Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 574

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Chapter 574

"Brother of Qin Dynasty, open the door, it's me, Li Na!"

Li Na's crisp voice sounded outside the door.

Qin Dynasty a smile, went to open the door. Sure enough, outside stood a little girl with a ponytail, wearing a blue and white school uniform, looking at the Qin Dynasty in surprise.

Li Na should have heard Xu Mei talk about the Qin Dynasty when she came back. She didn't even have time to pick up her schoolbag, so she ran to the Qin Dynasty.

"After school, little girl."

Qin Dynasty is very intimate, reached out to touch Li Na's hair.

"Oh, how many times have you said it? Don't touch people's hair!"

Li Na opened the Qin Dynasty's hand, pursed her mouth and said, "moreover, people are not small, they will be college students soon."

"It's more than five months before you can take the university entrance examination, but you are anxious first."

"Yes, I can fall in love after I go to university"

Li Na laughs.

Qin Dynasty a burst of helplessness, University is to fall in love? God, what kind of logic is that.

"Don't think about those useless, take a good exam and get into Kyoto University. I'll give you a gift."


Li Na jumped up in surprise, "what gift did Qin Dynasty brother give me?"

"I won't tell you. I'll know when you pass the exam." The Qin Dynasty pretended to be mysterious.

"Cut, stingy." Li Na pouted out her mouth again. "Don't buy two lollipops to fool me. If you want to give me a gift, you should give me something good Well, it can't be less than a hundred dollars. "

Qin Dynasty almost didn't come out, he couldn't help rubbing Li Na's hair again, "don't worry, just a lot more."

"Also, don't buy too expensive!"

Little Li Na said quickly, "about a hundred will do! Well, you can give me a big doll, which is as tall as one person

Little Li Na grabbed the arm of Qin Dynasty and said, "no one has sent me yet."

"Well, well, it's a bear doll. I can give it to you without you taking the exam." The Qin Dynasty was helpless.

"No, they're going to be a gift for the entrance examination!"

Little Li Na said firmly, "besides, the elder brother of Qin Dynasty hasn't worked yet. How can you spend money?"

"Ha, your brother. I'm a freelancer."

In Qin Dynasty, is the seventh subject a free occupation?

"That's not good. I'll give you a present when you're on duty!"

Seeing the appearance of two people talking at the door, I don't know why. Xu Mei suddenly has a feeling that a woman is not in the middle of staying.

Her heart is flustered, hastily interposed a way.

"Nana, Xiao Qin, you two don't talk about it. We should start."

"Yes, sister Xu."

"Yes, Ma!"

The two men are quite tacit.

This makes Xu Mei's heart flustered even more fierce, she began to doubt that if she invited Qin Dynasty to dinner today, would it lead a wolf into the house?

But want to return to think, say good thing, change again and again make people laugh.

"Xiao Qin, tell me what I want to eat today."

"I can eat anything, little Nana."

"Of course, I have to eat something delicious!" Li Na left her schoolbag at home, waved her playful ponytail and said, "I heard that my brother helped my mother a lot, and my mother didn't tell me exactly what it was. Hum, then eat some delicious food and let mom give some blood

The heart of the Qin Dynasty, such a broken matter, of course, can not tell you in detail.

"It's nothing to do, but to help sister Xu carry something back from other people. It's very heavy." Qin Dynasty pun.

"Yes, yes, so thank you very much. Ha ha." Xu Mei followed the donkey down the slope.

"Well, then. I don't have much to eat. Why don't we eat rice noodles

With that, he winked at the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty know this meaning, although small Li Na said let her mother bleeding, but still love her mother to spend money.

He also winked at Li Na, "rice noodles, goodbye. As soon as I say to eat rice noodles, I think of officer AI. The egg hurts. Don't go there. "

Little Li Na Dun pouted her mouth and glared at the Qin Dynasty.

"Why don't we go to hot pot? I know a self-help shop. It's very good. It's fifty-five yuan per person."

Xu Mei had already thought about it. Just now she was just polite.

"Well, then go to the hot pot."

"Yes, listen to sister Xu." The Qin Dynasty didn't want to be too difficult for others. A meal of more than 100 yuan was Xu Mei's bleeding.

Three people discussed, and then went downstairs.

Out of the community, Xu Mei took Li Na to the bus stop.

"Let's go, Xiaoqin. There's No.2 bus ahead. We'll be there by 15 stops."

I'll go. Fifteen stops. Qin Dynasty a burst of big head, how long did he not squeeze through the bus. Alas, now that I have been completely hit by the sugar coated bullets of the bourgeoisie, my life has begun to rot, and I don't like to take the bus any more."No, sister Xu!" Qin Dynasty quickly waved, "this back and forth is too time-consuming, especially in this period of time, everyone is off work, the bus is too crowded, and then the little Li Na is crushed."

"What's the crush? It's not porcelain."

Little Li Na curled her lips.

"Yes, yes. To get to that hotel, you have to take bus No.2." Xu Mei is very familiar with the bus routes in southern Jiangsu.

"Well, then." People have said so, and Qin Dynasty didn't say much about it. It's not that you haven't been through the bus.

Just when he was ready to meet the pain, a silver Mercedes Benz just drove by slowly, which immediately brightened his eyes.

Oh, my God. Here comes the Savior.

"Sister Xu, Li Na, we have a car!"

Said, in Xu Mei and Li Na's gaping, Qin Dynasty suddenly ran to the road, stopped in front of the silver Mercedes Benz.

