Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 641

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Chapter 641

When the Qin Dynasty returned to Sunan City, the vigorous campaign against pornography and illegal publications began.

"Brother Qin, look, CHEN Si has been sentenced to death!"

In Guangyuan's security office, tension put a newspaper in front of the Qin Dynasty, "it's so pleasant! This tumor, in Sunan city do not know how long! It's good. It's been pulled out at last

"Is Chen Si in?"

Qin Dynasty did not know these things, and longbei'er did not tell him. I only know that longbei'er, with Liu Chuan and the help of Li Baishan, has played many games in southern Jiangsu.

He thought CHEN Si would jump over the wall in a hurry and have a big fight. But it seems that Chen Si has been quiet, and now he has been locked in like this.

"Oh, ah, or how to say, time has changed."

Chen Yingyang stood at the door of the office of the Qin Dynasty, leaning against the door and winking at him, "I also advised Xiao Qin not to be against Fang Hua, because his backing was CHEN Si. Now, Fang Hua is dead, and CHEN Si goes in, but it's Xiao Qin. He's a good sailor. He's also a security officer. But, Xiao Qin, the note on the door is too dazzling. I'll tear it up. "

"I'll do what you do to it."

Qin Dynasty did not mind, slowly drinking tea in the cup.

Chen Yingyang looked at the door pasted, "Chen Yingyang and the dog, not allowed to enter", was angry to death.

"Well, no conscience!"

He turned and walked away.

On the desk of Qin Dynasty, the little white fox came up, smelled the newspaper, and then went back to eat his hamburger.

"Good for you, brother Qin."

"Well, it only eats KFC. It doesn't eat anything else." In the Qin Dynasty, the newspapers were full of stories about CHEN Si. A lot of people are telling him about his crimes in those years.

Even, one of the reporters turned over Yu Qian's affairs again. And pointed out that the reason why Fang Hua is so unscrupulous is because there is Chen Si behind him.

"Who is this reporter? I dare to write about it."

"it should be Chuange's people."

Tension now, also have to call Liu Chuan Chuange.

"It seems that he has been trying to get justice for Yu Qian, and now it's about time."

Qin Dynasty picked up the mobile phone and called Liu Chuan.

It was a long time before the phone was picked up. It was a mess over there.

"Hey, brother Qin, what order?"

"What are you doing there? It's so messy."

"Ah, chopping people!" Liu Chuan said that he was not warm but not angry. "A remnant of CHEN Si never explained the drug trafficking in CHEN Si's farm. I can't help it. I can only have blood and chop his fingers. Brother Qin, don't talk about it. Your method is very good. I've just chopped two, and he's a bit out of it! Hey, hey... "

"Take it easy. Don't play with your life." Qin Dynasty special helpless, when he taught Liu Chuan this, "is to ask you, Yu Qian's matter how."

"Still working on it!" Liu Chuan said, "after Fang Hua died, a lot of evidence disappeared along with it. Damn it, who was the one who didn't exercise at that time and killed Fang Hua. If I want to know who it is, I have to smoke him! "

“……” Qin Dynasty hung up the phone and touched his little fox. He looked at his watch and said to tension.

"Keep an eye on it for me. Suu Kyi's going to school soon. I have to pick her up."

"Hey, brother Qin, you're almost a good man." Tension can't help but laugh, "say, not all the Spring Festival now, how the school is still open?"

"It's a testing class." "Qin Dynasty put on the coat," Suji said, some professional knowledge, she needs to learn again. "

Then he picked up the fox and put it on his shoulder and rushed out of the door.

"The Qin Dynasty is gone?"

At this time, Chen Yingyang stealthily came over, looking at his appearance, as if to tear off the note on the door.

But tensegrity stood at the door and pointed to a row of inconspicuous boys on the note.

Chen Yingyang leaned up and took a look.

"If you tear the paper, you can't find a boyfriend."

"Heaven killed Qin Dynasty!"

Chen Yingyang sat on the ground and cried, "he has no conscience. How many people have helped him? He is so kind to others! No, I'm not

"Well, Captain Chen, you cry slowly. I went out to stand guard."

The tension can't be used up with this guy, and he'll slip away.

The Qin Dynasty went out of the security office, found his permanent 28, and stepped up.

Although he could afford to drive any good car in the Qin Dynasty, he preferred to ride on two wheels. Moreover, Suji also specially requested that she only wanted to ride the bicycle of Qin Dynasty.

"Qin Ling, you stinky girl, if you have the ability, you can get out of here!"

At this time, there was a commotion at the school gate.

The Qin Dynasty pushed the bicycle and walked past.The beautiful secretary, dressed in a uniform and not very good-looking, stood at the gate of the school.

In front of him, is a casual clothes Wang electric stick. Behind him, there were several big and big masters, as if they were running to make trouble.

A couple of security guards, in the middle of them.

