Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 426 I’m Already Downstairs

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Scott had no idea his biggest fan, Tammy would choose the latter over him and chocolate.

Tammy easily won the first set, but Scott could tell Randal was deliberately allowing her to win. Randal

spent most of his free time at home, appreciating antiques and playing video games. As a result, he

was always a pro at video games. Naturally, he could easily defeat Tammy.

Tammy lost the last two rounds, exactly as Scott predicted. “How come you’re so good at it?” she

sighed, dropping the gamepad.

“I can teach you how to play the game later,” Randal explained patiently, “But now, you must keep your

promise and give us some privacy for ten minutes.”

“Okay.” Tammy nodded and went to Isabella’s room.

Scott overheard her chatting with Natalie in the room. Tammy had been complimenting Randal on how

well he was playing the game, but Natalie didn’t believe her and wanted to compete with him.

Then, Tammy stopped her. “According to the rules, | have to let them be alone after I lose. So, you’d

better not disturb them now.”

Natalie laughed wickedly and asked, “Really? Ha! That sounds fantastic!”

“What are you talking about?” Tammy asked.

“You’re not getting it, Tammy. You’re still a child!”

Natalie waved her hand as if she didn’t want to explain herself. She then locked her gaze on Isabella.

They both burst out laughing because they could tell that Scott and Randal were a couple. They were

speaking so loudly that everyone in the living room could hear them. Scott flushed immediately when

he heard them laughing.

“What the hell are you doing?” He asked Randal, annoyed.

Honestly, | didn’t do anything to you since | got here,” Randal said, frowning.

“So, what exactly are you doing here? I’m shooting for a show!”

“You have no right to prevent me from seeing you. But, shouldn’t you first explain why you’ve been

avoiding me for the past half month?”

Scott frowned and turned to the cameraman inside the tent, saying, “Stop filming! Please remove this


The cameraman was taken aback and cautiously poked his head out of the tent to look at Randal.

Randal was the show’s biggest investor, so he made the final call.

The cameraman did so because he was afraid of offending Randal. His actions, however, irritated

Scott, who immediately stood up and said, “Why don’t you listen to me? Forget about this damn show!

I’m leaving!” He then removed the microphone pinned to his shirt and started to leave.

The director came out of the utility room and tried to stop him, but Randal shook his head, signaling for

him to stop. So, none of the staff dared to do anything. Then Randal walked out. Everyone paused, and

the atmosphere appeared awkward.

When Anna walked out of the kitchen with the tea, she found they had already left. She sighed as she

placed the teacup on the coffee table and looked at the door. She chose to come out after both Scott

and Randal left the living room on purpose because she feared the situation would become even more

awkward if she showed up abruptly.

Meanwhile, in the balcony, Randal exclaimed, “You can’t ignore me no Scott had no idea his biggest

fan, Tammy would choose the latter over him and chocolate.

Tammy easily won the first set, but Scott could tell Randal was deliberately allowing her to win. Randal

spent most of his free time at home, appreciating antiques and playing video games. As a result, he

was always a pro at video games. Naturally, he could easily defeat Tammy.

Tammy lost the last two rounds, exactly as Scott predicted. “How come you’re so good at it?” she

sighed, dropping the gamepad.

“I can teach you how to play the game later,” Randal explained patiently, “But now, you must keep your

promise and give us some privacy for ten minutes.”

“Okay.” Tammy nodded and went to Isabella’s room.

Scott overheard her chatting with Natalie in the room. Tammy had been complimenting Randal on how

well he was playing the game, but Natalie didn’t believe her and wanted to compete with him.

Then, Tammy stopped her. “According to the rules, | have to let them be alone after I lose. So, you’d

better not disturb them now.”

Natalie laughed wickedly and asked, “Really? Ha! That sounds fantastic!”

“What are you talking about?” Tammy asked.

“You’re not getting it, Tammy. You’re still a child!”

Natalie waved her hand as if she didn’t want to explain herself. She then locked her gaze on Isabella.

They both burst out laughing because they could tell that Scott and Randal were a couple. They were

speaking so loudly that everyone in the living room could hear them. Scott flushed immediately when

he heard them laughing.

“What the hell are you doing?” He asked Randal, annoyed.

“Honestly, | didn’t do anything to you since | got here,” Randal said, frowning.

“So, what exactly are you doing here? I’m shooting for a show!”

“You have no right to prevent me from seeing you. But, shouldn’t you first explain why you’ve been

avoiding me for the past half month?”

Scott frowned and turned to the cameraman inside the tent, saying, “Stop filming! Please remove this


The cameraman was taken aback and cautiously poked his head out of the tent to look at Randal.

Randal was the show’s biggest investor, so he made the final call.

