Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 323

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Anna tripped over her slippers and stepped heavily on the carpet as she struggled. As a result, both

she and Wayne fell on the bed.

The snowy day added a romantic atmosphere to the bedroom. Wayne fell into a trance when he

touched Anna’s soft body and smelled the rose scent of her hair.

Anna had no idea what was going on in his mind. She reached into his pajamas after breaking free

from Wayne’s arm, then giggled wickedly as she touched his waist, saying, “Ha! Gotcha!”’

Wayne then placed his hands around Anna’s waist and got on top of her.

Anna exclaimed and said, “You can’t do that! It’s not fair!”

She instantly froze when she noticed that Wayne was looking at her with lust in his eyes. And she

could hear Wayne’s soft gasp, which also made her breathe heavily. Then Anna wrapped her arms

around his neck and kissed him without thinking.

As Anna kissed him so passionately and kept pressing his chest with her soft boobs, Wayne

immediately had a hard-on. Without hesitation, he walked Anna to the fireplace and then gently laid her

on the carpet.

Having taken off all their clothes, they started caressing each other, which ultimately led to making love

to each other. With the fire crackling next to her, the beautiful scenery of snowfall outside the floor-to-

ceiling window, and most importantly, Wayne going all the way to satisfy her, Anna felt that it was one

of the happiest moments of her life.

It had snowed all night. The entire city was covered in snow in the 323 Toxic Heroism > early morning


The next day, several young armed people gathered around the Joan Group’s warehouse on the city’s

eastern outskirts. They’d been waiting in the public restroom across from the gate all night.

“Are you sure this is the place?” Emily asked Ryan in a low voice.

Ryan pointed to the warehouse across the street and said, “Ves, I’m certain of it. ‘ve been here several

times. Every week around this time, they come here to deliver drugs to the downtown nightclubs.”

“Ryan, it’s 2:00 a.m. and everyone is wearing casual outfit. We can’t keep waiting any longer. We

should retreat.”

Ryan frowned and replied, “No, hold on a little longer. They will definitely come.”

Emily knelt down and looked at her watch, which read 59 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. She feared

they’d get sick if they stayed in this weather all night.

“Ted, are you there?” she asked after pressing the intercom.

Ted replied, “Yes, I’m here. What is it?”

“Go back to the car. It might get colder later, and we didn’t bring any heating devices. So, I’m afraid

someone might get sick.”

“What? So, how about you?”

Emily knew what he meant, then frowned and replied, “Don’t worry about me, Ted. Ryan and | will just

wait here. If anything goes wrong, I’l let you know. Cut the crap and get out of here.”

Ted replied, “Okay.”

It was early in the morning, so there wasn’t a soul around the warehouse. Five minutes later, the two

members left, leaving only her and 323 Toxic Heroism > Ryan.

Emily glanced at Ryan and asked, “Are you cold? Actually, you can leave with them. I can be here by

myself. Well, | doubt anyone will come now that it’s nearly dawn.”

Ryan appeared dissatisfied, then refused by saying, “No, I’m not going. You can go with them, Emily. |

told you I’d be fine here by myself.”

Emily became even more enraged and said, “Ryan, will you please stop talking? | can join you in facing

the danger, but | must be responsible for my crew. They can’t possibly stay here all night! Will you

watch fewer superhero films? I’m sure I’ll get the school to discipline you after the rit”

“Whatever! There’s absolutely no way I’ll be teamed up with you again in the future.”

Emily was so outraged that she didn’t want to talk with Ryan anymore. She paused for a moment

before standing up with her gun and saying, “What exactly did you say? You don’t want to be in the

same group as me, do you? Okay, I’ll go now. Then | will ask the school to transfer you to the campus

in London. | don’t want to spend any more time with you here. Damn! Only a fool would do that!”

Emily packed her belongings and left after she finished speaking. Meanwhile, Ryan shivered as he

clenched his teeth. He couldn’t feel his hands because it was so cold.

He became hungry after about 30 minutes. As he reached into his pocket, he found a hard object

inside. He took it out and discovered it was hardtack. He froze for a beat before looking in the direction

Emily had just left.

Ryan actually knew why Emily was strongly against his idea. They were only ona drill, and the school

and the troops had made the best 323 Toxic Heroism pial safety measures for them. However, they

would still be at risk.

Their group was the most special one because they were literally going to a crime den to fight


While Ryan was still immersed in his thought, he heard the sound of a car driving by. In the quiet,

snowy night, the sound seemed very clear. The streetlights illuminated the entire warehouse, and

eventually, a white van drove up to the warehouse’s entrance.

Five men then stepped out of the car. After that, one of them opened the door to the warehouse and

said, “As soon as we finish this deal, we can go home for Christmas.”

“Yeah, and we’ll get a good cut of the profits this time. To be honest, | just love doing business with

Fred. Isn’t he the best? “

“Actually, it’s not all because of Fred. His bosses decide how much of a pay cut to give us.”

“Who are them?”

Another man got out of the car while they were talking. Ryan couldn’t see his face because he wore a

black raincoat, sunglasses, and a mask.

Indifferently, the mysterious man said, “Stop chatting and start working, guys. Because this is the final

batch, we should be extra cautious.”

One of the men said disdainfully, “What’s the problem? Are you scared? You know that if you want to

make money, you must take that risk You shouldn’t be in this business if you’re terrified.”

“Shut up. If you guys keep talking, I’m going to drive the car away.

“What? What the f**k are you talking about?”

Ryan frowned at those men, pondering over when he should rush out. 323 Toxic Heroism al

He believed that if he fought with them, they would take the upper hand Meanwhile, this time, he had a

lot of gear with him and he was well-prepared, so he figured he’d give it a shot.

The group then drove the man in black away. Then he slowly walked toward the bathroom. At the same

time, Ryan had been waiting for him in the corner for quite some time, holding a dagger and a drug-

filled gauze. As the man walked in, Ryan grabbed the man’s neck and placed gauze over his mouth

After a brief struggle, the man collapsed to the ground.

Ryan sighed in relief and cursed in his heart. He froze when he took off the man’s mask because he

recognized him as Mr. Gilbert of the Joan Group.

Ryan knew that Gilbert and Richard were involved in some illegal transactions, but he had not

expected Gilbert to do drug trafficking in person. He appeared highly cautious about it and feared that

those guys would mess things up.

Ryan tied Gilbert up and shoved him into the bathroom stall after putting on his clothes, disguising

himself as Gilbert. After that, he walked out by himself and across the street to the warehouse. The

snow was still falling and had landed on Ryan’s raincoat, making him look like a grim reaper.

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below Chapter 323 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 323 and update the next chapters of this series at


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