"Wang wenkun, hurry up. This is not the place where you make trouble."

Qin Ling also maintained her lady demeanor, in the face of Wang's vicious language, coldly responded.

"You don't know which nightclub to sit in when I come here!"

Wang electric stick arrogantly scolded, the big men behind him laughed.

"Wang wenkun, if you talk nonsense again, I will call the police!"

"Alarm? Ha ha ha, you report Wang wenkun is unscrupulous, "I tell you, I have relatives in the police station. You fight and see who is good at it

The Qin Dynasty was helpless. It seemed that everyone had something to do with the people in the police station. Wang wenkun doesn't even carry a draft when he brags.

"You're also expected to be protected by the security here!" Wang electric stick snorted in his nose, "I can't understand these rubbish. One by one, they are old, weak, sick and disabled. I'll tell you, I've always followed Chen Sihun's brother before. Now CHEN Si is down. They don't follow CHEN Si, they follow Chuange. Although Wang wenkun was opened, I still have some influence in society! If you didn't speak ill of me in front of Su Dong, I would have been fired

"Wang wenkun, do you still have to sue me for those bad things you did yourself?" Qin Ling was very angry. "Su Dong wanted to fire you for a long time. If you were not her distant relative, how long would you like to stay?"

"Damn it, it's a damn stubborn mouth!"

Wang wenkun cursed, "today I will teach you a lesson! Don't you think you have a pretty face? Today, I'll spend your face. I'll see how you see people in the future

"You, you dare!"

Qin Lingzhen was a little scared and stepped back two steps.

"Wang wenkun, stop your mother!"

At this moment, the tension just comes out of the guard. He saw that Qin Ling was bullied by Wang Dianba, and immediately burst out and yelled.

"Paralyzed, have been opened, dare to come back to make trouble!"

"Oh, who should I be? Isn't that tension?"

When Wang wenkun saw the tension, a vicious light flashed in his eyes. "Just in time, you slapped me in the mouth. Today, I'll blow you up!"

Wang electric stick finished and waved, "brother, go up. After finishing them, I'll invite you to the sauna! "

Those big men should also be Wang wenkun's friends. A dozen or so people gathered around and jostled with several security guards.

The security guards in the school are really few young and strong. Most of them are just standing guard and bluffing.

The tension was young. He took a rubber stick and gave it to a big man in front of him.

the big man was blooded on his face and screamed twice.

This time, can arouse other people's ferocity.

"Damn it, this boy wants to die!"

These big men, one after another from the pocket, took out the dagger, ready to give tension a cruel.

Those security guards looked, the other side bright knife, this is all afraid, to the side to avoid.

In order to pay thousands of yuan a month, you can't make it!

Qin Dynasty in the back, can not help but distant head. In the end, they are just some small security guards. When they really meet something, they can't be sent to use Chang.

look at Lei Zichu mountain, they all take out their guns, and one of them still rushes up like they don't want to die.

"Secretary Qin, run! Don't call the police. Go to brother Chuan Zhang Li's skill is pretty good. He knocks over two strong men and shouts to Qin Ling.

"Who are you bluffing?"

A big man broke a curse and said, "just you, but also know brother Chuan!"

Said, a knife toward the tension of the abdomen stabbed in the past.

Zhang Li has just knocked over a big man, and now he is panting for breath. The knife came suddenly, and he couldn't escape.

But at this time, a hand stretched out from the slant and held the big man's wrist.


The big man broke free for a while, but the other side's hand was like a pair of tongs, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"It's too cruel to use a knife at will."

Qin Dynasty hands on a force, the big man immediately felt that the wrist is not his own, pain kneeling on the ground, howling.

His scream attracted the attention of other companions.

"Qin, Qin Dynasty?"

Wang electric stick was also surprised. He didn't expect that Qin Dynasty was also there.

"Wang electric stick, forget to say, it is I who gave your position to the top."

The Qin Dynasty kicked the big man away. Then he went to Qin Ling and blocked her. He said to Wang wenkun, "Su Dong thinks that you are redundant in this team, so he opened you up.""The Qin Dynasty I'll fuck you

Wang wenkun had been dissatisfied with the Qin Dynasty for a long time. Hearing this, he immediately vented his anger and said, "brothers, do him for me! Discount his leg and see how he can be a security guard in the future! When it's done, let's go to Anthony hotel

"Ann, ANN, malgobi!"

A big man beside him gave the Wang electric stick a mouth, and immediately slapped him.

"Grass Mud Horse, do you harm me! Who do you want me to fight? Lord Qin! Damn it, I'll beat you to death

Finish saying, one foot kicks this Wang electric stick to, and nearby a group of people go up a burst kick.

This time, let the tension side also froze. What's wrong with this? What happened to my own people?

"Oh, Lord Qin, I'm so sorry."

The big man who had just slapped Wang's electric wand in his mouth just now came up and said in a flattering manner.

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