Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 551 Drop the Gun Now!

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551 Drop the Gun Now!

It was late in the evening. The wind blew through the unfinished building, rustling the white plastic bags

on the ground

Maria frowned and said to the man, “I’ve shown you the plans, and I’m sure there’s nothing you can do

here. My cousin and her husband are watching my every move, so | can’t do anything too obvious.”

The man was standing in the shadows. He had a cigarette in his hand, and the butt glowed red. Then

he opened his mouth and uttered, “Do you think you’ll be able to stay in the Carousel Group after this?”

“What do you mean? What else do you want to do? Are you trying to put all the blames on me? Do you

realize the gravity of the situation if someone dies here?” Panicked, Maria snapped

“| wouldn’t have done it when no one was present if | wanted to frame you.”

The full moon was visible in the sky. Neither of these two realized that two other people had been lying

on their backs behind the rubble pile eavesdropping on them

At the Fleosil border medical station, Patrick was administering medications to the sick

“Sorry. You can’t get in.” Suddenly, he heard someone outside arguing. Then Patrick cast a glance at

the door. He told the patient to lie down and rest after quickly injecting him with medication

At that point, several people from outside the door burst in. The man in front was a medic from the

United States Medical Corps. He was dressed

550 Drop the Gun Now!

in an earthy camouflage military uniform and appeared oppressive. “What are you doing?” he asked,

looking around vigilantly with his icy blue eyes

Patrick shook his head and asked, “What do you think I’m doing? I’m keeping track of the patient’s vital

signs. Do you want to take care of that as well? How about letting our medical team leave and leaving

the place completely in your hands?”

Smith asked indifferently, “Are you collecting the patient’s information? | learned from a confidential

source that you privately administered medications to patients. And we suspect that your country

planned this epidemic.”

Frowning, Patrick said, “What? Do you have any evidence? Do you realize that if | report what you said

to the media, it will cause serious diplomatic problems between three countries?”

“We’ll get the answer after we search the place. We’ll find out if the rumors are true.” With that, Smith

waved a hand. Then his men held Patrick down

“Hey! What are you doing?!”Struggling to break free, Patrick snarled

“We’re going to search the place,” Smith said coldly. Several other men then started rummaging around

the room

“Hands off our instruments! All of them are super expensive! Don’t touch that! Keep your hands off


“Shut the f**k up!” Annoyed, Smith aimed his gun at Patrick’s temple

Feeling the coldness of the gun, Patrick was shocked, then he swallowed hard nervously

“If you keep talking nonsense, I’ll shoot you in the head.” Glaring at

550 Drop the Gun Now! Patrick, Smith threatened

Patrick’s forehead was drenched in a cold sweat as he was frustrated as to whether Smith would lose it

and shoot him in the head. At that precise moment, someone opened the door

Hearing the sound, Smith turned around and looked at the door alertly, asking, “Who’s there? Leave

the scene now orpll shoot!”

“Doctor Wright!” At the sight of Anna, Patrick said in surprise as if he had seen his life savior

“Don’t go too far, Smith. Drop your gun NOW!” Not intimidated by Smith at all, Anna frowned and

demanded firmly

Smith sneered at Anna and gave her a contemptuous look. With a snort, he said, “Mrs. Wright, your

student is doing something shady here

We now have every reason to believe that he is a spy!”

“Bullshit! I’m warning you; DROP THE GUN NOW!” Anna yelled

Still, Smith remained motionless. After a brief moment of silence, Anna pulled a pistol from her pocket

and pointed it at the back of Smith’s head, threatening, “You are free to shoot him. But | want to see

who will react faster.”

Everyone in the room was shocked because no one expected Anna to have a gun. At that point, one of

Smith’s men said, “We didn’t find anything, sir. There is only information about the patients here.”

Smith’s eyes widened in shock. He became increasingly agitated after he felt the cold metal on the

back of his head. After a brief moment, he finally lowered the gun, turned around and said to Anna, “|

was wrong about you, Mrs. Wright.”

“You should never underestimate me. Mr. Smith, | told you about that the first time we met.”

550 Drop the Gun Now!

Smith took a look around and finally slid the pistol onto his belt. And he said, “You know what you’re

doing, don’t you? You won’t be so fortunate every time. So, you’d better not let me find evidence of this,

or you’ll pay the price.”

“|’m not sure what you’re talking about. We are simply doctors who want to help people. We never get

involved in politics.”

