Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 883

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Chapter 883


The Earth Dragon, the giant creature that has been at the top of the food chain in hell, only had time to let out a howl.

Then its body, in trembling, burst into the ground.

The earth trembled with each other, and a huge pit broke out in the center of the dragon.

The pit is five meters deep and more than ten meters in diameter. It appears directly in the wasteland.

The dragon lying in the pit is dead.

He did not dream that such a monster would appear, and he would return to the West with one blow.

The Qin Dynasty cut off a large piece of meat with the lotus flower, and then collected the whole Earth Dragon into his Xumi ring. Anyway, there is a function of keeping fresh, and I'm not afraid that the dragon will rot.

After cutting the meat and cleaning up the battlefield, the Qin Dynasty whistled to its own hellhorse.

The hell horse was not stupid. He immediately and carefully carried faduo and ran towards the Qin Dynasty.

After seeing the end of the Earth Dragon, the hell horse shivered.

This brother heart says, oneself still put cleverness a bit, lest also become the food of other people that day.

"My lord You are really good... "

Faduo's surprised little face was red. When he arrived at the Qin Dynasty, he couldn't help shouting, "such a big walking Dragon You, you'll be killed with one blow... "

The Qin Dynasty laughed and took faduo from his horse. Then he threw the red flame fruit to the hell horse, and he took fado and sat down beside him.

"Just a moment. I'll barbecue you."

The Qin Dynasty raised a flame with the power of the nine hell Devil Dog. Then, with the seasoning in Xumi ring, he began to bake the meat of the ground dragon cut by the white lotus flower.

Su Ji praised the cooking skills of Qin Dynasty all the time. Soon, the meat was Zizi, oily, golden and fragrant.

Fado couldn't help sniffing,

"I, I can eat meat What's more, it's still the meat of the Dragon Sobbing, even if fado is dead now, it's worth it. "


Qin Dynasty pinched her nose, "eat a piece of land line dragon meat, is it so great?". You, fado, are much more precious than the dragon of this land. "

"Really? My lord

Fado couldn't help but tilt her head, looking at the people she had come into contact with, completely different aristocrats.

"Of course, you have saved me. There is no reward for saving my life."

Qin Dynasty handed the barbecue in his hand to faduo, "here, eat it."

"My lord You don't want to eat... "

Fado asked, licking his lips.

"There are. I've collected the whole dragon."

Qin Dynasty laughs a way, "moreover, I am not hungry, I am hungry to make myself."

To the hell, people are not raw and unfamiliar, Roxie is not around, Qin Dynasty has no appetite to eat.

"Thank you, my lord..."

Faduo had been hungry for a long time. In addition, it was roasted so fragrant in the Qin Dynasty. After receiving it, he could not help tearing off a piece and tasting it.

"Wow, eat well! How are you, my Lord! The power is so strong, and the food is so delicious... "

"That's where it goes."

The Qin Dynasty laughed, "later, I will take you to a more interesting place. There, there's delicious food everywhere. "

"Really? My Lord, have you not deceived fado

"Of course not."

"My Lord, you want to take fado to the human world."

This girl is not stupid. She soon guessed it.

"Yes, it's the human world. It's very colorful. It's fun. "

"But I can't..."

However, faduo shook his head with regret, "faduo is just a civilian, not a contractor, unable to pass through the magma sea. When you get there, fado will be eaten by the creation beast... "

"Ha ha ha, don't worry about it. It's just the creation beast. I'll settle it down then."

"Really? My Lord, that is the creation beast. It is a thousand times stronger than the earth walking dragon

Fado thought that this adult must have never seen the creation beast.

"I know, I've seen it with my own eyes. But I have a way to deal with it. Do you believe me, fado

"Well, I believe your honor."

Fado thinks that this adult is amazing. There should be nothing he can't do.

Indeed, the level of the creation beast is very high.

But for the Qin Dynasty, it was not difficult. Because, he is careless.

In hell, where there is no principle at all, his careless thinking can play to the extreme.

At that time, as long as their own careless recitation to promote, into the level of xianzun.

Hehe, what creation beast is crushed to death with one hand.

What else is the king of hell? They are all garbage like characters."My Lord, fado is full."

Fado's appetite is not very big, a fist size barbecue will satisfy her.

"Well, let's get ready to go."

The Qin Dynasty patted the dust on his body and was about to stand up. Suddenly, frown, and then said.

"It looks like we'll have to wait a little longer."

"What's the matter, my lord?"

Faduo puzzled, Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance.

