Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1020

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Chapter 1020

Red thunder and lightning is the most terrible heavenly power.

Thunder and lightning are ordinary blue.

And this red is the ninth heavenly power!

Practitioners are even afraid of ordinary thunder robbery, not to mention the extremely powerful 99 heavenly power!

The energy collected in kylin's thundering seal is really terrible.

The practitioners on the scene, seeing such a terrible red thunder and lightning, suddenly fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty, the sect leader of luochamen. They were all shivering in their hearts.

If this big thunder comes down, I'm afraid he will turn into ashes.

"Ha ha ha."

Ji Yuanyuan also chuckled, the man himself died, as expected, no bones left.

"I've said for a long time that your behavior is just death. Human beings are really stupid enough. Now that you are dead, the heavenly power will not stop. At that time, all the people will become the objects in my concubine's bottle. "

Ji Yuanyuan planned well.

But soon, her brows suddenly wrinkled.

Because in her sight, when the smoke on the ground dispersed, a tall and straight figure of a man stood up.

It was the Qin Dynasty.

Although his clothes were cut into rags and burnt smoke. But it seems to me that it is no big problem.

At the same time, the golden Sanskrit border around him, constantly flashing.

His exposed skin is also covered with a kind of ancient bronze color, which is as indestructible as copper and iron.

"Qin Dynasty!"

"Great, he's OK!"

"As I said, he'll be fine."

People familiar with the Qin Dynasty are relieved.

And other practitioners are also surprised to talk about it.

"My God, he didn't die!"

"What a terrible man

"It's amazing. It's incredible."

It's a myth to be able to survive in a 99 thunder disaster!

The Qin Dynasty itself was panting.

The power of thunder and lightning is really domineering. There are still some thunder and lightning power left in the body now.

If he hadn't cultivated all kinds of defense magic, plus the protection of the great Vajra Bodhi hand, he would have been gameover in this lightning.

This is not a joke. As expected, the price of being strong is very painful.

But seeing Suji and their hiding under the bell of yin and Yang, each worried and looking at their own appearance, the Qin Dynasty felt at ease again.

As long as they can be safe, no matter how hard they are, they will swallow it.

I don't know how many red thunder and lightning will fall, but no matter how many, he will stick to it.

"What a surprise."

Seeing that the Qin Dynasty was safe and sound, Ji Yuanyuan couldn't help but praise, "a heavenly power splits down, you can still survive!"

"I'm not so easy to die."

Qin Dynasty sneered twice, "wait for this thunder to rob past, be you this woman's death date."

"Hehe, I'm not so easy to die. And you, don't think it's amazing that you can survive a thunderstorm. I tell you, there are ninety-nine thunder and lightning. Each one is twice as powerful as the former. I want to see, you man, how long can you last! "

Hearing Ji Yuanyuan's words, the Qin Dynasty can't help but think of a game.

If it's a man, it's a hundred floors down!

What's more, men stick to 100 seconds and so on.

Now it's your turn. If you become a man, you should hold on to 99 thunder and lightning!

"Qin Dynasty, come back! Don't insist any more! "

"Can't, Qin Su Ji bit our lips together. In my next life, I will be a couple. I don't want it. You're going to die on your own. "

"Believe me! None of us will die! "

Suji said that Qin Dynasty was a little warm in her heart. Even if she died now, it was worth it.

But I haven't done those things with Suu Kyi. It's worthless to die like this!

In my mind, I can't help but think of Suji's gorgeous dancing scene in her underwear.

Yes, we must live!

Although this thought is not very pure, but after all, the idea of living.

At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky rolled again.

Then, the third red thunder, roaring and breaking through the sky, fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty Bangbang Bang backward three steps, chest as if by a huge hammer, a dull pain let him hum out.

This is twice as good as the one just now!

Qin Dynasty felt that his chest would be blasted.

And the golden Vajra border is also heavily trapped in a pit, the defense above is obviously much lighter.

If we go on like this, let alone insist on 99. Even if it is nine times, I'm afraid we can't hold on to it!No, I have to bring out all my strength! Otherwise, only one death!

"Vajra Sutra, all open!"

The Qin Dynasty took advantage of its own now is the golden immortal period strength, has released all the energy.

In his body and meridians, all the vitality that can be mobilized was sent into the Vajra Sutra.

Soon, on the body of the Qin Dynasty, a five meter high golden arhat stood up.

The whole body of Luohan is full of golden light. The whole body is a light man, and the body of Qin Dynasty is firmly wrapped in it.

"Still alive?"

Ji Yuanyuan was surprised to see that the Qin Dynasty was still safe and sound after eating two successive thunderbolts.

This man is really unusual, so the queen mother wants to kill him so much?

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful he is, he can't fight against heaven, let alone against the nine days of Wei'er.

"I'm not going to die."

