Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 605

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Chapter 605

Her chest is not small, rely on a corset to block, now pasted on the back of Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty can feel that tall and straight.

Foreign girl's chest, and mainland goods are different

Wipe, Qin Dynasty wants to give oneself a mouth, at this time, what is he thinking. What is this, MIT! Suu Kyi's bedroom! What do you come here for? To pick Suu Kyi home!

Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, you are a real color embryo.

Men can make mistakes, but they can't make such low-level mistakes. Qin Dynasty has been sorry for Suji several times. He can't continue, otherwise it will be unfair to Suji.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to use my skills to heal my wounds. You'd better rub some red potion yourself."

Qin Dynasty shoulder a shake, put behind stick up Catherine to shock out, this just walked out of the bedroom door.


Catherine lay on the bed, watching the Qin Dynasty come out of the door, her eyes a little wet.

Too aggrieved, I seem to be a shameless whore. But it's all for Anna's good. Think of when they just came to school, no less was bullied, it was Anna who helped him.

Now, it's her turn, Catherine!

Anna, don't worry. I'll get you out.

Thinking of this, she strengthened her belief and began to think about the next way.

And Qin Dynasty, at this time, went to Suji's bedroom and looked at the layout of her little girl's room.

Inside the wall, has been painted pink, appears specially warm.

In the middle of the room, there is still a swing. I don't know how Suu Kyi made it. It's quite emotional.

Beside her bed, there was a picture.

Above is a picture of Qin Dynasty and Suji. They are walking on the road. Qin Dynasty is still heartless and laughing, and I don't know what to laugh at.

"I'm dizzy. When was this taken?"

Qin Dynasty saw that photo, his smile of the sun, a burst of vertigo. I'm a person who seldom takes photos. I guess it was taken by one of SUJ's students.

But it can be seen that the girl really wants to be herself.

In order to feel the taste of Suji, Qin Dynasty took off her coat and lay on Suji's soft bed.

Once lying on it, the Qin Dynasty felt very comfortable. Usually when I am alone, I don't sleep well. Often, will have some strange dream.

But lying here, the Qin Dynasty felt sleepy for the first time.

He wanted to sleep comfortably here because it was Suu Kyi's bed.

Just as he was about to take a nap and wait for Suu Kyi to come back. Then Catherine, went into the room again.

I don't know when, Katherine has put on a loose Nightgown, shaking two big white legs, standing beside the Qin Dynasty.

the Qin Dynasty smelled a smell of perfume and couldn't help opening her eyes to see the beautiful French woman.

"Miss Catherine, what are you going to do?"

"Dear Qin Dynasty." Who knows, this Catherine, unexpectedly full of affection, hands touched the face of Qin Dynasty, "from the first time I saw you, I knew that my heart, already belongs to you."

"No, no kidding." Qin Dynasty quickly pushed away Katherine's hand, "I'm Suji's boyfriend, you don't know."

"What does that matter?" But Catherine exclaimed, "is it because I know you later than she, I will lose the chance to pursue true love! No, God is fair, so is love! I don't ask for anything else. I just want to be able to have a love affair with you, and I will be satisfied! "

Said, Katherine raised her snow-white thigh, exposed the black hollowed out underpants inside, even straddled directly on the body of the Qin Dynasty, "come on, meet me!"

Damn it!

Qin Chao really wants to kick Catherine out of the roof!

It's not that he doesn't appreciate women and has no sentiment. Instead, he saw, Suu Kyi just walked in from the door, saw the woman up and down, classic female Knight's appearance, surprised to cover her mouth.

"Kay, Catherine You... "

"Suki, I'm..." Without waiting for Qin Dynasty to speak, Katherine called out again and struggled in Qin Dynasty.

"We can't do this! I'm Anna's good friend. You can't do this to me! Let go of me, you beast

The Qin Dynasty and this woman have the heart to die together.

"Qin Dynasty! You son of a bitch! I hate you

With tears in her eyes, Suu Kyi stamped her foot and ran down the stairs.

"Suu Kyi!"

Qin Dynasty hurriedly wanted to stand up to catch up with him, but Catherine pressed tightly on him and did not let him get up.

"Anna's gone, we can be more casual!"

The woman said, with a sly light in her eyes.

Qin Dynasty did not have time to pay attention to this crazy woman, he directly glared at her eyes, relying on the idea, flew Catherine's body out and stuck it on the ceiling."Ah, ah, ah!"

Katherine was terrified and let out a scream.

Qin Dynasty took advantage of this opportunity, stood up, and then a wave of hands, Catherine screamed and fell down, just landed on Suji's bed.

"Susie, listen to me!"

There was no time to take the stairs. The Qin Dynasty jumped out directly from the windowsill on the second floor.

With a gust of wind, he landed on the ground. Two students who were walking nearby were shocked.

Good guy, this man jumped directly from a place more than five meters high, and he didn't have a thing.

"It's Chinese Kung Fu! It's Seiko! It's Seiko

A white boy exclaimed.

"Fool! That's a celebration

Next to him, a black man helped him.

