Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 832

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Chapter 832

"What's the matter?"

Su Fei uttered a exclamation. She was just a common human being, and she didn't understand what happened.

But at this time, the Xuanyuan Sakura Ji is both hands together, pinches a method to decide.

"Fantasy of the dark sky!"

From her hands, a red diaphragm quickly spread out, instantly wrapped a hundred meters around the place.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scene of the evening turned blood red.

I feel like coming to another parallel space.

That noisy amusement park, momentarily quiet down.

Even Jiang Dong and Su Fei stopped their movements,

"boss Su! Jiang Dong

Qin Dynasty did not know what fantasy, he saw two people do not understand, was surprised, hurriedly yelled.

"What have you done to them?"

Suu Kyi panicked. This is her sister! What can't happen to her!

"Don't worry."

Xuanyuan Yingji stood there, a head of black hair hanging down, coupled with a white dress on her body, it seemed as elegant as a fairy.

Her voice is like oriole, very pleasant to hear, "they all have nothing to do, just in another space. This is the mysterious and illusory realm that I created. Only those who practice the truth can enter the world. "

Is it only true practitioners who can enter?

Qin Dynasty looked back, sure enough, Estee and j in the back of the car, also static stop there.

Qin Chao sighed. He opened the door, got out of the car and looked at the peerless beauty in front of him.

"Xuanyuan Yingji, what are you going to do?"

"I just miss you. Come and see you."

Xuanyuan Yingji looked at the Qin Dynasty, a little aggrieved in the eyes, "or say, you even see, do not want to see me one side."

Although in front of her is a beautiful woman, but the Qin Dynasty does not know why, there is always a kind of rejection of her psychology.

"I don't mean that, but if you suddenly appear, you have to give me a reason."

Su Ji also walks down with Qin Ying in her arms. Qin Ying, after all, is young and a girl. She shivers slightly when she sees Xuanyuan Yingji.

The Xuanyuan Yingji turned her head and took a look at Qin Ying.

"I want that child."

"No way!"

Qin Dynasty and Suji said almost at the same time.

"Little girl, it's none of your business here!"

Xuanyuan Sakura Ji heard Suji speak, just a smile suddenly fade away, blink of an eye become ferocious, a wisp of hair toward Suji hit.

"Be careful!"

Qin Dynasty was shocked. He knew how powerful Xuanyuan Yingji's hair was.

"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"

The power of Jiuyou Colossus was bestowed on him in an instant. Wearing white gloves, he grabbed the flying hair and held it tightly. However, the hair grew very fast. After a slight meal, he came to Suu Kyi again.

"Don't hurt my little mother!"

With Suji's strength in the middle of Yuanying's life, it is impossible to resist.

But at this time, Qin Ying in her arms made a move.

The little Laurie glared at her big eyes, and suddenly a golden light spread out from her body, like a wave of air, bumped into her hair.

"Bang bang bang!"

The power of God, all methods are broken!

The hair was broken and fell in front of Suu Kyi.

The Qin Dynasty was surprised.

Because that move is clearly the combination of the power of God and the power of angels.

I didn't expect that his daughter used these two moves together and produced such a strong effect!

"Sure enough, it's the power of God!"

Xuanyuan Yingji's move was broken, not only did not get angry, but faintly excited.

"Yingtian, she deserves to be your daughter. I'm going to take your daughter away and let you live in pain all your life. If you want to find your daughter, you can only come and beg me and be with me

Xuanyuan Yingji smiles very beautiful and crazy.

In the mind of the Qin Dynasty, scenes flashed one after another.

This laughter is so unforgettable.

In the dreamland in the sky, Xuanyuan Yingji was jealous and killed all her maids. And told himself, he can only be with her, no one else can!

To this end, he left the jealous woman and hid out of the dreamland.

"Who dares to touch my daughter!"

Qin Dynasty low roar, black wrist armor appears above his arm.

The power of Jinshen Jiuchong is spreading rapidly.

But the other side is the level of immortal!

The Qin Dynasty did not know whether he could defeat such an opponent, but he always wanted to try! Because of failure, their daughter will leave themselves."Give me a punch!"

He roared, his right fist shining black.

The atmosphere continued to revolve around his fist, and the earth in front of him also felt the great power, and began to crack along the radiation force of his fist.

Jiuyou giant elephant, the strongest punch!


The body of the Qin Dynasty flashed, and instantly appeared in front of Xuanyuan Yingji. At the same time, this startling blow, with the roar of heaven and earth, hit Xuanyuan Yingji in the face.


Who knows, Xuanyuan Sakura Ji just casually raised his palm, and easily accepted the fist.

The black whirlpool turned into black smoke and drifted away.

And Xuanyuan Yingji didn't even step back, just looked at the Qin Dynasty in front of her with a sneer.

