Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 878

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Chapter 878

Said Rosie, holding out her tender white palm. A black ball of light was floating in the palm, and a black flame was burning inside the ball.

"This is my little flame of life, you swallow it up."

"How can that be done?"

Qin Dynasty quickly pushed away Rosie's hand, "in this way, your vitality is not weak!"

"Fool, it doesn't affect me at all."

Rosie rolled her eyes. "If you swallow this flame, you'll share a little of my memory. This memory involves some knowledge in hell. I'm afraid there will be accidents. When you are alone in hell, you don't know anything, you will make trouble. Of course, I have been with you, there is no possibility of accident. But be prepared. "

Demons are very cunning animals. They always think of every possibility.

"All right."

The Qin Dynasty opened its mouth, the power of magic Dan started, and immediately absorbed the flame in Roxie's hand. Rosie's little face paled a little, but soon recovered.

"Well, this piece of knowledge will come out when you need it. Now, it's time for us to go. "

Said Rosie, with a wave of her hand. Black smoke came up from the ground. The smoke quickly condenses into a black gate.

The shape of the gate is a bit ferocious, and there are many ugly heads on it, just like those on the door.

"This is the gate of hell."

After calling out the gate of hell, Rosie said to the Qin Dynasty, "it's not difficult to enter. The key is that after entering, we will enter the corridor of death. The corridor of death is the most terrifying place. "

"The corridor of death?" Qin Dynasty is the first time to hear this term.


Rosie nodded. "That's another way to connect hell and the world. Only demons can get out of here. Other souls, when they go to hell, take another channel. This corridor of death has a huge monster laid down by God. The monster is on the same level as the king of hell. So it's very difficult to get back and forth from there. "

"So it is It seems that every time you come to see me, you risk a lot. "

"No, no, no, it's not like that."

Rosie shook her head. "I'm tainted with the smell of the contract, which will make the monster quiet. Therefore, only the contract devil, can freely travel between hell and the world. And the other demons, if they want to come out, they have to risk death. And the contract between us, so you also have this flavor, we can all pass safely. Just don't wake up that terrible big guy. "

"I see..."

Qin Dynasty nodded, "since there is a contract flavor, there is no problem, then let's go."


Roxie took the hand of Qin Dynasty and led him into the huge gate of hell.

As soon as I entered the gate of hell, the Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that the temperature of the whole body rose a lot.

Hell, but it's a place that burns all the year round.

Sure enough, when they entered the gate of space, the Qin Dynasty immediately saw a vast sea of magma under them.

In the Red Sea, the only piece of land, there are black volcanoes.

Several of the craters of volcanoes are still fluttering and emitting strong black smoke. I don't know when they will erupt.

On the ground, there are cracks everywhere, and the cracks are filled with black red magma.

The two men came out of a gap in the air. As soon as they appeared, Roxie told the Qin Dynasty quietly.

"Shh, don't make a big noise, it's right below..."

"What's down there Where is there anything below... "

When the Qin Dynasty swept down, there was nothing else to see except the sea of magma that was rolling in flames.

"There is only one volcano group."

"You're stupid. It's the volcano group that stands in the way..."

As soon as Roxie's voice fell, the sea of magma suddenly rolled over.

The huge land moved in the heat.

Qin Dynasty widened its eyes!

Because it's not a land, not a volcano, but the back of a giant monster!

How big is that monster?

It lies in the magma sea, 100 meters long!

A head, like a long snake, came out of the magma sea, yawning, spitting out a big mouth of rolling fire, and then retracted into the magma sea.

The Qin Dynasty was shocked.

MAHLE Gobi, what the hell is this!

It's terrible. It's huge!

When it just took off, the tumbling strong breath made the Qin Dynasty a little breathless.

No wonder it's at the same level as the king of hell

"It doesn't matter. We have a contract. Don't be afraid of it. Under the magma sea, there are channels leading to hell. Hell is very big, and divided by the seven devils, it is also very chaotic. You have to follow me closely and don't stray. Otherwise, you will be lost and I don't know where to find you. "Roxie said, pulling the Qin Dynasty, diving toward the magma sea.

This is the devil, passing through the sea of magma.

Hell is really not a lovely place.

Their bodies soon entered the hot magma.

Normal people, burned directly by magma, died.