The whole body of the Qin Dynasty was protected by Vajra arhat. He raised his head and sneered at Ji Yuanyuan.

Ji Yuanyuan didn't know why. Seeing the smile, she shivered.

This man, and those she knew, didn't seem to be the same.

In Ji Yuanyuan's eyes, men are all virtues.

Lecherous, thinking animal in the lower body.

But when something happens, they hide faster than everyone else.

Although I talk with you, I'm willing to protect you all my life, and I'm willing to pay my life for you. But when it comes to danger, most women will find that the men who talk sweetly usually love themselves.

Once upon a time, in the heaven, there was such a man. He was an immortal, or an immortal with some status.

He once told himself that he was willing to give everything for himself as long as he could be with her.

How moved she was then.

But when she angered the queen mother, he stood aside and watched himself pushed down from the sky, but he didn't dare to fart.

Even, I dare not give myself one in my eyes. I just pretend that I don't know myself.

At that time, Ji Yuanyuan admitted that she did hear some kind of broken sound.

Is that her heart?

She didn't know. She only knew that she would never believe any man's promise again.

But this man, a small body, is actually using his own body to block in front of his woman again and again.

Hehe, maybe, he doesn't understand the horror of thunder robbery.

When he can't stand it, he will dodge and leave his woman in front of him.

This is the man!

With the help of its own Vajra arhat, the Qin Dynasty again sustained the attack of seven red thunder.

Ji Yuanyuan was more and more surprised.

All the practitioners present were more and more shocked.

How can you block so many thunder!

What an incredible man!

And Vajra Sutra is really the treasure of Buddhism.

But only the Qin Dynasty understood that he was suffering.

Such a huge pressure, all in his body.

The power of each thunder and lightning is stronger than the last one.

I can't hold on to it any more

He also threw out the earth treasure in his right hand, suspended on his head to meet the next red lightning.




The later, the more intense the rhythm of the red lightning.

Finally, the Qin Dynasty directly spurted a mouthful of blood, knelt down on the ground, and the great Vajra Bodhi hand on his head murmured and returned to his body.

This great Vajra Bodhi hand helped him to block the nine thunder and lightning.

But after the nine thunder and lightning, this earth treasure is on the verge of collapse.

Had to return to the body of the Qin Dynasty, rely on his vitality to slowly nourish.

In the twinkling of an eye, the Qin Dynasty relied on himself to carry no less than 20 thunder and lightning.

His own body is not very good, Qi and blood constantly upwelling, Qiqiao began to bleed.

"You're dying."

Ji Yuanyuan's voice came from a distance.

But in the Qin Dynasty, the sound is as if there is nothing, as if the sky floating down in general, ethereal.

He knew it was the result of a mess in his head.

The consciousness is beginning to get confused.

"If you can take the twenty-seven, you are no longer normal. Even my concubine, I have to admire you. But soon, you're still going to die. This is an indisputable fact. The ninth thunder robbery immediately entered the fourth round, and the moment of ecstasy came. "

Ji Yuanyuan's voice fell, and the sky began to fall red thick lightning.The shape of lightning is like a falling red dragon.

The golden arhat ate the lightning with his body and began to tremble.

The Vajra Sutra is almost unable to carry it.

Qin Dynasty bite teeth, endure the pain in the body, silently count the number of lightning.

28、 29, 30

It's been a third of it

As long as you insist on two-thirds, Suu Kyi and them, they will be all right

This feeling Well, imagine Suu Kyi in S-M, cough, just like

The Qin Dynasty coughed up a mouthful of blood.

But he persisted.

Stick to it, you can stand it!

Qin Dynasty bit his tongue, let the blood into the mouth, make himself more sober.

He didn't know, Suu Kyi and others were already in tears.

Suu Kyi clenched her fist, she told herself. If something really happened to the Qin Dynasty, she would not live and go with the Qin Dynasty. Even under the huangquan Road, the Qin Dynasty will not be lonely.

Even if they die, they have to be a ghost couple.


The 45th thunder and lightning fell, and the golden arhat, which had been shaking, could not hold on and broke up.

Qin Dynasty kneels down on the ground, wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, dyed the ground blood red.

"It's been going on till now!"

Ji Yuanyuan was very surprised, and her own mood also had some changes.

This man persisted until now, already suffered a lot of pain!

He should, and he has reached a limit.

But why hasn't he stepped down! If he doesn't insist on one person's hard resistance, he will certainly survive this thunder robbery!

And Qin Dynasty was chopped to the ground, the consciousness is fuzzy, the vitality of the body is also weak a lot.

As the thunder cloud rolled, a thunder and lightning broke away from its original track and fell on the defensive array of a small sect.


That little school, it's all gone. None of the four members in the sect are left.

"I will not fall It won't let you hurt anyone. "

Qin Dynasty lying there, saw this scene.

He bit his teeth and just got up. The energy of his whole body began to roll and gush out of his body.

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