Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 354

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Wayne asked Gabe to let the police handle the case the following morning. Later, Gabe found the fake

Sophia York in a local bar.

Gabe told Wayne about everything over the phone, “She tried to run away, but all of the doors were

guarded. So, we just caught her and handed her over to the police on suspicion of fraud. They checked

out her identity. Her real name is Lily Johnson, and she’s Ada’s cousin. But Ada ran away. She left the

villa where she lived with her valuables with her.”

“Have the police asked the woman where Ada went?”

“Yes, but she refused to answer no matter what. This will most likely take us some time.”

“It’s all right; we’re not in a rush, Let’s see if she has more patience or | do.” Wayne’s tone was icy, like

the bitter winds of winter.

After this family dinner, the Williams began to prepare for Wayne and Anna’s wedding which would be

held on February Ist.

Anna hadn’t divorced Jasper yet, and she was an American citizen. So, after she got divorced, her

marriage to Wayne needed to be vetted and Would take about a month.

While Selina and Peter were discussing the wedding, Jennie sat next to them and listened. She froze

when she learned Anna was married and asked, “What? Anna’s still married?”

“Yes, but that’s not important,” Peter replied calmly.

Then he said to Selina, “I think we can start with a traditional

wedding. It’s crucial to the family. They can have a wedding like other 354 You’re Not Divorced Yet?

young people abroad if they don’t like it.”

“I think so, too. I’ve heard that young people nowadays prefer to have their weddings in Bali or Tahiti. |

think it’s best to let them make their own decisions.” Selina echoed

Peter said, “We can ask Anna and let her decide. The point is, when will she get a divorce?”

“PII leave for America to deal with this matter, Grandpa. Rest assured.” Anna replied. “Okay,” Peter

answered with a light sigh.

After a brief pause, he said, “Wayne and Anna decided to live at Wayne’s house after they got married.

Jennie, since you majored in interior design in college, how about you help them redecorate it?”

Jennie didn’t say anything, despite being perplexed. After getting the house layout plan from Henry,

she went to look for Anna inside Wayne’s other yard.

Jennie displayed several style design plans she had found to Anna, “Look, I just discovered a few

different decoration styles. Which one do you prefer, Anna? | found some decorating diagrams online.

Do you have a favorite fashion style? I’ll rework it for you.”

Anna touched her nose. She couldn’t decide what to do as she looked at the fancy drawings. She said,

“I don’t know much about this. You are a professional, so | believe you should make the decision.”

Jennie said nothing except to point to two of them and ask, “How about these two?”

“It’s not bad.” Anna quickly nodded her head. In fact, she thought the two Jennie pointed out were

nearly identical, even down to the colors.

Jennie didn’t leave after asking Anna questions as if she needed to 354 You’re Not Divorced Yet? say


“Do you want to talk to me about something, Jennie?” Anna asked.

Jennie said, somewhat awkwardly, “Yeah. Can | ask you a question?”


Jennie frowned and asked, “So, are young people nowadays okay with homewreckers?”

Anna looked up in surprise, puzzled, and asked, “Huh? Who are you talking about?”

Jennie said hesitantly, “Ummm… mean, you’re still martied, and Wayne is already planning to have a

wedding with you. Doesn’t it make hima…”

Anna quickly came to her senses and explained, interrupting her, “Oh! You got it wrong. I was married

to someone in the United States for a green card. My husband is a friend of mine, and we are not in

love at all. It’s just a sham marriage.”

Anna then explained briefly to Jennie what had happened between herself and Jasper.

Hearing that, Jennie exhaled a long sigh of relief and said, “I was so terrified! | thought the world to be

a completely different place than it had previously been.”

Anna shook her head, embarrassed, and said, “I apologize for not explaining it to you earlier. It’s all

right, | understand. Grandpa was also worried about this matter before..”

Jennie patted her hand on the back and said, “That’s fine, honey; | understand. | understand how

difficult it is to raise a child alone, and I can 354 You’re Not Divorced Yet?

only imagine what you endured to stay in America. It must be hard for you to raise your daughter


Anna liked the Wrights because everyone in the family was friendly and understanding. Peter appeared

cold, but he was actually very nice. Jennie was straightforward, friendly, and gentle. Ryan was

dependable and kind. Even though the Wrights were a large family, the atmosphere was warm and

inviting. And Anna’s only concern was when to talk to Wayne about the truth.

A few days later, Anna traveled to the United States. As soon as she stepped off the plane, Anna

noticed Lily waiting for her. Lily wore a suit with long chestnut brown hair in a bun and carried a

briefcase with a Hermes silk scarf. She appeared to be sharp and competent. “Hello, Anna.” She

approached Anna with a smile on her face.

She took Anna’s suitcase and handed it to a male assistant beside her before explaining, “Jasper said

he wanted to come in person. | stopped him because he has an important meeting today. I’m sorry

about that.”

Anna nodded and said, “Oh, it’s okay.”

Update of Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand by Novelebook

With the author's famous Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand series authorName that makes

readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 354 readers Immerse yourself in love

anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Falling in Love With A One-Night

Stand series are available today.

Key: Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 354


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