Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 565

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Chapter 565

"Here, where is this..."

The Qin Dynasty was said to be speechless.

"Miss Su, I'm afraid you have misunderstood me again."

Xiaobai suddenly seems very proud, began to introduce the Qin Dynasty.

"Mr. Qin is no longer a small assistant manager of Tianying advertising company." Xiaobai said solemnly, "Mr. Qin is now the chairman of Dafa group, the owner of Anqing family in Shimono, and a partner of Qinggang family and Yuqian family. His words can directly affect the economy of China and Japan. So it's no surprise to have an assistant like me

"Chairman of Dafa group?"

Su Fei looked at the man in front of her.

"Well!" The Qin Dynasty nodded.

"The head of the Anqing family?"

How did this guy become the head of an island family?


Qin Dynasty nodded again.

In fact, he is the real boss of the three families in the island.

Yuqian Qiandai, Qinggang Huizi, which is not his person.

"I don't believe it. Don't talk about my father..."

Su Fei shook her head, "Qin Dynasty, I hope you are not lying to me."

"I don't have one." Qin Dynasty looked at Su Fei firmly, "this is your father and I made a five million contract, I am now very good, and over fulfilled. So, boss Su, I'd like to ask you a favor to arrange for me to meet your father. I'm going to take my Suu Kyi back

Su Fei sat there with her blue eyes behind her lens. She didn't know what she felt. She was staring at the Qin Dynasty.

It was about five or six minutes before she finally said.

"OK, Qin Dynasty, I will help you this last time." Su Fei stood up and said, "but I want you to promise me one thing."

"Say it

As long as you can find your Suji, let alone one, even if it is 10000 pieces, the Qin Dynasty is absolutely fine.

"After I want you, I can only marry Suu Ji, a girl!"

Su Fei's words, like a bolt from the blue, the whole body of the Qin Dynasty was numb.

Only one Suu Kyi?

In principle, it should be.

Su Fei's request is not too much.

Of all the girls he knew, Suu Kyi was the first to establish a relationship with him.

Besides, at that time, he had nothing but a poor boy. Suu Kyi can ignore everything just to be with him. This kind of love is very solid and reliable, worthy of people to cherish.

But can Qin Dynasty do it now?

There are more than one girl around him.

No less than three or four people have had a relationship

The Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that the head was a little big. It seemed that he should change his name to Qin Datou.

He did not expect that from the beginning, a poor boy who was abandoned by his girlfriend and couldn't even afford to eat, now there are so many girls who like themselves and throw themselves in their arms.

Peach blossom robbery, peach blossom robbery.

"I promise you."

But in any case, a wife with chaff should not be abandoned. What's more, Suu Kyi is not a wife of chaff! This girl is beautiful. She's just the best in the world.

This can be seen from her sister.

"Well, remember that."

Su Fei nodded and pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose. At an angle that others could not see, she quietly shed a drop of tears.

She picked up the coat on the shelf, went to the door, pushed the door and called.

"Jiang Dong, get your car ready. Let's go home."

"Yes, miss."

Jiang Dong has been standing at the door, the battle housekeeper, looked up and found that his eldest daughter's eyes, as if some red. This guy can't help being a little strange. Did he bully the eldest lady in the Qin Dynasty?

It's impossible. Anyone can bully this guy in Qin Dynasty, but the one he dares not to bully is the eldest lady. On the contrary, it was the eldest lady who was able to rule the Qin Dynasty.

"Ha ha, Jiang Dong, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

The Qin Dynasty went up and patted Jiang Dong on the shoulder.

"Well, it's not good to see you every time."

Friends belong to friends, but every time Jiang Dong sees the Qin Dynasty, his heart is flustered. As he said, every time I see him, it's no good.

"Don't say that. Everyone is good friends. Come on, get your car ready. I'll eat at your house today. "

Qin Dynasty jokingly said.

Jiang Dongzheng's leg, which was going out, was so soft that he almost didn't fall to the ground.

Fortunately, you are going to the elder sister's house. If you really want to go to my home, old paper will have to type you out even if you want to fight for this life.

This fellow no longer words, ran to the Qin Dynasty and Su Fei ready car.

A line of four people got into the silver Mercedes. Xiaobai took the initiative to sit in the co pilot's position. Naturally, the seats in the back row were reserved for the Qin Dynasty and the imperial concubine su.However, she was a little bit dramatic. As if she hated the Qin Dynasty, she sat tight on the left, close to the door.

In the Qin Dynasty, they were embarrassed and stuck to the right door.

Xiaobai looks at it from the rear mirror and says, well, it's enough for me to lie in the middle.

Two people, really a pair of happy enemies.

"Miss, there may be a bit of traffic jam. Aren't you in a hurry?"

Jiang Dong started the car and asked.

"Of course I'm not in a hurry. You ask the one next to me."

"I'm in a hurry." Of course, the Qin Dynasty was worried. How long has it been since I and Suji met!

It's not easy to get those bad things done. Can he not be in a hurry. I wish I could have put two arms on this Benz and let Jiang Dong drive back as an airplane.

How about refining it by yourself?

