Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 812

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Chapter 812

Charles was sitting in the guard room with two guards on his side.

In front of him, there are cameras monitoring every place in the mall.

In the camera, the pirates are holding the hostages with guns.

At this time, a man in a blue uniform came out of KFC and came out. Several pirates pointed at him with guns, but he calmly extended his hand and snapped his fingers. The heads of those pirates suddenly exploded into pieces and fell into pools of blood and brains.

Charles's face froze.

As if feeling someone peeping at him, the man turned his head and looked at the camera. He held out a hand in the shape of a gun and aimed at the camera, making a snap in his mouth.

Originally very clear camera, suddenly the screen.

Then, other cameras, one by one, were also spent.

Charles sat there, his pale face fading away. Finally, his mouth, even put on a smile.

"Did you really come? Well, let's meet the climax of this farce

He said, turning on Mai and broadcasting his voice.

"Brave hero, please keep your pace! I'm Charles, waiting for you in the underground parking lot! Remember, come quickly. Because I don't have much patience. If you come late, the bombs there will turn the mall into a beautiful sea of fire! "

With that, he stood up and quickly walked out of the security office.

At this time, the foot of the Qin Dynasty stepped on a bloody pirate, the line of sight on the side of the elevator.

"Underground parking?"

Qin Dynasty sneered, "since you are anxious to die, I will give you a ride."

He walked to the elevator. At this time, all the hostages in the mall have been rescued, only the Qin Dynasty is looking for the direction of the security office.

The underground parking lot is easier to find than a small security office.

The elevator went up from the second floor underground, and the numbers above slowly stopped on the first floor.

When the elevator door opened, the Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that something was wrong.


By this time, the elevator door had opened.

At that moment, a fierce fire wave surged out from the inside and impacted on the Qin Dynasty. Qin Dynasty's body, was suddenly lifted out, glided out of the air for a few meters, stepped on the ground behind.

The red flame, still fluttering on his clothes, was knocked out by him.

In the opposite elevator, what was blown up was a mess, dark, and the flames were still rolling and burning.

"I went there, just like a fire dragon suddenly came out."

The Qin Dynasty looked at the explosion marks on the opposite side and couldn't help speaking. This Charles, even installed a bomb in the elevator, is too bullshit. Now the elevator has been blown out of shape and can only go through other passages.

The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to turn to the next staircase.

But when he opened the iron door of the stairway, he felt a bad breath.

The voice controlled stair light flickered twice and then went out, leaving the whole corridor leading to the basement dark. No matter how the Qin Dynasty clapped and coughed, it was no longer on.

"Think I can't see that way?"

The Qin Dynasty took out a lighter, lit a cigarette in the dark, and held it in its mouth.

He could see at night and went down the stairs.

But the short underground second floor, Qin Dynasty walked for a long time, I don't know how many floors down, also did not see the exit, not to mention the end.

He raised his eyebrows and began to walk upstairs. But this time, even the first floor of the door are missing, climbing about a few hundred floors, still can not see the end.

"It seems that the opponent is not very simple."

The Qin Dynasty simply sat down and thought for a while, thinking about who the enemy would be, and making fun of him in such a boring way.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason, because he provoked too many enemies.

Finally, he stood up with a golden light on his body.

The power of Vajra Sutra, like a flame, is burning in the body.

"King Kong waves his axe!"

The Qin Dynasty stomped its feet and broke through the concrete slab downstairs. Like diamond, it broke through layer by layer.

In particular, with the power of Buddhism, this evil magic is also scattered layer by layer.


Finally, he smashed through a piece of steel plate and landed on the spacious ground.

There is a very wide space around, with rows of white column lights on the head. It's cool around, and there are all kinds of cars in the distance.

Qin straightened up, patted the dust on his body, looked around and said.

"I'm here, and you should show up. Do you want me to do a monologue? "

"Pa pa pa pa..."A burst of clear and monotonous applause broke out.

With the sound of footsteps approaching slowly, the lights on the ceiling flashed and extinguished.

Qin Dynasty also wrinkled his nose, because he smelled a familiar odor.


Bingo, that's right

A foreign man with green hair came out of the dark. He has a great figure. He has the standard body shape of a handsome foreign guy. He is also a good-looking man. But in my eyes, there was a kind of evil black light.

"Yes, there will be prizes. How about a hamburger?"

