Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 917

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Chapter 917

"Ma Le Gobi, Lao Tzu's clothes are too expensive. Lose money quickly!"

The boy who had been splashed with wine immediately yelled.

"More, how much..."

Li Na looked at the group of bad boys, flustered and asked.

"It doesn't cost much. If you throw ten thousand yuan here, we'll let you go."

Hua huatou said a number, which made Li Na astonished.

"What, one, ten thousand dollars!"

Li Na exclaimed, "where is such an expensive dress! Besides, I, I just threw a glass of wine

"Why not so expensive?"

Huahuatou looked at Li Na with disdain, "you village girl, what do you know! My brother's clothes can only be dry cleaned, and the fabric will be wasted if it is stained with water! Let you pay 10000, or see you are a student sister, give you a discount! "

"Yes, but I don't have so much money..."

Li Na put one hand around her drunken friend Shangluo, and the other touched her pocket.

There, only three hundred yuan was loaded in it, and I still worked as a tutor myself.

"Well, you are a poor student and can't afford to pay so much."

The flower head mouth with a smile, and said, "well, you don't have to lose money."

"Really, really?"

Li Na blinked her eyes. She couldn't believe it. Just now, she changed her mouth.

Is he wrong? In fact, he is a very good person?

"Of course, my brother Liang didn't keep his word when he said it! But, after all, you have soiled my brother's Armani, and the material has been wasted. I can't explain it to my brother after all. After that, my brother Liang will not have to mix on the road. "

"Well, what should I do..."

Li Na has no idea.

"Well, let's talk at the table. You drink this wine, and I'll let you go

Huahuatou refers to the wine glass pushed in front of her.


Li Na came here to accompany Shangluo. She only danced and didn't drink any wine.

This girl is a good girl at school and at home. When did she drink wine.

Shangluo is open to drink, because the college entrance examination is over, it is not easy to put down the pressure, let the girl completely relaxed.

It's just a drink. You should not be so useless. Pour one.

Li Na looked at the crystal clear liquid in the glass, bit her teeth, and said, spell it.

She held the glass and looked at the flower head again.

"If you really drink it, you'll let us go?"

"Of course! My brother Liang keeps his word

Hua Hua's head nodded, but she was smiling in her heart.

Drink, drink this glass of wine, you are my brother Liang's person tonight.

This glass of wine, but put my brother Liang's medicine. After you drink, three seconds, you have to fall in my brother Liang's arms!

Ha ha ha, I really didn't expect that today, I can play a pure student sister!

Look at her appearance, she should be a high school student!

In the last time I saw the pig, how did the fat pig yell?

Oh, by the way, sabarahi, sabarahi!

This little Japan is really funny. It's just the last woman. What's so rare about it!

Huahuatou's eyes are full of lustre, waiting for the high school girl to drink this wine.

The girl is very beautiful, and the one in her arms is also good. Good, I can play double flying tonight. I hope both girls are chicks!

In his expectant eyes, the girl picked up the glass and slowly sent it to the ruddy lips.

Just when the glass was about to touch the girl's lips, a hand was suddenly stretched out from the slant and grabbed the glass.


This glass of flavored wine was spilled on the body of the Armani man just now.


Li Na uttered a exclamation, but her eyes flashed with surprise when she saw the visitor.

"Brother Qin!"

"Trough, my Armani! Do you want to die

The boy said angrily.

"Armani, your sister! Wear a Benny Road, what Armani do you and I pretend to be? Get out of here

Qin Dynasty flies up a foot, kicks in this brother's body, immediately kicks him on the ground.

"Shit, you want to die!"

The huahuatoudun stood up, pointed to the Qin Dynasty and scolded, "do you know who we are? Dare to disturb our good things!"

"I don't know who you rubbish are. But you dare to touch my sister. I only know that you will be a group of dead people. "

Qin Dynasty blocks in front of Li Na, sneers.

"Brother Qin..."

Li Na, like a frightened rabbit, shrank behind the Qin Dynasty."Nana, why are you here?"

The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.

"Well, this is not the end of the college entrance examination My friend said to find a place to vent, so I came with her... "

"I'll go. If you don't go back all night, you won't be afraid that sister Xu will say you!"

"That I told my mother that I lived in my friend's house... "

Li Na spat out her little tongue in embarrassment.

"Well, it's a good girl after all. Your mother can believe this reason and take it."

Qin Dynasty is very helpless, want him to go to high school that meeting, want to go out with classmates to pack a bed on the Internet, looking for 10000 reasons, were his mother exposed.

"Brother Liang, he ignored us!"

Five big three thick younger brother reminds way.

