Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1051

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Chapter 1051

"It's so interesting."

Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, put a cigarette clean, throw under the foot trample out, "to now, you still don't know what person you are provoking?"

"I despise you."

Si Wuji bit his teeth and said, "I thought you were just an ordinary underworld leader. I didn't expect that you were a member of the cultivation world."

"Oh, but it's too late for you to know."

Qin Dynasty looked at Si Wuji, as if looking at a dead man.

"Not necessarily."

Si Wuji turned his eyes to Wang Xinxin and Barbara, who were sitting on one side. "Two masters, the family depends on you."

"I can help you with this person, but the reward is..."

Barbara said in stiff Chinese.

"Pay is not a problem! As long as he dies, we are willing to pay as much as we can! "

Mrs. Wang cried out in a hurry.

She's scared. She's really scared.

This man, it's horrible.

Move your fingers and you'll blow your head.

I have never heard of such a thing!

"Yes, as long as we can kill him, our family is willing to pay a large sum of money to the two masters."

Si Wuji knew that this was not the time to be stingy. After straightening out the Qin Dynasty, he naturally smoothed the Dafa group and the Daqin gang.

moreover, Si Wuji's father taught him that any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

"Then I will

Barbara nodded contentedly, then turned to look at the Qin Dynasty standing in the middle of the living room.

"Boy, you seem to have some powers. People like you have some ability to deal with ordinary people. But it's bad luck for you to meet me Barbara

That Barbara said, hiding a pair of small eyes in the robe, staring at the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh, is it?"

"Qin Dynasty ha ha laughs," I pour to feel, today is your bad day. "

"It's still stupid to die."

Wang Xinxin, who came from Taiwan, couldn't help laughing and said, "do you know who this is? This is Barbara, a famous Thai head lowering master. She is called Yama. As long as it's the one my master Barbara is going to kill, he hasn't lived that night yet! "

"Oh, is that so?"

The Qin Dynasty didn't take it seriously and laughed, "it seems that just now this suicidal woman, Yan Luo, just failed once, right?"

"It was just an accident!"

Barbara growled, "now, I'll use you to wash my Barbara shame away!"

With that, Barbara began to say the mantra again.

A child God flew out of Barbara's body. He was chased out by the Qin Dynasty.

Barbara didn't see the power of Taoism or Buddhism from the man in front of her. She really thought that he was just an ordinary power man, so she released the last child God to kill the Qin Dynasty.

When the child God came out, although Wang Xinxin and Si Wuji could not see it, they were all cold.


Qin Dynasty is like nothing, took out the fire machine, in the child God hovered over his head, and lit a cigarette.

Barbara sneered, it seems that this man can not see his own child God. Well, let him die with ignorance.

Barbara quickly recited the mantra, and the child god suddenly fell down and roared away toward the Qin Dynasty.

At this time, the hands of the Qin Dynasty, suddenly holding a black sickle, brush so throw a black light.

The head of the child God was cut into two parts by the sickle, and it was slowly broken.


The child God was cut off, Barbara's body was very terrible, a mouthful of black blood, once again dyed on the carpet.

"How, how possible!"

Looking at the cut child God, Barbara looked at the Qin Dynasty in panic, "you, you even hurt my child God!"

"Children's stuff, less out of disgusting people."

The Qin Dynasty took the black scythe and said, "the following is to solve you."

"Master, I'll help you!"

Wang Xinxin immediately released a child God from his body and integrated into Barbara's body.

With the attachment of the child God, Barbara's injury was slightly stable.

At the same time, her expression under the robe is very ferocious.

"I want your life!"

Barbara suddenly took off the hood of her robe, revealing a rather delicate face.

Of course, if you don't count her empty eyeball.

This is a half blind man.

Barbara, who has only one eye, bites her tongue and spits out a blood arrow at her own child God who has been cut open. She is hitting her child God."Let you know the horror of our head drop! Come on, drop your head

With Barbara's voice, the child God who had been cut off suddenly began to twist constantly. The two skulls also turned into red meat balls, crowding and swelling each other.

Soon, a guy as ugly as he wants to be, appears in everyone's sight.

Si Wuji's face was livid. Mrs. Wang opened her eyes in fear. Bo Yue's legs trembled beside her.

My God, what the hell is this!

A huge monster more than five meters high is slowly wriggling on the ground.

All over its body, it is covered with ugly heads of children, with blood and intestines spreading everywhere. It is really as terrible as it is to be.

"This is your greatest dependence, the evil god?"

Qin Dynasty is sitting on a big sofa in the living room, beating his legs, carrying a black sickle in one hand and a cigarette in the other, laughing indifferently.

"Soon you will know how terrible it is!"

