Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 663

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Chapter 663

"Ah! It should be sister Yu Lu with her present

Liao Shasha clapped her hands and cheered up.

"Everybody is waiting for me. I'll go and get presents for you."

With that, he hopped to open the door.

This opened the door, we were stunned.

I saw in the yard, a small helicopter, is slowly landing.

Then a slender and beautiful figure jumped down from the helicopter.

At the same time, behind her, followed by two bodyguards in black suits. From the plane, they carry a lot of big bags and small bags.

"Sister Yu Lu!"

Liao Shasha went up and hugged the beautiful woman with curly hair. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm sorry, there are too many presents. I've chosen them a little longer."

Yu Lu took Liao Shasha with one hand and the two bodyguards with big bags and small bags and walked into the gate of Qin family.

When she saw the Qin Dynasty, her eyes lit up.

But when she saw the Su sisters, she frowned a little.

Yu Lu, after all, is the president of Dafa group. Bingxue is smart. She just nods to three people and then stands aside.

"Let me introduce you to you. This is my sister, Yu Lu. She's helping me with everyone's presents

With that, Yu Lu waved and the two bodyguards came over.

Liao Shasha unwrapped the parcels and sent them to each family member of the Qin Dynasty in person.

"Sasha, I wish you had come. Why did you send so many things..."

Grandma took the gift, smile all happy to bloom. She was not happy because she received gifts, but because her grandson found such a rich and sensible girlfriend.

"Xiaomin, I've already given you your gift, so I won't give it more, hee hee."

Liao Shasha gives out the gift and smiles at Qin min.

"I'm very happy to have this!" Qin min shook his bracelet and said happily, "thank you, Auntie!"

Yan Yu was so ashamed that he almost didn't find a place to get in. Before that, she was still blathering, saying that Liao Shasha didn't know where she came from and how she could compare with her eldest lady.

Compared with Yan AI, she is not the Liao family at all!


Seeing that Liao Shasha flatters the Qin family with her gift, Suji pinches her fist secretly.

At this time, Su Fei pushed her glasses and said.

"Today came in a hurry, so the gifts were prepared in a hurry." She took her sister's arm and laughed. "My sister discussed with me and decided to give the villa of Fuyuan community that we are building recently to the family of Qin Dynasty."


Xiaomin can't help but exclaim.

"Villas hinder Some of my classmates have ordered a house there. It's said that a house will cost more than one million... "

"This, a villa, is too expensive..."

The mother of Qin Dynasty declined and said, "forget it. Xiao Su, we accept your kindness, but we can't ask for such an expensive gift. "

"Auntie, it's nothing." Su Fei waved her hand and said, "Miss Liao's gift is not light. The bracelet on Xiaomin's hand is worth 300000 yuan. The actual price of my villa is not as high as one million yuan. The family members of the Qin family give one to each other, which only represents our wishes. "

"One family, one set!"

"More than three hundred thousand!"

Xiaomin almost didn't fall off the sofa.

She fixed her eyes on her bracelet, such a beautiful bracelet, so So expensive

"Auntie This is too expensive... "

Xiaomin wants to return it to Liao Shasha.

"Xiaomin." Liao Shasha laughed and pushed back, "it doesn't matter how much money it costs. The key is that it matches you well."

Qin Juan's face was slightly feverish.

Just now, I said it was hundreds of bracelets. Now, people are turning around and there are so many zeros

Her heart, also a bit can't calm down.

"It's too expensive."

At this time, the grandmother of Qin Dynasty finally said, "girls, I know you really like our family Qin Dynasty. We have no objection to you. But these gifts are too expensive for the Qin family to accept. "


Suu Ji stepped forward, took the old lady's arm and said, "don't care too much. Don't think we're throwing money at Qin's family. Because compared with the value of Qin Dynasty, our money is really nothing. "

"Girl, don't make fun of my old lady."

Suu Kyi looks so pretty that the old lady will be glad to see it. She patted Suu Kyi's hand and said, "I don't know how much money my grandson has. His family conditions have been bad, college money, is my grandmother, took out a part of it. ""That was before, grandma."

Suu Kyi took the old lady in her arms and secretly nourished her body with her vitality. This is something that Liao Shasha can never do.

"Yes, grandma."

Sufei also said, "you may not know that your grandson is now the chairman of Dafa group and the owner of a large Japanese financial group. The assets in his hands are beyond calculation. "

"What, what..."

The mother of Qin Dynasty was picking garlic. When she heard this, the garlic fell from her hand and rolled to the ground.

"Girl, don't tease us..."


Without waiting for Princess Su to finish speaking, outside the door of the Qin family, the sound of a car whistle suddenly sounded.