In the distance, a row of thick smoke is coming towards this side.

It was a group of demon knights, each wearing silver armor and riding hellhorses.

Behind one of them was a huge flag with the family emblem of a certain family on it.

"The guard of the Farran family..."

Fado was a little nervous again. "They, they're catching up."


Qin Dynasty laughed and said, "OK, then I'll solve these guys."

Just then, the Knights ran in their direction.

After a while, there were hundreds of demon Knights around the wilderness, all of them covetously, staring at the Qin Dynasty and faduo.

"You're the one who killed our Farran guard?"

A demon wearing noble armor, riding his hell horse, slowly toward the Qin Dynasty.

This demon is different from those seen before the Qin Dynasty, with a kind of indifference on his face, which is almost no different from that of human beings. Only the devil's horn still grows on his forehead.

"Ha ha, in fact, I am a low-key person."

Qin Dynasty embraces the arm, "I do good deeds, never leave a name, how to be found by you."

"If you dare to speak to Lord Siva in this tone, you will die!"

Next to a medium-level devil angry, "don't hurry to kneel down for Lord Siva, or I'll kill you now!"

"Lord Siva?"

The Qin Dynasty picked eyebrows and looked at the man riding on the horse in front of him. "The name is very interesting, but soon it doesn't belong to you, because the dead don't deserve a name."

This Shiva is a high-level demon with the power to be close to the baby.

"My name is Siva Farran."

"My God, it's Lord Siva..."

Fado stood in the back, almost sitting on the ground.

"He, he is a famous expert of the fallan family I heard that Countless demons died in his hands Because of his military exploits, he also has the title of Baron It's over, my Lord. We're done with this... "

"Don't worry. I'm here. I'll be fine."

The Qin Dynasty appeased faduo.

"Indeed, since you understand my terror, you should answer my question honestly"

the high-level devil did not rush to start. He looked down at the Qin Dynasty and asked, "which country are you? Tell me honestly. Maybe I can give you a good time."

"Lord Siva, Lucifer's army is fighting with us recently. Can he belong to Lucifer Empire?"

"I think it's from the Astaroth empire. Don't you often have spies?"

"Maybe it belongs to besieb empire. They have been thinking about expansion for a long time."

The guards couldn't help talking.

"Say your master!"

Xiwa looked at the Qin Dynasty, with a faint murderous look in his eyes.

"I have no master, but my boss is Li Baishan. Do you know me?"

The Qin Dynasty laughs.

"Li Baishan? Who is that? I haven't heard of it

"The boy is playing us!"

Cried the guards.

"You mean the name of your contractor."

Siva was a little impatient, "your dishonesty will only make your death very painful! Let me, Siva Farran, kill you, and then interrogate your soul

With that, nasiwa reached out and snapped his fingers.


In his expectation, the head of this low-level demon in front of him should be blown up. Then, the little girl named fado was brought back by herself and enjoyed it.

But the lower demons stood there, looking at themselves as if they were fools.


He frowned slightly and snapped his finger again.

That low-level devil is nothing.

"Yo, snap your fingers. Do you want some rhythm?"

Qin Dynasty is smiling, stretch out his hand to come, slap ground hit, "like this?"


A Demon Knight next to Shiva had his head blown off, fell off his horse and fell into a pool of blood.

A group of demon guards, suddenly some panic.

Shiva is also staring at the lower level demons."How about something stronger?"

Qin Dynasty said, both hands out at the same time, as if accompanied by rhythm, Pa Pa Pa ring finger.

Every time he hit, a demon's head blew off and died under the horse.

Just for a moment, he hit 50 times in a row.

The guard of the Farran family, half dead in an instant!

"How could you think! You are not a low-level demon

Shiva woke up and threw out a black flame. "Damn it, you spy of the enemy country, go to death!"


A huge flame monster, climbing up, more than six meters tall, a pair of black flame claws, grabbed two balls of fire, and threw them toward the Qin Dynasty.

"You can't play with fire at will."

Qin Dynasty flies two feet, like kicking a ball, kicks these two regiments of flame to fly.

The fireball flew among the Knights and exploded.

Huge air waves, the group of demon Knights blow up everywhere, rout.

"You see, I said, playing with fire is very dangerous."

Qin Dynasty seems very innocent, shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Damn it! Flame beast, kill him

Shiva's calm is gone. He has only one thought now, that is to kill this damned devil!

The flame beast became more irritable, waving its claws and grabbing at the Qin Dynasty.

"Come on, let's have a good time."

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