Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1002

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Chapter 1002

Luo Rumeng has no talent like Xiaobai, who can switch spider silk into a sharp weapon.

But she used these spider silk to trap the Qin Dynasty, and her goal was achieved.


She jumped forward, cutting the head of the Qin Dynasty with a long black knife in her hand.

But the Qin Dynasty from that entangled spider silk, and stretched out a black arm.

This is the transformation of three thousand luochagui, which can be said to be the separate body of Qin Dynasty.

The arm stretched out very long, blinking across the distance between two people, more than the black knife, buckle in Luo Rumeng's forehead.


Luo Rumeng didn't expect that the Qin Dynasty would suddenly use such a hand and exclaimed in surprise.

And the three thousand luochagui of the Qin Dynasty, the strength they inherited was not weak. With a bang, they clasped the head of naruo as a dream and crushed her to the ground under her body.


Misty peak trembles, Luo Rumeng's body is heavily smashed into the bottom.

A huge pit appeared under them.

Luo Rumeng is now at the level of Sanxian, thinking that he can win the Qin Dynasty.

But what she didn't expect was that the power of Qin Dynasty had already begun to be on the top of Sanxian. Was it the peak that her brother had reached in the human world, the golden immortal state?

How possible, this man, how can he reach the level of his brother!

In Luo Rumeng's heart, although he hated rod, he didn't believe that in the human world, someone could surpass his brother.

Therefore, seeing that the Qin Dynasty had such accomplishments, she was not willing to believe it in any case.

"No, no way! Ah, ah, ah

This crazy woman, after a punch from the Qin Dynasty, began to run wild again.

Her long white hair began to fly, white skin, also slowly climb out of the black tiger lines.

A clean dress, now blinking into a white tiger skin coat.


Almost in an instant, Luo Rumeng, who was originally in the pit, broke free of the shackles of the Luo Cha arm of the Qin Dynasty and came to his eyes.

"Be careful, she's half demonized!"

Luo Rumeng was born by rod's father and a tiger demon woman. He was a half demon.

Now completely half demon, Qin Dynasty found her speed faster, and even suppressed themselves.

"Tear you! Devour you

Luo Rumeng said, two hands of the tiger's claws, constantly toward the Qin Dynasty body to grasp.

The air was torn apart.

One after another, black patterns and seals were torn on the body of Qin Dynasty.

But no matter how crazy Luo Rumeng attacks, Qin Dynasty body a little injury can not be left.

The absolute defense of Jiulong armor + Jiuyou Xuanniu + Vajra Sutra can not break the power of Luo Rumeng.

Now, even if two hydrogen bombs fall, the Qin Dynasty will have nothing to do.

"Let me tell you what the real devil is."

Qin Dynasty looked at Luo Rumeng that ferocious look, shook his head.

He began to emit black smoke.

The power of three thousand luochagui was completely attached to him.

Qin Dynasty's face was covered with black scales, a pair of eyes completely turned dark green, and the hair became red.

At the same time, his hands, also turned into black claws.

The whole person, quickly into the state of demonization.


The Qin Dynasty roared, and the power spread out, forming sound waves, which pushed the body of naruo as a dream backward two steps.

Luo Rumeng was startled and stood there with his claws hanging and a roar.


Two people stood there, fighting each other.

These two people's Tianwei quickly spread out, making people around the pressure is quite big, one by one collapsed on the ground.

Even the leaders of the eight sects stood reluctantly with cold sweat on their heads.

"We are really powerless to intervene in the battle between these two people"

Tian Danzi, the leader of Kunlun sect, couldn't help feeling.

"This is a Feixian level battle block..."

Although other people are open-minded, they are also sad.

Oriental cherry holding the pillar, biting silver teeth stood there, looking at the two men in the battle.

These two guys are very abnormal, the more happy the better, it's better to lose both.

When the time comes, I will enjoy myself and give them all to the immortal envoy, who will be very happy!

Unfortunately, Qin Dynasty, no way, who let him look down on himself, do not want to be their own men!

Huaniang that bitch has, and she oriental cherry does not, she will one by one destroyed!

This is her principle of oriental cherry!

At the moment when two people were fighting each other, there was another voice on the misty peak."Who is the master in my ethereal peak fighting method! When I'm on the misty peak, is nobody there? "

The sound was like thunder, and then a black figure came from the northern mountain and fell into the field.


The misty peak trembled again.

People looked, misty peak people, immediately surprised way.

"North Hall fairy!"

"It's the fairy of the North Hall coming out!"

"Now those two people can't be more rampant!"

In the eyes of these people, Beitang immortal, the scattered immortal level of Beitang Po, is invincible.

As long as there is him, the misty peak is invincible!

"Lord Qin, it's you!"

Beitangpo saw the Qin Dynasty which was fighting in the field. He frowned and said, "the leader of Qin clan is really powerful. Has he really ignored Ben Xian?"

The North Hall broke a sentence, immediately attracted the Qin Dynasty and Luo Rumeng two people's common attention.

The two men looked back at the North Hall.

"Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling!"