They followed the voice and looked out the open door.

I saw a brand-new red Porsche Boxster parked outside. Two beauties were coming out of the car.

"Mr. Qin, the car you ordered has arrived."

"Little white? Thousand generations? Why are you here? "

The Qin Dynasty saw the two girls coming and couldn't help exclaiming.

His mother is beside also Leng for a while, the heart way also has daughter-in-law to come?

"Mr. Qin, have you forgotten that I am in charge of all your assets now?"

Xiaobai walked in naturally and gracefully, followed by the emperor Qiandai in black.

"When I received the payment information, I checked it a little, and then I brought the car to you in person."

When she finished, she saw the people in the room and noticed the sisters of the Su family and the eldest miss of the Liao family. She turned with a smile and bowed to everyone.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Mr. Qin's housekeeper. Just call me Xiaobai."

"Hello everyone, my name is Yuqian Qiandai. It belongs to the master..."

Xiaobai covered his mouth and said with a smile, "she is Mr. Qin's secretary."

"Oh, look at the new year's Eve, and you can come here in person!" The mother of the Qin Dynasty hastily called two people to sit down, "Stinky boy, you see, big new year's day, what kind of car to buy!"

"Ha ha."

The Qin Dynasty kneaded her niece's hair and said, "this is Xiaomin's exam gift. Xiao Min, learn to drive another day. I'll get you a driver's license. If you don't want to learn, I'll get you a driver. "

"For me, for me?"

Xiaomin covers her mouth in surprise, as if she never knew her uncle, and looked at Qin Dynasty.

"Well." The Qin Dynasty nodded.

"Uncle, you are so kind!"

Qin min couldn't help holding Qin Dynasty for a while, then ran out to see her new car.

"Small, small..."

The aunt whispered to the Qin Dynasty's nickname, "well, that car is very expensive..."

"Not expensive." The Qin Dynasty walked over and leaned on his aunt and said, "as long as Xiaomin likes it. Now, I believe that I can help Xiaomin provide tuition and fees for going to France. "

"A little bit of a hindrance It's not easy for you to make some money I'm sorry to hear that... "

"Hey, auntie, what do you say?" Qin Dynasty said quickly, "when I was a child, my aunt didn't hurt me less! What's more, I was bullied in school when I was a child. My elder brother also ran to help me out! As a result, he was expelled from the army because he beat other students. "

"Hi, Xiaoshou, what are you doing with that?"

Big brother patted Qin Dynasty's shoulder, "which year's matter! Besides, I'm your brother. If I don't help you, who else can I help? "

"You see, Auntie! Big brother said that. I'm Xiaomin's uncle. If I don't help her, who else can I help? "

Qin Dynasty just this mouth, very powerful. A word, said the aunt can not refute.

"What's more, Xiaomin has really become a painter. I'm a little uncle, and my face is full of light."

"Well, good boy."

"Because of you, our Qin family's face is shining now"

"you, the child, are always talking to your aunt, but you don't know how to say hello to your employees."

The mother of Qin Dynasty glared at her son and then looked at Xiaobai with a smile, "girl, don't go away. Stay here for the Spring Festival at night."

"You see what you said." The father of Qin Dynasty also glared at his wife, "people still have to go home for the Spring Festival. Parents can't worry about it"

"Hey, look at me!"

The mother of Qin Dynasty clapped her head and said, "I'm so happy, I'll take two girls as our daughter-in-law."


The cold sweat of Qin Dynasty is really greedy

"It's OK, uncle and aunt."

Xiaobai took Qiandai and said, "both of us, our parents are dead, and our family is one person.""Then stay here and eat."

The mother of Qin Dynasty was reluctant to let go of the two beautiful girls.

"Then I'll bother you."

Xiaobai said with embarrassment.

But Qin Dynasty heart straight gritted teeth, heart way Xiaobai, you are intentional!

I am a white housekeeper. It seems that I am not a fuel-efficient lamp!

I'm pulling chiyodai with her Well, it's like a small anti Qin group:

"Oh, it's getting late. I should also prepare dinner. Don't worry about chatting and get ready for it

The mother of Qin Dynasty pushed and pushed around Suji, their aunt who talked long and short stories, and sister-in-law of Qin Dynasty.

"Well, I'll go now."

"I can cook. I'll help you too."

Xiaobai stands up.

"I can't cook, but I'm a good knife." Chidai also stood up, "I can help Help aunt cut the vegetables. "

"Oh, you can just sit down. There's no need for guests to help cook."

"They're not outsiders. It's OK." Xiaobai laughs.

"I can cook too. I'll go too!" Suu Kyi is not willing to be weak.

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