Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1013

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Chapter 1013

"Where did you learn magic?"

Qin Yi was shocked and looked at his good sister. "I can be bound up!"

"More can be done!"

The elder brother ordered Qin to point down his sword! Get up

After she made a gesture, Qin Yi slowly raised his sword and put it on his neck.

"I wipe, what am I going to do, self mutilation?"

Qin Yi was so surprised that he even said, "dead Qin Ying, are you the ghost! I'll go. You should open the sword quickly. I'm afraid of pain! I really hurt you. I will heal you

Qin Yi tries hard to avoid the sword, but his arm seems to be unable to live with him, trying to clip the sword up.

"You, you stop me!"

Qin Yi is confused.

"No way."

Qin Ying but smile like a flower, complacent smile, "brother do not admit defeat, I will not stop it."

"Nonsense, I will not admit defeat! Let go of my real gun

"That won't do."

Qin Ying shook her head. "If brother doesn't admit defeat, the evil king sword will be cut off. Don't take it by chance. Now the evil king's sword is full of my vitality, which can hurt my brother. "

"Then you come!"

Qin Yi gritted his teeth and said, "I lost a big scar on my neck. If I can't help it, I'll jump out of Yuanying directly. Then I'll slowly remodel my body with careless reading."

"The elder brother is really very backbone, let the younger sister admire very much."

Qin Ying smiles. Her face doesn't change. She just controls Qin Yi's hand. She slowly carries the evil king's sword and drops down.

Qin Yi is greatly relieved and thinks that his sister has given up.

Who knows, Qin Ying continues to control his hand, holding the evil king sword, toward his vital parts sent in the past.

"You, you want to do god horse!"

Qin Yi is so scared that his hands are shaking and his face is livid.

"Brother, you can recite with carelessness. I don't know what it will be like if you use it to repair it slowly..."

"Qin Ying, you little witch!"

Qin Yi's cold sweat has come down.

Don't try this thing at random!

This is the key of my father and I, and the key to controlling a hundred girls in the future:

"it seems that my brother doesn't care, so it's not polite to be a younger sister."

Hear elder brother tube oneself call small Witch, Qin Ying's mouth corner moved, and then ready to issue the next instruction.

"Wait, wait!"

Qin Yi quickly stopped.

"I, my good sister, you are the best and most beautiful beauty in the world! You are so kind that you can't do such a terrible thing to your brother, right? "

"Brother, what do you mean? I'm a little witch."

"No, no, no, you're not a witch, you're a beauty, you heard me wrong just now!"

"Is it?"

"Yes, yes! I, I really didn't say that. "

Qin Yi is now gnashing his teeth and refusing to admit it.

"Well, then let's not say it."

Qin Ying seems indifferent at this time, "we'd better continue to handle business. Brother, are you ready for restoration? "

"I, I'm not ready!"

Qin Yi felt the sharpness of his evil king's sword, and cried out in a hurry, "Qin Ying, my good sister, I have to admit defeat, but I can't do it!"

"Do you really admit defeat?"

Qin Ying is pick pick pick eyebrow, "elder brother but very cunning."

"No, I really give up..."

Qin Yi can't laugh or cry. He just wants to keep his life.

My sister is a witch. I can't be bothered any more.

It's still good on the mountain. When it comes to my father's side, it becomes so terrible

Dad, what kind of education did you give Xiao Ying? Qin Yi didn't know. At this time, his father, Qin Dynasty, was full of tears.

Decisive is to stay with Suu Kyi too long, this has begun to go on the Queen's line.

When she does arrive, she will be swollen

"Yi'er, do you really want to admit defeat?"

Shen Qing did not expect to have such a result, some gaping at his son.

This is totally different from what she imagined. After Qin Ying went down the mountain, she did not receive systematic training. How could she defeat Qin Yi?

Is it true that there are mistakes in our own way of education?

No way!

Qin Yi is a practitioner. He should be trained like this!

Not like other children, have been to such a boring and boring childhood!

"I give up, I do! Mom, if I don't admit defeat, you will have no grandchildren! "Qin Yi said with a bitter face.


Shen Qing doesn't know what to say.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't see my brother crying. But it's not a waste of time to win. "

Qin Ying gave up the control of her brother.

She let go of her hand, and Qin Yi's black sword also loosened.

"Ah, it's dangerous. It's dangerous."

Qin Yi put away the evil king's sword, patted his chest as if he had survived the disaster, and then restored the image of Xiao Zhengtai.

"Little mother, I won!"

Qin Ying also broke away from the state of Tibetan swordsmanship and changed back to her cute little Lori.

"It's still in good shape."

Qin Ying patted her chest and said, "after becoming an adult, my chest is too dull..."

Suu Kyi was on the stage to pick her up. Hearing this, she couldn't help touching her hair.

"Stupid Sakura, when you are old, you will know its importance."

"Hee hee, Xiao Ying doesn't want to grow up. She lives in her mother's arms."

Qin Ying is charming.