All of a sudden, beitangpo felt like a huge hammer knocking on his chest. He stepped back three or four steps in a row. Each foot on the ground left a deep foot cherry

cold sweat trickled down from beitangpo's forehead.

Just now, I don't know where I'm going.

These two people, what terrible momentum!

Clearly, it is the strength of Jinxian level!

That's too much!

I remember that white haired woman.

She is the sister of old lord rod, Luo Rumeng, who was a powerful female devil at that time.

She can have this cultivation, she can admit it.

But in the Qin Dynasty, this boy only records his practice!

Golden age!

It's not a joke!

The head of the Beitang family said to himself that this boy is actually a master at the golden age!

What kind of natural material and treasure did he eat? He made great progress and even crossed so many levels!

"No one is allowed to interfere with us. Get out of here!"

Luo Rumeng said, turning and lifting his arm.


Even if it is the level of scattered immortals in the North Hall, it can not see through the speed of Luo Rumeng.

In a moment, he was beaten up.

Fortunately, what he practiced was domineering, and his whole body was full of Qi. He was only hit and flew.

Otherwise, the general master, must be hit by the mouth spit blood.

Rao is so, his clothes are also broken several pieces.

Bei Tang Po looked at the broken clothes on his body. His face was blue and red, but he didn't dare to speak.

These two people are so strong that they can kill themselves.

Rao is the level of Sanxian, and it's impossible to beat people in Jinxian period!

In the golden age, they are the real immortals!

At most, I am a half immortal.

The disciples of the misty eyes are all misty.

The hope of the North Hall of Sanxian was scared away by the eyes of others, and was beaten by a claw

Beitangpo stood there, his face covered with clouds and his words had to be gentle.

"I don't dare to disturb you I just hope that the two immortals will leave some room and don't destroy the foundation of my misty peak... "

Jinxian period of people, with major repair for.

It's easy to destroy a mountain in every move.

Fortunately, these two people did not use any large magic, otherwise the misty peak would not be protected!

The big schools of thousands of years will be razed to the ground.

"Die for me

Luo Rumeng doesn't care what misty peak is. She held a big black knife in her hand, like a tiger's tooth, and waved it to the Qin Dynasty.

The huge black Sabre spirit was thrown out.


The misty peak trembled.

All the practitioners swayed left and right.

Beitangpo is even more livid.

The whole misty peak is divided into two parts by Luo Rumeng's Dao Qi.

Even the ethereal palace behind it was cut into two parts.

But Qin Dynasty is to hide quickly, a flash body appears behind Luo Rumeng.

"Nine you magic palm!"

This chapter of the Qin Dynasty hit Luo Rumeng's back.

"No way!"

Luo Rumeng's body shape is faster, and disappears in front of Qin Dynasty in an instant, which makes Qin Dynasty strike empty on the earth under him.


A huge palm print fell down, nearly 1000 meters deep, almost throughout the entire mountain.

The fighting method of two people is already at the level of supernatural.

All the practitioners around did not dare to watch at close range. They all flew far away with magic weapons, so as not to bring disaster to the fish in the pond."It's over, the misty peak is coming to an end..."

Beitang is a bit sluggish.

As an immortal admired by the world, he can't stop such a battle. It's terrible!

If I rush forward, I'm afraid I will turn into a white bone.

Qin Dynasty and Luo Rumeng two people, in the panic eyes of everyone inside, each other no less than a hundred moves.

The air constantly gives out the sound of explosion, and the misty peak is constantly disintegrating.

Beitang's broken heart hurts.

Every time a big hall collapses, so does his heart.

Thousands of years of foundation ah, how to bring these two terrible guys.

So is he, and so are the four masters.

The four sacred beasts on the misty peak are all shivering in their respective hills for fear that the two pestilence gods will attack them.

Xuanyuan night rain but in silly music.

Fight, destroy, I'm leaving this place anyway.


Luo Rumeng was red eyed and his body flashed. His claw was taken out of the chest of the Qin Dynasty, and his paw prints flashed out, and sparks came out of his body.

The Qin Dynasty didn't care about being beaten at all. He held out his finger at the sky.

"Broken heart sword array!"

A white white white lotus cut down, Luo Ru Meng dodged.


, this sword has directly destroyed half of the mountain, more awesome than the nuclear bomb.

This is a platinum lotus chop with Shen Qing's blasting sword. It's very powerful.

"A sword is so cruel!"

Oriental cherry in the side surprised to cover his mouth, "if it is the whole broken heart sword array down, here must not from the misty peak into the misty Valley!"

As soon as the idea of terror drifted past, I could see that there were dark clouds of swords in the sky.

All the practitioners are pale.

If these swords fall down, I'm afraid none of them will survive.

Mo Ling is also very anxious. It seems that the sect leader has lost his mind after being demonized. He has to use such a unique skill. None of them can survive!


Looking at the sword rain all over the sky, although Luo Rumeng is also a little delirious, but subconsciously told himself, this thing is very terrible.

She suddenly moved again, the whole person rushed forward, a flutter on the body of the Qin Dynasty, put him on the top of this misty peak.


She growled and bit at the neck of the Qin Dynasty.

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