In the Qin Dynasty, however, it only felt that the magma was very warm, like taking a hot spring bath.

In the end, it is born from the flame of the devil, this preference is not quite the same.

"Be careful, don't disturb it..."

Roxie, who was in the magma, was safe and sound. She also extended her finger to remind the Qin Dynasty.

Red everywhere, visibility is very poor.

But the Qin Dynasty opened the magic eye, followed Rosie's hand and looked into the distance.

Trough, boy, it's the monster.

This 100 meter long big guy, as if he was asleep, was lying in the magma.

"Down here is the passage."

Rosie pointed to the black holes in the bottom of the magma.

"We are going there. I thought that among the seven demons, the most likely one to capture your little lover is besieu. This guy is the most cunning of the seven devils and the most difficult to deal with. So now, we're going to his place. "


The Qin Dynasty nodded. As long as Shi Xin could be brought back, even if he was asked to go directly to the king of hell, he was no problem.

There are some things you have to face.

Since the Qin Dynasty set foot on the road of Xiuzhen, these things have been doomed.

"Follow me."

Roxie tightly held the hand of Qin Dynasty and swam towards a cave.

The hole, very close to the giant monster, was not far from its feet.

The two men tried not to make any sound and approached the hole slowly.

Roxie's face was not nervous, because she knew that she and the Qin Dynasty had the flavor of contract, which would not cause the guy's anger.

"It's almost here..."

The two men finally arrived at the place near the entrance of the cave. At this time, the sleeping monster suddenly opened a pair of orange eyes.

That eye bead is quite huge, Qin Dynasty is in front of that, just like a small mosquito, was watched by that monster.


I don't know why, the monster suddenly got angry, opened his mouth and let out a roar.

This calm sea of magma immediately surged and rolled, stirring up a huge whirlpool.

The Qin Dynasty only felt a huge impact on him, which made him unable to control himself.

And the hand that Rosie had been holding tightly was washed away.


"Qin Dynasty!"

Two people only had time to exclaim, the moment did not see each other's figure.

The tumbling sea of magma quickly dispersed the two men.

And the monster with a big mouth, toward the Qin Dynasty a swallow bite come over.

That appearance, seems to have a considerable hatred of the Qin Dynasty.

The huge mouth with a huge suction, pulling the body of the Qin Dynasty.

"Nine you magic palm!"

The left hand of Qin Dynasty suddenly turned into a long black claw, which stretched out tens of meters in an instant and dug into a hole in the sea bottom.

His figure, which was fixed, was not sucked in by the suction.

The monster found that the Qin Dynasty was still there, more angry.

In the sea, it waved its huge claws and patted it toward the Qin Dynasty.

Suddenly, the sea set off a thrust, pounced on the body of the Qin Dynasty.

The Qin Dynasty was like a boat at the bottom, flying out with the current.


His body, quickly hit a hole in the hole, and then sank.

The Qin Dynasty was dazed, only felt the consciousness quickly black down, the whole person did not know where was washed away by the magma flow of the cave entrance.

And after he disappeared, the giant monster was quiet.

Just now, there was a sea of magma, which was also slowly calm.

"Qin Dynasty?"

Rosie, who has just been stirred around, regained control of her body.

She began to look for it anxiously, but in this magma sea, there was no Qin Dynasty.

"Oh, my God, what can I do..."

She was anxious to cry out, looking at the bottom of the sea that countless black holes, do not know what to do.

Each hole leads to different places!

Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, where did you go!

At this time, the guy who worried about Rosie suddenly rushed out of a space gap along the magma flow. In the blink of an eye, with the waterfall like magma, it fell into a magma lake.His consciousness has not yet recovered. In his lethargy, he only feels that he is floating, as if he has been somewhere, but he just can't wake up and have a look at everything around him.

His ear, it seems that there has been a girl's voice, in the constant call.

"Hey, wake up, wake up..."

This must be a lovely girl

Unfortunately, the men in hell are so ugly That woman, must not be pretty

Who would this woman be Roxie Roxie, it seems that she's separated from herself

That huge monster is really terrible In front of it, even the strength of resistance, are not in the way of

Hell is really not a good place to stand in the way of

Hazy, Qin Dynasty only such a thought flashed out, and then fell into a daze.

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