Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 444 I Don’t Want You to Be My Dad

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Alex nodded and leaned back in his chair. He felt sick when he saw the bowl of kidney pie in front of

him. So, he drank another glass.

“Your father knows everything about my family, so he definitely knows | was arrested because of

fighting.” His voice became shaky. Then, he buried his head in his palm for a few moments to calm

down before raising it again.

He poured the fifth glass of wine for himself. Isabella snatched the bottle from his grasp, poured herself

a glass, and drank it in one gulp.

“Did he say anything else?” She asked. Isabella felt her blood rush into her brain like boiling water. Her

voice became cold, but Alex was so dizzy that he didn’t notice it.

“He said he doesn’t mind you dating boys, but he doesn’t like me.”

Alex swayed a few times and appeared to be about to fall. Seeing that, Isabella snatched Alex’s glass

from his grasp as he closed his eyes and fumbled with it on the table. She drank the glass for him,

followed by two more. Her pale face had also turned red.

“Please call a cab for me, please,” Isabella said to the waitress as she drank the last of her wine and

wiped her mouth. She got up, but her body was shaking. It took her a moment to stand still.

As she looked at Alex lying on his back in a chair, half of his body almost under the table, Isabella was


“Hey, get up,” She hit him gently on the shoulder and said.

Alex grunted, waved away her hand, then fell to the floor with a

Alex nodded and leaned back in his chair. He felt sick when he saw the bowl of kidney pie in front of

him. So, he drank another glass.

“Your father knows everything about my family, so he definitely knows | was arrested because of

fighting.” His voice became shaky. Then, he buried his head in his palm for a few moments to calm

down before raising it again.

He poured the fifth glass of wine for himself. Isabella snatched the bottle from his grasp, poured herself

a glass, and drank it in one gulp.

“Did he say anything else2” She asked. Isabella felt her blood rush into her brain like boiling water. Her

voice became cold, but Alex was so dizzy that he didn’t notice it.

“He said he doesn’t mind you dating boys, but he doesn’t like me.”

Alex swayed a few times and appeared to be about to fall. Seeing that, Isabella snatched Alex’s glass

from his grasp as he closed his eyes and fumbled with it on the table. She drank the glass for him,

followed by two more. Her pale face had also turned red.

“Please call a cab for me, please,” Isabella said to the waitress as she drank the last of her wine and

wiped her mouth. She got up, but her body was shaking. It took her a moment to stand still.

As she looked at Alex lying on his back in a chair, half of his body almost under the table, Isabella was


“Hey, get up,” She hit him gently on the shoulder and said.

Alex grunted, waved away her hand, then fell to the floor with a 443 | Don’t Want You to Be My thud

Isabella attempted to help Alex to get up, but he was so tall and heavy

that she couldn’t even get him to move. She was almost unable to stand after several attempts.

“rll pay you if you help me get him up.” Isabella patted the waitress on the shoulder.

The waitress was wide-eyed as if she had seen a ghost. She was taken aback and pointed behind


“Bring him to the car.”

Isabella’s hand remained on the waitress’s shoulder, squeezing it in shock. After breaking free of her

grip, the waitress let out a startled cry and dashed behind the counter.

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you look at me?”

From behind her, she heard a gentle voice. Isabella didn’t look back, but she could imagine how Jasper

appeared at the time. He’d be dressed sharply, with his tie undone and the first button of his shirt

undone. He’d be looking at her with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face.

Isabella was struggling to keep her cool. She turned around and smiled, realizing that her assumptions

had been correct.

“Jasper,” she greeted him.

“allright, let’s go back home.”

Jasper attempted to take Isabella’s hand, and she dodged. He didn’t feel awkward and simply raised

his hand to his assistant, who was following him, and said, “Take him to the hospital. I’ll drive back

home myself.”

“Ill go with you,” Isabella said as she followed the assistant out the

door. After she got into the assistant’s car, Jasper yanked her down and 443 | Don’t Want You to Be My

said, “No.

You’re coming home with me.”

Isabella sat in the passenger seat, struggling a few times before getting a headache. She gradually felt

dizzy and then lost consciousness.

In his Bugatti, Jasper focused on driving while Isabella scratched him like and scratched a few red

marks on his muscular chest. She then began to babble incoherently.

“Why did you eat all my cookies? You son of a biscuit!”

“Ah! Give me back my head!”

“Where’s my head? Where the hell is my head?”

Jasper felt resigned as Isabella finally let go of him and began to cry loudly. She appeared to be going

through a difficult time. Her big beautiful brown eyes were filled with tears as she looked up, and her

cheeks had turned rose colored as she drank too much whisky. After a brief hesitation, she sniffled and

wiped her nose on Jasper’s suit.

“Isabella! Stop it!” Jasper couldn’t hold back his rage anymore. But before he blew off steam, she

leaned back in her seat and fell asleep.

An hour later, he drove back to his mansion. A maid opened the door for him as soon as he stopped his


Jasper slammed the door open. His hair was slightly unkempt, and his shirt was on the verge of falling

off. As he stepped out of the car, he quickly removed his suit jacket and tossed it to the ground.

Nobody had any idea what was going on. Sarah, the maid, bent down to pick up the jacket.

Jasper turned back, waved his hand and said, “Never mind. Just throw it away.”

After throwing away the jacket, the maid returned and saw Jasper 443 | Don’t Want You to Be My

carrying Isabella out of the car.

Jasper’s hurried steps came to a halt as he stepped onto the second floor and felt a warm breath

slowly creep down his spine.

Isabella swayed on his shoulder and said, “I’m so drunk! Why is the world spinning around?” She said

as she wrapped her arms around him.

Her breath sprayed into his ear, making his heart begin the race, and his body began to heat up. After

sending Isabella back to her room to relax, Jasper took a cold shower in the bathroom.

The little girl he rescued from the island had grown into a mature woman all these years. He sensed

that it was time to keep his distance from her. But just as he was thinking this, here came another


He had just exited the bathroom when Lisa, a maid, approached him and said, “I finished bathing

Isabella, but she refused to take the antidote. I’m at a loss for what to do because she keeps crying and

fussing. Why don’t you go see her, Mr. Thomas?”

“Okay, | will check on her.”

Jasper then went to Isabella’s room. The moment he opened the door, he saw Isabella, who was

dressed in her nightgown and lying on the bed. After shutting the door, Jasper walked toward Isabella

and helped her tidy her hair.

At the time, Isabella felt that the alcohol burned through her like a flame. She felt like she was dreaming

and thought she had soft ice on her brow. She instinctively grabbed it and tried to place it in the

warmest part of her body.

“It’s scorching.” She murmured sadly.

Jasper was stunned as Isabella grabbed his hand and reached for her breast. Her breasts heaved up

and down with her jumbled breathing, and 443 | Don’t Want You to Be My

she wore a thin champagne-colored silk nightgown. He then withdrew his hand with difficulty. Suddenly,

he thought of what she said to her at Anna’s wedding as he broke her grip~”I’m a grown-up”. Isabella,

who had lost her “ice”, whimpered like a child robbed of a beloved toy. She said, “You are not my

father! | don’t have a father! Why did you choose to adopt me? | don’t want to be your adopted

daughter, and | don’t want you to be my father…”

Update Chapter 444 I Don’t Want You to Be My Dad of Falling

in Love With A One-Night Stand by Novelebook

With the author's famous Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 444 I Don’t Want You to Be My Dad

readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series are available today.

Key: Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 444 I Don’t Want You to Be My Dad


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