Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1078

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Chapter 1078

What should be remembered, the Qin Dynasty all remembered.

He looked at Hu Qing and gave a bitter smile.

"Master Hu, what you did to me that day."

I almost took my magic pill and killed me!

This hatred is not light!

But Hu Lili is a good girl. For her own sake, she even gave up all her accomplishments and became a little fox who couldn't even speak. She stayed with her every day.

"I know I'm guilty, but please be kind to my daughter."

Next to a group of people first saw two people kissing, and then heard two people's conversation, can not help but a little confused.


Did Hu Qing really have a daughter who married the Qin Dynasty?

No way Isn't that going to change again?

"For Lily's sake, I won't care about you first."

Qin Dynasty said with a cold face, "but as soon as the matter is over, I will still find you."

"Even if you want my life, you can."

Hu Qing said, "as long as you can be kind to Lili, let her recover. You can take my life as a mother. "


"Alliance leader!"

A group of evil people exclaimed.

What's the matter with the headmaster of Hu? He was fine just now. Now how can he say such unfulfilled words.

"Qin Dynasty, if you dare to touch her hair, I'll..."

Shan Sao quickly exclaimed, no matter how to say, this is also the descendant of Qingqiu, he must protect well.

"Shit! Shut up

Qin Dynasty a stomach of anger, he was almost killed by this seductive woman, the monkey also ran to join the fun!

You are her mistress! Wipe it!


Shan Sao was frightened by the voice of the Qin Dynasty. He said that he was so angry.

Rhode was in the body of the Qin Dynasty gloating and said, "ha ha ha ha, now you know the power of fox flatter son! I had a good taste of it! Ha ha ha

Ma Le Gobi, you should gloat at for me!

Qin Dynasty hate is gnashing teeth, trying to pull rod out of a few to scratch broken.

"Lord Qin, it's an old story. I think it's almost the same."

Tiandanzi was impatient, and said, "since the Lord of Qin has agreed to this seat, he should not have been delaying it. Even if you have patience, the man will lose his patience. "

"Renyuan, your uncle!"

The Qin Dynasty turned around and glared at tiandanzi fiercely and swore, "what are you going to do? When is it your turn to be such an asshole to give directions! Don't you like to tell me what to do. Come on, come on, and fight with me! "

Said, to the day Dan son hook finger.

Tiandanzi was surprised and asked, "Qin Dynasty, are you crazy! If you want to be right with me, don't you want Renyuan Jindan

Renyuan Jindan, I naturally want it!

Just, don't want to pass through your shit again!

Originally, Qin Dynasty was still a little hesitant between tiandanzi and Ximen Yuqing. Although he got Ximen Yuqing's body, he didn't dare to make sure that Ximen Yuqing was not playing with him with his body. After all, a smart woman, like oriental cherry, can make men afraid.

But now, it's up to him to choose.

Breaking with tiandanzi has become a must.

"Yuan Jindan, your sister's man."

Qin Dynasty body out of the dense black gas, "this seat suddenly remembered, oneself is also a member of the evil way. Since you are a member of the devil's road, how can you help your villains to do evil! Come on, I have protected the evil alliance and Hu Qing Hu clan leader today! Anyone who wants the life of the Hu clan leader should pass this test first! "

"Qin Dynasty, you, you are really crazy!"

A group of people were maddened by the fickleness of the Qin Dynasty.

In particular, the leaders of several major sects are eager to eat people.

The most calm may be tan Hai, has been drooping eyelids, eyes nose nose view heart, as if everything around him has nothing to do with him.

Originally, he did not like to be involved in such things.

I remember how many years ago, he participated in a siege.

That time, is besieged a demon child, and a demon clan woman.

Yes, that woman is called Huaniang.

And the boy of the devil's road is dead.

Those who practice Taoism should not create more obstacles

Tan Hai is powerless to stop, because these famous and decent sects have obviously fallen into their own demons.

"Qin Dynasty, who do you think you are?"

An elder of Shushan said impolitely, "although you have some skills, you won't let you have a good life if you offend the righteous way in the world.""Let's see how it's not going to be easy for us."

Qin Dynasty embraces the arm, coldly looks at that Shu mountain elder, "come on, this seat sees you are old undead, let you three moves good."

"You, you!"

The old man in Shushan would have a heart attack if he didn't have heart disease.

The damned master of luochamen is too arrogant!

Is it true that no one can subdue him!

Really, do you want to let this devil's guy be so arrogant?

"Qin Dynasty, you are too arrogant!"

Oriental cherry heart some secretly happy, this guy, even stupid to jump to all the opposite of the right way.

Then, as long as I gently add fuel to the flames, I can use the power of these righteous ways to kill him!

"You have to figure out who you want to help. Now standing in front of you, are the world's righteous, don't you really put us in the eye? "

"Oh, oriental cherry, you don't have to do this."

