Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 620

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Chapter 620

"Ye Ge!"

"What's the matter?" Ye Qing turns her head and looks at Xiao Li.

"Brother ye, if you didn't play the platoon leader to help me get ahead, you wouldn't have been fired." Xiao Li, with a look of shame and gratitude, said, "so, brother Ye's business is my Xiao Li's business. But this time, ye Ge, you still have to bear with it. This blue shield has a lot to learn from "

" Oh

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows.

"Cut!" Wu Zhenqi stretched out the middle finger, "a third rate security company, what can we do?"

"You don't know." Xiao Li came over and said in a low voice, "this task was originally set for a security company. But because the seventh branch of the people speak, just let Blue Shield company add in. The ice team leader also warned me just now, Blue Shield has the support of the seventh division, let me not to provoke. "

"The seventh section..." Ye Qing frowned.

"Section seven, where is that?" Feng xiaorou doesn't know anything about these things.

"Beauty, you'd better not ask." Xiao Li said with a bitter face, "the mystery of the seventh branch is not something you and I can ask. You just have to know that our organization is all for the seventh branch of the service

Finish saying, clap Ye elder brother's shoulder, turn to leave.

"Fuck, don't worry about me!" Wu Zhenqi held the barrel of the gun. "I'm worried. I'll beat him all over the place to look for his teeth."

"Xiao Qi, don't be impulsive."

Ye Qing warned Wu Zhenqi, "this task is long, we should do our own thing well."

"Yes Feng xiaorou also said, "I don't believe it. With their third rate company, even if they have some ammunition, they can still dominate the security industry! Let's just watch and wait for them to make a fool of themselves! Right, ye Ge! "

"Well, let's go back."

Ye Qing nodded and took two people back to his camp.

"Hey, brother Qin, look, they're back."

Leizi pointed to Ye Qing and said with a smile, "these idiots don't want to think about it. Minister Li doesn't care. Can other people manage it! After all, it's our brother Qin who has the ability. I'm a five body soldier

Leizi smilingly holding a leimington sniper gun, as if holding his daughter-in-law, a face of love.

"It's all my brothers. What are you talking about?"

Qin Chao didn't wave his arms. To him, the ammunition became a burden.

"Brother Qin, where did you get these weapons?"

Chu Shan is also playing with Gatling in his hand, feeling a little excited.

"It's from someone else."

"Ah? Who's so big. "

"Well, it's a secret."

Who sent it? Of course, it was from the islanders. But if we say this, it will make others think that Qin Dynasty is a monster. Sweeping Tokyo, let it be silent in the heart of the Qin Dynasty.

"Look, the boat is coming!"

At this time, a Blue Shield employee pointed to the beach and said.

People's line of sight followed the past, only to return to the sea, a huge warship, slowly approaching the port.

This is a frigate. When it comes to the shore, a group of special forces and special agents surround the shore.

"Blue Shield company, Venus company, each send a representative, with us to receive."

Xiao Li came over and announced to the two security companies.

The Qin Dynasty nodded and went forward in person. On the other side of Venus, Feng xiaorou is sent out.

The beautiful female security guard, dressed in a strong suit and holding a shotgun in her hand, glared at the Qin Dynasty as she walked up the aisle.

In contrast, the Qin Dynasty, empty handed, so solemnly went up, causing the soldiers around the side of the eye.

Qin Dynasty itself is also in the bitter smile, how, where they will set up some enemies.

At this time, Feng Chao's and Qin Rou's frigates are on the deck. Beside them, there were soldiers with guns. As a representative of the organization, Xiao Li also stood in front of them.

"Coming out."

He looked at his watch and said.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!" With the sound of dense and orderly footsteps, a group of sailors ran out of the cabin and formed two pairs, just in line with the line of soldiers.

Then, a woman in police uniform came out of the cabin.

Seeing this woman, Qin Dynasty immediately laughed.

With her there, do you still have to worry about things being stolen?

AI Xiaoxue, dressed in police uniform and valiant, walked on the deck.

She saw the Qin Dynasty on the opposite side, as if she didn't know each other, and came over without expression.

"Organize agent AI Xiaoxue, come to hand over."

AI Xiaoxue held a metal safe in her hand and stood there, "who is the handover person this time?"

"Sorry."Xiao Li scratched his head sheepishly and said, "the handover person was originally from the seventh department, but the other party seems to be late for some reason..."

"It doesn't matter. I have a lot of time to wait."

AI Xiaoxue put the box down and carried it in her hand. Then she winked at Qin Dynasty secretly when others couldn't see it.

Qin Dynasty heart secretly smile, this wench.

"Another seventh subject." Feng xiaorou muttered, "it's really a big brand. Let everyone wait!"

Qin Dynasty and so on boring, take out a cigarette from his arms, and light it in his mouth.

"Hello! Blue Shield, no smoking on board! "

What Feng xiaorou hates most is the smell of smoking, and she doesn't like men who smoke. She thinks such men have no taste! So, eyes a stare, drink to Qin Dynasty.

"Is there such a rule?" The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows.

"No, you can smoke at will." AI Xiaoxue looks at Feng xiaorou and says to Qin Dynasty.