"Malgobi, dare to ignore us

Huahuatou was even more angry. He picked up a wine bottle and broke it on the table beside him. Holding the broken bottle, he pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said, "I tell you, we are from the Daqin Gang! Do you dare to provoke us? You are dead today. "

"Daqin Gang?"

The Qin Dynasty moved his neck for a while, and said with displeasure, "so is da Qin Gang. How did you do it recently? All the rotten goods are collected."

"Brother Liang, he said we are rotten goods!"

The five big three thick young brother said in the side.

"Lying trough, you don't need to remind me, I'm not stupid!"

Huahuatou, holding a bottle of wine, exclaimed, "brothers, I'll give up this boy today! If you dare to offend the Daqin Gang, he will live to the end! "

Said, five or six people immediately to the Qin Dynasty to surround, each with a swing stick, wine bottle or something, covetously looking at the Qin Dynasty.

As soon as this side makes a noise, the people nearby immediately scream and disperse.

"Heaven's hindrance..."

Li Na was also a little scared. Looking at the sharp broken wine bottle in huahuatou's hand, she couldn't help getting cold all over her body.

"Brother Qin I, let's call the police... "

"Hey, brother Qin is here. What kind of police are you calling?"

The Qin Dynasty didn't look at these little scumbags at all. In his eyes, he took out a cigarette and lit one for himself. "To clean them up, it's only half a smoke."

"Brother Liang, he looks down on our brothers!"

Five big three thick younger brother reminds a way again.

"Your sister, I'm not deaf!"

Huahuatou roared, "elder brothers, give me this son of a bitch!"

A cigarette lit up in the Qin Dynasty. He kicked the man who was more than 1.7 meters out of the room for more than 10 meters and knocked down a table. People around him screamed.

At the sight of the power of the foot, the several people who had originally rushed fiercely were all frightened and did not dare to go further.

This guy, it seems to have practiced!

"Brother Liang, he, he seems to have practiced!"

Just now very fierce five big three thick younger brother, can't help but shiver, said.

"I, I see..."

Huahuatou's legs are also a little soft.

However, he soon regained his composure.

"Hum, you're finished. Although you have practiced, you dare to make trouble in Daqin gang. This time you will die! "

Just as he was talking, several black suits came over, and one of them frowned and asked the flower head.

"Liang Er, where are you doing this? I don't know this is the place of Daqin gang. You'll die. "

"Oh, brother Hong, how dare I Liang ER!"

Hua Hua changed his face and said with a smile, "I Liang Er, I don't want to mix with brother Hong. It's too late to help you protect the farm. How dare you make trouble?"

"Well, Liang Er, you should also highlight your moves. It's OK for you to take your people to eat, drink and drink here. If you dare to make trouble, I will be blamed for ignoring my friendship. "

The black suit frowned and continued, "tell me, what's going on?"

"Brother Hong! It's all him, it's him

Liang Er immediately pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said, "he started to hit people first! I've said that this is the place of Daqin Gang, but this boy doesn't pay attention to Daqin Gang, and kicks my brother away! Brother Hong, you have to decide for me

Liang Er turned right and wrong, pointing to the Qin Dynasty, splashed dirty water on him.

His heart is still proud of the sneer, hem, you are not with me to pretend, you have not practiced it!

This time, I see how you die!

Liang Er sneered, but soon, his mouth could not be closed, that smile, all disappeared, became a thorough surprise.

"Lord Qin, what do you want to do with this boy?"

Wang Hong is not stupid. He must have wanted to die when he knew that this guy had planted the stolen goods by pointing to Lord Qin.

He simply bent down and asked the Qin Dynasty respectfully.

"I don't care about them. Well, you can just watch and deal with it. The boy wants to give my sister a drink. You know how to do it. ""Yes, I understand."

Wang Hong is still very clever. When he waves his hand, a few black suits immediately step forward and easily put those gangsters down.

"If you dare to touch Mr. Qin's sister, Liang Er, don't blame me for neglecting my old love. Now, you're useless... "

"I, I..."

Liang Er looked at all the brothers around him, and Wang Hong looked at him with the same eyes as the dead. He was scared to death. Before that kind of arrogance and complacency, all disappeared, blink of an eye became fear.

"Lord Qin, I didn't know you were Lord Qin! I didn't know this lady Oh, no, the little princess is your sister! You have a lot, please forgive me! I, I just want to make a joke I didn't mean to be in the way... "

"Ha ha, you're kidding. Yes, I'm just kidding you, too

Qin Dynasty played the ash, "I will make you laugh very happy."

Qin Dynasty said, walked past, a hand put on that Liang er's shoulder.

"Come on, which hand did you put the medicine in the wine just now?"

"I, I..."

Liang er's mouth was dry. Looking at Qin Dynasty's eyes, he only felt that he was looking at a devil.

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