Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 553

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Chapter 553

"Just him? Or a hero? "

Han Xiaofan skimmed his mouth, obviously did not believe.

"Although the Qin Dynasty was a little bit colorful, it was indeed a great hero. There was nothing wrong with it." Liao Shasha and Xiaobai have reached a consensus on this point, "if there was no Qin Dynasty, maybe I would have been dead. I still remember him holding me and breaking through a bunch of gangsters. "

Is the old paper a little bit colored?

The tears of Qin Dynasty, little Sasha, can't be so irresponsible!

Old paper is such a pure and simple person, how can you say that I am a color pinch! What a liar! Lying doesn't blink!

"The Qin Dynasty did have his shortcomings, but we can't hide his advantages."

Yu Lu's words are always fair and fair, and will not be biased towards any party. She changed her overalls and was grooming her hair in the mirror, and then she said, "sometimes he's a lower body thinking animal. But after all, it's a boy. He's full of blood and can be understood. In fact, miss, you should be able to hold down the Qin Dynasty. If you can't hold him down, he will be a wild man. "

Yu Lu is teaching Liao Shasha how to manage her boyfriend.

Qin Dynasty in the heart of this depressed ah, you let small Shasha take care of me, then our two things are not also dangerous.

This Yu Lu is really always thinking about Liao Shasha first.

"Oh, my dress is a little bit big," said Liao Shasha, tugging at her staff uniform.

Indeed, the staff dress on her, a bit like pajamas.

"It's too ugly. I can't. I'll call and ask them to send another set of similar ones."

Liao Shasha is not casual in her clothes. Her size is too large, which makes her feel like a child, which makes her tangle even more. The point is, it makes her chest look smaller.

Liao Shasha said, took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone call.

Qin Dynasty is still thinking, who will she call?

Just at this moment, the mobile phone in his arms suddenly screamed.

"Master, that fellow called again! Oh, oh, tired, Lala... "

Such a big bell, suddenly rings in the bathroom, causing several girls at the same time a Zheng.

Yu Lu and Liao Shasha, in particular, looked at each other.

Isn't this the ring tone of the Qin Dynasty!

How can it ring here!

"No! He must be here! "

Liao Shasha jumps on the road.

At this time, the small hearts of Qin Dynasty and Wu Xin were all about to rush out, and the Qin Dynasty was in a hurry and tightly wrapped the mobile phone with its own vitality.

Although a small part of the sound can still be heard outside.

It is impossible to pick the battery and refuse to connect. Otherwise, it is not telling the two women that the Qin Dynasty was hiding there.

But Qin Dynasty is also anxious dizziness, if you hide the mobile phone in xumijie, you can also completely block the sound.

He himself was suddenly confused by the phone call.

Liao Shasha went from room to room, listening to where the bell came from.

After a phone call, Yu Lu then dials out and exchanges calls with Liao Shasha, not allowing the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty to be related to the time of the machine.

Slowly, Liao Shasha approached the single room.

Qin Dynasty's eyes suddenly turned and whispered something in Wu Xin's ear.

Then, he dressed Wu Xin in her surprised eyes. By the way, I also put on the corset that I had treasured for a long time.

"People inside, get out of here!"

Liao Shasha finally found the source of the sound and immediately patted the door of the single room and cried out.

She is so angry in her heart, ya, Qin Dynasty, are you really hiding in this affair!

Can you find a better place!

What's more, if you are really there, what we said just now will not be heard by you!

"Qin Dynasty, come out quickly!"

"Liao Shasha, let me do it. I'll kick the door open."

Han Xiaofan said, pinching his right leg, with a murderous Spirit said.

"No Yu Lu quickly stopped, "if not, how to hurt the people inside."

She walked over and patted Liao Shasha on the shoulder and knocked on the door.

"Qin Dynasty, if it's really you, come out. We won't blame you, really. "

Liao Shasha immediately wanted to say something, but Yu Lu stopped her and made a Shhh gesture.

After living together for many years, Liao Shasha immediately understood Yu Lu's intention. This is the devil's smile.

In the end, it's the elder sister who is very powerful. Compared with sister Yu Lu, she is too young.

Han Xiaofan also understands Yu Lu's intention. She wants to get the Qin Dynasty out first. At that time, if you don't get angry, you won't forgive me. That's what we'll say later.

Because of girls, can you believe what you say?It seems that people really believe it.

The door lock snapped and was pushed open.


Liao Shasha's action is so fast. It is estimated that if she applied for the fastest speed of opening the toilet door in Guinness Book of records, she would surely succeed.

In a flash, these girls, the faces are hung with victory smile.

But as soon as the door opened, they were dumbfounded.

Wu Xin, because there is only one person in it. She blushed a little and sat uneasily on the toilet and looked at the people in front of her.

"Xin, Xin Xin Why are you here alone? "

Liao Shasha also put her head in and looked around. Even under the toilet, they all looked at it for several times. They just had to move Wu Xin's buttocks and check the inside of the toilet.

