Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 538 It’s A Deal Then

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Tammy was holding Wayne’s credit card. Isabella knew that every time she used the card, Wayne

would receive a message from the bank.

“Don’t you have any money of your own?” Frowning, Isabella asked.

“Why would I? My father won’t freeze my credit card!” Tammy said confidently.

Shaking her head, Isabella said, “Girl, you’re so naive. When you’re older, you’ll realize that your father

won’t freeze your card, but your mother will.”

“So, what should | do? Should | go to the bank and take out some cash

Isabella sipped her wine and then shook her head. “Just give me all the cash you have.”

After looking in every pocket on her clothes, Tammy took out some change. The sum was less than a

hundred dollars.

In embarrassment, she uttered, “I only took two hundred dollars when

| left home. | should have brought along more money.”

Isabella placed the cash in her pocket. “Thank you. I’ll tell you when | run out of money.”

Tammy laughed. “Do | have your financial resources? Does that mean |

can boss you around now that I’m your boss in a way?”

“Shut up, Tammy,” Isabella said, rolling her eyes.

“I’ve already helped you out. So, you should do me a favor in return, 537 It’s A Deal Then right?”

“What favor?” Puzzled, Isabella asked.

Tammy handed her phone to Isabella. At that time, Isabella was sipping her cocktail. She almost spit

out her drink when she saw the live feed on the phone screen. “Is that you on the screen?” She asked



“Yep! It’s me,” Tammy said, c g her head proudly.

“Do your parents know about this?”

“Certainly not! | would never tell them about this!”

“Are you insane? Why the hell do you want to be a live streamer? Do you have any idea how much

effort your mom and dad have made so that you could live a low-profile life? If your parents find out

about this, they will destroy this social platform,” Isabella said loudly. “You should delete these videos

before many people know who you are. Where is the delete button?” Isabella asked, her voice


“No! You can’t delete it,” Tammy said anxiously, grabbing her phone, “| have over 8,000 loyal followers.

| play games when I’m live streaming, and my audiences give me rewards. It’s not much, but it’s all I’ve

earned through my own efforts. And | occasionally read bedtime stories to them.”

“My God! If your mother found out, she would be so mad. Will you stop doing that?” Isabella exclaimed,


“Why are you so agitated? It’s not like I’m breaking any laws!”

Having been there before, Isabella knew that going against a teenager

would only backfire. Then she sighed helplessly, “How do you want me to help you?”

“In a few days, there will be a live contest, and | need you to find 537 me. Isn’t the guy in the

convenience store a college student? Can you persuade him to ask his classmates to vote for me?”

“And you want to participate in a contest?” Isabella was even more taken aback.

Tammy asked with widened eyes, “You don’t want to help me? with me, Isabella!”

Isabella was shocked. She paused for a moment before saying, “OK, | can help you. But I’m going to

lay down some ground rules for you.”

“First and foremost, you are not permitted to reveal any personal information about yourself to the

public, including your school, relatives, or friends.”

“Second, you can’t skip classes anymore. You can be a live streamer, but not at the expense of your


Tammy said, “| have previously skipped class before. This is not why | failed the tests. Relax! No one

will find out about it even if | skip classes.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me! I’m calling your mother right now, Tammy!”

“No! Please don’t tell my mother!” Tammy said in a panic.

Hearing her pleading, Isabella breathed a sigh of relief. “OK. | haven’t come up with a third rule yet. But

you’d better not get into any trouble.”

They said goodbye in front of the bar after finishing their drinks. As Isabella had to return to work at the

convenience store, she told Tammy to 537 It’s A Deal Then text her when she arrived at the hotel. She

didn’t until she saw Tammy get into acab.

Anthony’s face lit up when he saw Isabella return. “I thought you weren’t coming back,” he said.

“Why?” Isabella asked as she fastened her apron.

“Nothing. Where is your sister?” Anthony looked behind her, but there was no one there.

“She returned to her hotel. | caught up with her just now.”

“So… Are you going to stay here?” Anthony asked after a brief pause.

“How long are you planning on staying?”

“| don’t know,” Isabella had no idea how long she would be in the city, so that was all she could say.

She couldn’t go anywhere else but here. And she didn’t feel like going anywhere until she figured out

the thing between her and Jasper.

“| heard her call you Isabella,” Antony said, looking at her.

Isabella paused for a moment before nodding. To her surprise, Anthony didn’t say anything else.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking up at him.

“| wanted to return this to you. You must need it more than | do,” Anthony said, pulling the necklace

from his bag behind him.

“You didn’t sell it?” Isabella asked, surprised.

Anthony shook his head.

“My name is Isabella Thomas,” Isabella said, clutching the necklace tightly. “Isabella? That’s a beautiful

name. And what do you want me to call you from now on?”

“| still want you to call me Chelsea. | told you my name because | trust you, but | have no plans to

continue using it.”

Anthony froze for a moment before breaking into a smile. “OK, I’ll still call you Chelsea,” he said.

When she saw Anthony’s smile, Isabella felt a pang of guilt inside. She wasn’t sure if she was using

him by doing so. But she was aware that, aside from Anthony, she didn’t appear to have anyone she

could rely on at the moment.

Read Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand - Chapter 538

It’s A Deal Then

Read Chapter 538 It’s A Deal Then with many climactic and unique details. The series Falling in

Love With A One-Night Stand one of the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter

Chapter 538 It’s A Deal Then - The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache,

empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what was that event? Read Falling

in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 538 It’s A Deal Then for more details


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