Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1248

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Chapter 1248

"Wait a minute, Miss Su. If we meet our old friends, we won't be separated so soon. If you do this, you don't give me much face. "

Li Qiang shakes the red wine in his glass.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what's important about your face, Mr. Li."

Su Fei said coldly. There was no need to give such a person a good look.

"Miss Su, this is a little too hurtful."

Li Qiang face some ugly, he patted the female student's buttocks in his arms, "you go to wait for me first."

"OK, ok..."

The girl student seemed to feel something was wrong, especially when she looked at the three professional bodyguards behind her, she felt a little chilly.

She is just an ordinary female student, Li Qiang pursues her one day, under the money attack, she agrees.

She also wants to be better, even if the other party just wants to have sex with herself.

She needs her body, she needs her money.

Each takes what he needs, and there is nothing.

But she didn't want to be killed by these things.

The other side is a beautiful woman, but she is a beautiful woman with background.

She'd better stay away.

Therefore, Li Qiang's words, but let her breathe a sigh of relief, Ma Liu hid in the distance.

"Is there any friendship between us?"

Su Fei curled her lips. "Mr. Li, I don't have time to accompany you. I still have something to do."

"Miss Su Da."

Li Qiang's voice is colder, "no matter how, most of your Su family's industries are in southern Jiangsu. Are you not afraid of any unnecessary trouble? "

"Is this a threat, sir Li?"

Su Fei asked directly.

She is really not in the mood to argue with others today.

Jiang Dong took a step forward, and the two bodyguards behind him also stepped forward at the same time.

Li Qiang looked at it and was immediately happy.

"Hey, Miss Su, are you threatening to use force?"

He took a look at Jiang Dong, and his eyes were a little disdainful. "Now it's a society ruled by law. Is it possible that you, Miss Su, want to instigate bodyguards to beat people? That's good. There will be a good headline in the Sunan morning post tomorrow. "

"Jiang Dong, go to the back."

Princess Su yelled.

"But miss, this is an extraordinary time..."

Jiang Dong said in a hurry.

"Ha ha, Jiang Dong, you think highly of Mr. Li."

Su Fei laughed. "Even if I borrow his courage, he doesn't dare to do anything to me."

The meaning of disdain in Sufei's words is obvious.

But Li Qiang couldn't say anything.

There are so many celebrities in southern Jiangsu watching. You have to be a gentleman

And listen to Princess Su's bodyguard say The reality is her extraordinary period

Be more careful. If something happens to the princess Su, it will be unjustly dead on my head, Li Qiang.

"Miss Su, I'm here to have a business talk with you. Don't you ruin our business talk by making such a situation?"

"I have any business to discuss with Mr. Li."

Su Fei stood there, the powerful woman's momentum is particularly strong, "I'm really sorry, no matter what business, I have no interest."


Li Qiang raised his eyebrows and continued to shake his glass. His expression was like a hunter waiting for his prey to bite.

"It seems that Miss Su is not interested in the land on Xueyuan Road. Well, then I'd better leave. I'll save myself


Su Fei widens her eyes and looks at Li Qiang.

The land on Xueyuan Road It's really important for Princess su.

If you want to upgrade your school, you can't do it without expanding the school site.

If you want to expand the school site, only the land on Xueyuan Road is still empty.

It is in the east of Guangyuan college, which is now a land of no owners.

If we can get it down, we'll finish most of the upgrade.

It's just that if you want to get enough land, the procedures are very complicated, and there are many things.

It is said that there are people bidding for the land at present. Princess Su has never known who it is, so she is worried.

Now it seems that Is it Li's family that they are against?

Unlike the Li family, the Su family is a family that has grown up entirely by business. It has money, but it has no background.

Different from the Li family, Li Qiang's father is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Sunan City, and it is said that he is about to be appointed to the official bureau.

Such an official background is very useful. Any department in southern Jiangsu has to sell li's family a little face.

So it seems that the land, I want to fight for, but the difficulty is not small."What do you mean, Mr. Li?"

"What do I mean?"

Li Qiang said with a smile, "what can I mean? I just want to talk about business. But I don't like the atmosphere here. I'd better make an appointment another day. Only Miss Su and I can find a quiet place to have a good talk

Su Fei immediately understood Li Qiang's mind.

Jiang Dong also understood that this son of a bitch is still trying to make the eldest lady's idea!

"Mr. Li is really interested."

