Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1234

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Chapter 1234

These drivers, pedestrians, wake up in a daze.

Why suddenly fell asleep on the road?

After waking up, they were more surprised.

What's the mess?

"Trough, my car! Who is he? Touch my car

"Oh, my God, what's going on here?"

Many car owners who had stepped out of the pit by the false angel could not help shouting and scolding.

Qin Dynasty sat in the car and shrugged his shoulders.

It's not my fault. It's the fake angel who stepped on it.

But don't worry, I have avenged you, Amen!

These people are awake, but Wang Yuan sitting behind the car is still confused.

"Kiss me Kiss me... "

Kiss your sister!

Qin Dynasty can not help but want to scold, this girl drinks to drink oestrus.

You can't just sleep for a while!

It took another two hours for the traffic to clear up.

At this time, Wang Yuan finally fell asleep and lay quietly on the back seat, only occasionally reciting a few dream words.

What, Dad, I'm not married.

I'll make the Wangs better and so on.

This woman never forgets how strong she is when she sleeps.

The Qin Dynasty drove Wang Yuan's red Ferrari all the way to the hospital downstairs.

He picked up Wang Yuan's soft body and lifted his feet into the hospital.

Many doctors and patients said, what's wrong with this girl?

A little nurse couldn't help talking to her colleagues.

You see, my husband is so considerate that I would like to have such a considerate husband.

Hearing this, Qin Dynasty shook his head secretly. I want to have such a daughter-in-law Well, it's actually quite good.

Wang Yuan's condition is not bad, otherwise Huang Ping can't catch up with him.

By the way, speaking of Huang Ping, who claims to be the young master of the Huang family, should he be Huang an's younger brother?

He and his elder brother have a strong smell. They can't move when they see beautiful women.

However, this boy seems not as clever as his brother.

Huang'an is also a disciple of luochamen.

Himself, it's not good to directly attack his brother.

Give him a warning some other day and let him take care of his brother.

Otherwise, if Huang Ping makes a mistake that he can't forgive At that time, even if his brother appeared, he would not be able to save him.

The Qin Dynasty took Wang Yuan and went directly to Li Na's ward.

Walking to the door of the ward, I heard two girls laughing inside.

"Oh, little Nana, I didn't find it before. After touching it today, I found that Your chest is much bigger than before... "

This is the voice of Shangluo girl.

"Go to you, touch something blindly. You are not without yourself. Touch your own."

This is Li Na's coquetry.

"Hee hee, I'm not as big as you are..."

Shangluo kept laughing. "It's strange. We were about the same age before. Now, you are so much older than me... "

"I, how do I know, I'm growing."

"How can it develop so fast..."

Shangluo immediately exclaimed, "it's against the law of development of things! Hum, I heard I heard that... "

"What did you hear?"

"I heard that after a woman is spoiled by a man, the place will develop rapidly..."

"You, what are you talking about?"

If the Qin Dynasty is right, Li Na must be blushing now.

My little Li Na, but she said shyly.

Especially when she is in her mind, she is the easiest to be shy.

Hearing this, the Qin Dynasty did not rush in to disturb the two people, but quietly held Wang Yuan and stood at the door.

Well, he would never admit that he was eavesdropping.

"Am I talking nonsense? However, Shangluo firmly agreed with his own ideas.

"What, really, you know how to think!"

Li Na firmly refused to admit it.

"Well, it seems you won't admit it."

"I didn't have it. I admit it

"Well, let's see whether I'm making a fool of myself or you're lying."

"What, what do you think?"

Li Na's voice is a little curious.

"I put my finger in and I'll see, hee hee..."

Shangluo's voice became a little evil.

"You die! Why don't you die yet

Naturally, Li Na was shocked. She seemed to have reached out and hit Shangluo several times.Of course, the two chicks can play how much, are just playing.

"Hee hee, are you afraid?"

Shangluo didn't want to give up like this, joking.

"What am I afraid of! I'm not afraid

Li Na said quickly.

"You're not afraid. Why don't you dare to try..."

"You, how can you think of such a shameful topic..."

"I'm not ashamed. We are all girls and girlfriends. Even when we take a bath, we are all naked. I don't know what you little Li Na is! You let me have a try. It's not normal. "

Shangluo, however, said with a clear voice, "unless you are different from before, so you dare not let me try it!"

"You, you're dead..."

"If you don't dare, just say no, and scold me!"

"How can we try to prevent this kind of thing..."

