Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 315

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Sophia became flustered. She stumbled and said, “No, | fell down because | was just startled. Miss

Gabriel has nothing to do with it.”

“| told you that if you want to see Matthew, you have to get Anna’s permission first,” Wayne said as he

stared at Sophia indifferently.

In fact, Wayne had no idea that Sophia would show up at the dinner party. But he guessed what had

happened when he saw Peter’s attitude and what he said to Anna.

Sophia quickly explained, “I didn’t offer to come here. Mr. Wright invited me. He arranged for me to sit

at the far comer table, where | could see Matthew.”

Wayne said indifferently, “You’ll never see him again.”

He then left the restroom. Wayne had previously felt that it was his fault that Sophia had become the

surrogate by accident. As a result, when she offered to see Matthew, he agreed out of guilt. But he

wondered if things were really that simple.

As he walked back to the ballroom, he ordered Gabe, “Run a background check on Sophia again.”.

“Why, what’s wrong?”

Wayne glared at him and said, “Just do it. Stop asking questions. You’ve been a blabber recently. Are

you the one who told my grandfather about Sophia?”

Gabe shuddered slightly before saying, “Ah, I…”

“Go ahead and report the results to me tomorrow.”

Gabe didn’t dare to say anything else and dashed away. ‘315 You Can’t See Him Anymore

Gabe had worked as Wayne’s personal assistant for many years. Wayne had never doubted the

outcome of his investigation because Gabe had always been dependable and had never made a


So, when Gable showed Wayne the paternity test and the evidence, he

believed that Sophia was Matthew’s mother.

But, because Anna was unhappy, Wayne didn’t meet with Sophia again.

Wayne honestly couldn’t recall what the girl looked like. He couldn’t be sure if that person was Sophia,

no matter how much he remembered.

However, after the recent incident, he had doubts about her. He was well aware that Anna would never

hit anyone. As a result, he assumed Sophia was lying.

After the party was over, Wayne sent the kids and Peter home. Then he and Peter sat alone in the

living room after the babysitter had put the kids to bed.

“I was about to ask you why Anna left halfway through the party,*’ Peter said suspiciously.

“She wasn’t feeling well, so she went home,” Wayne explained as calmly as he could.

Knowing that he was lying, Peter said, “I guess it has something to do with Sophia, right? Anna is being

a little paranoid about the whole thing. Actually, Matthew’s mother just wanted to see him. Besides,

she’s leaving the country in a year. Isn’t she a psychiatrist? | believe she is the best person to see what

is going on with Matthew.”

Wayne frowned and said, “Well, I’ll have to give it some more thought. Please stay out of this.”

“Bh eo voi think I’m being nosy?” ‘315 You Can’t See Him Anymore

Wayne said coldly, “Actually, | don’t want Sophia to meet Matthew.”

Peter gave him a stern look and said, “What? Her husband is ill, and she is extremely miserable! This

poor woman has only one wish, that is to meet her son. Is that an outrageous request? Why can’t you

just give her what she wants?”

Wayne shook his head as if unconvinced no matter what Peter said. He said, “Well, please stay out of

this, Grandpa. I’m going to go home.*’

Wayne then stood up and walked away.

At the same time, Peter slapped the table very angrily.

Standing to the side, Henry sighed and said, “It’s okay, Peter. In fact, | believe there is something wrong

with this situation. | don’t think you’ve made a wise choice by letting Miss York go to this party. You

know, it would irritate Miss Gabriel”

“but what’s the big deal about Sophia meeting Matthew?” Peter asked in confusion.

“Well, let me put it this way: would you rather have Miss Gabriel look after Matthew or his mother?”

“Of course I’d go with Anna! Wayne and Anna are getting married later,

after all.”

Henry nodded and said, “Right. So, if you want Miss Gabriel to take Matthew as her child, you shouldn’t

have let Sophia interact with Matthew. It will only make the situation even more awkward and it might

damage the relationship between Wayne and Anna.”

Hearing that, Peter froze and asked, “Well, what am | supposed to do then?”

“You can let Wayne handle this on his own. He is an adult, and he can ‘315 You Can’t See Him

Anymore handle his own affairs. Let’s not make any more trouble for him.”

Peter nodded, thinking he had made his point.

Meanwhile, in a suburban villa, a woman was yelling at and slapping another woman hysterically.

“You f*****g moron! | told you not to play games with Wayne! Why didn’t you just do what | told you to

do? | didn’t ask you to slander Anna! You i***t!”

Sophia covered her face, then bit her lower lip tightly and said, “Ada, I’m only doing this to avenge you.

Wayne trusted me in the beginning, and he didn’t blame me for anything. You know, he just asked me

some questions.”

Ada was furious and wanted to slap her again. She said, “Oh, my God! Do you think Wayne is a

moron? He must have had his assistant re investigate the entire thing right now! You’re screwed if he

finds out who

you are!”

Sophia’s face gradually turned pale as she realized she had made a big

mistake. “Ah, what am | going to do now?” she asked.

Ada slapped the table angrily and yelled, “Are you questioning me? You should return to your

hometown now and avoid coming to this city for the next few years. You know how powerful the Wright

family is, so get out of here as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’ll get me involved.”

Sophia hung her head and covered her face with her hands. She whimpered in pain because she was

shocked and said, “! know. But, I’m not going to tell him about you. I don’t want to return home because

I’ve worked hard to get here.”

Ada screamed angrily, “I swear to you, you deserve it! You really shouldn’t have done it!”

id at that noint that che had loct all hone Fven if che eile pe ‘315 You Can’t See Him Anymore

was sorry, she couldn’t do anything about it.

Ada glared angrily at her and said, “Get out! | don’t wanna see you!”

Previously, Ada had devised a perfect plan in order to cause Wayne and Anna to split up. To her

surprise, however, Sophia ruined everything.

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Novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand has been updated Chapter 315 with many

climactic developments What makes this series so special is the names of the characters

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Chapter 315 novel Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand


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