Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1101

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Chapter 1101

Li Enhao grew up in the bottom.

This guy is too tough.

How every beauty you like has something to do with him!

Hateful, too hateful, I wait for the end of the press conference, I must teach this boy a good lesson!

Hum, I'm a black belt in Taekwondo. I don't kick this guy's eggs!

"If you're talking nonsense, I'll let..."

Zheng Siqi was about to yell when he saw the cleaner in the corner, winking at himself.

Zheng Siqi is not stupid. Her IQ is as high as 150.

At that moment, she suddenly understood.

"You, don't say that I, I can't make you a Junior... "

Zheng Siqi was cruel in her heart and bit her lips gently. She said to the Qin Dynasty.

This dark joy in the heart of Qin Dynasty.

Boy, this beauty is so smart.

How could it be a female doctor!

Understanding, very high.

So soon began to cooperate with their own acting, good, it is worth training.

When Zheng Siqi said that she didn't want to be a junior, the audience was shocked.

It's terrible. Dr. Zheng Siqi, the famous genius weapon inventor, has such an unknown story!

"In fact, sister Zheng, you don't have to care."

At this time, Cheng Ying suddenly stood up, sighed, and said to Zheng Siqi, "we just know that he and I are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years It can't be between us... "


The whole audience is stupid, which one is making a scene!

Do you make TV series?

Can such bloody things happen?

Zheng Siqi is also slightly dull.

Boy, are these two agents so fierce?

However, they are here to save themselves. I will cooperate with them to perform a good play!

"Really, really?"

Zheng Siqi hesitated for a moment, two beautiful big eyes, are looking forward to the color, "you, are you sure you didn't cheat me?"

"Of course not, I swear!"

Qin Dynasty exclaimed, "if I lie, God will let me go to hell!"

If Suu Kyi was here, she would say that again, you don't believe in God!

If Rosie was here, she would say, just go down. You've never been to hell, and you'll make another one.

But other people don't think so. Here, most of the people who believe in God believe most of them. When they hear the Qin Dynasty swearing, they believe most of them.

It turns out that Dr. Zheng Siqi already has a man who loves so much.

"where did this guy come out?"

Ralph is a little confused. "Has Zheng Siqi ever had such a boyfriend in mainland China? They've come here! "

"Well, it seems to have been mentioned in the data."

One side of the FBI said, "Zheng Siqi did have a boyfriend when she was studying in China. However, two people have been together for two years, as if the other party is too absorbed in Zheng Siqi's research, "

" Qiqi, don't leave me, marry me! "

Qin Dynasty suddenly rushed to the front desk, holding up a bunch of roses without knowing when.

The roses are blooming brightly, the red is dazzling, and the beauty is startled.

It's a pity that the two FBI immediately stepped down and stopped in front of the Qin Dynasty.

Never let anyone approach Zheng Siqi. This is the order above.

"You, you let me think about it..."

Zheng Siqi's body trembled slightly and seemed to be making some important decision.

"Kiki, come with me, I'll marry you, and then we'll have a family of children and we'll live together!"

Qin Dynasty is what can say, Cheng Ying in the back listen to be crazy.

What's the matter? You have a litter of kids. Now, the lambs.

"I, I..."

Zheng Siqi took a deep breath. Those who had attended the press conference were happy to watch the excitement and yell, "promise him, promise him..."

"Crazy, crazy!"

Ralph whispered from the stage, "stop that man, don't let him get close to Zheng Siqi! No one is allowed to approach Zheng Siqi without my command

"Yes, sir!"

Several FBI immediately went over and stopped the Qin Dynasty.

"Why, why don't you let me go to my lover!"

The Qin Dynasty was very angry and said to the FBI, "God will punish you barbarians!"

"I'm sorry, sir."

A compassionate FBI said, "if we don't stop you, our head will punish us first. As for God, we will go to church to repent. ""Kiki, promise me!"

Despite the obstruction of the FBI, the Qin Dynasty said loudly to Zheng Siqi on the stage.

Zheng Siqi looked at the struggling Qin Dynasty.

Her memory, as if floating back to the University era.

My boyfriend gives me a red rose every day. He said he would marry Zheng Siqi home when he sent the 99th rose.

Unfortunately, he only insisted on the 633 and gave up.

He said he didn't like a woman who had to keep herself in the lab all day.

What he wants is a real woman, a woman who knows how to live and take care of him.

