Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1062

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Chapter 1062

"What? Is there a sex maniac in our school recently

Listening to the report of tension, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help but open its eyes.

"Mm-hmm, it's said that many girls met at night. This pornographic maniac is very abnormal. When he sees a girl, he takes off his pants and shows his work to others. Now the girls in the school dare not go alone in the evening, making a lot of noise. "

Tension said with a bitter brow.

The incident was not very good. Su Dong was also very angry and asked for more security.

And Qin brother all day, often do not sit in the office, occasionally a few days out.

This was not in yesterday. She was carried to Su Dong's office by Qin Ling, and was scolded by Su Dong.

I was able to carry a black pot for elder brother Qin

The eyes of the Qin Dynasty flashed. I didn't expect that such a thing could happen on his own land.

"Brother Qin, Mr. Su said that we would give us three days to straighten out this matter, or else we would deduct our prize money."

tension pitifully said, "don't buckle, I want to buy a pair of Daphne's boots for my girlfriend next month. I'm not sure what to do with these boots. It's more than 2000 yuan. It's half a month's salary! "

"Well, when I first graduated, I couldn't even afford the heels of my boots."

Said the Qin Dynasty.

When I was in college, I was a typical poor loser.

When shopping with her girlfriend, Yang Shanshan liked Daphne's shoes best at that time, but they were very careful. They only dared to buy a pair of shoes with a discount of two or three hundred yuan. They thought it was very expensive.

Think about it, although it was bitter at that time, it was a little bitter with sweet.

It's true that when I was away, how did you arrange it

When the Qin Dynasty left, all the affairs of the security office were left to Zhang Li.

"I've divided the security into three teams, and one patrol the campus every night."

"Did you find anything?"

Qin asked.

"No, the patrol team always can't find the sign of that pervert."

Tension shook his head, "and every night there are still abnormal events, let our security team exhausted."

"Well, when it comes to perversion..."

Qin Dynasty suddenly embraces the arm, thought for a while to say.

"Do you think Chen Yingyang did it? He is the only pervert I know Is he tired of being a man for a change? "

"Well, it is possible."

Tensi couldn't help nodding. "He himself is a security guard. He has mastered our patrol route, and then he takes off his pants when we don't pay attention to other girls..."

"Let's go and get this boy. We'll have a trial in three courts."

Qin Dynasty claps the table, said.

"Oh, no, no! Brother Qin, forget one thing! "

Tension suddenly said, "this boy committed hemorrhoids yesterday, Xiaohuang sent him to the hospital, that is, all blood, but there are still abnormal appearance in the evening, it should not be him."

"Well, that's a pity."

The Qin Dynasty felt that it was a pity that Chen Yingyang could not be arrested as a pervert.

"Well, if I patrol myself at night, I don't believe I can't catch this guy."

The Qin Dynasty clapped hands and finally decided to say.

"It will be hard for brother Qin. Do you want me to find more people?"

"No, I'll be fine alone. If you are here, I'm afraid I'll frighten the snake. "

When the Qin Dynasty thought of nishang, his heart was fixed.

It's easy to catch a pervert.

The Qin Dynasty thought of a good idea, and then sat at ease in the office, continued to drink tea and read newspapers, just waiting for the night to fall.

The newspaper said that the housing price problem has to be solved recently, and the price may be reduced, which made the Qin Dynasty very excited.

Is it finally going to fall?

His grandmother's, still say this is a false news, deceive the public.

I don't know how many times the news has said that house prices have a downward trend.

No matter whether others feel it or not, Qin Dynasty didn't feel it.

In particular, Sunan City, as a second tier city, this house price not only did not fall, but also gradually increased a lot.

In other words, in the mainland, the strongest is not RMB, but house prices.

I don't know whether it's true or not. In any case, the Qin Dynasty looked at the picture and enjoyed it.

"My director Qin, are you still free to read newspapers here?"

A beautiful woman pushed the door in.

The Qin Dynasty put down the newspaper and took a look at the woman who came in.

The woman has black hair and looks like a peach blossom.

A black suit uniform, wrapped in her beautiful figure.Qin Dynasty likes mature woman to wear this kind of OL dress, very show figure.

He's not polite. He pokes his eyes at the woman.

It seems that she has been used to the rudeness of the Qin Dynasty for a long time. The woman was given ice cream and just glared at the Qin Dynasty. Then she said, "Su Dong is very angry in the office and wants to see you."

"I said, Secretary Qin, we are our family at least. At this time, you should help me to say something nice."

"Anyone who wants to say good words for you will make Su Dong angry."

"Well, is Su Dong so angry now?"

Qin Dynasty drank a sip of tea and asked with a smile.

"You want to say it again!"

Qin Ling went to the desk of the Qin Dynasty and patted the documents in her hand on the desk. "You, the director of the security office, do it. You fish every day and dry the net for 30 days! What kind of public security has become in the school? You still have leisure here... "

"Secretary Qin, where am I at ease? I am also adding my own strength to the school's public security."

