Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 935

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Chapter 935

"Tonight is the death of the Holy See of darkness and roshmen."

Cote sat on the sofa, enjoying amon's special service.

Amon knelt in the middle of his legs, floating back and forth.

Next to them, two men were standing.

A tall man with a Western sword on his back. This is Pisces.

The other was dressed in a clergyman's robe and held a Bible in his hand, which was the Celestial Star.

"And Arthur, where has he gone?"

He asked, with a deep, muffled roar in his voice.

"Boss, Arthur's going to solve two billion."

When the star bent down, he replied.

"Oh, two billion things Why, have the couple left the Collins? "


Libra continued to reply, "God is fair. They will pay a certain price if they get this huge sum of money. Amen... "

"Put away the face of your false god."

"It's true that you've been lurking in the Roman Church for too long. You're full of their stench."

"My boss, you are my greatest God."

Tiangua star said in a hurry.

Courter was satisfied and continued to enjoy amon's service. "By the way, how are the birdmen arranged?"

"Recently, a killer named will has been in charge of them."

"I think it's almost ready, I guess," said Armon

"Will? Where did he come from? "

"Will was an ordinary killer."

Amon stirred his tongue and continued to tell him, "later I found out that he handled Birdman better, so I left Birdman to him. Those people, I also extremely dislike, looked to be upset


Curt thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to see this will. Now there is a shortage of skeletons. If I can, I will rebuild twelve stars. "


All three constellations were surprised.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Courter raised his chin.

"Of course not!"

, "Libra said quickly," only the following people are ordinary killers. I'm afraid they can't afford to take the heavy responsibilities. "

," can I has the final say? "

Courter didn't want to hear from these people at all. "Jill, get me the list of the people below."


as like as two peas moved, a figure of the same appearance appeared behind him, and then disappeared in a flash.

This is the ability of Pisces to split.

"When Arthur comes back, we'll settle the matter for tonight. Hehe hehe, tianjixing, you have planned, right

Asked curt.


Tiangua's face was a little heavy, "for the sake of the great skeleton and the great lion star, I am willing to sacrifice myself! This time, the dark Holy See, the Rosham, the Roman Church, will die without a grave


Coulter clapped his hands. "Libra, your sacrifice will not be in vain. I will awaken your soul with the resurrection scroll. "

He said, taking a black scroll out of his arms and shaking it.

Libra's eyes brightened for a moment and then laughed.

"Die for boss."

"Well, let's wait for Arthur. My two billion dollars EMMAN, you're going to have a hard time. Didn't you eat? "

At this point, outside the Collins.

Several speedboats, a small boat around the sea.

On the boat, Xie Yue and Li Hong held each other nervously and looked at the bad things around them.

"You, what do you want to do..."

Li Hong's body trembled and her voice trembled.

"What are you doing?"

"Two billion dollars, Arthur." we're going to take 10 billion dollars

"You people, why don't you have any credibility at all?"

With courage, Xie Yue asked, "I was aboveboard. I won money from you Do you want to take it back? "

"Take it back?"

Arthur, he couldn't help but laugh at us. I advise you to tell us your bank account password honestly, otherwise, ha ha, this is your burial place... "

"The money is mine, and I won't tell you when I die!"

Xie Yue exclaimed.

"Are you not afraid of death?"

Arthur asked.

"What's wrong with death? Death is terrible, but no money is more terrible than death!"Xie Yue inhaled the air conditioner and said.

"And I killed her?"

As soon as Arthur waved his hand, he immediately took out a pistol and pointed to Li Hong in Xie Yue's arms.


Li Hong exclaimed in surprise.

"If you want to kill, you can kill it."

Who knows, Xie Yue but a push out of the arms of Li Hong, let her fall on the ship.


Li Hong looks back and looks at her husband with a pale face.

"You are cruel."

Arthur couldn't help sarcasm.

"Hey, haven't you heard of the three great blessings of life?"

Xie Yue sneered, "get promoted and become rich, and your wife will die. I want to thank you for killing this yellow woman. I have so much money that I can't find what I want to find. "

"You, Xie Yue, you are cruel..."

Li Hong's body is constantly shaking, and her lips are bitten.

"You kill him, I'll tell you the code!"

Li Hong turned and said to Arthur.

Arthur's eyebrows picked and he laughed.

"Good, that's good."

"You, you, you dare..."

Xie Yue didn't expect this, and glared at Li Hong.

"Since you are useless, I will send you to hell."

Arthur took out his gun and banged at Xie Yue.

Xie Yue was shot in the head and fell to the cabin, motionless.

Li Hong didn't have a look on her face when she saw her dead husband.

She stood up numbly and looked across at Arthur.