Even if the surface pretends to be very cold, but the inner feelings can not be covered.

After being attacked by Qin Dynasty, AI Xiaoxue's whole heart is taken away by Qin Dynasty.

Now she is his magic puppet. If she doesn't protect this man, who can she protect.

“……” Feng xiaorou chokes back at Ai Xiaoxue's words, so she stares at the Qin Dynasty and tries to kill the annoying ghost with her eyes.

Qin Dynasty didn't mind being watched by a beautiful woman. He vomited a cigarette ring at Feng xiaorou.


Feng xiaorou gas to burst, his father is the boss of Venus, he has been living a little princess since childhood. The company's security guards and bodyguards, which one is not coax to her?

I didn't expect that I met a bore today!

"It's not a man!"

Feng xiaorou may not have been exposed to any vicious words in her life. After searching for a long time, she finally came up with such a sentence.

Qin Dynasty almost laughs out, this girl is also very interesting, scolds the way is very special.

AI Xiaoxue is looking at her anger. She is standing here now. You dare to tease other girls. Knowing that this guy is a playboy, he is still hopelessly in love with him. Oh, my God.

However, although I have a lot of words in my heart, I want to chat with the Qin Dynasty, but because of this occasion, it is not suitable for talking, so I can bear it.

Just when AI Xiaoxue is considering whether to take the initiative to say hello to the Qin Dynasty. From the water, suddenly whistling to the ground, several fist sized objects were thrown up.

"Be careful! Hand grenades

The soldiers on the ship were shocked and fell to the ground one by one.

The Qin Dynasty was quick in the eye and quick in the hand, and kicked a grenade to fly into the air. At the same time, he took a look at Ai Xiaoxue, and then, helpless, threw Feng xiaorou, who was already a little stunned, on the deck.

"Boom, boom!"

A series of grenades exploded on the deck, and the fire waves spread all over the place.

Some explosions in the distance hit the Qin Dynasty and ignited his Blue Shield uniform. He immediately quenched it with Yuanli, which kept him from being naked.

"You, what are you doing?"

After the explosion, Feng xiaorou came back to her senses and pushed the Qin Dynasty aside. She scolded, "you, you are a wolf!"

"Damn it, you don't look at you!" Qin Chaoqi could not cry or laugh, but scolded, "to chest without chest, to buttocks without buttocks! Even if I take advantage of it, I won't take advantage of you! "

"You, you, you filthy! Shameless! Mean

Feng xiaorou couldn't be angry and scolded a series of them.

Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "yes, there are a few more swearing words. If you continue, I'll see if there are other words!"

"You are dirty! You are obscene

"Well, two more."

"You two!" One side of AI Xiaoxue is even more angry teeth itching, "now when is it, and there are Kung Fu fights! The enemy is coming! "

Look on the deck, except for the three of them, the others were injured to varying degrees.

One arm of Xiao Li was so bloody that he held up his gun with the other hand and looked coldly at the water under the boat.

"Come on, get up and help!"

The people below are ready to help.

At this time, on the other side of the dock, a lot of motorcycles suddenly came, and each person threw a black grenade. After losing it, they drove away in a blink of an eye.

"Down, down!"

A sudden attack made everyone a little unprepared. Li Dewang was a little angry. He didn't expect that the enemy would be so bold that they would openly dare to attack in the port.

Those black grenades fell to the ground, did not explode, but spewed out white gas.

"No, it's tear gas. Get gas masks, everyone!"Li Dewang just yelled out a sentence, a pungent feeling hit his nose and eyes, and suddenly fell on the ground in pain.

The people on the dock were in a mess. For a while, no one was able to help the frigate.

"It looks like it's up to you."

The Qin Dynasty tore a piece of sleeve from the navy who fainted on one side and bandaged it on Li Dewang's wound.

Now his identity is Blue Shield security guard, not special commissioner of the seventh section, so he can't directly use his vitality to heal Xiao Li. But look at Xiao Li's injury, it won't be too serious. After all, they are all special forces, and these injuries are just a piece of cake for them.

"Thank you." Xiao Li nodded gratefully to the Qin Dynasty, "you have to be careful, the enemy may be very difficult. They are brave enough to do it here. "

"That's what makes you brave. You starve to death."

This time, I'm going to pick up the blue shield from the deck, because I'm going to pick up two guns from the deck

"Blow it

Feng xiaorou, holding a shotgun in his hand, turned a pale glance at the Qin Dynasty. "You still hold one in one hand. You think you are a devil muscle man! Be careful that the recoil will break your arm

"It's not your turn to worry about."

In the Qin Dynasty, a gun was hanging on the ground, and the other gun was on the shoulder. "There are people outside, there are days out of the sky. I hope you can remember this sentence."

"Hum! Blue Shield, who doesn't enter the stream, is a big talker. "

Feng xiaorou severely despised a sentence.

"Stop it!"

AI Xiaoxue is afraid that these two people are just like her and Qin Dynasty. Finally, she quarrels with her feelings. She knew that the Qin Dynasty had this ability. So, he yelled and interrupted their quarrel.

A sharp light flashed in her eyes and pointed to the sea. "Here they are!"

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