Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1149

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Chapter 1149

Today is the bloody mildew that has been poured for eight generations.

Is it the bad luck that the little white face brought to himself?

Qian Tielong pretended to take something out of his pocket, and then caught a vacancy. He immediately ran like a madman and ran for the supermarket.

"Crouch, catch the thief! Don't let him run away

The shop assistant, who had just been gentle and gentle, immediately yelled, pointing to Qian Tielong and shouting.

Supermarket security suddenly rushed out, a money iron dragon to press down on the ground.

Although Qian Tielong's position is not small, he is a director or something, but he usually lacks exercise. When he did those things with his ex-wife, he was panting for five minutes and insisted on not wishing him. Naturally, if he could not hold on, he would give up his arms.

But Qian Tielong never thought it was his own reason. He thought he was very strong and strong. He thought it was his ex-wife, which made him not interested.

If it's Shi Ying, he will surely be able to show his heroism and fight for 300 rounds, which will make Shi yingshuang die and die.

Naturally, these are just one of his ideas.

I haven't had a chance to practice.

Now, he ran out two steps and was knocked to the ground by two really powerful security guards.

"Lie trough, let you not give money, let you steal my mobile phone, you are a thief!"

The shop assistant rushed up to Qian Tielong, who had fallen to the ground with his fist.

"Who stole your mobile phone?"

He exclaimed reluctantly, at the same time, his butt was kicked by the shop assistant, and he grinned and inhaled cold air.

"Shit, the mobile phone is still in your hand, you dare to cheat! Call the police and send the thief to the police station! "

The shop assistant gave Qian Tielong a mouth, damn thief!

Qian Tielong remembered that he was too nervous and ran so fast that he forgot to return his mobile phone to others It's always in my hand.

Here, where are you crying?

my face hurts!

Around those people ridicule, angry eyes, is to see him want to die!

This group of talents, regardless of Qian Tielong's grievances, sent him to the police station.

At this time, the Qin Dynasty and Shi Ying were buying things from other supermarkets and waiting to check out.

"By card or by cash?"

Asked the clerk politely.


Shi Ying was about to speak, but the Qin Dynasty waved a big hand, "I'll pay!"

He took out a wallet and drew out several hundred yuan bills from it.

"Ah, Qin Dynasty, I'll treat you. How can you pay for it?"

Shi Ying was in a hurry.

"Hi, not me, but Mr. Qian. In other words, Mr. Qian is a good man.

the Qin Dynasty laughed, opened his wallet and gave the money to the shop assistant.

Shi Ying is listening to the clouds, want to pay has been too late.

"Why did he ask..."

The Qin Dynasty approached Shi Ying's ear and gently told her, "because this is his wallet..."


Shi Ying was surprised, then looked at the Qin Dynasty, and then looked at his purse.

"You, you put his..."


The Qin Dynasty squeezed her eyes.

Thinking of the means of punishing her mother-in-law's family before the Qin Dynasty, Shi Ying felt relieved.

He does not like the eyes of the people, the whole family, is really not soft.

Qian Tielong broke two bottles of red wine in the supermarket. It is estimated that there is no money to pay the bill now.

Whatever he is, let him say those excessive words.

Anyway, he still has a mobile phone. It's a big deal to ask friends for help.

But Shi Ying did not know that Qian Tielong's mobile phone was also stolen by the Qin Dynasty battery and card.

When he pushed Qian Tielong, the ability of the nine you poisonous spider of Qin Dynasty was activated, so he replaced his things.

The purpose of the Qin Dynasty was to punish Qian Tielong.

Some people may think that they don't have to see the ants in the same way.

But the Qin Dynasty didn't think so. After being bitten by a mosquito, he still had to chase him to death, not to mention being humiliated by a person.

That's dignity, no money? Can you trample on it?

The Qin Dynasty believed that no matter who was a person, whether it was a student, a teacher, a writer, or anyone, as long as he was a man with ideas, he should have his own dignity.

If dignity is challenged, it is absolutely impossible.

If you talk to a reasonable person, you can reason with him.

With unreasonable people, you don't have to be reasonable.

All of us are born and raised by our parents. No one has more hands and more feet. We are all equal on the issue of dignity.

Learn to respect a person, is the most basic human.The Qin Dynasty remembers that when he was in college, he often played with post bars and read novels.

Whether in the post bar, or in the comment area of the novel, there will be a group of self righteous people running to scold.

The mentality of these people, the Qin Dynasty understood, is that they feel very great, think their words are right, reasonable, you do not listen to that is you should not.

If so, why don't they post themselves and write things themselves.

I can't write, but I can swear.

