Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 180

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Chapter 180Gabe was standing in the doorway of the lounge while Anna and Wayne were arguing,

After a while, he glanced at his watch and saw that they had been in there for fifteen minutes.

Charlotte had come there several times on purpose to hear what they were saying. But, Gabe had told

her to leave

Gabe thought, they‘d been in there for such a long time. So, are they going to make up?

As he was expecting it, he heard the sound of the door opening. Then, Anna stepped


“Miss Gabriel, hello,” Gabe said.

“Oh, no, Gabe, you can call me Anna now. I‘m not the manager of the hotel anymore.” Anna glanced at

Gabe indifferently

Gabe was frozen when he noticed Wayne walking out with a grim face as well.

He immediately became frustrated. He thought to himself. So, they‘re getting back together? But I

didn‘t think so. They looked like they had another big fight and were ready to break up for good. Oh my

God, how could this happen?

Then the party started. And the Wilson family was toasting all the guests there with champagne

Anna had been following Peace and Scott around since she came out of the lounge. After a while,

Randal joined them and introduced them to other guests from time to time.

“How did Randal know them? That‘s so weird!” Charlotte felt confused and asked her mother.Evelyn was already in her sixties. However, because she had spent her life making herself more

beautiful, she still looked relatively young and pretty. When she saw the four of them in the distance,

her eyes lit up. She said, “Oh, you‘re right. How come Randal knows them so well? Charlotte, who‘s

that girl over there? Is she married?”

Evelyn Wilson was from Ireland, and was a gentle and sweet woman. She spoke in a very kind way as

if Anna were her friend.

Charlotte looked at them and asked hesitantly, “Which one are you asking about, Mom? There are two

girls there.”

“Oh, I‘m talking about the one in that cute black dress. I saw her just talking to Randal. That‘s weird. I

remember that Randal rarely talks to girls. Could it be that she is his girlfriend?”

Charlotte suddenly felt delighted and quickly said, “Oh, I know her. That‘s Anna, and she is an

employee of Wayne‘s company. I heard that she is single. Mom, do you like her?”

“Oh, she seems sweet. But I don‘t know if she‘s the best person to be Randal‘s wife. You know, his ex–

wife doesn‘t care about Randal at all. So, they divorced just after getting married for a while.“

180 I‘m Not Jealous

“Well, mom, you don‘t have to worry about that! No offense, but she‘s really a wife material. You know,

she has a daughter. Let me tell you, that child is very polite and cute.”

Evelyn blinked and asked in surprise, “What? She already has a daughter? Oh, she looks so young. I

didn‘t expect that she had a child already.”

“Yeah. But, she got divorced a long time ago. So, she‘s raising her kid alone. Don‘t take me wrong, but

do you think it‘s a good idea to let Randal marry a divorced woman?” Charlotte asked deliberately,wanting to check her mother‘s attitude.

However, as Charlotte expected, her mother didn‘t care about it at all. Evelyn just waved her hand and


She blinked her big, innocent eyes like a teenage girl and said, “Gosh! Charlotte, I really didn‘t expect

that you would mind this. If you ask me, I think it‘s totally fine. As long as Randal likes her, I‘ll give them

my blessing. Besides, Randal has a daughter too! It would be great if the two kids can hang out

together. Well, honey, I‘m going to say hello to Anna.”

“Hey, Mommy, don‘t go!” Charlotte pretended to stop her mother, but she couldn‘t. She snickered and

walked behind Evelyn.

If my mother could help me set Anna up with Randal, that would be great! That way, she can help me

solve a huge problem easily. Charlotte thought to herself.

Anna was sitting on the couch with Peace. After she told Peace what Wayne had just asked her, Peace

immediately became outraged. If Anna hadn‘t stopped her, she would have snapped right away.

“S**t! Wayne is such an i***t! How could he have the nerve to ask such a question? These two kids are

all yours!” Peace said furiously.