"Yingtian, indeed you have gained some of the strength of Jiulong armor. It's just a pity that if you only rely on such a small amount of skin to deal with me, it's like looking for death. "

With that, Xuanyuan Yingji stretched out a finger and played it on the forehead of Qin Dynasty.


The body of the Qin Dynasty suddenly turned into a shell, which was heavily bounced and hit the wall of the amusement park behind, and then stopped.

The debris, falling all over his body.

"See, that's where we are now."

Xuanyuan Yingji laughs twice and grabs Suji holding Qin Ying.

"No way!"

Su Ji's body suddenly flashed, blinking an eye appeared in the other side of this mysterious fantasy.

She looked a little flustered.

"Ha ha, you can't get out of this mysterious world. You can't break through this place unless you surpass me. "

Xuanyuan Yingji's words made Suji despair.

Why, can suddenly appear such a strong guy.

"Little mom, don't be afraid. There's Sakura."

Qin Ying is stronger than Suji. She reaches out her small hand and touches Suji's cold face.

"Xiaoying is good..."

Su Ji reluctantly smiles at Qin Ying, but her heart jumps fast.

What to do, what to do, what to do!

"You ugly woman, die!"

Xuanyuan Yingji suddenly laughed again, "I want you to die in front of Yingtian, let Yingtian know what is pain!"

As she spoke, she flashed and appeared in front of Suu Kyi. At the same time, she blocked Suu Kyi's position with the power of God, so that she could not escape with blink.

"God, I will kill the woman you love the most in your life with the magic you taught me!"

Xuanyuan Sakura Ji looks a little twisted. She puts out her golden right palm and pats it toward Suji's forehead.

"Amazing palm!"

"King Kong pushes the mountain!"

At this time, Qin Ying suddenly moved.

One of her small hands blocked the palm of Xuanyuan Yingji, and at the same time, her other hand stuck on Xuanyuan Yingji's shoulder.

King Kong pushes the mountain!

Xuanyuan Yingji, with the huge power attached to her amazing palm, walks around Qin Ying's body, then comes to her right hand, and in an instant hits Xuanyuan Yingji's shoulder.



Even Xuanyuan Yingji couldn't bear the power of his palm. Suddenly, spurt a mouthful of blood, the body flew out.


Looking at the bustling Taotie, he was shocked and helped Xuanyuan Yingji.


Qin Ying herself also spurts out a mouthful of blood. Just now she was forced to take the startling God palm, and she also received a lot of damage.

Fortunately, she was born with the Vajra Sutra, and the powerful Fulton healed her wounds.


Suji was surprised and hurriedly checked the wound for Qin Ying. She found that her internal injury was healing at an amazing speed.

"I'm fine, little mom."

Qin Ying laughed, "I have the four power of Vajra Sutra, Vajra pushes the mountain. It's not only that we can get close to invincible, but also we can return 100% of the enemy's attacks! "

"Unexpectedly I have such a rebellious ability... "

In Baotai Temple of Songshan Mountain, even the founder of Vajra Sutra failed to reach the fourth level of Vajra Sutra. I didn't expect that Qin Ying was born with her.

This will let the people of Baotai temple in Songshan know, and they must be crazy about it.

"My dear daughter, are you ok..."

Qin Dynasty slowly walked to Qin Ying's side, he was not lightly injured.

"Dad's useless. He can't protect you."

"Dad, you're hurt!"

Qin Ying exclaimed, "let Sakura help you heal!"

Qin Ying has four layers of Vajra Sutra, and it is also a unique treatment."No, just heal yourself and protect your little mother."

The Qin Dynasty lamented that she was worthy of being her own daughter. She was born so strong that she could have a slap with Xuanyuan Yingji, the immortal level.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of my little mother!"

Qin Ying's face has returned to normal and seems to be in good condition.


Qin Dynasty block in front of his wife and daughter, face full of perseverance.

If it was not for today's careless recitation, Xuanyuan Yingji would not be so easy!

"Damn it! You all die

Xuanyuan Yingji, the king of savage beasts, stood up slowly.

She used to have black hair, but now it's silver.

The earth began to crack, and the red flames fluttered everywhere.

Even in the sky, there is an unknown black cloud.

"No way She's going to run wild. "

It's not good for Qin Dynasty to shout secretly, but he doesn't know how to escape here.

If it was himself, he would fight to death. But now there are Suji and Qin Ying, so he doesn't know what to do.

"In front of you, I will torture your daughter first, then your lover, and then torture them to death a little bit!"

Xuanyuan Yingji held out her hand to the Qin Dynasty, and a huge force suddenly appeared. The Qin Dynasty was shaken back, while Suji and Qin Ying were very miserable. They were obviously captured by Xuanyuan Yingji's real power.

"The only thing waiting for you is endless pain."

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