Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 527 My Family Needs Me

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The next morning, Anna got up early because she had a meeting. Grabbing a few bites of breakfast,

she then hurried to the hospital.

At the hospital, while Anna was still putting on her white coat, Nancy barged into her office, saying,

“What took you so long to get here? The meeting is about to begin!”

Anna replied, “I need to put on my white coat first. What’s this meeting about? | heard the dean is


‘‘They are seeking volunteers. I’ve heard that the epidemic is. resuming in Fleosil, and the International

Medical Association is requesting help from all over the world. The small countries surrounding it will

suffer if they can’t control the epidemic,” Nancy spoke up right away.

Sighing, Nancy added, “The documents in your hands contain all of the information our hospital’s

doctors learned during their research trip to Fleosil. The situation is far worse than we had anticipated,

so we decided to send twice as many teams as originally planned to assist.”

Frowning, Anna flipped through the files in her hand. She knew clearly what was going on in Fleosil

because she had checked the situation before the hospital dispatched a team of doctors to investigate.

And she was sure that none of the doctors in the room knew more about the epidemic than she was.

“Dr. Wright,” the dean abruptly said while Anna was still busy browsing the file in her hand.

“Yes?” Anna asked, raising her head.

“You will be in charge of coordinating volunteer sign-ups. Anyone 526 My Family Needs Me —

interested in participating should contact you. “

“all right, | get it,” Nodding, Anna put away the file and was about to leave for the meeting room.

About an hour later, the meeting was over. After that, almost everyone left the meeting room quickly.

Patrick, however, didn’t leave as most of them did. Instead, he approached Anna and Nancy as they

exited the conference room. “Good morning, Dr. Wright and Dr. Moore,” he said.

“Yes? What’s wrong?” Nancy turned around and asked.

“| heard Dr. Wright was back from vacation. And | happened to have a few cases to ask her about,’

Patrick smiled and replied, “She won’t be able to talk to me once she begins working later.’’

“Sorry, she’s busy right now. You can ask other doctors for help,” Nancy said, waving her hand

Patrick immediately asked, “Why? | heard the hospital is sending volunteers to Fleosil. Is that the

purpose of today’s meeting?”

Anna felt conflicted after hearing him say this. As she handed Patrick the file, she said, “If you have

nothing else to do right now, you can sort this out and stick posters on the bulletin board for me. Don’t

forget to ask the interns how many of them would be willing to volunteer.”

‘Smiling joyfully, Patrick took the files and exclaimed, “Really? Yeah! Are you going there, Mrs. Wright?”

Hearing that, Anna instantly frowned tightly as she herself was also debating this issue then. On the

one hand, she wanted to volunteer in Fleosil to help the suffering civilians there. On the other hand,

she didn’t want to be separated from her family for so long as she had promised them

she would try to spend more time with them. 526 My Family Needs Me

Nearly rolling her eyes at him because of what he said, Nancy gave Patrick a stern look and said,

“Keep your mouth shut! Do as Ms. Wright told you, and don’t ask any more questions that are not of

your concern!”

“Doctor Wright, won’t you go there? Aren’t you going to help the people there,” As if he hadn’t heard

what Nancy said to him, Patrick persisted.

“| don’t think it’s any of your business,” Anna grumbled, wanting to end the topic and leave with Nancy

as soon as possible.

“How could it possibly have nothing to do with me? Because you’re my mentor, whether or not you go

to Fleosil will directly influence my decision. In addition, | heard that one of our hospital’s retiring

doctors has signed up for the project. You…”

“Patrick!” Nancy cut Patrick off in the middle of his sentence, thinking, Would it kill you to listen to me

and keep your mouth shut?! Can’t you see that both Anna and are reluctant to continue the topic,

especially Anna? It’s a voluntary project; not a mandatory project! Why do you have to make it sound

like Anna must sign up for the project? Damn it! You really pissed me off, Patrick! | must teach you a

lesson today!

Just when Nancy was going to speak her mind out loud, Anna raised her head to Patrick and asked

expressionlessly, “What exactly do you want to say to me? Say it.”

Clenching his teeth, Patrick plucked up his courage and said, “If you don’t go, it means you’re scared of

dying. You once said doctors are expected to save lives and treat as many patients as possible. But

now, you just chose to turn around and walk away from those who need you. You hypocrite!”

There was no one else in the hallway except Anna, Nancy, and

Patrick. He didn’t say it loudly, but every word he said was clear and 526 My Family Needs Me —

shocking. Knowing Anna was already quite annoyed even before Patrick came to talk to them, Nancy

worried that Anna would lose it and scream at him.

“Are you done yet?” Anna turned to face Patrick, saying indifferently, which was much to Nancy’s


Patrick froze. Before he came back to his senses, Anna said to him, “If so, then make the posters as

soon as possible and hang them on the bulletin board, Mr. Rich Boy. Also, send me the list of those

who sign up for the project within three days ”

After finishing her words, Anna walked away, totally ignoring Patrick, who was still in shock.

Crossing her arms, Nancy gave Patrick a stern look and said, “Do you know what you’re talking about?

Itis up to Dr. Wright to decide whether or not to go to Fleosil. What makes you think she should listen to

you? Besides, even if she doesn’t go, she can still help save patients at the hospital. What on earth

were you thinking? Don’t you EVER think that you have the authority to tell others what to do simply

because you learned something in school, MR. RICH BOY!”

Nancy then took a quick step away, attempting to catch up with Anna. “Don’t be angry, Anna. Patrick is

young and stupid. Don’t take his, words personally.” She exclaimed as she dashed into Anna’s office.

Without looking up, Anna placed the file on her desk and said, “I’m fine.”

Nancy asked, “Are you sure you’re not going?”

“You heard me. I’m not signing up for the project. Nancy, don’t ask me that question again. I’ve already

missed so much precious time that | could’ve used to spend with my family. | can’t just go away as |

want. My

family needs me,’ Anna raised her head, looked Nancy in the eyes, and 526 My Family Needs Me said.

After realizing how determined she was, Nancy stopped trying to persuade Anna. She said, “Well. To

be honest, | was hoping you’d be appointed associate dean through that project.”

“It’s ten o’clock now, Nancy. Shouldn’t you be taking care of your patients right now?” Anna asked.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 527 My

Family Needs Me - The hottest series of the author


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