Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 472

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Chapter 472

The Qin Dynasty was sitting in an abandoned armored vehicle with a Cuban cigar in its mouth, just like enjoying the American blockbuster, watching the rouge fighting the self defense forces in the sky.

The Qin Dynasty is a little sorry. It would be better if there were popcorn in hand. Where can I see such a real and powerful 3D blockbuster!

And it seems that the self defense forces are all concentrated here. It seems that the devil people in Tokyo have dealt with it almost. 10. To be honest, he's a character. Before he died, he could still make Tokyo look like this, which is not a waste of time Rouge cut a helicopter in half with a metal knife modified from a helicopter propeller, and scolded the Qin Dynasty which was watching the good drama below.

"Lao Tzu is very tired on the top, but you are very happy below!"

"Pooh Qin Dynasty grabbed a car out of thin air from the side and threw it out according to the rouge, "Ya, don't say such ambiguous words!"

"Who has the ambiguity!" Rouge turned back and split the car with a knife, and pointed up a middle finger of a machine to the Qin Dynasty, "it's clearly that you are too evil. No, I have to tell the master to stay away from you so that she will not be damaged by you

Qin Dynasty curled his lips, "what do you think you are..."

While two people were quarrelling, the self-defense forces around suddenly slowly retreated and then withdrew from the attack range.

For a time, such a large street, left the Qin Dynasty and rouge this pair of monsters.

The two men glared at each other for a long time.

"What's the matter?" Qin Dynasty a leg, the body jumped up, and then sat on the shoulders of rouge, looked around. The self defense forces, they're running away in a hurry. "Why did they all run away? Are you afraid of being beaten? "

"Your uncle, can you walk by yourself and do something on my shoulder?"

"You're stupid. How tired you are to walk on your own. Why don't you use it for free?" Qin Dynasty says, heel kicks the metal robot under the body one foot.

"Shit! Despise you Rouge knows that he can't beat this guy. If he gets angry, he sucks his soul with magic pill. It's not worth the loss.

He started the propeller, suspended in the air, and the machine eyes scanned around.

"Tut Tut, the propeller flies slowly. If only there were fighter planes. I would take down their engines and propellers and install them."

The cold sweat of Qin Dynasty is too strong. If you really want something, you can make it yourself.

"Rouge, East!" Qin Dynasty competed to damage this guy, and suddenly frowned, patted Rouge's head and said.

When you turn around and see the building is still intact, there is nothing left.

"No, there is no one. Are you too nervous?"

"No, I smell a strong smell!" Qin Dynasty facial expression some is not very good-looking, said, "this stink, compared with the ordinary devil, is ten thousand times stronger."

The heart of Qin Dynasty is making murmur, is x come back from the dead?

It's impossible for him to cut the lotus with his own power! Even high-level demons can't escape under the sword of white lotus.

Even his dirty soul has dissipated between heaven and earth.

The power of the white lotus chop is too strong. Before the Qin Dynasty could absorb the soul power of this demon, it was scattered by Buddhism, magic and the sharpness of Tianjian.

Where did this stink come from

Besides x, there are other big demons in the east capital?

Without waiting for the Qin Dynasty to understand, from the eastern sky, suddenly slowed down to two helicopters.

"Jie Jie, that's great. The enemy is playing again!"

Seeing the self-defense forces coming, rouge was excited. As soon as the body tilted, she took the initiative to meet her.

Two helicopters, seeing Rouge coming, launched air-to-air missiles. The four missiles tracked automatically, made two arcs in the air, and then exploded on rouge.

At this time, Rouge's body, emerged a layer of light film.

This is the vitality of the Qin Dynasty, the role of rouge on the body, the formation of the yuan Qi shield!

Rouge laughs two times, the speed remains unchanged, and continues to rush past.

The two helicopters knew they couldn't beat the monster, so they turned around and ran away.

"Where to run!"

Rouge screamed strangely, raised his left arm, and the Vulcan missile was ready to launch.

But before he could make a move, in the Far East, a huge red fireball suddenly flew and directly hit one of the helicopters.


The huge explosion directly turned the helicopter into a bigger fireball.

At the same time, which house nearby, affected by the heat wave, exploded together and turned into scrap iron and fell to the ground.

"What is this?" Rouge stares at the helicopter that turns into two big fireballs and asks the one on the shoulder.

"Hellfire." The voice of Qin Dynasty is a little serious, "it seems that a big guy has come."Said, another huge ball of fire whistling over, in the air drawn a beautiful red flame tail.