Su Fei secretly squeezed her fist and said, "I will rely on my own efforts to take that piece of land."

"Miss Li Yi is very successful! If you have this ability, ha ha! "

The meaning of Li Qiang is already the satire and scorn of hongguoguo.

But Princess Su just bit her lip.

"Miss, do you want to teach him a lesson I'll take the blame

Jiang Dong came over and whispered in her ear.

He really can't look down, this guy is too arrogant!

I really want to beat him up. Even if I go to court for this, it's better than being humiliated here!

Su's family is the house keeper of Su.

"No, let him go."

Su Fei shook her head. "Jiang Dong, let's go there."

Su Fei said and turned to one side.

There are a lot of celebrities in southern Jiangsu, and some government officials. Although they are tired, they have to keep smiling faces and communicate with them.

When Jiang Dong left, he gave Li Qiang a bad look.

He seems to be telling Li Qiang that if you dare to provoke our eldest daughter, you will die.

But Li Qiang shrugged his shoulders and raised his glass to Jiang Dong.

The meaning of provocation is obvious.

But he was also accurate. Jiang Dong did not dare to do anything to him.

Jiang Dong is so angry. His grandmother is a bear. If it wasn't for the big lady's stop, he would have to hit him with a brilliant spring pig Bajie!

With a lot of worries, she went to one side and exchanged greetings with several celebrities and officials.

At this moment, a hotel attendant came over with a few glasses of wine in his hand.

"What would you like to drink, miss?"

The waiter came up respectfully and handed some drinks to Princess su.

"No, thank you."

Su Fei waved her hand and didn't want to drink any wine.

"I think you'd better have two drinks, miss."

But the waiter began to smile. The smile was not good in Sufei's eyes.

"Thank you. I said no

Princess Su frowned.

"If you have two drinks and you die, there will be no pain."

With that, the waiter suddenly pulled out a black pistol from the bottom of the tray and aimed at Princess su.

All the people present were shocked.

Jiang Dong reacted very quickly. He quickly stopped in front of Princess Su and patted the waiter's wrist at the same time.

"Protect the eldest lady!"

Su Fei was also shocked for a moment. She really had a killer to assassinate herself!

Qin Dynasty just told her today, how come so fast!


The killer hit the ceiling with one shot and scared the people around.

Jiang Dong pounced on the killer.

But the assassin seemed to be very sophisticated, and when he failed to hit him, he immediately lowered his body and hit Jiang Dong's abdomen heavily.

The collision seemed not light. Jiang Dong immediately bent down and squatted on the ground, gasping for breath, as if he had lost his ability to move.

The other two bodyguards are not slow, but the killer is faster, one shot per person, and they all fall to the ground.

The killer continues to approach Sufei.

Li Qiang has killed all the people watching. How come there are killers so soon!

I'll go. I just had a friction with her today. Here comes the killer

If the elder Miss of the Su family is dead, will she not have to bear the blame!

But if he is asked to save Miss Su

Forget it

He hugged his shivering girlfriend and hid under the table honestly.

"Two hundred million dollars, it's mine!"

The assassin said and aimed the muzzle of the gun at Princess su.

Su Fei closed her eyes in despair.

Sure enough, without the Qin Dynasty, it still can't be done

But just at this moment, the window behind Princess Su burst open.

Then, a white light flashed, and the pistol in the killer's hand fell to the ground.At the same time, the killer roared with pain. On his wrist, there was a white chopstick.

Su Fei was surprised. She turned her head and saw a tall man with black scales on her face. She jumped in from the window on the second floor and stood in front of him.

It's the amazing man!

Princess Su felt a little flustered.

He, he turned up again!

It seems that every time I have any danger, he will appear

Is he his own patron saint?

Su Fei never believed in ghosts and gods, but now she did.

"Who are you?"

The assassin's right wrist was pierced and he was shaking. He looked at the man who broke into the window and robbed him of 200 million dollars.

"To kill you."

The man in black only replied faintly.

He went up to the two bodyguards lying in the pool of blood, stretched out his hands and touched them.

Then, two bodyguards, who were already dying, stood up unharmed.

The killer just killed him.

This, how can it be! I have shot them in the heart!

"Damn it!"

But after all, he is a well-trained killer, well aware of the principle that one shot can't be hit, and he can escape thousands of miles away.

So he took out a smoke bomb with his other hand and threw it to the ground.

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