Novel Name : Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand Chapter 382

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382 Back to the Beginning 381 Back to the Beginning

“When are you going to leave?” Wayne asked, pulling Anna’s wandering mind back.

Anna was at a loss for words. She hadn’t thought much about when she would leave, but Wayne

seemed to have assumed she would. Then she said, “I found a girl on the island, and I want to adopt

her. Maybe I’ll leave once the adoption process is completed.”

Wayne nodded thoughtfully. “Just call Karl if you need any help,” he said calmly after a brief pause. He

looked convinced Anna would leave soon.

Anna was trembling and forgot what she was going to say. She knew she couldn’t stay in the hospital

any longer, so she left.

Itwasn’t until she stood at the gate of the hospital that she recalled that she simply came here to visit

Wayne. Also, she was hesitant about whether to tell Wayne she was pregnant before arriving at the

hospital. However, the moment Wayne asked her when she would leave, she was so shocked that she

completely forgot what she was going to talk to him about.

In the evening, Henry drove Matthew to Jasper’s house. On the way, he said to Anna, “Miss Gabriel,

thank you for looking after Matthew.” Anna felt guilty as she looked at Henry’s sad expression. She

asked, “What did Grandpa say, Henry? Is he really willing to let me take Matthew away? Matthew is his

only great-grandson. And he puts all of his hopes for the company’s future on Matthew.”

Henry sighed and explained, “Of course he disagreed. He had a big 381 Back to the Beginning fight

with Wayne, so he still refuses to go to the hospital to see him.”

Hearing his words, Anna felt even worse about herself.

Henry paused for a few seconds before saying hesitantly, “Wayne told me that he was going to marry

another woman after you leave. Peter found him a nice girl, and they will marry soon.”

Anna was having trouble breathing. Her face was turning pale as she was astonished.

As they arrived at the Wright’s residence, Henry opened the car door for Anna and told her, “Now that

my task is complete, I’m leaving. You can go back to our house with Matthew anytime you want and let

him meet his father.” Then he walked away.

In the living room, Matthew sat on the sofa. He looked at Anna with a puzzled expression and said,

“Mommy, Grandpa Peter said I can see you all the time from now on, right?”

Anna tried her best to smile and said, “Yes. From now on, you’ll be able to live with me and your sister

at all times.”

“and my sister?”

“Yes, and your sister.”

“What about Daddy?

“I’ll send you back if you want to see him.”

“Won’t Daddy live with us?”


Matthew’s eyes had dimmed. “Why?” he asked, disappointed

Later, the two children appeared to have lost interest in Wayne after Jasper picked Tammy up from

Selina’s house. In their room, they were happily playing with Legos.

Jasper handed Anna an application to a prestigious foreign medical 381 Back to the Beginning school

and said, “I’ve thought about it. You might not be used to giving up everything here and returning to

America with me. I think it’s better for you to do something you like.” Anna opened the file and

immediately calmed down. She said, “But | never finished college. Is it okay if | skip ahead to this?”

Jasper gently encouraged her, “It’s no problem. I sent the paper you wrote to the dean of the medical

school. After reading it, the dean of the medical school believes you are exceptionally gifted and he is

willing to admit you. You can sit in on their classes as an auditor for six months. And you can become

one of them if you pass their exams after six months.”

Anna had dreamed of being a doctor ever since she was a kid, and she had never given up her studies

over the years. But, having given up on that dream six years ago because of Wayne, she never

imagined she could study medicine again. Jasper had secretly prepared her school application, which

had touched her.

“Ifyou don’t want to go there, you can find universities you like in England.”

Anna took a deep breath and said, “No, thanks. You’ve made so much effort for me, and it’s a

prestigious school that many medical students aspire to attend. I mean, why would I not want to go


“Are you sure you can leave everything here behind?”

“Yes, I can give it a shot. There’s nothing left for me here. I’ll let Peace and Andrew take care of Lemon,

and I’ll be ready to go once Tracy’s adoption is completed.”

“Okay.” Jasper gave a thoughtful nod.

This year had been a follow-up to Anna’s accident six years earlier. She knew that only by resolving

this issue would she be able to start living a new life. 381 Back to the Beginning

Tracy quickly adapted to life on the outside after leaving the island But when she found out she was

going abroad with Anna, she looked disappointed.

“That man inside the garden said you were taking me abroad, Anna.”

“Don’t you want to go abroad? I’m going to leave, but I can’t leave you here alone.”

“Am going with that middle-aged gentleman?” Tracy blinked.

“Huh?” Anna was stunned for a moment before realizing Tracy was referring to Jasper. Jasper was

about to turn forty, so Tracy assumed he was middle-aged.

Anna couldn’t stop laughing and said, “Yes, we will leave with him. But we won’t be living with him, so

don’t worry.”

Tracy asked, disappointed, “Huh? We’re not going to stay together?”

Anna asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong? You look disappointed.”

“Of course I’m disappointed! He was the first person I saw after leaving the island, and he saved my

life! Also, he has been looking after me these days. I can tell that he’s a gentle and considerate


Anna explained, “We don’t live together, but we live close to where he lives. We can see each other

quite frequently. So, don’t worry, Tracy.” Upon hearing Anna’s words, Tracy appeared less


Then Anna added, “Well, don’t think too much about it. I’ll show you around the city these days. We’ll

leave once the adoption paperwork is completed.”

Tracy nodded. Anna suddenly thought of something as she walked to the door and asked, “Do you

want to go see your dad before you 381 Back to the Beginning leave?”

Tracy frowned and said, “No! He’s not my dad.”

Anna nodded and closed the door, thinking, Ofthe twenty people on the island, only Mike made it out

alive. He was arrested and sentenced to life in prison at the police station. He might never leave the

prison again for the rest of his life. Tracy… Yeah, she hates Mike to the core even though he’s her

father. !don’t think she will want to get in touch with him anymore.

Tracy was going to an orphanage after the police department verified her identity. As a result, Anna

was unable to adopt her directly. The adoption policy at the orphanage said that children could only be

adopted by married couples. Jasper finally registered her as his adopted daughter. He also gave her

anew name: Isabella Thomas.

About Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand -

Falling in Love With A One-Night Stand is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With

the below Chapter 382 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably,

despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late.

Please read chapter Chapter 382 and update the next chapters of this series at


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