Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1130

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Chapter 1130

It's the day that comes and goes.

When the danger is not sensed, Ying Tian's appendage state has left.

The whole body of the Qin Dynasty was somewhat detached and fell slowly towards the ground.

A cold sweat on his head.

It's too dangerous. It's too dangerous.

If not should day even if appear, oneself this time is really want to hang up.

Put yourself in that ghost place, no AV, no sister paper bubble, it's better to kill yourself directly!

It's still the air outside

There are more chicks out there.

Look at that beautiful woman, dressed in cheongsam, wrapped her body into a concave and convex shape

that chest, that buttock, tut, with strength

that thigh It's so white. I don't know how swollen it feels to feel. The cheongsam's fork is too low. If it was higher, you could see the beauty's little interior

Wait Cheongsam beauty

The spirit of the Qin Dynasty was about to relax when it suddenly jumped up again.

Because in front of him, a man in a black suit is walking slowly.

In the man behind, followed by the cheongsam beauty, beauty mouth with a sneer, like looking at the dead, looking at themselves.

"Xuanfeng And Black Unicorn... "

Qin Dynasty stood up and looked at the two uninvited guests, "do you want to join in the fun?"

"I'm not interested in the laushizi satellite weapon."

Black Kirin, holding a cigar in his mouth, said with a smile.

It seems that he is also very well informed. He knows who the Qin Dynasty protected and what he did.

"What are you doing? You don't seem to be very welcome here

The Qin Dynasty was cold.

No wonder he felt that there was a fatal danger nearby. He thought he had judged the magic of life in advance.

It turns out that it is the Black Unicorn that brings him the pressure!

A cold sweat began to appear on the forehead of the Qin Dynasty.

The good will not hinder

These two people have just met in the daytime, how come they meet again at night, it is definitely not a good thing.

"Why, did Xuanfeng see me in the daytime and was conquered by my heroism, and she was impatient to see me at night?"

The Qin Dynasty calmed himself down, lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. At the same time, he kept sweeping Xuanfeng's body with his red fruit eyes. "However, you can come. How can you bring a bodyguard? It's so boring."

"in response, you can continue to have fun."

Xuanfeng's face turned white and said angrily, "anyway, your life will not be long. I will not see you in the same way."

"My life, it seems that you don't mean it."

Qin Dynasty looked at the Xuan bee coldly.

"I naturally said it was not, but our boss has the final say, ha ha..."

Xuanfeng laughed, very proud of his smile.

It's like this is not the boss, it's her father.

Fight Dad!

And the mouth of the boss, the Qin Dynasty feel that this woman is a small three-level secretary.

But who can have such a enchanting female secretary, also worth.

I just don't know whether heiqilin understands the humor. Otherwise, it would be a pity that Bai has such a female secretary who doesn't know how to appreciate and taste.

"Your boss..."

The Qin Dynasty looked at the black Qilin, who smoked a cigar and looked comfortable.

Grandma, are you smoking cigars or marijuana?

"Why, comrade Xiaohei, if you don't succeed in the daytime, you come to me at night?"

"Xiaohei Comrade... "

Black Qilin's blue veins jumped, and Xuanfeng raised his eyebrows.

How dare you call black Qilin!

He's looking for death!


Xuan bee's hair turned into strands of yellow, mixed with black hair.

At the same time, there were sharp black nails on her ten slender fingers.

It's like ten broken thorns, ready to pierce into the heart of the Qin Dynasty.

"Xuanfeng, you are not his opponent."

Black Qilin waved his hand and said, "tonight, he is mine."

"I'll mow the grass! You have such a strong taste

"I'm sorry, I'm a woman I like. If you like men, you can go to gluttonous. He's big! Black face, strong body, can meet all your requirements! You can't do it. You can get back to your real life and have fun

The words of the Qin Dynasty made two people feel the sky thunder rolling.

In particular, the Black Unicorn, who has learned about modern life, has blue tendons on his head.

"Yingtian, I didn't expect that in this life, you have learned a lot of verbal skills."

"What's in your mouth?"The Qin Dynasty said with a smile, "I don't know if you, Xuanfeng secretary, can make your blood angry..."

Black Qilin didn't understand this time, but he knew it was not a good thing to say.

"It's no use talking hard. Today is destined to be your death."

Black Qilin laughed, "although I promised not to attack your woman, I will not be merciful to you."


Qin Dynasty smile, "you are not afraid of Yingtian to wake up and crush you?"

"Yingtian? Ha ha ha

The Black Unicorn laughed wildly. The laughter was very gloomy in the dark.

