Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 481 The Most Shocking Thing all

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“That day, I finished twelve surgeries in twenty-one hours. | was not proud of it since | was acutely

aware of the frailty of life, and I felt shocked deep in my heart,” Dr. Cooper continued.

Anna could understand his thoughts. She’d heard that many young military men and women who

returned from battlefields would have psychological problems. They needed psychological therapy, and

some even committed suicide because they couldn’t cope with reality.

“What shocked you the most at the time, Dr. Cooper?” The host asked.

Dr. Cooper seemed to have responded to this question during the rehearsal. However, after hearing the

host’s question, he still shuddered slightly.

“I had just finished my first operation at that time, and later | found the corridor was packed with

patients. Before | could take off my surgical gown, my assistant dragged me to another operating room.

As soon as | opened the door, | heard a dreadful howl from the person on the bed.” Dr. Cooper replied

in a calm tone.

At this point, everyone was quiet. Sitting in a chair the staff brought her, Anna heard her own heartbeat

and held her breath.

“A mother and her daughter were on the operating table. The woman was shopping for clothes with her

child at a nearby mall when the incident occurred. When the explosion happened, she held her

daughter in her arms tightly to protect her. The woman, who was just in her early twenties, suffered

from severe burns. She had countless glass particles in her body and organ damage.” 480 The Most

Shocking Thing

“When they entered the surgery room, their bodies had already been glued together by their wounds. |

was assigned to complete the surgery because the doctor who performed the separation surgery on

them fainted.”

“in all, the situation was terrible. The woman was still alive, but she was critically injured. The little girl’s

condition was stable, although she had a low tolerance of pain and bleeding in her chest cavity. Her

situation could have deteriorated if | hadn’t operated on her.” Cooper recalled the scenario and told the

story slowly in his flat yet firm voice.

“What happened after that?” the host asked, his grip on the microphone tightening

Dr. Cooper snapped back to his senses. He said hastily, looking around the room, “Other doctors in the

hospital were performing surgery at the time. Among the remaining doctors, | was the only one

qualified to operate. However, | was asked to treat two patients who needed emergency surgery at the

same time. And I’d like to ask these training doctors on stage a question. What would you do if you

were in this situation?”

He smiled at the six intern doctors, including Anna. Everyone was surprised and embarrassed because

they had not anticipated him asking this question. Only Anna appeared calm. She said nothing and

didn’t even look around.

“I’d like to share my thoughts.” All of a sudden, a male doctor raised his hand. He appeared assured

and determined as if he knew the correct answer, saying, “If I were you, | would pick the most capable

assistants among the available candidates and set up two surgical beds in the operating room. I’d

operate on both of them at the same time.”

Everyone was stunned and began talking after hearing his words. Like 480 The Most Shocking Thing

— them, Nancy’s mouth opened wide in surprise. Several interns around him looked up, puzzled as to

why he had said that.

Dr. Cooper’s hand tightened a little more on the counter, crossed and flattened, but his face was

expressionless. “Go on,” he said, seemingly interested in what the man had to say.

“The premise is that if | am the person in this situation. If | already had your credentials, | would try to

save two people at the same time. However, | would have to prepare everything before the operation

and assess the possibility of any accidents occurring,” He smiled and said, “Of course, | just graduated

from college, and I’m not as professional as you. Dr. Cooper. But | value life and love my job. | intend to

follow in your footsteps and strive to be a good and respected doctor like you.”

His words were polite and flattering. People around him frowned, and one even muttered in hushed

tones, “ass-kisser.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Cooper smiled and said, “It’s good to have ambition, and | admire young people like

you.” Cooper clapped his hands several times before the audience began to applaud.

When the applause stopped, Dr. Cooper turned to Anna and asked her, “Although you applaud, I can

tell you don’t agree with his ideas.

Could you tell me what you think?”

“Me?” Anna was surprised that he would ask her to speak. She froze for along time before slowly rising

from her seat.

“Yes, I’d like to hear about it and consider your options.” Cooper went on.

Anna paused for a moment before nodding and saying, “Okay. Ifit were up to me, I’d save the child. Of

course, | admire number 3’s bravery and ambition. But, if it were me, | would save the child. First, allow

me to

speak from an emotional standpoint. |, too, am a mother, and | understand 480 The Most Shocking

Thing ool how this woman felt. She would rather risk her life to protect her child. So, if she had the

ability to choose, she would undoubtedly choose to save her child.”

