Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1240

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Chapter 1240

"In this world, there are no absolute good and bad people, only interests."

The Qin Dynasty said faintly, "no matter how bad a person is, he has done good things. And no matter how good a person is, he may have a dark side in his mind. We can't distinguish a person from a good person or a bad person. We can only see if his purpose is to compound the interests of the public. "

Qin Dynasty said directly.

"Isn't it just empty talk about moral standards or something?"

Yang Li asked.

"No one can swear that everything he does is a compound moral standard."

Qin Chao sighed. In this world, where there are absolutely good people, even if there are, they would have died long ago.

Absolutely good people can't live long in this society.

This is a cannibalism society. Under the law of the jungle, kindness is destroyed.

There was a classmate in Qin Dynasty, who was a very cheerful and kind girl. Later, after entering the workplace, he accepted all kinds of intrigues every day and became indifferent and heartless. He talked to people with various purposes.

What can you complain about, the society?

What's the use of complaining? We can't change society, we can only be changed by society.

Otherwise, they will be eliminated.

Only those who practice the truth are those who are independent.

Because of their power, they are superman.

Beyond people, beyond society.

But beyond the reality of society, but can not escape from the society of the Xiuzhen world.

In the realm of practice, it is even more the law of the jungle.

The strong bully the weak, and the weak bully the weaker.

If it is not strong enough, I am afraid that the Qin Dynasty has long been bitten by those practitioners.

There seems to be no pure land in the whole world.

What you can do is to constantly strengthen yourself and let others dare not bully you.

"You too. Don't think too well of others."

The Qin Dynasty looked at Yang Li and sighed.

Maybe many people think that little Yang Li's character is not good.

In fact, the girl just knows what she wants, and then takes the initiative to pursue it.

She's a nice little girl.

And never think too bad of others.

In the end, they are children who have not yet come out of society. Now they are in contact with the society and are almost destroyed by a blow.

If it wasn't for herself, this time Yang Li would be finished.

Yang Li's mother, Si Yaqian, is not only a great mother, but also a successful woman.

But she also committed a big taboo, that is, in accordance with her own ideas to build Yang Li's life.

Although she is trying to cultivate Yang Li's sense of self-determination, she has been very unsuccessful under the premise of cultivating Yang Li's life.

Her ideas can only influence and influence Yang Li, so that Yang Li can not have her own sense of independence.

And then try to make her independent, such behavior seems to be to encourage.

The final result is that Yang Li has been injured.

It's very difficult to raise children. It needs a good method.

If you want him to be independent from the beginning, you should not influence his thoughts or even plan for his future.

Everyone has a future for everyone. If parents force their planned future onto their children, the result is usually tragic.

The Qin Dynasty seems to have forgotten what he wanted to do most. It seems that Singer?

Anyway, the illusory ideal was refuted by his parents.

The task they set for the Qin Dynasty was to study, learn, and learn again.

The failure of China's education mode, so that the Qin Dynasty finally only entered the third class institutions.

After graduation, he did nothing.

But the Qin Dynasty didn't know who to blame. The study in those years was forced by the general situation.

You need to take what you learn at this stage in exchange for what you can learn in the next stage.

If you don't learn at this stage, you won't learn at the next stage.

Even though, what you have learned before will not be used in the next stage.

This is already a strange circle.

"Why, I think human nature is good at the beginning"

Yang Li said her own idea. She put her arm around the Qin Dynasty and said, "not everyone is born to be a bad person. Well, well, there's no definite good or bad person Is that a good man or a bad man, uncle

Looking at Yang Li's smiling face, Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "you are not a human being first of all."

"You go to die, bad uncle, hateful!"

Yang Li was very angry.

"In fact, no matter whether you think you are a good person or a bad person, at least you should be able to live up to your conscience."The Qin Dynasty said, "if for the sake of one's own selfish desires, and to harm the interests of others, then this person is certainly not a good man."

"What about you, uncle? Are you a good man and a bad man?"

Yang Li asked again.

"This problem is worth considering."

Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "however, I never feel that I am any good person. But I'm not going to hurt people for no reason

"That's not right!"

Yang Li and Qin Dynasty have already sat in Hu Ke's office. She winked at Qin Dynasty and said, "uncle, you have stolen something."


The Qin Dynasty was a bit stunned.

