Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 661

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Chapter 661

Liao Shasha! Damn it, how did she come here!

The Qin Dynasty felt his stomach twitch.

If we say that among all the girls like in the Qin Dynasty, two people are absolutely not paying, it is Suji and Liao Shasha!

The same is the daughter!

It's not a good temper either!

"You child."

Aunt pushed the Qin Dynasty, "see grandma, how do not support a voice."

"Ah! Grandma, happy New Year

The Qin Dynasty quickly said hello to his grandmother.

"Xiaoshou is back..."

Grandma looked at the Qin Dynasty lovingly, "Oh, it's all growing tall, ha ha..."

Qin Dynasty is very moved, if this time, grandfather is also in, he will certainly go to one side without saying a word, sit on the sofa, start to read the newspaper.

The Qin Dynasty knew that his grandfather had never dealt with him since he was a child. He only liked Qin min, the great granddaughter. Why, because Qin min gave them the Qin family's honor.

In the Qin Dynasty, he didn't love to study when he was young, and didn't get into a good school when he grew up.

Therefore, when the grandfather, also does not like the Qin Dynasty very much. However, grandfather has passed away, thinking about these, also become memories.

"Sit down, granny."

Qin Dynasty pulled his grandmother, let her sit on the sofa, and then squatted down to his grandmother gently beat legs.

Grandma and their feelings, but very good.

When a grandmother, or more love their own grandson. Although Sun Tzu's learning did not let the family worry less, but the Qin Dynasty grandmother has a common problem with the traditional old people, that is, the preference for men over women.

However, Xiaomin also let her love, because Xiaomin is too sensible.

In the Qin Dynasty, although they were not good at learning, they were very filial to their grandmother.

"Qin Dynasty, don't patronize my old lady. Your little girl friend has been waiting for you all day."

"That's it

Liao Shasha squatted on the other side of her grandmother and helped her hammer her other leg, "or grandma loves me and says a fair word for me. Comrade Xiaoshou, you don't have a sense of time! "

"Don't call me a nickname!"

The Qin Dynasty glared at Liao Shasha fiercely, then yelled, "and who let you come?"

"Wuwuwuwu, grandma, he is cruel to me..."

Liao Shasha hugs her grandmother's leg and tears dimly.

"Stinky boy, how can you bully Sasha!"

When the grandmother, originally loves own grandson most. Now she is coaxed by Liao Shasha, and she is also very fond of her. Suddenly, his face sank and yelled at his grandson.

"That's it. It's just that you're wrong."

Aunt also helps Liao Shasha speak.

"Who just attacked my daughter-in-law?"

Qin Dynasty mother, also holding a kitchen knife, came out of the kitchen, "dead boy, is it you?"

"I, I was wrong..."

In the cold sweat of the Qin Dynasty, Liao Shasha, opposite him, secretly made a "Ye" gesture to him.

He stood up, pulled over Liao Shasha, stepped aside, and whispered.

"My little sister-in-law, how can you come here on your own! Do you know that Suu Kyi will be here today! "


When she heard that Suji was coming, Liao Shasha was angry, but she turned her eyes and said reluctantly.

"So what. She's your girlfriend. I'm not? "

"You are, you are, you can be my aunt!"

The Qin Dynasty almost knelt down to Liao Shasha.

"You are obedient, go back quickly, don't make trouble for me!"

"I don't!"

Liao Shasha's eldest lady is in a temper.

"What are you two whispering about?"

Grandma said with a smile, "why, you can't let Grandma listen to me too"


Liao Shasha immediately looked aggrieved and said to her grandmother, "the Qin Dynasty said that I would not be allowed to spend the new year here..."

"How can that be done?"

Grandma immediately glared at her grandson, "little suffer, you can't bully Sasha!"

"That's it The old lady continued to help, "it's true that I've suffered a lot from this child, so I'll bully others and be honest with Sasha!"

She is honest! If Liao Shasha was honest, I would be one of the top ten outstanding young people in Qin Dynasty!

"Stinky boy, don't you want to have a rest year?"

Mother also wrung the ear of Qin Dynasty fiercely, "be good to Sasha, or I won't give you dumplings!"

"Xiaomin, please help me to speak quickly!"

The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to ask for his precious niece.

"Hee hee, uncle!" Who knows, Xiaomin, the girl, is shaking her two ponytails and giggling at herself. She raises her wrist, lights up a green bracelet on it, and says, "my aunt is OK. She still gives me a bracelet. Look good!""It doesn't have much money, but Xiaomin looks good on it."

Liao Shasha said with a smile.

Qin Dynasty pushed her quickly and asked in a low voice.

"There's not much money. How cheap is it?"

"Huancheng, 300000, green emerald..."

Liao Shasha also whispered in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Lying trough..."

Qin Chaoxin said, "I depend on you. You are willing to spend money to buy off my family."

"Hee hee, thank you, Auntie!" Xiaomin is very happy and sits next to her sister-in-law Qin Juan and says.

"Sister in law, you see, isn't it beautiful?"

"Cut, a look is a few hundred yuan bracelet, what can be happy about."

Who knows, Qin Juan but poured a cold water, let the scene suddenly embarrassed.