"Beauty, tell me your account number and password."

"Listen, the account number and password are..."

Li Hong's voice is very low, just like a mosquito.

"What is it?"

Arthur jumped into the boat and wanted to hear more clearly.

"It is..."

Li Hong suddenly raised her head, with a strange smile on her lips, "you go to die."

As she spoke, one of her hands went into Arthur's chest and the other held his heart.


Arthur spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at his arm in disbelief.

"How, how could it be..."

"I'm really sorry."

At this time, Xie Yue, who had already died, turned over and sat up.

He sat on the boat with a smile on his mouth and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"I want to solve you quickly, so as not to use those troublesome borders, so I'm sorry to make such a bad decision"


Arthur's mouth was dripping with blood. He felt his body softened and his eyes grew dark.

The killers around were all flustered and raised their pistols one by one, shooting at Li Hong and Xie Yue.

"Bang bang bang!"

A bullet, from Li Hong's body in the past, but Li Hong is safe and sound.

As for Xie Yue, those bullets hit him, which could only eject red sparks, but not hurt him.

"Three thousand luochagui."

Xie Yue's body trembled, and immediately countless black shadows flew out, attached to those killers.

If the other side is a practitioner, you can use Yuan Ying to resist the attachment of luochagui.

But for ordinary people, there is no obstacle at all.

Soon, these luochagui completely controlled the killers on the speedboat.

These killers, putting down their pistols, stood there, numb, motionless.

"You, who are you..."

Arthur asked with the last strength.

"Well, I'm an old friend of yours."

Xie Yue took off his glasses and wiped them. "You Hongmen banquet is just for entertaining me."

"You, you are Qin Qin... "

Arthur's eyes widened and he was about to say the name. But Li Hong moved, her arm a pull, a red heart, hard out, and then pinch burst.

Arthur breathed out and was kicked into the cold water by Li Hong.

At the same time, Li Hong's appearance and figure have changed.

Arthur's not exactly what she looks like.

The Qin Dynasty stood up and looked at him with great satisfaction.

"It's good. It's become very similar. Go back to work. It's time for me to do something. "

Qin Dynasty finished, the body disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he was standing on the deck of the Collins.

The Qin Dynasty moved its muscles and bones, then walked towards the dining room of the Collins.

In this restaurant, it's very quiet at this time.

Only a few waiters came and went back and forth, shuttling in.When the Qin Dynasty went in, a waiter immediately came to the door and blocked the way.

"I'm sorry, sir. The restaurant is closed today."

This waiter is very ordinary, but Qin Dynasty has noticed a little murderous spirit from him.

It's really the assassin pretending to be

"what? No business? "

Qin Dynasty was a little rude and said, "how can this be? I don't want to eat! You Collins, what are you doing with the plane

"I'm really sorry, sir. The restaurant can't open because of the reception of distinguished guests. I'm sorry for the trouble caused to you."

"Distinguished guest? Am I not a distinguished guest! Didn't I buy a ticket? "

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Well, sir, there's a restaurant in the third district. It's very nice. Would you like to have dinner there first

"Three districts, I know which is three districts!"

The face of the Qin Dynasty was unhappy.

"Well, sir, I'll take you."

The attendants at the back looked at each other. The waiter who received the Qin Dynasty gave them a look, and then politely led the Qin Dynasty to the outside.

"That's about it, huh!"

Qin Dynasty loosened his tie, put his hands in his trouser pockets and followed the waiter.

"In other words, what kind of guests are you entertaining today?"

"Ha ha, this is not convenient to disclose."

Two people walk to a corner, the Qin Dynasty asked, but the waiter's mouth is very strict.

"Then I will ask?"

"Don't embarrass me, sir."

The waiter shook his head. "I can't say that. Go straight ahead from here, sir, and turn right at the third exit. You can see area three

"I'm not interested in food now."

Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

"Oh? What would you like to do, sir? "

Feeling the Qin Dynasty's bad, the waiter's hand on the back waist.

"Kill you."

The Qin Dynasty said, stretched out his hand, to the body in front of a swing.


The waiter didn't even have time to scream, he just died and fell to the ground.

Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, a little on the waiter, nine you Yin Fire, immediately burned his body clean.

At the same time, the clothes on the body of the Qin Dynasty changed. In a twinkling of an eye, it turned into a white dress with a black vest outside.

It's all about the waiters.

He entered the possessed state of the nine ghost generals, and a grimace mask appeared on his face.

At the same time, he put a wipe on the mask, which immediately disappeared. In a flash, the face of the Qin Dynasty turned into the appearance of the dead waiter.

"It's going to be a good dinner party."

Qin Dynasty smiles and turns to the restaurant.

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