Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 543 The Runway Show

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Natalie followed Peter and entered his room with him. She said, “Dad, it’s still early. Why don’t we play


“I’m not in the mood,” Peter said flatly

“Are you mad because of what they said about me?” With a worried look, Natalie asked Peter

“Why shouldn’t I? Do you want to get married to that guy simply for the business interests of our

family? You’re my little girl. | won’t let it happen!”

Hearing that, Natalie said with a cheeky smile, “Dad, you really don’t have to worry about it. Matthew is

now running the company, and | am his grandaunt. He will not exchange my marriage for anything.

Besides, we don’t even have to do that. Our family business is doing great!”

Much to Natalie’s surprise, Peter didn’t soften his face after hearing her words. Instead, he frowned,

lost in thought. Well, Natalie, actually, the Carousel Group has faced many difficulties in recent years.

Moreover, ever since Matthew took over the group, the board members have been giving him a hard

time because they doubt that a young boy like him isn’t competent enough to run such a large group at

such a young age

Moreover, Matthew is indeed inexperienced in managing the Carousel Group. And Wayne has to help

him frequently even though he has already announced his retirement. Alas! [just want you to live a

carefree life. So, | rarely mentioned what was going on in our family business. You’re an innocent and

simple girl. And 1 want you to be yourself. But, sometimes, | fear that you will get hurt because you’re

innocent and simple

As Peter had remained silent for a long time, Natalie realized

something was wrong. So she asked, “What’s the problem, Dad? Is there something wrong with our


“No. Everything is fine, Natalie,” Peter smiled and answered

“That’s good. Don’t worry about me, Dad. | don’t want to get married at all! | just want to be at home

with you. If | get married, I’ll have to care for my in-laws and my husband. | don’t want to do that!”

Natalie spent every day at home watching TV shows, wishing she could stay home for the rest of her

life. And she had always been content with her life and considered herself the happiest person in the

world. As a result, she had no desire to get married at all ee

The next day, Lemon’s runway show was held at a downtown luxury hotel

Anna was nervous because Tammy was about to walk on stage. She was afraid Tammy would make a

mistake and ruin the show that Andrew had worked so hard on for the past year. So, she paced back

and forth backstage with a worried look

“Don’t be so nervous! Come sit in front with me,” After Anna repeatedly told Tammy to focus, Peace

couldn’t take it any longer and said

“But I’m still worried about Tammy, “Frowning, Anna looked Peace in the eye and said

“Just chill, okay? Tammy got this. Please have some faith in your daughter. It’s not like the first time

that she’s done it. You know how good she is on the runway. Now, relax and find ourselves seats

before someone else takes the seats in the front,” Rolling her eyes at Anna, Peace said impatiently

“All right,” Anna said reluctantly and followed Peace

Someone tapped Anna on the shoulder shortly after she took her seat, calling, “Anna.”

Hearing that, Anna turned her head and smiled as she recognized Mona’s voice. Today, Mona was

dressed in a strappy pantsuit and a cashmere jacket

“Mona? What brings you here?” Anna looked at her stomach and said, “It’s crowded here.”

Mona laughed as she held her belly, “My due date has passed for a week. The doctor advised me to go

out more instead of staying home all the time.”

“Good, then you should get out of the house more often,” Anna said with a smile

Sitting next to her, Peace handed Mona a bag of potato chips and said, “| think your kid will probably be

a lazy bone. They won’t even move in your stomach.”

“Would anyone be lazier than you?” Anna asked, rolling her eyes

“I’m serious. Mona said that she hadn’t felt a single movement from her baby when she was more than

six months pregnant, and she wondered if something was wrong with the baby. So, she went to the

hospital for a checkup, but everything was normal. Guess what? She was nearly eight months pregnant

when the child kicked her for the first time.”

Mona, too, couldn’t help but laugh. She said, “Yep, that’s a lazy kid.”

Awhile later, Emily and Ryan arrived with their baby, Zac, who was a spitting image of Ryan but had

pink cheeks and a round little tummy

When Zac saw Anna, he extended his chubby little hand and said, “Aunt Anna, hug!”

Anna then snatched him from Ryan’s grasp, exclaiming, “Wow! You’ve gained a lot of weight, haven’t

you, Zac?”