Talking about stealing

When I was in primary school, I seemed to pass the comic books in the bookstore

But at that time it was still young and young.

Later, I often went there to buy books. I heard that selling books was profiteering. I hope I can make up for it.

How did Yang Li know about this?

This girl is not making fun of me, is she?

"What have I stolen?"

So he asked.

"Uncle stole people's heart!"

Yang Li held her chest and said seriously, "and then never came back."

I thought the girl knew something. It was this thing.

"I'll give it back to you, and you can take it."

The Qin Dynasty waved its hands.

"How can that work?"

Yangleidun said very angry, "we do not take returns, the company's products, there are no three guarantees!"

"What a black shop..."

The Qin Dynasty was filled with emotion.

"I'm going to black you. What's the matter?"

Cried Yang Li.

What can I do to push you down in this office? In case Hu Ke suddenly opens the door.

"Uncle, you haven't been looking for someone else lately..."

Yang Li said, suddenly leaned over, chest pressure on the arm of the Qin Dynasty, "people miss you very much..."

This little girl's eyes, send out a thick spring.

Well, this girl feels it.

"Cough, what..." Qin Dynasty now also did not have the mind to do these things, worried about Suji not to be able to, "don't make trouble, in case let Hu Ke bump into it."

"Doctor Hu will not be able to come out for a while during his operation..."

Yang Li said, the whole body climbed to the body of the Qin Dynasty.

Just then, the door of the office was pushed open.

Hu Ke, in a white coat, stood at the door, looking at two people on his sofa in a daze.

These two people It's too presumptuous.

"Am I interrupting..."

Huke said, "I think I'd better visit the ward first."

"Wait! I've got something urgent for you

The Qin Dynasty pushed Yang Li away and jumped up from the sofa.

"I think you're in a hurry. It's not too late to come back to me after you've finished it"

Hu Ke made a joke.

"Cough, you misunderstand me. We are just reminiscing about the past."

"Oh, it's a special way to reminisce."

Hu laughingly, "is it to narrate the old love? Go back to the old days? "

"Don't make fun of me, doctor Hu."

The depression of the Qin Dynasty.

Uncle Yang seemed to be laughing at herself.

This girl is really ungrateful.

"I have business with you."


Hu Ke eyebrow raised Yang, "is not what you did just now, not serious?"

"Well, can you not blur the concept!"

Qin Dynasty went to Hu Ke, pulled her into the room, and then closed the door of the office.

"What are you doing? It's not enough to accompany you alone. Do you want to come to Shuangfei

Hu Ke asked bluntly, almost let Qin Dynasty lie on the door.

"Doctor Hu, your language is too sharp. We're not fighting with you, OK

The Qin Dynasty paid homage to the weak.

"Well, go ahead. What can I do for you?"

Hu Ke took off his pair of white gloves and went to the sink in the office to wash his hands.

In fact, the Qin Dynasty always suspected that a female zombie was not interested in the blood flowing from the patient when she was performing surgery for the patient

A scene flashed into his mind.

Hu Ke cuts the wound with a scalpel, and blood rolls out.

Under the gaze of all the doctors and nurses, she put out her tongue and licked the wound.

I'll cut it. I'll have a good taste"Did Suu Kyi come to see you the other day?"

The Qin Dynasty opened the door directly and asked.

Yang Li put up her ears.

She knew that Suji was an authentic girlfriend of the Qin Dynasty, so she became more interested in their topic.

Hu Ke didn't answer in a hurry. He took a look at Yang Li.

Qin Dynasty knew her meaning, waved his hand and said, "nothing, she knows a lot."

"Well, I came to see me."

Hu Ke nodded. "As her boyfriend, you don't even know. You Miss Su Da, you have been promoted to the rank of vampire. "


Qin Dynasty was shocked, "how can I not let her suck blood! How could she be a vampire! Damn it. Does she go around at night to suck human blood

The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but wonder if Suji would go out at night and pick a handsome young man.

"How can that be? Does your girlfriend do such a thing?"

"That would not be But where did she come from Is it pig blood sold in supermarkets

"Your imagination can be a little richer."

Hu Ke said lightly.

Qin Dynasty suddenly thought of something, looked at Hu Ke, "is it possible that..."

"Well, your imagination is not so bad."

Hu Ke said, from the side of the freezer, suddenly took out a bag of plasma, and then in Yang Li's eyes, poured into the cup.

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