The cameraman did so because he was afraid of offending Randal. His actions, however, irritated

Scott, who immediately stood up and said, “Why don’t you listen to me? Forget about this damn show!

I’m leaving!” He then removed the microphone pinned to his shirt and started to leave.

The director came out of the utility room and tried to stop him, but Randal shook his head, signaling for

him to stop. So, none of the staff dared to do anything. Then Randal walked out. Everyone paused, and

the atmosphere appeared awkward.

When Anna walked out of the kitchen with the tea, she found they had already left. She sighed as she

placed the teacup on the coffee table and looked at the door. She chose to come out after both Scott

and Randal left the living room on purpose because she feared the situation would become even more

awkward if she showed up abruptly.

Meanwhile, in the balcony, Randal exclaimed, “You can’t ignore me no matter what!”

Scott continued to ignore him.

“| know you probably don’t want to admit you’re gay. But we genuinely care for each other, and that

cannot be changed. You’re going to have to face that fact sooner or later, aren’t you? Let me ask you

this: do you truly hate me? | know you avoid me because you love me, or you’ll treat me just like a


With a sigh, Randal continued, “Honey, if you want us to have a Wedding like heterosexual couples, we

can do so in secret. Some people may laugh at us once everyone knows we’re dating, but I’m fine with

that. All| am interested in are your feelings and opinions. I know you’re a celebrity, and if we make our

relationship public, it might harm your career. I’m aware of this, which is why I’ve been restrained.

Otherwise, | wouldn’t have be so low-key about our relationship!”

Although it wasn’t a good idea for her to listen in on them, she couldn’t help but keep listening to their

conversation. However, after a while, the two men stopped arguing, They each smoked a cigarette, and

the smoke and their silhouettes were reflected in the curtains.

Anna sighed and walked into the kitchen to cook dinner. She assumed Randal would leave after their

argument, but they both emerged from the balcony as she was preparing dinner. They sat across from

each other but refused to say anything to each other.

Anna knew they were arguing about their relationship, and she did not ask them why. She kept thinking

about how she would act in front of cameras later and looked forward to the end of the shoot.

After dinner, Scott left after having a brief conversation with Anna. Randall left as well. They appeared

to be going to have a big fight when they got home. 425 I’m Already Downstairs

At midnight, the cameraman turned off all the cameras in the house. Anna wanted to take Natalie home

because she thought it would be dangerous for her to go home alone. However, Natalie said she did

not want to leave and preferred spending the night in Isabella’s room

“Actually, | had an argument with my i***t nephew a few days ago. | don’t have many friends in

Birmingham, so may | stay here for two days? | know you’ll agree because you’re a lovely and kind


When Anna heard the phrase “j***t nephew,” she couldn’t help but laugh. She then took new pajamas

for Natalie and made her bed in Isabella’s room.

After Anna fi was sound asleep.

ished taking shower, it was late at night, and everyone

Anna didn’t realize there were two missed calls until she returned to her bedroom. The number had

recently become familiar to her, so she immediately recognized who was calling. After a brief

hesitation, Anna sent a text message to Wayne: “What’s up? Why are you calling me?”

Anna thought it was already late at night, so Wayne wouldn’t reply to her. To her surprise, her phone

buzzed shortly after she sent the message.

“Natalie and | had a fight, and she told me this morning that she was going to stay at your house. |

wasn’t sure about it, so | want to ask if she was really there.”

“Yes, she is with me. Don’t worry, I’ll send her back home in the morning.”

“Thank you. I’m going to pick her up and take her home right now.”

“You don’t have to do that. It’s midnight now.”

“It’s all right, I’m already downstairs.”

When she saw those words, Anna’s heart skipped a beat. She went straight to the window and pulled

back the curtains. Dim streetlights shone on the road beneath the apartment building. A black car was

parked on the road, and a man stood with his head down, looking at his phone.

Anna was still in her pajamas, so she wore a jacket and walked downstairs.

When Wayne saw her, he bent down and took a bag out of the car, explaining, “I bought it on my way

here. You used to like that the best.”

Anna glanced at the bag and saw that it was a chocolate cake. And she wondered. The cake is from

the dessert shop that Peace and ike. That store is trendy, and there are always people waiting in line

for the cakes. Furthermore, the cake is usually all sold out by five o’clock in the afternoon. It’s twelve

o’clock at night, so Wayne couldn’t have bought it on his way there

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 426

I’m Already Downstairs

Read Chapter 426 I’m Already Downstairs with many climactic and unique details. The series

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter

content chapter Chapter 426 I’m Already Downstairs - The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of

despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what was that

event? Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 426 I’m Already Downstairs for more



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