Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 453 Who Are You, Little Boy?

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Arustling sound woke Anna up early the next morning.

Tammy was tying her pigtails in front of the mirror when Anna opened her eyes.

“Get up. Mommy!” After she had tied her hair, she shook Anna, who was pretending to sleep.

“It’s only 6:30! It’s the weekend, for God’s sake! | can at least sleep until noon, right?” Anna looked at

her phone to see what time it was, then felt sad. She buried her head beneath the covers, making her

voice muffled.

Tammy dragged Anna to the bed’s edge before casually tossing her some clothes from the closet. It

was the day they had agreed to go to the mall.

Tammy had asked Anna to be with her as she went shopping for a birthday present. But after they went

to a few stores, Anna began to suspect that Tammy didn’t need her to be there at all.

“I think this is a nice bag! Grandaunt Selina will love it,’ Anna tried the bag on, displaying it like a model.

Tammy rolled her eyes and said, “Mommy, you’re picking out a present for yourself, aren’t you?

Grandma Selina is almost sixty, and she doesn’t like gold lace.”

Anna silently put back that bag and followed Tammy, who had already turned around and entered

another store.

“What do you think of this silk scarf? This will look great on Selina See, it’s also her favorite color.” 452

Who Arey Check-in Reward

TAMM You have a sign-in reward waiting to be claimed! @

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The salesperson squatted down enthusiastically, handed Tammy the silk scarf, and said, “This silk scarf

is a popular item in our shop, and many customers want to buy it. This is the final one in stock. Don’t

miss it if you like it”

Tammy said as she shook her head, “Well, forget it. She said she doesn’t like hot-sellers. She like

unique things.” Tammy then took a determined step toward the next store.

About an hour later, Anna felt pain in her ankle after they finished touring the last store on the mall’s

second floor. She sat on the sofa in the lounge area on the second floor and begged, “Mommy is

feeling a little tired, baby. Should we…”

Look, Mommy!” Tammy cut Anna off.

Baffled, Anna asked in the direction Tammy was pointing, “What?”

“Look at that bakery! My friend Jessica told me that her father owns this store and that we can all eat

there for free.” Tammy’s eyes shone brightly, and she appeared extremely excited. Then, she dragged

Anna into the store.

There were several people in line at the store’s entrance. Tammy pushed Anna forward and told her to

look at the counter. Anna had no choice but to read the menu to her on tiptoe.

“Five bucks,” The cashier reached out to the child in front of Anna.

The little boy started to eat the cake but didn’t take his wallet.

Seeing that, the cashier said anxiously, “Kid! You want to eat for free, don’t you? Where are your

parents? Let them pay for you!”

The boy was about to turn around and run away, but the cashier ‘452 Who Arey Check-in Reward

You have a sign-in reward waiting to be claimed! @ Ee

stopped h before he – The cashier was so enraged that he grabbed the boy’s collar and

yelled, “What a rude kid! You’re not leaving here without paying!”

Tammy stepped out from behind Anna as she was about to say something. “He might be Jessica’s

friend,” she said, tugging on the cashier’s apron


“I’m a friend of Jessica’s, too. She said we could have dessert for free at your store.”

The cashier asked angrily, “You want free food too, don’t you?”

Tammy nodded. But she wondered why Jessica didn’t mean what she said. “Jessica said it was okay,”

she said firmly.

Anna stopped the drama just in time before the cashier grabbed Tammy by the collar as well. She took

out her wallet and pointed to the struggling little boy, “Let him go, please. I’ll pay for him.”

After receiving the money, the cashier let go of his hand. The little boy then immediately escaped.

Tammy appeared preoccupied while eating her tiramisu. Anna assumed she was upset because

Jessica had tricked her. Just as Anna was thinking of how to comfort her, she heard her say, “I’ve seen

that little boy before.”


“He was the one who scratched Isabella the last time I went to the orphanage with Grandaunt Selina.

I’m not sure what his name was, maybe Gary or Larry.”

Tammy still felt scared when she thought about that experience. She 452 Who Are You, Little Boy?

stopped him just in time. The terrified child kicked him several times before he could say anything.

The cashier was so enraged that he grabbed the boy’s collar and yelled, “What a rude kid! You’re not

leaving here without paying!”

Tammy stepped out from behind Anna as she was about to say something. “He might be Jessica’s

friend,” she said, tugging on the cashier’s apron


“I’m a friend of Jessica’s, too. She said we could have dessert for free at your store.”

The cashier asked angrily, “You want free food too, don’t you?”