"When, of course, I was alone." Wu Xin was a little flustered. She tried to calm herself down. "I, I go to the toilet. How could there be two people..."

Yu Lu saw the mobile phone in Wu Xin's hand and asked, "how did you have the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty?"

"He, he was in a panic when he left. I have to deliver it to him later."

"Just leave it to me." Xiaobai glanced at the corner above the single room, smiling at the corner of his mouth, and then extended his hand to Wu Xin, "Mr. Qin should have left Dongchuan City, only I can give him my mobile phone."

Han Xiaofan does not understand, but Liao Shasha and Yu Lu know Xiaobai's ability.

"Good..." Wu Xin hands her cell phone to Xiaobai, then blushes and sits on the toilet.

"That Do you go out for a walk No one likes to be obstructed by onlookers when going to the toilet... "

"Is that your bra?"

Han Xiaofan took out the bra found on the sink before.

"No, it's not AI." Wu Xin shook her head in a hurry. "My own body is in the way..."

With that, she pulled down her collar and revealed her bra.

"Why, Xinxin, what's wrong with your collar?"

Liao Shasha's eyes are very good, immediately see those broken button collar.

"I, I don't know..."

"Hee hee, it's a big chest burst!"

Liao Shasha laughed.

"Yes, it's not..." Wu Xin's head is almost buried in her thigh.

"You dead girl." Liao Shasha was very dissatisfied to pat her thigh, "clearly in, also do not squeak."

"I, I'm going to the bathroom!" Wu Xin said the words that Qin Dynasty told her before, "where do you mean to be! Besides, you always suspect that Qin Dynasty is with me, which makes me strange and shy. "

"I know I'm shy." Liao Shasha pouted, "come on, then you can go to the toilet. Qin Dynasty left, also did not say to say hello to us, alas. "

She closed the door of the toilet for Wu Xin.

The girls, talking about something, walked out of the bathroom in turn.

Wu Xin breathed a long sigh of relief, and the level of heart finally passed.

"Well done."

Qin Dynasty at this time, also came out of the void, sitting on the door above the toilet, looking at Wu Xin bad smile.

Wu Xin pressed her skirt and blushed.

"I've seen so many of them. I'm sorry."

The Qin Dynasty jumped down and fell in front of Wu Xin, "OK, time is pressing. Let's continue the unfinished business!"

"Why, what great cause?" Wu Xin blinked.

"Plan to create people." Then, in Wu Xin's exclamation, the Qin Dynasty held her up again

One hour of time, Qin Dynasty did not know how much to waste.

Another 10 minutes before the plane takes off, Xiaobai comes out of the void and appears in the airport hall.

She made an appointment with the Qin Dynasty to meet here.

But when the time came, Mr. Qin still did not show up.

Xiaobai looks at his watch. What is Mr. Qin doing now? Why hasn't he come?

I suddenly think of the scene I saw in the bathroom before, and Xiaobai knows it clearly.

Mr. Qin must still be having a good time with Miss Wu. With his fighting power, he will not be able to make it to the last moment.

"Hello, miss. Are you also going to Sunan?"

Just then, a middle-aged man with a vest, a cap on his head and a goatee on his chin came to Xiaobai and accosted him.

"Yes." After Xiaobai did not become a killer, his cold temper changed a lot. When someone asked, she answered.

"Oh, miss, has anyone told you that you have the potential to be a star!"

The goatee continued, with a touch of Taiwan's soft tone.

"No, I'm ugly." Because the plane to use the ID card, so Xiaobai is with the original appearance. Therefore, her beautiful and charming face attracted many people's attention.This goatee should be one of them.

"Miss, you are so modest!"

The goatee immediately raised his hand and said, "Oh, you look so beautiful! Perfect, quite perfect! I, Lawrence Zhang, have made so many star models in my hand, and I am the first time to see a beautiful woman like you! Raw jade, it's just a raw jade

"Oh, thank you."

For other women, I will be very happy. But Xiaobai just smiles.

Beauty is nothing to her. If she wanted to, she could turn herself into a peerless beauty. But that's not who you are.

What's more, her appearance is more of a disguise. Before knowing the Qin Dynasty, she appeared as a man. Only when she got to know Mr. Qin, she was willing to follow him willingly and be a little girl.

Seeing Xiaobai's lukewarm attitude, Lawrence Zhang seemed embarrassed, but soon recovered his self-confidence and continued.

"Miss, here's my card. Here you are."

Said, he took out his own a hot stamping business card, both hands handed to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai took a look and took it.

"Lawrence Zhang, chief economist of Haifeng culture media Co., Ltd

"Yes, yes, yes, it's me, it's me! People in the industry like to call me Mr. Lawrence, but they are all honorific. I am still respected by everyone. "

The man looks like I'm good at it.

But Xiaobai's words directly pushed him into hell.

"Who is this? I haven't heard of it."

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