Jiang Dong doesn't know how to drive.

"You have to wait." Jiang Dong said angrily, "at this time point, do you want me to fly back"

don't say, I really want you to fly back. Qin Xindao.

"Qin Dynasty, I'll be home soon. When I see my father, I'll be polite." Su Fei reminded her future brother-in-law, "my father, after all, has been the chairman of Su for too long. Everyone respects him. Even if you have fame and power now, you can't go too far. Otherwise, I can't help you

"Don't worry, sister. I have discretion." The Qin Dynasty thought that he was going to get along with Suji, so he simply saved boss Su and changed his name to another word.

Who knows, this word, but let Su Fei whole body a shock.

"You, what do you call me?"

"Sister The Qin Dynasty said naturally, "otherwise, what do you want me to call you? sister-in-law? How ugly it is

Su Fei suddenly silent, silent, leaning against the door there, her body seems to be a little sad.

"Sister? Why don't you talk? Have I offended you again

"Shut up!" Su Fei suddenly scolded, her eyes were red, "I'm not your sister!"


Some of the Qin Dynasty can not feel the situation, touch the nose, half a day did not respond. What's wrong with Princess Su? She's so angry today? Is that coming?

The two people in front did not dare to say anything. They seemed to feel the strong smell of gunpowder on Su Fei.

Jiang Dong drives his car with great concentration. He is usually very wordy. At this time, he doesn't dare to pick up a stubble.

At a crossroads, Jiang Dong saw the green light and drove over. Just then, a large truck rushed out of the ramp and almost hit the top of the Mercedes.

Jiang Dong was startled and quickly turned the steering wheel. Fortunately, this guy was good at driving, so he ran away with his tail.

This fierce throw, Qin Dynasty is OK, had practiced not afraid. But Su Fei can not, a weak woman, such a big inertia, instantly lost balance, exclaimed, suddenly fell into the arms of the Qin Dynasty.

For a time, warm jade in the arms, Qin Dynasty smelling the smell of Su Fei, some floating.

The taste of my sister is different from that of my sister.

But do not know why, Su Fei's body is a little stiff, let Qin Dynasty feel that she is holding, think is a frightened little rabbit.

"Pa!" Is thinking, suddenly in the arms of the beauty, raised her hand to the Qin Dynasty a mouth.

"Eh?" Qin Dynasty was directly hit Leng, covered his face, looking at Su Fei daze.

"You, why did you hit me?"

"Dirty! Shameless! Mean Su Fei spat out three, the most vicious words she knew, "you take advantage of me, why can't I fan you?"

"Elder sister! Why don't you fall in by yourself

What's the name of Wei qu'ai's grandmother in Qin Dynasty!

“…… Then, I don't care! "

For the first time, Su Fei was unreasonable, "anyway, you hugged me! Color embryo! Just like you, how can I trust Suu Kyi to you! "

"Come on, come on. You'll fall again."

Qin Dynasty helpless, he simply a Chang embrace, said to Su Fei.

"What are you doing?"

Asked Princess Su warily.

"You fall over again this time. After I hold you, I throw you out of the car, so I'm a gentleman?"

"You Su Fei's eyebrows were raised.

Just as the two men were quarrelling, the lorry came to a halt.

"Damn it! How the hell do you drive! "

Jiang Dong got out of the car and wanted to argue with the driver of the truck.

From the truck, a tall man came down, thick as a butcher in a slaughterhouse.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Who knows, the driver not only didn't apologize, but also grinned ferociously.Then, he took out a shotgun from his arms and pulled the trigger at Jiang Dong.

"Bang!" Fortunately, Jiang Dong reflected that the thief was quick. Looking at the other side's hands in his arms, he fell down in a hurry. And the bullet hit a car behind him, that black Fukang, immediately even the glass was broken, the car body followed by a shock.

Inside the driver, scared to shrink in the car, broken glass and so on, sprinkled him all over.

The Qin Dynasty was an ammunition fan and recognized it at a glance.

Jiang Dong was no exception. He rolled to the ground and was still cursing.

"Who are you? Who are you! Miss, I'll hold him back. Run away

When he was about to get up, the butcher like man, already grinning grimly, fired a shot at the silver gallop.

"Bang!" It's not a bulletproof car. The windows were smashed.

The Qin Dynasty was quick in hand and quick in the eye, and hugged Su Fei tightly in her arms.

The shrapnel coming out of the shotgun, banging on him, was ejected.

In the Qin Dynasty's arms that moment, Su Fei suddenly comfortable.

That's what it feels like

It's like two people are back in their old days. Su Fei was chased by a skeleton. She was sitting on the bicycle of Qin Dynasty, and she was taken by him to run.

He was still the Qin Dynasty, reliable, warm

And myself, or the former Sufei? Should she sacrifice her happiness for her sister?


Qin Dynasty holds Su Fei in his arms and shouts.

The butcher found that two people had not been killed by a single shot, and there was not even a trace of blood, so he couldn't help being a bit dazed.

At this time, Jiang Dong jumped up and jumped on the big man's back.

And Xiaobai, also got out of the car, ready to hand.

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