The Qin Dynasty did not have time to correct their pronunciation. Suji, the girl, was also a practitioner. In the blink of an eye, she did not know where she was. She could not be seen everywhere.

"Come out! Nine you Devil Dog

There was a phalanx around the Qin Dynasty, and then a black wolfhound came up from it and lingered around the Qin dynasty like a courteous one.

"Well, what is this?"

The two foreigners were very frightened.

"It's magic!" Qin Chaobai gave them a look, and then took the nine you devil dog back to the apartment.

Catherine saw the Qin Dynasty coming in and exclaimed, shivering and shrinking on Suji's cot.

"God, I don't mean to rape you!" The Qin Dynasty scolded in a bad way.

The nine you devil dog trotted away, following behind the Qin Dynasty. Under the command of the Qin Dynasty, he sniffed Suji's cot.


It called twice to the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh? Did you find it? " The Qin Dynasty thought Suji was hiding nearby.

Who knows, the nine you devil dog is nodding the dog's head, and then lying on the bed, with the front paw scratched Catherine above.

"Shit!" The Qin Dynasty directly flew a foot and kicked the nine hell devil dog out of the window. "I'm not looking for this girl. Go on looking for me!"

Nine you devil dog fell down from a place five meters high, murmured, got up and began to trot.


The two foreigners are still standing outside. "Even Chinese dogs can celebrate their achievements? We don't, it's not fair! "

At this time, the Qin Dynasty also fell down, he had no time to pay attention to the two foreigners who complained about heaven and earth, and chased his own nine you devil dog to follow up.

The sense of smell of Jiuyou Devil Dog is much more sensitive than that of Qin Dynasty. It does not hesitate to pursue a direction on the continuous running.

In order to avoid shocking the world, the Qin Dynasty had to take out his 28th bicycle and chase after his black dog.

Along the way, everyone pointed to his old bicycle.

After a while, he left the campus with the Qin Dynasty. It turned seven and eight, and soon came to a small street.

What's Suu Kyi doing here?

Qin Dynasty is thinking, nine you devil dog's speed suddenly slowed down, toward a nearby food shop strolled in the past.

Suu Kyi's here? Is this girl hungry?

Just don't understand, see nine you devil dog, claw a lift, lie down on someone else's garbage can, began to look for the meat bones hidden inside.


As soon as Qin Dynasty reached out his hand, he cut the lotus flower into two pieces.

"Do you want to die?"

Nine you devil dog was scared to shiver all over, muttered twice, and began to trot.

"This time you can't find Suzie again, I'll eat the bloody dog meat in the evening!"

In the Qin Dynasty, the dead dog was followed by a fierce kick.

This street, therefore, has a very funny picture.

A little black dog swished in front of him, followed by an old black bicycle.

The passers-by all around wonder whether it is people walking dogs or dogs walking people?

Qin Dynasty did not care about these people's eyes, he chased his own nine you devil dog, and soon turned to another street.

Nine you devil dog's speed in a slow down, slowly toward a hardware store in the past.

Qin Dynasty instantly pulled his own car brake, stopped by the road, conveniently put the car away.

He could see that in the hardware store opposite, a familiar girl was asking the shop owner.

"Boss, do you have large scissors here! This is too small. I want a big one! Yes, it's like cutting branches! "

Hearing this, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help shivering.

I'll give up!

Old paper thought little girl would jump into the lake and commit suicide!

Well, she doesn't have this idea at all. Now she wants to castrate herself!"Nine you devil dog, come back!"

Qin Dynasty hastily greets own nine you devil dog, he already had the impulse that wants to escape.

At this time, the owner's wife of the hardware store just came out of the store. She saw a little black dog lying at the door of her shop, still looking around and sticking out her tongue. If it's convenient, throw him a piece of meat bone ready to be given to the neighbor.

"Lovely little fellow, you also try my spareribs!"

Nine you devil dog see in front of the fragrant meat bone, eyes are green.

Even the voice of the Qin Dynasty, it has forgotten, began to bite in front of the flesh and bones.

Suu Kyi, with the pair of scissors used by the gardener to build branches, came out in a violent manner.

At a glance, she saw the nine you devil dog gnawing bones under her feet.

The landlady thought it was an ordinary dog, but Suu Kyi knew this guy.

"Why? Isn't this the nine you devil dog? How did you come here? "

She bent down and patted the black dog on the head.

This nine you devil dog also knows that the person who pats her head is his own mistress. So she licked the meat on the ground.

But Suu Kyi didn't care. She laughed.

"I'm so coquettish, much better than your damned master! It's better to be a dog. In this lifetime, you will only be loyal to one master. By the way, if you are here, your master must not be far away... "

Suji, with a murderous spirit and a pair of scissors, stood up and said, "Xiao Hei, be obedient. Take me to your damned master Today, I'm going to help him survive the robbery and let him rise to heaven! "

Lovely nine you devil dog, do not betray your master, I am in the way of Qin Dynasty looked from afar, praying constantly in the heart.


Nine you devil dog barked twice, picked up his flesh bone, and then ran towards Qin Dynasty.

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