Barbara pressed the wound, her eyes twinkled with crazy light, and drove the disgusting evil god to attack the Qin Dynasty.

All the heads of the God roared, and then the twisted intestines, like dozens of flexible snakes, flew towards the Qin Dynasty.

"It's disgusting. It's better not to stain my clothes."

Qin Dynasty was sitting on the sofa with his legs still, cigarette in his mouth, and a black scythe flying around in his hand, spinning black light, like a windmill, cutting all the intestines in front of him.

"No way, how can it be so fast!"

Barbara clenched her teeth. "No one can stop the evil god of falling head, no one!"

With that, she continued to urge the incantation, and the hundreds of heads of the evil god immediately opened their mouths and vomited out disgusting intestines with an ugly howl.

This time, hundreds of intestines are spreading towards the Qin Dynasty.

"It's disgusting. Can't you have a more beautiful move?"

Qin Dynasty shakes his head and sighs. At the same time, he swings the sickle to the side, spits out the cigarette end, and drinks aloud in his mouth.


The pure Buddhist power of Vajra Sutra is brought out by this six character Daming mantra.

Like a whirlpool of Buddhist light, it spread out in front of the Qin Dynasty, bumping into the intestines that rushed over, and immediately turned those intestines into powder.

"This is Buddha! impossible! Why is it that a gifted person is proficient in Buddhism? "

Barbara's eyes widened and she let out a cry of despair, "no!"

"No, your sister!"

The figure of the Qin Dynasty appeared in front of the huge body of the evil god with its head down. At the same time, the sickle in his hand was swung and a beautiful chop was made, which immediately split the body of the evil god with his head in two.


The body has been cut into two, and the evil god can still roar.

"Give me a thorough death! Nine you magic palm

Qin Dynasty left palm hits, white as jade's one hand claps on that falls head evil god's body.

All of a sudden, the head down evil god was burning a white flame all over his body, and soon was burned to ashes, with no residue left.

In the hall of this villa, only burnt carpet is left.

The Qin Dynasty clapped hands. The flame was well controlled. It burned the head dropping evil god, but did not light the whole house by the way.

If it is so burned to death Si Wuji them, it will be meaningless.

"I, my head dropping evil god..."

Barbara and Wang Xinxin, both bleeding from seven orifices, fell to the ground.

Barbara was still murmuring.

On her face, it's unbelievable.

"How can a little Nanyang magic compare with my Oriental cultivation?"

The Qin Dynasty, carrying a sickle, went to Barbara and sneered, "originally you and I have nothing to do with each other, but you just run to die. Don't blame me for being rude."

With a wave of his sickle, he cut Barbara's head off.

Barbara rolled her head aside and blinked with one eye. Unwilling and frightened, she closed her eyes reluctantly.

She has been driving the child's head to be a child God, but today her own head has been cut off.

Originally, even if her head falls off, it can also be used as a silk bottle to fly out and harm people. But the ghost of Qin Dynasty not only cut her head, but also cut her soul in two.

Without soul, the silk bottle is empty talk.

Seeing his master's death, Wang Xin exclaimed, without hesitation, his head came out of his body and turned into a silk vase to escape.

As long as you find the right body, you can still revive yourself.

So, get out of this terrible man!"Want to run?"

In the Qin Dynasty, Wang Xinxin's head flying to the distance was a sickle.


A black awn appeared out of thin air, more than ten meters apart, cutting Wang Xinxin's head in two, including her twisted soul.

After solving the problem, the Qin Dynasty took back the scythe, turned around and looked at Si Wuji and Mrs. Wang, who were already holding each other and shaking into chaff.

"I've entertained the guests from afar. Now it's your turn."

Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, slowly came over, said.

"No, don't come here!"

Si Wuji and Mrs. Wang shake into a group, and that boyue is directly kneeling down, begging for mercy.

"Spare me, spare me! I, I was just forced to do by them, not out of my original intention! Please spare me! It's both of them. They want to kill you! "

In the face of death, loyalty, dignity, all can be abandoned.

Boyao kowtowed to the Qin Dynasty, hoping to survive.

And Si Wuji was afraid enough. Now I heard that my loyal confidant betrayed me so much that I almost committed heart disease.

"In that case, I can give you a chance."

Qin Dynasty looks at kneeling in front of the body unceasingly kowtow of Bo Yue, said.

"Really, really?"

"Of course it is true. I swear in the name of God that if you do what I say, I will spare your life."

The words of the Qin Dynasty undoubtedly lit up the vitality of boyue.

"Will you do it?"

"I will, of course I will!"

As long as he can survive, even if he eats excrement, he is willing to do it.

compared with life, everything else is nothing.


Qin Dynasty palm a turn, light out a 54 big black star, handed to Bo Yue.

"If you kill them, I'll let you go."

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