Shen Qing, who is also on the stage, can't help but have a taste when he sees his daughter and other women so close.

"Ying'er, Yi'er, you can go down after the competition. The rest is a contest between us. "

Shen Qing said, holding a long black flame sword, looking at Suji, who was wearing a mask.

Although he didn't know who this woman was, Shen Qing could see that all the magic puppet beauties followed her lead.

This woman seems to be the real wife of Qin Dynasty.

Although he gave birth to a pair of children, but he is not his real wife.

Maybe that's why she's really jealous.

"Shen Qing, you've already lost one game."

Suji stood on the stage, although her face was covered with a mask, but the charm was irresistible, which attracted the attention of the practitioners around her.

"I'll win back my son's share."

Shen Qing waved the sword of fire and said.

The ice-white Narcissus did not show the appearance of having two children at all.

Her figure is still perfect, her abdomen is flat, and she is convex and backward.

Her appearance, or the beauty of amazing, is the Royal version of Qin Ying grew up.

"I will beat you again with Sakura's share."

Suu Kyi said.


Shen Qingzheng wanted to say something, but Haotian suddenly stepped forward.

"Uncle, what are you talking about with them? Kill all these heretics together!"

"Ha ha, what a big voice"

Zhao Jingjing stood behind Suji with her arm in her arms. "I'm afraid that the people who are going to die here today will be from Shushan."

"If you want to kill us, you have to ask our swords."

Haotian snorted coldly.

"In other words, you give us the face of Shushan."

Shen Qing took a look at the three women and then said, "this time, you sent out three people, which is really surprising to us."

"in fact, there is only one."

Suji laughed again, "today is our sister Zhao's home, we dare not compete with her head..."

Hearing this, Shen Qing frowned.

What do they mean?

Three people came to the stage together and said that one person would come to participate?

"Sister Zhao, it's hard for you today."

Suji said, holding Xiaobai in one hand and Zhao Jingjing in the other, "let the people in Shushan know that the power of luochamen is not something they can provoke."

With that, Suu Kyi suddenly launched the magic of the unity of man and nature.

Only Suu Kyi can launch this spell.

Two flashes of light, Suji and Xiaobai, instantly and Zhao Jingjing into one.

If the magic of the unity of heaven and man is based on Suji herself, then she can absorb the power of all people and make her magic puppet ability further.

And if it's attached to other people, she's acting as a medium and a catalyst.

Xiaobai and her own abilities are not inherited by Zhao Jingjing.

At this time, Zhao Jingjing a pair of gloves, the above began to flash colorful light.

This light is very dazzling, so that the bottom of the practitioners are one by one look dazzled.

"Ha ha, you are useless even if heaven and man are one."

Shen Qing, however, laughed, "in this arena, it is required that the accomplishments should not exceed the seven levels of the golden body. But my younger brother Mo Tianya has already achieved the seven fold cultivation of the golden body. If you do this, you are going to kill yourself. "

"Cultivation is not everything."

Zhao Jingjing clapped her fists and banged, "come on, don't let me wait too long."Zhao Jingjing said, pointing to Shen Qing and his fingers.

"I think you are tired of living!"

Haotian couldn't help it. As soon as he shook his hand, the sword behind him suddenly came out of the scabbard, "the sword is like a rainbow, and the meteor shadow is fast! Like a rainbow sword

With his gesture, a sword rainbow shot at Zhao Jingjing in the opposite direction.

"No use! Like a roar

Zhao Jingjing hit more quickly.

She should have hit!

This is the response of all practitioners.

Because they didn't see Zhao Jingjing really punch.

I just heard a boom in the air.

Then, the samsara sword made a hum and trembling sound, flashed out of the air, and stuck at Haotian's feet with a clang.

She definitely did it!

This is the judgment made by most practitioners.

It's just that the speed of this punch is so fast that they don't see it at all!

"The speed of Ruhong sword is really fast, which can match the speed of sound."

Zhao Jingjing's fists are hanging by her side with a smile on her mouth. But Haotian suddenly feels that the beauty's smile is a little scared.

"But my fist has reached the speed of light. The speed of sound is much worse than the speed of light. "

Zhao Jingjing finished, and turned her eyes to Mo Tianya.

Mo Tianya almost subconsciously put up his free sword.

As a practitioner, his whole body is full of vitality. When he is in danger, he can react subconsciously.

Especially like Mo Tianya, this kind of metal body seven heavy overhaul walker.


Xiaoyao sword uttered a murmur, pressing Mo Tianya's body. He stepped back a few steps and stepped directly on the edge of the challenge arena. He almost fell into the challenge arena.

Nobody saw what happened.

Only saw Mo Tianya himself back a few steps.

Zhao Jingjing's arms are still hanging.

"She's cheating!"

Haotian suddenly exclaimed, "she must have used the state of gold body with seven weights, which violates the rules of Hongmeng Taoist Association!"

He turned around and yelled at the referee's bench, "judges, are you all blind! Send her off soon! Have you forgotten the holiness and dignity of Hongmeng Taoist Association

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