Qin Dynasty dry cough two, he picked up his gift from the side of the tea table.

"Xiaomin, I didn't give you anything when you took the exam last year. This year's new year's Eve, just make up. Look, like it. "


Hearing the gift, Xiaomin was happy again. She accepted the gift from Qin Dynasty, opened the plastic bag, and immediately revealed the two apple phones inside.

"Wow, it's Apple's cell phone!"

Xiaomin opened the box, took out the mobile phone inside, eyes shining, "I have friends, so expensive."

She suddenly hesitated, put the mobile phone into the box and gave it to the Qin Dynasty.

"Uncle, it's too expensive. I can't take it! With this money, Xiaomin can eat for months. "

Liao Shasha in the side, secretly white Qin Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty suddenly understood, he he laughed, said, "nothing, Xiaomin, Shanzhai, only a few hundred yuan, take it to play. There are two colors. You can use whichever you like. The other, leave it to your future boyfriend. "


A listen is a Shanzhai, Xiaomin this just rest assured to put down, and then happily play with their new mobile phone.

"Cut, I guess it's fake."

Qin Juan said, "it's no shame to send the fake goods to Xiaomin's future boyfriend. Xiaomin, I have a used second generation apple. It's out of date. Anyway, it's idle. You can use it in two days. "

"No, thank you, sister-in-law."

Xiaomin is holding the mobile phone sent by Qin Dynasty, saying, "Xiaomin has a mobile phone sent by uncle, it's enough!"

"Cut, don't pull it down." Qin Juan heart said, you can also match the Shanzhai goods.

"By the way, I came in a hurry today, so I didn't bring any extra gifts."

Liao Shasha bowed to her grandmother and said, "however, Qin Dynasty and I have already discussed. All the gifts are on the way. They should be here soon. Everyone has them."


The Qin Dynasty scratched his head, "what gift have you prepared?"

"Idiot..." Liao Shasha secretly kicked the Qin Dynasty and whispered, "when I went shopping with my grandmother, I prepared However, from Dongchuan City, I have to fly for a while. "

"Fly for a while? You sent it from Santa

"Pig head, you came by helicopter."

Liao Shasha stomped her feet in anger.

Qin Chaoxin said, I rely on, helicopter, my yard, can stop the helicopter!

"Don't worry. I've seen it. It's almost enough."

It seems to see through the heart of the Qin Dynasty at a glance, Liao Shasha said with a smile.

"Oh, look at you, this child, come and prepare any gifts"

the mother of the Qin Dynasty said with a smile, "there is nothing missing in our family. We will be very happy if you can come."

"It doesn't matter, aunt." Liao Shasha, courteously, went over, took the arm of Qin Dynasty's mother and shook, "how can I not bring a gift when I see my mother-in-law for the first time. Don't worry. It will be sent by my family in a short time. "

"Oh, by the way, Sasha, don't know where your house is yet?"

"Hee hee, auntie, my home is in Dongchuan."

"Ah! Dongchuan City, seems to be far away from here! It's so far away. How can it be delivered? "

"Hee hee, auntie, you will know in a moment."

"This child, how mysterious, like the Qin Dynasty."

Several people talked and had lunch. The father of Qin Dynasty and his second uncle came back again and again.

Qin's aunt and sister-in-law ran to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Spring Festival is like this, especially busy, mainly busy cooking.

After a while, the door was knocked.

"I'll open the door!"

Xiaomin took her new mobile phone and hopped to open the door.

"Uncle and aunt? Who are you looking for

"Look, look for Qin Dynasty..."

There was a hesitant voice outside.

The Qin dynasty turns a head to see, it is fa Xiang and Bai Jiaojiao.Both men changed their clothes.

FA Xiang estimated that he was a guest for the first time. He wore a black suit, which was very formal.

But Bai Jiaojiao is wearing a very fashionable windbreaker coat, which is much more natural than Faxiang.

"Zhang Xiang, Bai Jiaojiao, you are here!"

Qin Dynasty immediately welcomed up.

"Qin Dynasty, who is this?"

Qin's mother couldn't help asking.

"Hey, mom, introduce it."

Qin Dynasty took FA Xiang's shoulder and said, "this is my brother-in-law, my girlfriend's brother, brother..."

When he finished, a question suddenly occurred to him.

Lying trough, it's not Suji who is here today, but Liao Shasha!

Sure enough, Liao Shasha turned her head and looked at FA Xiang and Bai Jiaojiao with a puzzled face.

"It's my mother's family! Come on in, come in

The mother of the Qin Dynasty immediately beamed with joy and let them in.

His aunt also said hello.

"Oh, Qin Dynasty, why don't you say it? Let's prepare. Sasha, your brother is very tall



FA Xiang and nalosha looked at each other.

Soon, FA Xiang grabbed the collar of the Qin Dynasty and said angrily.

"Stinky boy, you're hiding from Suki and other girlfriends!"


This time, all the people in the room were stunned.

But that white Jiao Jiao Jiao, heartless ground, also added a sentence.

"Oh, my dear, don't blame him. You don't know that his girlfriend can form a women's football team

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