"Don't you know that Ying Tian's soul can only wake up once a day and only help you once? Do you really think that Yingtian can awaken infinitely and become your life-saving straw? How to say in modern words, become your invincible plug-in? You think so well

Hearing black Qilin's words, Qin Dynasty's heart was tense.

It turns out that you can only wake up once a day!

Is there still this restriction!

The Qin Dynasty really didn't know this. Now, there was some trouble

"I've been waiting today, waiting for this opportunity. When you meet the enemy, I'm waiting. I didn't expect that you really wasted the awakening of Ying Tian. This is really, heaven helps me, ha ha

Black Kirin laughs wildly, laughs wildly.

This kind of laughter, as if held for a long time, was finally released.

"Yingtian, Yingtian, you were a unique immortal in heaven and earth. In this life, you will only be the ghost of my black Qilin! No, no, no, I will destroy you with your dead soul

"You think so well..."

Numerous thoughts flashed through the heart of Qin Dynasty.

What to do?

General idea?

However, general mindfulness can only send yourself to the level of Jinxian period, and it is not feasible to be higher in this world.

Black Unicorn is a special species, not in the three realms, but has the power of immortal level.

Damn it. It's disgusting.

Did you just escape from the ghost gate and enter the palace of hell?

Not willing to stand in the way of

"Yingtian, I am the terminator of your destiny."

Black Qilin lost his cigar and took two steps forward. He held out his palm to the Qin Dynasty and said, "let me finish you."

"Well thought!"

Qin Dynasty body instantly into the space gap, blink of an eye came to the other side.

Originally the Qin Dynasty wanted to go to other cities in a flash, but I don't know why, but the body only moved to the seaside and stopped.

He looked at the water under him, at the distant coastline.

The spring holiday hotel is right there.

It's a bit strange that he didn't move out in a moment.

It seems that this is the restriction made by black Kirin.

"Do you think you can run?"

The voice of the Black Unicorn rings above his head.

The Qin Dynasty looked up and saw that the black Kirin was floating in the air with his feet stepping on the black flame, with an incomprehensible smile on his mouth, as if he were confident, proud, or contemptuous.

"Damn it!"

Qin Dynasty sacrificed the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king, stepped on the foot, the body turned into black light, and instantly flew toward the distance.

Escape if you can. This is not an enemy you can face.

"Can you escape?"

The voice of the black Qilin was still shadowy, following behind the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty was nervous and ran away as fast as possible.

The sea surface is magnificent, directly separated out a water wave, which is caused by the speed of the Qin Dynasty.

But he can always feel the pressure behind him, very strong

"I said, you can't run away!"

I don't know how long he has been flying. The Black Unicorn behind him seems a little impatient.

He clapped and clapped across the air.

The Qin Dynasty only felt the pressure behind him suddenly increased, and then the whole person became dark, and his body was hit by a strong force, which immediately hit an island in the sea.


He smashed directly into the island and almost penetrated it.


The Black Unicorn also fell down and stepped on the island, shaking the island constantly.

The edge of the island set off a huge wave, spread around.


Qin Dynasty abdominal injury is not light, this immortal level of strength, he can not afford.

Even if he is a King Kong Sutra quadruple, I'm afraid he can't stand such strength!

It's too much of a grade!

"All your resistance is useless."

"In front of my great Black Unicorn, you will only die like a poor mole ant."With every step he took, a deep black pit burned out on the ground.

The power of immortals can move mountains and fill the sea.

He is just the end of the thunder robbery, the top day is the meat fairy period, how can we fight against the immortal level of terror!

Qin Dynasty viscera are in pain, he reluctantly climbed out of the pit.

"God, die under my hand! From then on, heaven and earth, I am the only one

Black Qilin laughs, raises his hand and presses down toward the Qin Dynasty.

The body of the Qin Dynasty was out of control. It felt like a Mount Tai was pressing on the body, and his legs began to tremble.

After killing the Qin Dynasty, black Qilin could not even use his own jiutianjiehuo.

In ancient times, Yingtian was a very powerful character who had to kneel in front of him and tremble.

But now Yingtian, in modern words, is just a fool!

Don't know what to think of, black Qilin suddenly closed his hand, the pressure on Qin Dynasty is light.

"Yingtian, you have two choices now. The one who dies is a pain. "

"I choose to live."

The Qin Dynasty breathes heavily, said.

"Ha ha ha, that's impossible!"

Black Qilin laughed, "the best way is to die happily. But if you don't want to be miserable, just kneel down and give me black Kirin three loud kowtows! "

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