The fireball exploded on the Rouge's yuan Qi shield. The powerful Vajra Sutra attribute makes the yuan Qi shield indestructible. Even the high-temperature hell flame can't do anything about rouge.

"Jie Jie, come on, I'm not afraid!"

The rouge floats in the flame and raises the middle finger to the distant place.

Rouge's character, Qin Dynasty feel like a child.

"Oh Far away in the East, a tearing whistling came over. Then the earth began to shake.

"Bang, bang, Bang..." It seems that the sound of Qin's drum is directly into the eardrum.

After a while, in the opposite building behind, slowly out of a huge figure.

What's that? It's me Rao is rouge, can't help shouting.

Qin Dynasty is also narrow eyes, staring at the giant opposite.

This guy is nearly 20 meters high. He stood there, his head a lot higher than the building next to him.

His appearance, and the ordinary devil basically no big difference. However, more terrifying is that his body, covered with the ugly head of the devil.

One by one, the heads were like a tumor, all over his body.

In a flash, the Qin Dynasty suddenly understood why those demons disappeared from Tokyo so quickly.

It seems that they were all devoured by this big guy and became a part of him.


The huge devil suddenly opened his ugly mouth and roared.

His arms, beating his chest, looked very angry.

And the devil's breath on him became more intense, as if some kind of energy was being rapidly compressed.

"It seems like a big move..." The hands of the Qin Dynasty were placed on the rouge, conveying their own vitality. As long as he has enough energy, the shield will not be destroyed.

At the same time, the Qin Dynasty kept a close eye on the movement of the huge demon man on the opposite side. The giant suddenly opened his arms and his mouth was full of thieves. At the same time, the demonic head of his whole body opened its mouth at the same time, and it looked very terrible.


From the troll man's mouth, a huge ball of fire erupted.

The whole body, do not know how many demons, but also spewed out countless fireballs. Centered around the troll's body, it's spreading out.

In the air, a lot of beautiful flame tails were pulled out for a time, and the turbulent heat wave rolled up.

"Boom, boom!"

The surrounding buildings and streets were all hit by fireballs and exploded one after another. The rubble and flame were caught together, flying into the air and falling down again.

The scene, as if the end of the day.

More fireballs, turning an arc in the air, seem to have eyes, chasing rouge on this side of the convergence.

"Jie Jie, it seems that the key is to take care of me!" Rouge to those fireballs, the machine gun in his hand fired in succession, the bullets poured out madly, and broke many fireballs in a row.

But the number of fireballs was too much, as if it was raining with flames. It was slapped on the Rouge's vitality shield.

In the fire, the slightly golden yuan Qi shield is particularly dazzling.

No matter how large the number of fireballs, Yuanqi shield is still firmly shining to protect the safety of rouge.

As for Qin Dynasty himself, even if these fireballs hit him, they were just to warm him up.

"Rouge, get closer and get rid of that big fool."

Qin Dynasty patted Rouge's head and said.

"Hey, give it to me!" Rouge whistled excitedly, met the fireballs and flew forward.

The fireball in front of him half a meter distance, has exploded, does not hurt him at all.

He himself was more aroused by the fire, eulaoula screamed strangely in his mouth, and the gun barrel on his shoulder also rose.


The cannons from the type 10 MBT hit the troll.

A small spark burst from the troll's neck.

This guy is too big. Such a fierce artillery attack seems to have no effect on him.

Only a small blood mark was blown open, and the troll was provoked to be ferocious. All over his body, his thick yellow brown eyes, were all brushing and staring at the rouge.

"Jie Jie, Laozi can also enjoy the feeling of people's attention. It's really good."

This Rouge has been with Qin Dynasty for a long time, and his skin is naturally as thick as him. He dropped the Vulcan missile, and the troll had a series of sparks, but it did little harm to him.

Both sides sprayed fireballs and missiles at each other, but neither seemed to be able to do anything about the other.As soon as the eyes of the Qin Dynasty turned, they suddenly fell on a small head in the middle of the troll's forehead.

That's not the devil's head!

Although it is also red skin, but his forehead, but there are no long horns.

And on the bridge of his nose was a pair of glasses.

His eyes, dull and inanimate, only turbid pupil, slowly contract, enlarge.

"Dr Watanabe!" Qin Dynasty's heart moved, as if to understand something, "it's this guy who made the ghost Rouge, shoot me on his forehead

"Aurora, Aurora! Come on

Rouge immediately took the main gun of the tank and aimed at Watanabe's head on his forehead.

A shell was ejected and hit the ugly face exactly.

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