Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 470 Elegant and Sophisticated

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Isabella thought she saw Jasper the first time she met Sean. Of course, he was not as good as Jasper

at almost every point. Sean was not as composed, driven, or charming as Jasper. Nonetheless, when

Isabella first saw his beautiful eyes, she thought he was unique among the others.

“I’m feeling a little dizzy.” She said. She looked like she was about to vomit when Sean tried to ask her

what was happening. He immediately helped her to get up and planned to take her to the restroom.

He’d only taken two steps when he heard Jasmine say, “Sean, what are you doing here?”

Lauren then wrapped her arms around Isabella and asked, “Is she Isabella from your debate team? |

think she might be about to throw up. Here, let me hold her.”

She told Jasmine, “Why don’t you join me and help her to the restroom? If she pukes here later, the bar

owner will get her in trouble. Sean, you are not permitted to enter the ladies’ room. Let me and Jasmine

go there with her, okay? You can go back now. Everyone’s waiting for you!”

Sean thought Lauren had a point. He knew he couldn’t take Isabella to the restroom, so he stood back

and watched them help her in. He then returned to the private room.

Sean waited in the room for a while, but the girls still didn’t come back. He was about to go check what

was going on when he saw Jasmine’s text message, “Isabella is not feeling well, Lauren and | have

sent her back to her dorm.” 469 Elegant and Sophisticated

Anna went straight to that bar after receiving Jasper’s call. She tried to call Isabella several times along

the way, but no one answered. She had made a mistake about being drunk in a bar in college, so she

felt worried and drove at the maximum speed limit..

When Anna arrived at the room, she didn’t see Isabella. Several couples were hugging and playing

Truth or Dare, while Sean was looking at his phone absentmindedly in the corner.

Sean stood up when he saw Anna and said, “Isabella has gone back to the dorm.”

Anna looked at Sean with suspicion. “How did she get back when she was already too drunk to answer

her phone?” she asked, surprised.

Sean didn’t expect Anna to ask that. He froze for a moment before explaining, “Two of my friends took

her back, and they just texted me they’re already here.” When he was finished, he showed Anna

Jasmine’s text message.

“Thank you very much.”

Still restless, Anna decided to go to Isabella’s dormitory and ensure she was safe. She paused for a

moment before closing the door. And she asked, “Do you know them well? Could you please give me

their phone numbers?”

“Sure!” Sean immediately gave Anna Jasmine’s cell phone number. He paused as he watched Anna

leave the room and follow her.

“Ma’am, you appear worried about her.” He said.

Anna nodded, continuing to walk quickly forward.

“Could you please let me go back to school with you? I’ll only feel relieved if | confirm she’s in the dorm.

In any case, | was the one who 469 Elegant and Sophisticated brought her here today.” Sean said this

while catching up with Anna.

Anna thought Sean didn’t appear to be a bad person, so she didn’t mind bringing him together. As a

result, she nodded. They both left the bar and made their way to her car.

Anna noticed some young men squatting on the side of the road as she walked around the corner. She

didn’t care about them at first, but When she heard their words, she became nervous.

“We can get lucky today!”

“Yes! | heard they brought us a hot American girl”

“Really? Can we join you?”

“Sure! | made a deal with them and | will call him at 1:30. There are only ten minutes left.”

“What’s the matter?” Sean didn’t care about what they said. He only asked that because he saw Anna

suddenly stop. Then he looked to the comer and stared at the young men as well. “What’s the

problem?” He asked Anna in confusion.

I have a plan. Just follow me, and please don’t say anything stupid,” Anna said as she walked quickly

toward the young men with a worried expression

“You don’t have to call me. | just dropped her off in room 3208 of the Carousel Hotel,” She said to the

young man while pulling a room card from her bag.

The young man in the middle of the group surveyed Anna, but he didn’t take the card. With a sneer, he

said, “Who the hell are you? What are you talking about? | don’t understand what you’re saying.”

Anna folded her arms and said mockingly, “You are quite defensive, aren’t you? How dare you make a

pact with us when you’re such a wuss?! 469 Elegant and Sophisticated You just said you want to call


She then said a phone number. The man looked down and checked his phone, then let off his guard.

Anna was clearly irritated by this point. She asked, “What’s the problem? Why do you flinch? You don’t

appear to be a coward to me. If you can doit, just go. If you can’t, don’t waste my time. I’m going to find

another buyer now.”

She stuffed her room key back into her bag and complained to Sean behind her, “This is entirely your

fault! Don’t force me to work with such untrustworthy people again! You have 30 minutes to find me

another buyer.”

Sean had no idea what was happening, but he nodded to Anna anyways. He took out his phone and

was about to call someone.

Seeing that, the young man responded immediately, “No, we’ve already made a deal! | didn’t back out.”

“Huh? Then you should get moving! We’ll be doomed if she wakes up!” Anna frowned and shoved the

room card into the man’s arms. She then turned around and dashed away.

Sean followed behind her and still looked baffled after he got into Anna’s car. He frowned, feeling that

something had gone wrong. “Who are they? Do you know them?” He asked.

Anna glared at him and then called Wayne. “I just gave the room card to a young man. He has blond

hair, wears a plaid shirt, and will be in room 3208 in a few minutes. Call the cops right away and arrest

him and his gang. When | get home, I’ll explain everything to you.”

Wayne agreed without asking a single question. He had everything planned out the moment he hung

up the phone. Wayne smiled, knowing Anna was about to surprise him once more. 469 Elegant and


After that, Anna hung up the phone and dialed the number she had just memorized. She glanced at

Sean and realized that he appeared nervous. She turned on the speaker.

Jasmine answered the phone in a panic after a while. The moment she got through to her, Anna

shouted, “It’s 1:30 now! Have you gotten her there yet? Which hotel is she staying in? We’ve been

waiting for quite some time.”

“Huh? Who is this?” Jasmine froze for a long time because she hadn’t expected a woman to call her.

“You don’t need to know anything about me. You gave me the money, and | promised I’ll make things

right. Do you have any questions?” Anna spoke in an overbearing tone.

“| haven’t thought about it yet,” Jasmine said after a brief pause.


“If | do this, | will hurt her badly. | don’t think | need to do that, so let’s just forget it.”

Anna frowned and asked, “What did you just say? You’re making fun of us, aren’t you? If you haven’t

thought it through, just call me when you’ve made up your mind. My buddies are already waiting with

their pants down. You don’t want them to do anything to her? How about you come here for her?” Anna

said this in a mean and nasty tone as if she was also a gangster.

Hearing that, Sean’s face turned pale with fear right away. Anna was dressed stylishly and elegantly, so

he didn’t think she could say something like that.

Meanwhile, Anna wanted to let Jasmine know that the world was far more dangerous than she had

imagined. That’s why she intimidated her like that. 469 Elegant and Sophisticated

After hearing Anna’s words. Jasmine became nervous as well. She stammered for a moment before

pleading, “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I’ll pay you the money and call it quits.”

“Okay, fine. You better make up your mind, young lady, before you do something like this. Not everyone

is as nice as | am. If you’re not willing to go to jail, don’t get involved in those things.” Anna reminded

her of this.

When she heard she might go to jail. Jasmine hung up the phone ina panic.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 470

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