Not a robot.

When he left, Zheng Siqi was very sad. She cried all night.

When all her friends were worried, she came out of the house, still the science geek Zheng Siqi.

Without this relationship, she devoted all her energy to weapons research.

Zheng Siqi tried to forget the promise he had made to himself. When he sent the 99th rose, he left the cold laboratory and became a little woman beside him.

"I, I promise you!"

Zheng Siqi seems to have finally made up her mind and yelled at the Qin Dynasty, "you should love me only, and don't let me down! No matter whether I am busy with research and work, please don't leave me

"I will love you with all my heart."

Qin Dynasty laughed, "no matter you are research, or work, you are my Zheng Siqi."

Although she knew it was acting, Zheng Siqi still cried.

Crystal tears, down her cheek, continue to flow.

Am I crying

It's my heart. It needs a release

The whole audience was clapping. They were all happy and cheering for the two people who really loved each other.

Of course, besides Li Enhao, there is Ralph.

These two people are going crazy.

Li Enhao is because the Qin Dynasty once again robbed the woman he likes, and Ralph is because this guy disturbed the discipline of the venue.

"You let me go, I'm going to take my Kiki!"

Qin Dynasty vigorously struggled, he suddenly flew up and kicked down an FBI in front of him.

Other FBI immediately nervous, instant toward the Qin Dynasty, ready to subdue this crazy suitor.

At this time, the meeting hall, which was disturbed by the Qin Dynasty, suddenly became more chaotic.

Large areas of smoke came out from all around, and soon covered the whole venue.

Liu Aiguo threw out a smoke bomb, then turned around with a smile and quietly withdrew from the press conference. Now they have done a good job, and their own work has been completed.

Qin Dynasty, the rest, depends on you.

"Watch Zheng Siqi! Don't let her go

Ralph's eyes were covered with white fog. He was so angry that he was put in a row.

Those FBI and soldiers are like headless flies, looking around in the venue, but they either hit the table or hit people. They don't know which direction Zheng Siqi is in.

Zheng Siqi also can't see anything, all around is a vast expanse of white.

The meeting room was in a complete mess, and everyone was shouting in panic.

"Don't move, everyone. This is an accident. We will protect you!"

Zheng Siqi heard Ralph shouting, "let the army block the whole venue!"

She wanted to take the opportunity to leave the place immediately.

But she didn't know where to leave.

"Beauty, come with me."

At this time, her side, suddenly sounded a little magnetic male voice.

Zheng Siqi looks back, the man who courted him before was standing beside her with a smile.


"My name is Qin Dynasty. I'm an agent sent by the state to meet you. Comrade Liu Aiguo should have said hello to you. Please leave here with me. "

Zheng Siqi's intelligence quotient is very high, she at that moment, thought that this man would be sent by other forces to harm him.

But when she saw the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, she believed this man.

Zheng Siqi, who had always relied on rational thinking, unconsciously chose emotional following in the face of Qin Dynasty.

If it was this man He should not cheat himself.

"Follow me. Don't stray."

The Qin Dynasty held out his hand and held Zheng Siqi's hand tightly.

Zheng Siqi is suddenly all over a tight, in the heart some flustered.

This is the first time besides him, there is a boy holding himself.

His hands are so big, so warm to sayIf only I could be led by him all the time

Well, Zheng Siqi, it's all this time. Why are you thinking about this!

Damn it, you're still led, Zheng Siqi, are you a donkey!

"Qin Dynasty, this way!"

I don't know where the Qin Dynasty led her. A woman with an infrared thermal imager on her head soon appeared.

Looking at her face and listening to her voice, she should be the woman who said she was the younger sister of Qin Dynasty.

Zheng Siqi is very surprised, in this piece of smoke, the Qin Dynasty is how to find the direction of companions.

"Is Zhou Subin in place?"

Qin asked.

"Here we are. The car is outside. Let's get out."

Cheng Ying nodded, but there was no time to introduce herself to Zheng Siqi. She took three people from Qin Dynasty all the way out.

"There is a troop of soldiers stationed at the door!"

Three people walk to the fast door, Cheng Ying suddenly made a voice to remind, "we want to change direction!"

"No need!"

Although there was no such professional thing as infrared thermal imager in the Qin Dynasty, he was born with magic eyes. Those soldiers outside the smoke saw it really well, "follow me, I'll take you out!"

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