He said, the hand suddenly appeared a big Mac hamburger, bright to the Qin Dynasty to look at.

"If you let the KFC grandfather upstairs know, he will be furious."

The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders. He took out a cigarette and lit it. "Come on, whose man are you?"


Charles looked at the Qin Dynasty with interest. "It seems that you know a lot about us demons. Is it your demon lover who told you that

"You seem to know a lot."

Qin Dynasty narrowed his eyes and looked at Charles.

"Ha ha..." Charles made a cross on his body and said ironically, "God bless, the great God knows everything and can do anything. As his most devout people, I can know everything about you

"It's time for you to change your faith."

Qin Dynasty sneered, "because you guessed wrong."

With that, he put his finger on it, and the cigarette end flew out. The speed was like a bullet. It drew a flame track in the air and flew towards Charles' head.

Opposite the devil, index finger and middle finger a pinch, put cigarette end to clip in the hand. He held the cigarette in his mouth, took a puff, and then spit out a cloud in the shape of a skeleton.

"Good smoke, I like it. You can't get it in hell. "

"I can fill your body with cigarettes!"

The figure of Qin Dynasty suddenly appeared in front of Charles. He hit Charles in the face with a fist.

"Bang!" The body of Charles was immediately blasted out by the power of the Qin Dynasty. Like a missile, it hit a car behind him and flattened the car directly.

"This is a Mercedes Benz! It's a pity. "

Charles shook his head, got up from the car and said to the Qin Dynasty, "we must know how to cherish them. These things are not available in hell."

With that, he snapped his fingers, and the shrunken Mercedes Benz was restored to its prototype. Even the broken glass has been reassembled to be the same as never broken.

"Baby, let him taste your anger."

Charles photographed the Mercedes Benz under his body, and saw that the car's lights suddenly lit up, flashing a kind of fierce light.

The front of the car, however, opened to reveal a row of sharp fangs, making it like a strange beast.

The car's motor roared twice, and the four tires turned wildly together, roaring and rushing towards the Qin Dynasty. That pair of bloody mouth, toward the Qin Dynasty on a bite.


Qin Dynasty stretched out his hands and held the big mouth of the Mercedes Benz. At the same time, his strength makes the Benz unable to move forward a little.

"Your little pet is weak."

The Qin Dynasty raised his head and said.

"But you forget, and me."

At this time, Charles suddenly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty and showed him an evil smile.

At the same time, the devil's palm, close to the chest of the Qin Dynasty, a huge force, an instant impact on the body of the Qin Dynasty.


The body of the Qin Dynasty was shot and flew out. The speed was very fast. Even the sound broke through. Two supporting pillars were broken one after another. Finally, it crashed into the wall behind, leaving the rubble flying in disorder.

Qin Dynasty glared at the eyes, the devil, the power of the devil is huge! Obviously not ordinary demons.

"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"

Fortunately, he is not a bad King Kong body, otherwise he must not be able to withstand such a strong attack.

Qin Dynasty pulled out his body from the wall and covered his face with half a ghost face mask.

Black blade battle suit, no wind automatic, hunting sound.

A pair of chain sickles hung on his sleeve, hanging on both sides.

"Is this Jiuyou summoning skill?"

Charles sat in a Mercedes Benz, seemingly a little excited, "it's really interesting!"

"I'll make you more interesting."

The figure of Qin Dynasty suddenly appeared behind Charles. A black awn cut through his waist.

Charles's body was divided into two parts at the foot of the mountain. With the strength of the upper body, it flew into the air.

"Go back to hell."

Qin looked at Charles's cut body and said."Hey, it's a pity that it's not time to go home for dinner."

Who knows, the upper half of the body, suddenly floating in the air, turned around, very strange looking at the Qin Dynasty, "I can't play enough."

Can't even kill a ghost?

The Qin Dynasty was a little surprised, but it was the ability to cut through the soul.

Charles's lower body slowly disappeared, and then reappeared under the upper body. The whole person floated intact in the air. "I'm not one of those low-level demons. Maybe you should know my name."

"Are you one of the seven kings of hell?"

In the Qin Dynasty, breathing was one of stagnation.

"Tut, you think too much."

Charles waved his hand, "the seven kings of hell are all the horrible beings sealed in hell. You don't think, if they can run to the earth at will, the earth will become another hell. But you are close, for I am the first general of Lord Astaroth, Mephisto, who controls the soul

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