem to recognize me, maybe because my whole face is covered by my hat and


The man left after the elevator doors slowly opened.

Ada gradually returned to her senses and went to the front desk and asked, ” So, who is the man who

just left?”

Wendy sat at the front desk and replied, “You mean Ryan?He’s a friend of Miss Gabriel’s, and Mr.

Wright let him stay here. He’s not a customer.”

All the employees at the hotel knew that Ryan was a friend of Wayne’s and didn’t know who he was He

had never mentioned to anyone about his amnesia, so no one knew it.

Ada frowned

How is it possible that he is Anna‘s friend? He is Pearson Ray. Did he tell Wayne that he used to

investigate Leo? She thought.

Ada‘s face turned pale as she thought about it. She called someone and said in a panicked tone,

“Jason, I just met Pearson Ray We‘re in trouble now.”

Anna slept through the night. When she woke up, she found it was dark outside,

She saw that the light of the living room was on, and the warm light made the bedroom very Cozy

She opened her drowsy eyes and smelled the delicious food. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” She


She got up from the bed and saw Wayne sitting alone at the dining room table eating. There were

some dishes, soup, fruits and desserts on the table.

Wayne looked up and said teasingly, “Well, you woke up yourself. And I don’t think it necessary to

wake you up. I thought only cats and dogs would wake up when they smell something delicious while

they’re sleeping.”

“What do you mean? I’m a human.” Anna glared at him, and then pulled back her chair and sat down,

pouting, “People would also wake up when they smell something delicious.”

Wayne didn’t comment anything about that. He put a bowl of soup in front of her, saying, “Have some

chicken soup.”

“Thanks. You made it?”

“Well, sort of.”

Anna froze. She was just asking and wasn’t expecting Wayne, the spoiled rich man, to make chicken

soup for her.

Seeing her surprised expression, Wayne smiled and said, “I had the chef stew it.”

Anna rolled her eyes at him and said, “Then this can’t be considered your cooking. I found a new way

to make money. You could have the hotel advertise that you cooked all the food in the restaurant. That

way, women from all over the city would have to stand in line to have a taste of the food.”

Wayne raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are you being jealous?”

When she realized what she had just said, Anna blushed and denied it, “What? I’m not jealous! You‘re

such a narcissist. I was just exaggerating, okay? Do you really think there are so many women falling

for you?”

Wayne looked at her somewhat seriously and said, “I don’t know exactly how many women are

pursuing me, but I know that there are a lot of men who have a crush on you. So, Anna, shouldn’t you

explain it to me?”

Anna didn’t react for a moment as the subject changed so quickly. She froze and said, “Who has a

crush on me?”

Wayne looked at her with his arms folded and said, “You like to take in men every ten years, don’t you?

When you were fifteen, you took Scott in, and when you are twenty-five, you took Ryan

Anna glared at him after realizing what he was saying and said, “You know well that both of these are


“I know that what happened to Ryan was an accident, but the other one has been pissing me off lately”

“You mean Scott? How did he mess with you? He’s in a variety show.” “You haven’t known about it yet?

Well, check it out”

Wayne took out his phone, played a video and handed it to Anna. He looked very calm as if nothing

had happened

Anna looked at the video suspiciously It was a clip from a variety show that Scott had been

on recently

Scott was wearing blue and white plaid pajamas, and a reporter was interviewing him.

The reporter asked him, “You are only in your early twenties now. You had a scandal before, but it was

fake. You are single now, right? And what kind of girls do you like?”

“I have a crush on someone.” The reporter immediately got excited and asked, “Who is it? Is she an

actress too?” “No, she’s not. I was adopted by her when I was a child.” “Adopted? She’s your adoptive

mother?” The reporter asked in shock.

“Of course not. She is only three years older than me and I think of her as a sister. We’re not related.”

Anna didn’t take it seriously and explained as she sipped her soup, “He was just joking. He likes to tell

people that I am his fiancée since he was a kid. You know, I’m just his foster sister.”

After seeing how calm Anna was, Wayne hit the return button and said, “Then, look at the title of this


Anna took a sip of soup and looked at Wayne in disbelief.

Then, she clearly saw that the news headline was, “Scott claims to have fallen in love with his adoptive


Anna spewed out the soup left in her mouth. She said angrily, “What? That’s nonsense! I’m not his

adoptive mother! This reporter really sucks.”

Wayne calmly handed her a tissue and said, “You still don’t think this is a big deal?”

Anna coughed awkwardly. She took the tissue, wiped her mouth haphazardly, and asked, “So what


“I’ve told someone to take down the Twitter hashtags.” He said. Anna froze, took a deep breath, and

said, “Thanks, and I apologize to you for Scott.”

Scott worked for Wayne‘s company. After saying something like that, he had caused a commotion, so

Wayne had to spend a lot of effort and money to clean up the mess he made.

“You don’t seem you meant it.” Wayne looked at her with his deep eyes and said,

Update of Falling in Love With A One-Night


Announcement Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand has updated Chapter 127 with many

amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm

romance of the author Novelebook in Chapter 127 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the

Chapter 127 Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series here. Search keys: Falling in Love With

A One-Night Stand Chapter 127


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