"Damn it, who is it

The Mercedes Benz suddenly braked, thanks to the driver's good skill, it stopped steadily in front of the Qin Dynasty. The driver poked his head out and swore.

"Wipe, who are you scolding?" The Qin Dynasty immediately raised the middle finger.

"Er, Qin Dynasty?"

Jiang Dong pushed open the door, got out of the car, looked at his future second uncle, "how did you run here?"

"When I went to dinner with my neighbor, I didn't have a car. I saw you and took a free ride."

"Wipe, I'm not your driver!"

Jiang Dong is depressed. He used to be a steward at the combat level, but now he is almost a driver.

"Get on the bus quickly. No parking is allowed near the bus stop."

But the heart is not convinced, also have to let others Qin Dynasty. Who let him be his own uncle, and he can't beat others.

With a smile, the Qin Dynasty opened the rear door and let Xu Mei and Li Na, who had not been awakened, got on the car.

A mother and daughter sat up and looked east and West. Xu Mei, in particular, has seen a lot of Mercedes Benz. This is the first time. I always remember seeing this silver Mercedes Benz before. I didn't expect to be able to sit in it one day.

The sofa is made of genuine leather, which makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Good guy, a new car"

the Qin Dynasty also sat in the co pilot and took the door with him.

"Of course, the previous one was scrapped by the air hammer! This car was just taken out of the garage. I can't help it. The eldest lady likes this Mercedes Benz E300. She can't get used to other cars. "

"Little Nana, do you like this car?"

The Qin Dynasty turned around and asked Li Na, who was looking at the video system behind her.

Li Na is looking at the 8-inch color display and is shocked to hear the Qin Dynasty calling him.

"Ah, very good."

"Do you like it?" The Qin Dynasty pondered, "no, it's OK for a man to drive, but it's ugly for a girl to drive..."

Xu Mei listened funny, heart said my daughter like, you can send her a how drop.

"Where are you going to eat?"

Jiang Dong asked as he drove.

"Wangji hot pot, in Xuefu Road."

Xu Mei told the address.

"Wangji hot pot?" Jiang Dong raised his eyebrows, "I haven't heard of that. What's the point of eating there? Come on, Anthony hotel. I'll take you there. It's quite near. "

With that, Jiang Dong turned the steering wheel and turned to the side of the main road.

Xu Mei has the heart to cry.

Anthony Hotel Oh, my God, I have to eat thousands of dollars Well, it's not worth the money!

"Well, uncle, do you have to eat there? I want to eat hot pot

Little Li Na also loves money for her mother. Xu Mei even boasts that she has given birth to a good daughter.

"Ah, don't worry. Anthony also has hot pot, which is quite famous! The bottom of the pot is 999. It's volcanic. I had it once, and it was great. But I've always been surprised that the hotel has to make a price of 999, and you can get one yuan for a thousand yuan! "

"That's for the sake of listening." The Qin Dynasty saw Xu Mei's face in the reversing mirror and couldn't help laughing.

Oh, my God. It's 999. It's killing me

But when Xu Mei sits in a Mercedes Benz, she has to be fat.

What's more, she took a little fancy to Jiang Dong. The young man is very handsome, his clothes are very high-grade, and he drives a Mercedes Benz. I have to find a way to introduce my daughter to him.

If you are too poor, you must be looked down upon.

Anthony, Anthony, today, all for his daughter!

"I said, young man, what's your name?"

Thinking of this, Xu Mei didn't think about the hotel any more and began to investigate Jiang Dong's account directly.

"Ah, my name is Jiang Dong. Chiang Kai Shek's Chiang Kai Shek is the east of the East. "

"Tut, Jiang Dong, good name." Xu Mei couldn't help boasting.The Qin Dynasty whispered, "do you have any? I don't think it's a common name... "

Xu Meibai glanced at the Qin Dynasty and looked at Jiang Dong warmly.

"Well, Xiao Jiang, where do you work now?"

"Ah, I'm the steward of the Su family."

Su family!

Xu Mei was surprised.

Good guy, in southern Jiangsu, how many people don't know about the Su family!

And this young man is a housekeeper! What does the housekeeper do? In Xu Mei's mind, the housekeeper is in charge of money!

Jiang Dong's rank went up as soon as he could.

"Well, the car is yours, too."

"Sister Xu, this car belongs to Princess Su, the eldest lady of his family, not his."

The Qin Dynasty found that Xu Mei's look at Jiang Dong was a little bit like an old mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, so she said quickly.

"Ah? It's not your love "

sure enough, Xu Mei's eyes are a little disappointed.

"Well, this car belongs to my eldest lady. I also have one, but it's black. The silver one is too high-profile for me to drive. "

Oh, good guy. I have one of them.

Xu Mei's eyes brightened again after brushing.

Well, in the heart of the Qin Dynasty, Xu Mei really took a fancy to Jiang Dong.

"Xiao Jiang, are you only responsible for driving people?"

Xu Mei is worried that the other side is an ordinary driver. She talks big words to deceive her.

"Hey, you're right to say that." Jiang Dong didn't recognize Xu Mei's meaning, but he said to himself, "but I only drive for the eldest lady. Besides, I also have my driver. I'm in charge of all the big and small affairs of the Su family. When others drive for the eldest lady, she is not at ease, nor is the old man at ease. "

"To put it bluntly, it's still the driver." The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders.

"Fuck you." Jiang Dong couldn't help but give him a blow, "you are the driver!"

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