Qin Dynasty says, take out a cigarette from pocket, leisurely ground ignite, smoke a mouthful.

"You, don't you call it leisurely? Come with me to Su Dong's, she's going to eat people! "

Qin Ling waved away the smoke in front of her and frowned.

"I can do it myself. You go back and tell boss Su to rest assured. I'm in the Qin Dynasty. What else can she worry about? "

"Save it, and go back with me."

Qin Ling repeatedly waved her hand, "I dare not face Su Dong now. I guess you can persuade me."

"Can I persuade you? I'm not a psychologist

Qin Dynasty curled its mouth.

"I think you have a lot of weight in Su Dong's talk."

Qin Ling also felt a little strange, "maybe you saved Su Dong several times. She believed you more. However, your exaggerated leave behavior makes her more angry. You'd better go and persuade. "

"Well, well, that's what the pretty secretary said. How can I refuse it?"

The Qin Dynasty finally put down the tea cup, and at the same time put out the cigarette end in the ashtray, stood up and said, "open the road ahead, we work in the administrative building."

"I have to go to the personnel department. You can go there yourself."

Qin Ling's head shook like a rattle, "good luck to you."

"It's not to rush to the execution ground. You're scared. Your face is white."

Qin Dynasty tut said two words, picked up the coat and went out of the door.

"When you go, you will know how terrible..."

Qin Ling shrugged her shoulders in fear, then picked up the documents on the desk again and walked out of the security office.

Two days later, it will be the Mid Autumn Festival. The Qin Dynasty was told by her mother to take Suji home for the festival.

Thinking about going home, he walked through the open playground and entered the administrative building.

Several floors along the way, you can see the front door of Princess Su's office from a distance.

It's quite quiet. It's not as exaggerated as Qin Ling said. He really thinks he's going to hell.

It seems that Princess Su should be calming down. She can't be so angry.

It's not that she doesn't know she's busy. Viva understand.

Qin Dynasty thought of this, humming a tune, went to the door of the office, is planning to look at the office door.

But I suddenly remembered that once I pushed the door and entered. Seeing the beautiful spring palace picture of Princess Su, I couldn't help but feel active again.

Keke, my sister-in-law, I don't mind if he doesn't knock at the door.

They are all their own families. They care what they do with so much. Hey, hey.

With this idea, the Qin Dynasty reached out and opened the door of the office.

A gust of overcast wind, Qin Dynasty subconsciously to the left side of the head.


A vase suddenly exploded on the wall next to the head of the Qin Dynasty.

"Who let you in, get out of here!"

Su Fei is sitting behind her desk, her blue eyes hidden behind her lens are all angry.

"Su Dong, it's me. Don't get angry and calm down!"

Qin Dynasty hastily said.

"Qin Dynasty?"

Only then did Su Fei see that it was not the reporters who came to interview, so she slowly put down a jade pen holder in her hand.

"Yes, it's me. It's me, Su Dong. How can he get so angry?"

"It's you. You have to get out of here!"

Su Fei's jade pen holder flew out and hit the Qin Dynasty.


Qin Dynasty hastily stretched out his hand and copied the pen holder that flew over in his hand, and then said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if you break me. It's valuable. It's a pity that it's broken.""Kill you!"

Sufei began to look for something to throw on her desk again.

What kind of pen, water, pen, documents, almost throw their own glasses in the past.

Fortunately, the Qin Dynasty practiced, one by one took it down and put it on the ground in front of him.

"Su Dong, boss Su, can you calm down?"

"I can't calm down!"

Su Fei stretched out her hand and pulled out the LCD screen on the desk, preparing to smash a screen to death in Qin Dynasty.

"Slow, slow, that thing can't be thrown away! You're not working! "

"If you smash me, you can change it!"

Su Fei didn't care. Facing the Qin Dynasty, she didn't know where the strength came from, so she threw her hand away.

It's this annoying guy who doesn't help himself at all, so that he is under such a great pressure now.

This screen will kill him!

Once it's over, save yourself angry for him and worry about him!

Unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Who was Qin Dynasty? If he was killed by a LCD screen, he would not let the people in the Xiuzhen world laugh off their big teeth.

So, in Su Fei's surprised eyes, the Qin Dynasty only stretched out one hand and blocked the LCD screen.

His hand is like a Tai Chi cradle, pulling the screen around, and then smoothly placing the screen on the ground.

"You, you bastard, can only run and get angry with me..."

Thinking of the grievances of these two days, Su Fei couldn't help but sit down. Tears rolled out in her eyes behind the frame.

"Boss Su!"

The Qin Dynasty was frightened. He was afraid of nothing but the tears of women.

So he quickly went over and asked.

"You, why are you crying? Who bullied you? I'll kill him!"

"Who is crying?"

Su Fei complained in her heart that she even shed tears in front of this guy in the Qin Dynasty. Is it true that he is a man who makes himself unprepared?

She reached out to wipe away her tears and said, "besides, the person who bullied me is either someone else or you!"

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