The most interesting is to belong to the vagrant star this game website, the above often quarrel is a few factions.

For example, the PC party and the host party. The CF party and the CS party. Apple party, Android party

There are others, and so on, fighting.

The reason for the quarrel is nothing more than showing off wealth. They all say that the other party is brain damaged.

Usually a post is followed by a large number of abusive comments, which shows the quality of the poor.

In the view of Qin Dynasty, if you feel that other people's opinions are wrong, you can say it directly.

In my personal opinion, there may be something wrong with you. If it was me, I would do this

There is nothing wrong with this, and no one will be angry.

But it turns out to be another flavor.

What the hell do you write about your hair? Rubbish, brain damage. Even if I pull with my eyes closed, the excrement I pull out is 100 times stronger than yours.

The implication is as if he is a donkey pulling gold, a pair of expert's face, which is unacceptable.

Qian Tielong is the same. He puts himself in a high position, criticizes you and insults you.

Can you take it?

The Qin Dynasty didn't feel that he owed money to Tielong. Even if he was a * *, he had nothing to do with himself.

With the money, Qin Yingchao handed in the bag.

At the door, there were two little girls in the shape of students, holding a fund-raising box in their hands.

"Sir, give your love to the students of hope primary school."

Said a little girl.

"Ah, good."

Usually, Qin Dynasty would not pay money, because he always felt that the money could not reach the hands of hope primary school.

Generally, they go to the leaders first, and the leaders deduct one layer, and then the people below.

One by one, the money goes to the bottom, but there's nothing left.

All the money I donated to the borers.

Of course, there are good people. They think it's good to donate 100 yuan, even if one yuan goes to the students.

For such people, the Qin Dynasty is really admired, is indeed a good man. It's just that those officials who are greedy for money don't know if they can trust a person in their next life.

But today is not the same, he wants to learn to do good deeds.

So, the Qin Dynasty went over, and took out a total of about two thousand yuan of cash in Qian Tielong's wallet and put it into the donation box.

"You are a good man, sir."

Two female students came out for two days, the first time I saw someone donate so much money!

They are very happy, pulling Qin Dynasty's sleeve to say.

"Sir, sign your name on this book of kindness and let the students remember their benefactor."

Learning to do good deeds does not leave a name, but the Qin Dynasty still picked up a pen and wrote down a name.

Qian Tielong.

"How did you write his name?"

Seeing the signature of the Qin Dynasty, Shi Ying couldn't help asking.

"I don't like to take credit falsely."

Qin Dynasty laughed, put down his pen and said, "this is his money. I will do good for him. Come on, let's go home and eat. "

If Qian Tielong knew that his money had been donated to hope primary school by the Qin Dynasty, he would be angry and spit blood.

Although he has money, he never gives a cent.

Last time there was an earthquake in the city, the unit organized donation, he didn't pay a cent.

In his words, money is hard earned by Laozi. Why give it to others! When I just graduated and couldn't eat, I didn't see people give me money to spend!

However, today, Qian Tielong is totally out of blood mold.

The Qin Dynasty followed Shi Ying all the way back to her home.

This building was the place where her mother-in-law's house was in trouble.

Next door is Qian Tielong's home. The Qin Dynasty can't help but release a Luocha ghost and sneaks a glance at it.

As a director's home, the house is clean and tidy.

One of the walls was covered with a red curtain.

Qin Dynasty is very curious, let luochagui open to have a look.

This pull, immediately stunned.

I pull a grass, this wall, paste dense, are Shi Ying's photos!

I don't know how this money Tielong secretly photographed.This is the most natural side of Shi Ying. I don't know how she was photographed.

There are still some pictures without clothes!

Lying trough, how is this possible? How can Qian Tielong have such a picture.

The Qin Dynasty asked luochagui to come up and have a closer look, and then found out that it was all P up. It's Shi Ying's head and P's body.

No wonder she is not like Shi Ying at all.

This money iron dragon, also enough abnormal.

How could the Qin Dynasty keep such ugly photos? Of course, if it was Shi Ying's, the Qin Dynasty would have collected them.

It's a pity that this guy doesn't try his best to get out of this group of guys. What a pit father!

Qin Dynasty is not polite, directly let luochagui, release a nine you Yin Fire, these photos to burn clean.

But there must be more than pictures. The Qin Dynasty also instructed luochagui to find Qian Tielong's camera and computer.

Qin Dynasty turned out the memory card, put it into the computer, and opened it.

Good guy! All kinds of photos of Shi Ying!

Not only Shi Ying, but also other girls are young and beautiful.

What's serious is that these girls are basically showing off.

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