Although Qin Dynasty liked to talk with his fist, it didn't prove that he was an idiot who didn't use his head.

Oriental cherry this small trick, he saw through, "you don't need to take the world famous and decent together to suppress this seat, I know what you want to do. But I can also tell you that since I said today to protect the evil alliance, it is to protect it. Even if you really want to fight against this seat, I don't mind. Because, this seat really did not pay attention to you

Although Dongfang Ying was a little angry because of her tricks, she was still happy when she heard the words of Qin Dynasty.

This man is really arrogant and can't be changed.

"Qin Dynasty, you are too presumptuous

"Let's fight together!"

"Let him know the power of the right way!"

A group of well-known and decent disciples yelled in succession.

"Qin Dynasty, you can see it."

Tiandanzi pointed to the indignant disciples around him, "all of us are elites in the right way, but the demons behind you are all mobs. As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes. If you can cast aside the secret now, the conditions that I promise you will still be fulfilled, and the gold elixir will still be yours... "

"Don't talk nonsense. Fight if you want."

Qin Dynasty is a little impatient.


Tiandanzi snorted coldly, "then don't blame us for being rude! The world is just, let the villains of the evil way know our power


All the disciples of the right path called out together, and their magic weapons urged them to get up. For a time, they were furious.

The devil's disciples are not willing to be outdone, ready to fight.

However, after a fight just now, many of these demon disciples were injured. At present, their combat effectiveness is not much, and they are obviously in a weak position.

And those who are righteous are still powerful. Sixty or seventy people are ready to go.

"Have you seen that in front of us righteous elites, no matter what kind of evil it is, it will be eliminated!"

Tiandanzi couldn't help laughing. The most awesome force in

is the disciples in Huashan. The Huashan sword array they made is very destructive.

Although Huashan only has more than 20 disciples, these people can hang all the demons and Demons alone!

"Want more people, bully less?"

The Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, the black smoke on the body suddenly rolls up.

Then, a series of human shaped black shadows flew out, and they were distributed around the Qin Dynasty. Finally, they surrounded the whole hall.

All of them are demonized men in black clothes. They can't see their faces clearly, but their outlines are similar to those of Qin Dynasty.

Three thousand luochagui!

Once lived with rod for a period of time, only then knew this move true face!

None of the three thousand luochagui here is weaker than the cultivation of Yuanying period.

This is the Qin Dynasty swallowed up the large and small strong raised by the ghosts.

Most of the righteous disciples, even the elite ones, are supernatural powers, ranging from Yuanying to Jinshi. In terms of the number of people, there are only 60 or 70.

But the luochagui of Qin Dynasty is immortal! Quantity, 3000!

Three thousand!

There is a drum beating in the hearts of all the righteous.

Tiandanzi's face also changed.

He, who had long inquired about the number of evil ways, did not bring too many disciples, but only the elites in the door.

As a result, instead of encircling and suppressing the evil way, they will be encircled and suppressed by the evil way.

Ah, how can he count the variables in Qin Dynasty.

"It's just some monsters."

At this time, Yu Dehai, who had been called the leader of Huashan Mountain, suddenly opened his mouth.

Yu Dehai seldom talks in his life, and he is not tall. He has lived hundreds of years and is still a dwarf of one meter six.Many people suspect that Yu Dehai was born with malnutrition, which led to the cultivation of the truth the day after tomorrow, and he could not make up for it.

But in any case, the dwarf never likes to talk, and most of them are silent spectators.

However, no one dares to belittle this dwarf, because although he is not tall, his cultivation is not low.

The eight levels of the golden body make all the practitioners have to look up at him.

At this time, he suddenly spoke, which attracted many people's attention.

Tiandanzi also said, how did you open your mouth today? Is the sun out in the west?

He didn't know that Yu Dehai was also angry.

We have so many famous and righteous families. Are you playing around by yourself in Qin Dynasty?

Damn it, I think I was also a legend at that time. I was not so arrogant as you.

If you don't sharpen your spirit today, you really don't know how many eyes Lord Ma has!

"Huashan disciple, listen to the order."

"The disciple is here!"

More than 20 Huashan disciples cried out.

"Come on! Kill these monsters


The leader spoke, and all the elite disciples of Huashan immediately held the sword and flew at their feet. In an instant, they formed a large sword array, moving and rotating in the hall of Jinyu building.

Qin Dynasty looked at the sword array and frowned slightly.


He urged three Luocha ghosts to roar into the sword array.

In a flash, the sword Qi was in full swing. The three yuan infant luochagui were torn by the sword Qi, and their bodies were torn apart. Then they turned into black smoke and returned to the body of the Qin Dynasty.

Luochagui is immortal, but if it is seriously injured, it needs to return to the Qin Dynasty and be nourished by vitality again before it can recover slowly.

"The power of Qin's sword is not to be seen today!"

Yu Dehai talks a lot today.

"I'll try that seat. You dwarf, how much weight do you have?"

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