“Let’s go,” Smith said with a sneer. They slammed the door shut as they left

Instantly, Anna’s hand trembled as she gripped the gun tightly. She didn’t feel at ease until the

Americans drove away

“Are you okay, Dr. Wright?” Patrick asked her with concern

“I’m fine,” Anna said, waving her hand

“How come you have a gun?”

“Before | left…” Anna paused for a moment before deciding to keep her mouth shut. She then changed

the topic abruptly, “That’s not the point. Did you give them the medicine?”

Patrick nodded. He then spread his palms carefully. He had just been clutching that syringe tightly and

he knew he would have been in trouble if Smith had searched his body. With a smug, Patrick said, “He

probably didn’t think I’d dare to keep this to myself.”

“We’ll have to be more cautious in the future. Smith is already suspicious of us.”

“Don’t worry. The patients are very cooperative with us. They’re not going to say anything. They all

have faith in us. Also, what should we do if Smith comes back, Dr. Wright?” Patrick asked

Anna exhaled deeply and replied, “| don’t know. I’ve submitted a request to the Foreign Ministry. | hope

it will establish additional

550 Drop the Gun Now! reinforcements to protect the medics.”

“Is that why Dr. Moore left?” Patrick asked

“No, she went to attend to other matters,” Anna said thoughtfully

Later, after leaving the room, Anna entered the lounge. She sat on the edge of the bed in the lounge,

polishing the gun in her pocket

Before she left Birmingham, Wayne had told her to see the captain first when she got off the plane

without telling her what it was about. It wasn’t until she got the captain’s gun that she realized what he


Wayne agreed to let her volunteer, but he was still worried about her safety. The fact that he gave her

the gun indicated that he knew the situation would be far worse than anyone had anticipated


After getting off work, Ryan came straight home. He had just sat down when the maid handed him a

hot tea

Ryan said, “Thank you very much. You don’t have to clean up here, Mary. | need to speak with Wayne

for a few minutes.”

Sitting opposite Ryan, Wayne sipped his whiskey. No one knew what he thought because his

expression was calm

Jennie invited him to return to the house after Anna had left. She claimed he wouldn’t be alone at home

since the kids lived here. Wayne never said yes, but he always came there. Every day, as soon as the

sun went down, he would arrive on time and invite Ryan to join him fora drink

Crossing his arms, Ryan asked Wayne while frowning, “You didn’t bribe anyone in my office, did you?

How do you know when I’ll get home from work?”

“Is it difficult to know where you are? You’re the leader of your

550 Drop the Gun Now! bureau,” With a calm look, Wayne took another sip of whisky before answering


“Seriously, Wayne?” Just as Ryan was about to retort him, he noticed that Wayne looked lonely. So, he

changed the subject, “Are you lonely at home now that Anna has gone?”

“Emily hasn’t been home much either, but you don’t appear lonely.”

“I’d grown accustomed to her absence, and habits are difficult to break. You won’t be able to get used

to it for the time being,” With a bitter smile, Ryan tried to console Wayne

Wayne nodded but said nothing. In silence, he looked out the window at the raindrops falling from the

eaves. “Have you seen Matthew in the last few days?” he asked

“Matthew? No. What’s the problem?”

“The board has made another move.”

“What’s going on?”

“It’s a long story.”

“What’s the story? Tell me, Wayne. I’ve got a lot of time on my hands right now.”

And Ryan thought to himself, No one in the Wright family has ever questioned Matthew’s ability, as he

has even outperformed you. At fifteen, he took over the entire Carousel Group with no one to guide

him. He has been fighting all the pressure alone for the last few years. And yet, Wayne, you look quite

worried. Did something happen to Matthew?

“Is there something wrong with the board?” After collecting his own thoughts, Ryan asked

Wayne made no denials. He sipped his wine and said, “Ryan, | can no

550 Drop the Gun Now! longer meddle in the group’s affairs. If Matthew is forced to resign, | may need

your help.”

“Are you serious? Matthew couldn’t possibly resign, could he?”

“I’m talking about it just in case.”

“No way! I’m not very good at business and | can’t leave my job right now. Stop overthinking, okay?

They won’t force Matthew to resign.”

Wayne wanted to say something. But after some hesitation, he fell silent. Only he knew that not being a

legitimate Wright had caused him many problems. This matter was like a ticking time bomb, constantly

threatening him

8 Melina Levine u

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Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 551

Drop the Gun Now!

Read with many climactic and unique details. The series Falling in

Love With A One-Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter

Chapter 551 Drop the Gun Now! - The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache,

empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what was that event? Read Falling

in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 551 Drop the Gun Now! for more details


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