"What can't be tried You are already broken. Hum, I know it

"You, you don't think about it..."

"I don't think of anything Hee hee, I know you are shy, OK. Then I'll hold you down. I must know, today! "

With that, it was Li Na's struggling voice.

"I hate it. Get out of my way, or I'll hit you."

"You hit me? I know your weakness

Shangluo seems to begin to scratch Li Na's itch, and soon Li Na's whole body softens with laughter.

"You, your hand, take it away..."

"It's all girls. What are you afraid of Eh, little Nana, you are Why are you so wet... "

"You, you bastard! Death Shangluo, don't make trouble. I'm afraid of you, can't I? "

The two girls were so mischievous, but what the Qin Dynasty heard was fever.

Boy, it's two girls who can make such a scene.

Hateful Shangluo, dare to check my little Li Na! Next time, I'll check yours too!

The Qin Dynasty was about to let luochagui go in and have a peek, but Wang Yuan in his arms suddenly cried out.

"Let go, let go of me, asshole..."

I almost forgot to have a girl in my arms!

This girl, you don't call early or late, you call an egg at this time!

Wang Yuan yelled so that the two girls inside immediately heard it.

The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to knock on the door and then push it in.

"Qin, elder brother Qin..."

Looking at her brother Qin holding Wang Yuan Xuejie and coming in from the outside, Li Na's face turned red.

She pulled up the quilt and covered herself.

Then the quilt fluctuated slightly. It should be that the girl was wearing the pants that Shangluo had lost.

Shangluo laughed evil, but was embarrassed to look at the Qin Dynasty.

"You, you didn't hear anything..."

Li Na is a little afraid to look at her brother Qin.

Although the two people have been frank with each other, it's really embarrassing to be mixed up by Shangluo

"Ah? What do you hear? "

Qin Dynasty quickly said, "I just arrived, just came in, absolutely don't know what you two were doing just now! Well... "

The Qin Dynasty suddenly found that he had made a slip of the tongue.

Damn, how could I have made such a mistake.

"In the way of..."

Li Na was too shy to do so. She pulled the quilt and hid herself in it.

It's over. Brother Qin should treat himself as a bad girl

Wuwu, Wuwu, Shangluo. They are all disgusting Shangluo.

"Cough, brother Qin, you are back."

Shangluo began to calm down at this time. "You came back just in time. Little Nana was not feeling well just now. As my best friend, I was checking her body."

"Yes, it is So it is. "

Qin Dynasty nodded, heart said I also want to give you a physical examination.

This kind of beautiful examination method is really too happy.

"Ah? I forgot to ask, brother Qin, why did you come in with Wang Yuan

"Just now, she's drunk. I have no place to deliver, so I'll send you here. "

The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Asshole No, don't touch me... "

At this time, Wang Yuan suddenly cried out drunk.

Shangluo blinked.

Then he looked at the Qin Dynasty with evil eyes.

"I swear, there's nothing between us!"

Qin Dynasty quickly explained, "otherwise, I will send her to the hotel, and send you here to do what."

"I didn't say anything."

Shangluo laughed, "brother Qin, why are you so nervous?" Let's put my sister on my bed and watch her drunk, tut... "The Qin Dynasty was about to put Wang Yuan on the ground. At this time, Shangluo added that he almost let his feet soften and threw the girl directly to the ground.

"After drinking like this, she doesn't know what others have done to her You're right, brother Qin. "

"Yes, yes..."

Qin Dynasty will be defeated by this girl.

Hateful. I knew that when she was possessed by Michael, she should not have been punished.

Bring back a little devil. This is it!

"Qin, elder brother Qin Why do you drink so much... "

Li Na finally popped a small head from the quilt and asked.

"I'm glad the business is done."

Qin Dynasty smiles at her little Nana, "when she wakes up, you can ask her again. I've finished my work in Kyoto, and it's almost time to go back to southern Jiangsu. "

"This is going to get in the way..."

Li Na is a little gloomy.

After brother Qin came, he seemed to have only added a lot of trouble to him.

She didn't have a chance to try something like that with brother Qin

Well, I'm not really a good girlfriend. AI

"well, after all, I still have a job in Sunan city."

Qin said, "and your sister Suji, they call me eight times a day to urge me to go back."

Said this, Qin Dynasty suddenly some strange.

A few days ago, Suu Kyi called eight times a day to find herself, but in the last two days, she didn't call.

This makes him a little puzzled, Suu Kyi, what happened?

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