Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 667

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Chapter 667

On the first day of the new year's day, it should be a time to pay New Year's greetings door to door.

But the Qin Dynasty did not have this time, because after the Chinese New Year's Eve, he was found out by Luo Qinglin's crew and dragged to shoot the "killer biography".

Qin Dynasty is the first time to film, I think it is quite novel.

A bunch of people, the entire crew, are working together. There are props, makeup, lunch boxes wait.

"Next time, man two is ready

The director is still a woman, in her forties, wearing a director's vest.

The Qin Dynasty estimated that this woman was unable to grow a beard. If she had a beard, it would be more like it.

Luo Qinglin is the boss, sitting next to the director.

And Chen Xin came down, while mending makeup, said to the Qin Dynasty.

"Qin Dynasty, you don't have to be nervous for a while. Anyway, the camera is not difficult. Especially you, so you can act and cheat. It should be very esay to act in such a scene! "


The Qin Dynasty touched his nose, sorted out his tie and said, "this is what I said. When did I cheat people?"

"Less cheating?" Chen Xin's mouth with a smile, "look at you last night at home so many girls, also need to say something else! Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, take out your strength to cheat girls, and perform well


It was said that such a large string, to the Qin Dynasty to get speechless.

At this time, two make-up artists also came to make up for the Qin Dynasty.

However, the Qin Dynasty felt that these actors were also very hard, especially Chen Xin. Because it is a late summer and early autumn drama, so Chen Xin's body, are simple autumn clothes.

Long skirt, silk stockings.

When she came down to mend her make-up, her assistant, orange, immediately came up and put on her down jacket and hot water at the same time.

The Qin Dynasty immediately felt that it was really difficult to make money as an actor.

How do you say something? The first half of my life, life for money. For the rest of my life, money for life!

It's so hard to be a man!

Qin Dynasty is also a capable black suit, although it is not thick, but for him, it is not cold at all.

The practitioners have long avoided the cold and heat.

He looked at Chen Xin shivering with cold, and could not help but walk over and put his hand on her shoulder.


Chen Xin rolled a white eye at the Qin Dynasty, "do you want me to bubble together?"

"No, I learned from * * to do a good job and send you warmth."

Qin Dynasty said, Chen Xin suddenly feel, a warm current can not be stopped, from the position of the shoulder, began to spread. After a while, the whole body was warm, and the coolness that had penetrated into the bones just now disappeared.

Chen Xin opened her eyes in surprise and looked at the Qin Dynasty.

"You, do you know Qigong?"

The Qin Dynasty smiles but does not answer. Chen Xin is about to ask questions when several people come to visit.

"Let them in!"

Luo Qinglin said hello to the security guard.

"Hey, it's still like Qin Chao's suit

Suji was eating popsicles and came over and waved to the Qin Dynasty.

The rest of the crew were in a cold sweat.

Good guy, big winter still eat popsicles, this woman is crazy!

Behind her, follow Xiaobai and Qiandai. FA Xiang and Bai Jiaojiao also came. It is estimated that they are bored at home. Su Fei didn't come. I guess she was busy talking about business again.

"SUJ, why are you here?"

Qin Dynasty to see their own little beauty, a little surprised.

"I haven't seen a movie yet, so come and see it!"

Su Ji grinned and came over and helped the Qin Dynasty tidy up her tie. "I didn't expect that you could still have such a serious appearance."

"I'm very serious, ok..."

Looking at the director's voice, she talked about how to make a scene.

"Mr. Luo, what's the matter with you?"

The female director asked a word for a long time, but she couldn't get a reply from Luo Qinglin. This look, just found that Luo Qinglin is looking at a direction, slightly lost in mind.

"Ah! That girl is wonderful

When the director saw Suji, he couldn't help but pat her thigh, "this image, this temperament Good, good! Mr. Luo, wait for me. I'll ask the girl if she's interested in filming

"Forget it, director Zhang."

Luo Qinglin quickly grabbed the female director, "they are the second miss of the Su family. It's impossible to do such a thing."

"Ah, she is Miss Su ER! Oh, what a pity However, the two girls behind her are also good"I don't think that's going to work either."

Luo Qinglin shakes her head, "those two people, and male number two also have some relations, estimate also won't receive the play."

"Tyranny, tyranny

This female director didn't like the Qin Dynasty very much at all. Listening to Luo Qinglin, she hated him even more.