Zac smiled and kissed Anna on the cheek. Emily was jealous because Zac had refused to hug her

since she arrived home

Seeing Emily was a bit upset, Ryan took her hand and comforted her, “Honey, don’t be sad. You don’t

spend much time at home. So, Zac might be shy when seeing you. Just give him some time, honey.

You’re his mom

He loves you!”

At that point, the music began to play and the first model went on the stage

“The outfit is designed by a designer who just graduated from college,” Mona explained to them. She

was involved in the design process of each item, so she knew a lot of the details

“It’s quite nice,” Anna said, nodding. Suddenly, she thought of something, so she turned around and

asked, “By the way, isn’t Daydream’s show also held today? Has their show begun as well?”

Mona nodded and looked around the stage. “Fortunately, we devised a backup plan and invited many

other celebrities. Two-thirds of those on the original list did not show up at our show as they have


Hearing her words, Anna frowned. At that point, she was more convinced that Beatrice was a strong

opponent. Then she asked, “What?

Two-thirds of them didn’t make it to our show? Did they tell us they changed their mind before the show


“Certainly not! Beatrice wouldn’t allow them to do so because she didn’t want us to have time to

prepare. She poached those celebrities from our list, although there are many other celebrities in the

entertainment industry. She only did it to catch us off guard!”

“We have a long history of working with these celebrities. So, we know what Daydream is up to, but

they don’t. But why would they do that?” Anna asked. Then she reasoned to herself, Most of the

celebrities we invited have previously collaborated with our company. They know that breaking a

contract is a minor offense, but offending a partner is a major blunder. Not to mention that they’re well

aware of Lemon’s relationship with the Carousel Group. | just can’t see why they would take such a big


“What kind of offer can Daydream make to persuade so many people to offend Lemon and Carousel?”

Anna asked

“You mean they went not because the offer was good but because Beatrice might know their secrets?”

Mona asked

Peace casually said, “Is it difficult to tell? Almost every celebrity in showbiz has their dark side.”

Seemingly enlightened, Mona’s eyes glowed. Then she said in a hurry before standing up, “| have to go

backstage now.”

“Watch your step,” Anna yelled behind Mona’s back while Mona walked away happily as if she hadn’t

heard anything

Shaking her head, Peace said, “She’s about to have a baby! Why does she still walk around like that?

She had better not give birth backstage later.”

“Shh, Mona’s fine. You don’t have to worry about her,” Anna said

“You knew she was coming here to make sure the show would go smoothly, but why didn’t you ask her

not to come beforehand? Why do you act like you have nothing to do with Lemon while you’re the

biggest shareholder of it?” Peace said in dissatisfaction

“Actually, | don’t have the energy to run this company. You see how busy | am at the hospital! Last year,

| told Andrew at the shareholders’ meeting that | wanted to sell my shares to him for a low price. But he

was not interested in it. And it took me quite some time to persuade him to agree to the proxy

shareholding.” ae

As the lights in the venue changed, the first show of one collection ended. The second collection was

all about clothing for young girls

“Tammy’s here!” Peace said excitedly as soon as she spotted Tammy

She then quickly took out her phone and prepared to take pictures of Tammy. Meanwhile, Peace kept

waving towards the stage, looking more excited than Anna

Wearing a stunning blue dress, Tammy walked on the stage with composure. The hem of the dress

was studded with diamonds, and they shone like the entire galaxy. While posing for the photo, Tammy

winked at Peace with her right eye. The next second, everyone started clapping, and some were taking

pictures of Tammy

Peace exclaimed cheerfully, “Amazing! She looks like a professional model! Guys at her school must

be crazy about her, right? By the way, why isn’t Matthew here? Is he busy with something else?”

Anna replied, “I just called him, and he said Jasper had sent Tammy something from the United States

to the office. He was on his way to her apartment to deliver the package.”

“The apartment? You mean the duplex on the building’s top floor, right? Is Tammy still staying there?”

“That’s right. She would rather live there than at home. That breaks my heart.”

Hearing Anna’s words, Peace laughed and asked, “You know, | get her

Every time she came home, you would keep nagging at her. | wouldn’t go home either if | were


“Oh, and now you’re lecturing me? Don’t you forget that you guys are spoiling her more often than me.

And you have to be blamed for it, too.”

Update of Falling in Love

With A One-Night Stand by Novelebook

With the author's famous Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 543 The Runway Show readers Immerse

yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Falling in Love

With A One-Night Stand series are available today.

Key: Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 543 The Runway Show


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