“Second, there were no injuries outside the child’s body that required

immediate medical attention. Because there were signs of bleeding in her chest cavity, the procedure

should be quick. However, if her injury had not been treated in time, it would have increased the

pressure in her abdominal cavity and | would miss the best opportunity to save her. Because there was

a high probability that the woman had organ damage, the situation could not be determined until |

dissected her. If she had extensive organ damage, not only would she be in danger, but the time frame

would be impossible to predict. So if | save the woman first, they may both die.”

Dr. Cooper’s expression darkened after hearing her words. He fixed his gaze on Anna, waiting for her

to say something else.

Anna gradually concluded, “So, in terms of risk prediction, | would definitely save the child first. | don’t

believe we can perform the surgery simultaneously. Nobody knows what might happen until we see the

specifics of the injured patient’s abdomen. If | can’t handle the situation, things could get even worse.”

At that point, Dr. Cooper motioned with his hand for her to stop. Raising her brows in disbelief, Anna

shut her mouth and locked her gaze on him 481 The Simulated Surgery —

“You’re doing great. Relax,” The nurse, who was busy stopping the model’s bleeding, comforted her in

a soothing voice.

“Okay, thanks.” Anna nodded calmly and removed the fragments immediately.

She then neatly placed the bloodstained glass fragment and the surgical forceps on the operating table

and exhaled a sigh of relief. Before moving on to the next organ repair, Anna let her assistant continue

to stop the blood.

Little by little, time passed, and the surgery proceeded to the final stage. As she removed the stitches

after suturing, Anna pressed the timer on the side.

“Competitor No. 7 is currently the first contestant on the field to complete the surgery. Her powerful

speech has previously impressed everyone. She did not activate the alarm device during the surgery,

but whether her surgery was successful or not must be determined by expert physicians. Competitor

No. 7, you may sit on the audience and have some rest. We will announce the final results later.”

The staff had already moved the model next to Anna to the nearby long white table. Immediately after,

four doctors in white coats approached the model. They would evaluate whether the surgery was

successful or not. After that, they would start grading the competitors.

As the audience kept discussing, the atmosphere in the room became increasingly heated. Anna

wasn’t particularly concerned with the outcome. After getting off stage, she turned to face the audience

and noticed Ryan waving at her from a distance.

Then she tried to walk toward Ryan, and suddenly, a man stepped in front of her, blocking her path.

Anna recognized he was the doctor she had

just argued with on stage and found that he appeared unfriendly. 481 The Simulated Surgery aod

“Hi, my name is Adam,” he said, smiling and extending his right hand to Anna.

“Anna Wright,” Anna said and quickly shook his hand.

“You seem to be confident that you will win. To be honest, you’re the only threatening opponent to me,”

Adam said. His words sounded respectful to Anna, but he seemed contemptuous and arrogant.

Anna found his condescending demeanor amusing and couldn’t help but laugh. Hearing her laughter,

Adam’s expression became embarrassed. He asked, “You don’t believe me? Let’s make a bet, shall

we? Let’s see who comes out on top.”

‘Anna waved her hand and said, “Thank you, but I’m not interested in it. I’m not particularly competitive,

and | hate competing with others. It’s only a small race, so don’t take it too seriously.”

However, Adam didn’t appear to agree with her. He was about to say something else when the cell

phone in Anna’s pocket began to vibrate. He stood there watching as she took out her phone and

became irritated as he stared at her screen.

That number was very familiar to Anna. She had called him several times, but he had turned off his

phone. Anna was surprised when he called her again.

Before answering the phone, Anna forced herself to relax.

“Bill, what do you want?” She answered the call with a tight frown.

Update of Falling in

Love With A One-Night Stand

Announcement Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand has updated Chapter 481 The Most

Shocking Thing all with many amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but

sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the author Novelebook in Chapter 481 The Most

Shocking Thing all takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 481 The Most Shocking Thing

all Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series here. Search keys: Falling in Love With A One-

Night Stand Chapter 481 The Most Shocking Thing all


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