"Well, speaking of this, I have to talk about Mr. Luo. I'm filming, and this actor should have been audited by me. You said you, you have to add such a person to come in, but also play male number two! Has this man ever been in a play! There is no sense of drama at all! What if it's bad! "

"Don't worry, director Zhang." Luo Qinglin quickly comforted her big director, "this man, is also Chen Xin's one-stop word. The two of us guarantee you that this man is absolutely fine. "

"When something goes wrong, it's too late."

Director Zhang's face is not happy.

"in the Qin Dynasty, are you going to play the legend of the white snake? Is there a lack of actors? "

Bai Jiaojiao is also the first time to see filming, and she can't help but come up and ask.

"Are there any other movies in your eyes..."

The heads of the Qin Dynasty were all big.

"It's hard to shoot white snake now..."

Bai Jiaojiao said discontentedly, "it's not cute at all. Bai Niang Zi, it is necessary to have a vigorous love with Fahai

"Damn it!" The Qin Dynasty couldn't help cursing, "can you, don't bring your things into the original book?"! What can Xu Xian do if the white lady follows Fahai

"Isn't there a green snake?"

"You have to..."

Qin Chaoxin said, "you can sign my name for me?"

At this time, in another resting place, big star Zhang Dongfu is mending her makeup.

A shop owner's daughter, full of joy, came out to ask Zhang Dongfu to sign her name.

At this time, Zhang Dongfu's bodyguard came over and pushed the girl away.

"Go, go, no time!"

Disappointed, the girl went back to the store with her book.

This Dongfu is not in the mood to sign her.

If he had seen this pretty girl asking for an autograph, he might have asked for a phone call for a one night stand later.

But today, his eyes will fall on those girls opposite.

Suji, Xiaobai, Qiandai

So many beautiful girls, Yingying Yanyan's, how can they all gather together in that unknown boy.

Zhang Dongfu didn't know the identity of the Qin Dynasty. He thought he was a little white face who was hidden rules.

He thought, who am I? I am Zhang Dongfu! I have countless fans and millions of microblogs. You girls can't cry when you see me.

But why don't they come here? Oh, by the way, the bodyguards around me are really ferocious.

Well, if they don't come, I'll just go there. As long as you get these girls, this trip to Jingyang city is not in vain.

He is also feeling, did not expect this small Jingyang City, there can be such a beautiful woman.

Zhang Dongfu stood up and waved away his bodyguard. He took out the look of a handsome man and a big star and walked towards Suji.

As soon as several girls saw him, their eyes lit up and screamed to ask for autographs.

But it's a pity that everything is just an assumption.

Those girls, continue to follow the man No. 2 small white face to talk, do not look at him.

Zhang Dongfu slightly embarrassed, dry cough twice, trying to attract the attention of those girls.

But they looked back and took a faint look at the big star, just like looking at a neighbor's uncle, and continued to look back and chat with the Qin Dynasty.

Zhang Dong Fu is a little upset. Are these girls from the countryside? Why, I don't even know Zhang Dongfu?

He was so angry that he suddenly got angry.

"No more! I won't shoot any more! "

Zhang Dongfu yelled so, which scared director Zhang. She hastened up and asked.

"Dongfu, what's the matter! Is it too cold and freezing? Do you want to have a rest

"No!" Zhang Dongfu waved, pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said, "director Zhang, what's the matter with this actor! Zhang Dongfu, how can I act against such an unknown person! This is an insult to me! I strongly demand that he be replaced for me! Otherwise, I won't do it! "

Oh, you can't do it

The director also made some famous films about Zhang Dongfu. Therefore, the actor, is the most concerned about, "this play is half shot, you are a male number one, you can not do ah! I'll tell Mr. Luo that if you want to change it, you can change it. "

"What do they want?"Suji took the arm of the Qin Dynasty and asked, as if watching the excitement.

"It's like changing me!"

When the Qin Dynasty said this, there was no pressure, just like it was not his own business.

"Well, that's about it."

Hearing the director's reply, Zhang Dongfu nodded with satisfaction and looked at the Qin Dynasty with vicious eyes, waiting for him to be kicked out of the crew.

The director was about to find Luo Qinglin, but Chen Xin stood up first.

"What's going on?"

To say that Chen Xin's fame is much bigger than Zhang Dongfu.

The director has to be respectful when he sees her. I can't help it. Who let them be big names.

When she was filming, she could swear. When it's not filming, she has to coax people to come.

"Dong Fu said he didn't want to play against this man. I told Luo Zong to change him."

"No way!"

Chen Xin immediately angry, heart East Fu calculate a P!

"I chose this man, director Zhang. If you want to change it, you can change it with me."


Chen Xin's tough, let Zhang Dongfu and this director, immediately all dumbfounded.

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