Tammy nodded. But she wondered why Jessica didn’t mean what she said. “Jessica said it was okay,”

she said firmly.

Anna stopped the drama just in time before the cashier grabbed Tammy by the collar as well. She took

out her wallet and pointed to the struggling little boy, “Let him go, please. I’ll pay for him.”

After receiving the money, the cashier let go of his hand. The little boy then immediately escaped.

Tammy appeared preoccupied while eating her tiramisu. Anna assumed she was upset because

Jessica had tricked her. Just as Anna was thinking of how to comfort her, she heard her say, “I’ve seen

that little boy before.”


“He was the one who scratched Isabella the last time | went to the orphanage with Grandaunt Selina.

I’m not sure what his name was, maybe Gary or Larry.”

Tammy still felt scared when she thought about that experience. She 452 Who Are You, Little Boy?

didn’t like this grumpy little boy.

“In that case, he should stay in the orphanage. You might be mistaken,” Anna said.

Tammy remembered the little boy because of his distinctive orange curly hair. She said, “Perhaps he

was adopted by a good person! Mommy, you’re such a fool.”

Anna immediately said, “Tammy! That’s the second time you’ve said something like that about me


“Let’s go upstairs. Mommy. | already know what I’m going to get Grandma Selina.” Tammy took Anna’s

hand and led her to the third floor While she was still yelling.

In the shop, Tammy leaned over the glass counter, hesitated for a moment, and chose an emerald

bracelet for Selina. She pointed to a beautiful bracelet and said to a clerk, “That one, please!”

Anna was taken aback by the price tag and asked, “Tammy, where did you get all that money?”

“Matthew paid me and Isabella a hundred thousand dollars for a bag last month.”

Anna nodded her head. They went to the underground garage after buying the bracelet.

Aiter getting inside her car, Anna started the engine. She was about to drive out of the underground

garage when she noticed a small boy lying across the passage.

“Someone is lying there, Mommy!” Tammy got out of the car ahead of Anna and ran to the little boy,

who was already unconscious.

“Mommy, it’s Gary!” She exclaimed after checking his face.

Anna checked the little boy’s condition. He struggled to breathe, and 452 Who Are You, Little Boy?

his face was horribly pale. Realizing his life was in danger, Anna carried him to the car and drove him

to the hospital.

As soon as they reached the hospital, the doctors and nurses took the frail boy. After the operation was

over, a doctor told Anna, who was waiting outside, about the boy’s condition, “He is not poisoned; he’s

just allergic to chocolate. We’ve just cleared any chocolate residue from his stomach. But there’s

something else that shocked us.”

“What exactly is it?”

He hesitated for a while, looking a bit worried, “In his stomach, there was a pile of plastic, cloth scraps,

and other strange objects in addition to chocolate. Fortunately, you brought him here. If these things

had accumulated in his stomach for a long time, the consequences would have been severe.”

“And how is he now?” Anna frowned, looking at the child beside her with pale lips.

“He’s not in danger, but he’s still not feeling well. In a moment, the nurse will administer an infusion. He

must still stay here for at least three days.”

Anna nodded and took a seat next to Gary’s bed.

“So, Gary may not be adopted. He snuck out.” Tammy thought for a moment and said.

Anna asked sadly, “Are you saying he snuck out because he was abused?”

“Mommy, what are you thinking?” Tammy patted Anna on the side of the head, saying, “Grandaunt

Selina said that orphanages now are all great nowadays, and no one will abuse children. Besides,

Flower Orphanage is currently competing for the title of best orphanage in the country. They rely on

their reputation for compassion and patience.” 452 Who Are You, Little Boy?

Anna gradually became less angry. “Tammy, how do you know this?” she asked incredulously of her


“Grandaunt Selina told me that. Mommy, you should read the news more often, too.”

“Do you mean Gary snuck out of the orphanage? He didn’t have any food, so he had to eat all of these

plastic and fabric scraps?”

“| believe so.” Tammy nodded.

“We’ll have to send him back.”

Anna then began looking for the Flower orphanage’s phone number on her phone. Despite her

suspicions about Owen’s intentions, she would never take advantage of this child. Then she dialed the

number she found on the website right away

At that moment, the nurse asked, “Who is Gary? I’m going to give him an infusion now.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 453

Who Are You, Little Boy?

Read with many climactic and unique details. The series

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter

content chapter Chapter 453 Who Are You, Little Boy? - The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of

despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what was that

event? Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 453 Who Are You, Little Boy? for

more details


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