Although Anna had figured this out, she was still a little depressed. She drank the wine in her glass and

said, “Forget it, Peace. Don‘t be mad. He doesn‘t know the truth, so it‘s not his fault. He can think

whatever he wants, and I don‘t give a damn about it.”

Then Peace added, “I‘m telling you, he‘s gonna be so regretful.”

Anna finished her glass of wine, thinking. This evening is a real mess! Well, I‘ve seen the jokes and

had fun, and I‘d better get going.So, Anna looked at Randal and said she was about to leave. Then, Scott immediately stood up and

said, “I’ll go with you guys.”

“Well, I‘ll see you off.” Randal stood up as well.

Anna and Peace looked at each other. They both knew what Randal meant and then laughed together

“Hey, please wait for me!” The four of them had just reached the door when they heard a woman say

that. And they looked back and saw that it was Evelyn.

Evelyn walked faster and caught up with them.

“Randal, are they your friends? Oh, please don‘t go yet. Why don‘t you introduce them to


Randal looked at his mother and said, “Oh, Mom, not now. I‘m just about to send them home.”

Evelyn looked at Anna and said, “Yes, you‘re right. You should be a gentleman and send

these two ladies home. You know, you don‘t have to come back so soon, honey.”

Anna thought her words were a little bit odd. Just as she was thinking about it, Evelyn walked up to her

She quickly surveyed Anna and said, “Hello there, young lady. Charlotte told me that you are an

employee of Wayne‘s May I know your name, please”

Anna froze and said hesitantly, “Ms. Wilson, hi. I‘m Anna Gabriel. I wanted to say hello to you just now,

but you seemed so busy So, I didn‘t dare to disturb you. I‘m really sorry.”Evelyn smiled gently and said, “Gee, that’s okay You don’t have to apologize to me. You know, it‘s the

first time that Randal let us see him , um his girlfriend.”

When Anna realized that Evelyn had misunderstood something, she immediately explained, “Oh, no

Ms Wilson I‘m just a friend of Randal, and I‘m not his girlfriend”

Evelyn winked and smiled, “Oh, that‘s okay You two can take your time and get along. Randal may

seem aloof, but he treats everyone around him very well. You know, Randal’s assistant is a man But,

he doesn‘t even let him carry heavy things.”

Speaking of Randal‘s assistant, Anna immediately thought of that fussy man He didn‘t come today?

What happened? Anna thought to herself

Anna knew that there was a reason why Randal didn‘t let his assistant do the heavy lifting. Evelyn

didn’t seem to know that Randal might treat his assistant as a girl. He was so nice to his assistant

because he took pity on him.

Evelyn was very enthusiastic and walked them to the front door. Afterward, she invited Anna to visit

their home someday, which made Anna so flattered

So, Anna still felt confused when she got into the car

“Randal, I think your mother seems to have misunderstood something.” Anna said in a daze

Randal folded his arms and looked at Anna with a poker face. He said, “Oh, yes. It‘s obvious that she

wants to make us a couple.”

Scott immediately snapped He tried to stand up, but accidentally hit his head on the car‘s roof.

Although he felt pain, he yelled at Randal. “What the hell?! Jesus Christ! You know what you should tell

your mother to knock it off You‘re the last man Anna would date in the world.”Randal smiled at him and asked, “What‘s wrong? Are you jealous?”

Scott was outraged and roared, “S**t! Stop your bullst! How can I be jealous because of you? Damn!”

Scott had always been a gentle and polite young man. Also, this was the first time in Anna‘s life that

she had heard Scott say so many swear words in a row. What he said completely changed his image in

her mind and overwhelmed her for a moment.

Moreover, she had experienced too many things at the party. So, she felt a pain in her chest in the face

of these ridiculous things.

novelbin“Anna, are you okay?” Peace felt worried and asked her Anna waved her hand and said, “Oh, thanks,

I‘m fine. I just need to have some rest.”

At that moment, Randal and Scott stopped arguing. Randal then asked, “Anna, will you resign from the

hotel? Also, do you want to work in my company?”

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