Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 546

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Chapter 546

Long Weiqiang did not dare to let him come over. He held Hualong Zao in a hurry and said in a loud voice.

"Don't come here! Or I'll shoot you! "

"Then you shoot."

Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "you can try, which one will die. But remember to be careful. Hualong is really easy to blow. "

Long Weiqiang some to collapse, how the opposite is a madman!

He's not afraid of a pistol!

"Well, it's over here."

At this moment, vary, who has been watching TV, finally stood up and said.

"There's another commercial on TV, maxya maternity hospital." Vary asked long Weiqiang, "long xiansen, I'm very strange. Are you more open here than we are? Why are there abortion hospitals everywhere? "

"That, that..." Where does long Weiqiang know how to answer AI? Does he say that you foreigners are open-minded in the MAHLE Gobi, but you know how to bring a condom!

We don't wear a condom. It's uncomfortable to wear a condom!

Moreover, Heilongjiang's advertising is like this, Shenma stream of people, Shenma maternity, how to treat impotence and premature ejaculation.

"Mr. Waley, let's talk about it later. You, will you help me solve this opponent first? "

"No problem."

Wary slowly took a pair of white gloves out of his pocket and carried them on his hand.

"Long xiansen, I'm sorry. I have a habit of wearing gloves before killing people. I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty. '

"Whatever you want, whatever you want."

Long Weiqiang saw that the killer was about to shoot. He was relieved and said sarcastically to the Qin Dynasty.

"Lord Qin, you are finished. Do you know who this is? It's a skeleton killer! Their names, who do not know, who does not know! This time, I asked them to do it. You are dead. If you turn your head around, you will worship me long Weiqiang as the boss, be my younger brother, and mix with me. "

"Skeleton?" The Qin Dynasty picked his eyebrows and looked at the blonde man in front of him. He directly ignored the second half of long Weiqiang's words, and wanted to let a monk at the end of his first baby be his younger brother. Are you kidding me?

"Are you a skeleton man?"

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce my habits." Said Navarre, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm not interested in who you are."

The Qin Dynasty also learned from him and shrugged his shoulders. "It's just that I'm more interested in your organization."

"When you are dead, ask God."

Waley's action is very simple. To him, killing is as simple as cutting melons.

He twists twice, the whole person appeared in front of Qin Dynasty.

At the same time, his hand, a grip on the neck of the Qin Dynasty.

Vary's hand, very powerful.

He can crush a man's neck bone and send him to God.

This time, he was the same.

After holding the neck of the Qin Dynasty, varui became very strong.

There was a burst of green muscle on his hand. As usual, the man's neck would crack with a click, and then he would fall to the ground with dull eyes.

But this time, it seemed like something unexpected.

Vary just felt like he was holding on to it like a ball of iron. He pinched it twice, but he couldn't move it. Instead, he felt a little pain in his fingers.

Varyn's green eyes were wide open. It was the first time he met such a guy after killing so many people.


He burst out and added strength to his hands.


The sound of bone friction comes from vary's hand.

He finally stepped back, rubbed his hand and looked at the Qin Dynasty.

"You, why is your neck so stiff?"

"Ah? Is it? "

The Qin Dynasty blinked his eyes, and then moved his neck for a moment, making the sound of click bar joint beating.

"Well, maybe it was yesterday's pillow. But you just gave me two pinches. I feel much more comfortable. Thank you

Vary's heart is full of tears.

Fuck you, who gave you a massage!

That long Weiqiang does not know the situation, whining in the side.

"Mr. Waley, come on! Don't be merciful, just strangle him

Valerie rolled her eyes.

You son of a Satan, of course I know to strangle him, or do you think I really massage him?

"Well, it seems that you know some hard Qigong and other kung fu skills."

Navarre gave himself a reason, shrugged his shoulders again, and said, "it seems that I can only kill you quickly, although I can't enjoy your painful expression. I'm sorry."

With that, Wari took out a silver magnum revolver from his arms and pointed to the forehead of the Qin Dynasty."Eh, you also like this pistol"

Qin Dynasty seemed to see a bosom friend, and his left hand moved slightly.


At this time, Wari suddenly shot, a shot on the forehead of the Qin Dynasty.

Qin's head seemed to fall back.

Vary blows at the muzzle of the gun. "Useless Chinese. Even if the body has practiced hard Qigong, can it resist bullets? "

"Mr. Waley is good at shooting!"

Long Weiqiang, seeing that Qin Dynasty was killed, fell a big stone in his heart.

Once the Qin Dynasty died, Murong river was equal to the grasshopper after autumn, and could not jump for a few days!

Dongchuan City, sooner or later it's your own!

"Long xiansen, I have finished your task. The balance of the task, please type it in the company's account. "

Long Weiqiang almost didn't breathe to death.

I rely on, you ya took my diamond, also tube I want the end of the task! I'm paralyzed. After that, I'll have to turn my head around. I won't pay for these killers any more.

One bullet thing, it's going to cost millions of fuckers!

Laozi can kill Qin Dynasty with Hualong.

But also can send him a few more, hit him Ya's!

Crying hinders It's very disturbing.

"Tut Tut, I'm afraid you can't get the last one."

At this time, the voice of the Qin Dynasty, once again very terrifying ring up.

All the people in the room, their eyes widened.

Shit, what's going on?

Didn't he get hit in the head, not dead?

This guy, is his head hammered?

The Qin Dynasty, at this time, also retracted his head and looked at the blond varui angrily.

"You're too ungrateful. I'm going to take out the gun. I'll show you that we have the same guns. You'd better give me a bullet. OK, in this case, let's fight! What are you hesitating about? "

"You, why are you not afraid of bullets..."

Valerie was also surprised.

"You can't control you."

Qin Dynasty curled its mouth.

"I don't believe it! Unless you are God

Wari also took out a magnum, two guns together, to the Qin Dynasty repeatedly pull the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!" Several rounds of bullets hit the Qin Dynasty, and sparks shot in all directions.

Qin Dynasty is like a metal man, no matter how many bullets, they can only fly out. No matter where it was hit, it didn't hurt.

The magnum had six rounds, and was soon shot out by vary.

And Qin Dynasty, still intact standing there, very uncomfortable looking at themselves.

"Enough?" Qin Dynasty took out his own pistol from the ring, the same magnum, pointed at the opposite Wari, "it's my turn."

Long Weiqiang is stupid.

A killer who's paid a lot of money. That's all?

He didn't kill the Qin Dynasty, but he lost his life.

It's over, money is wasted

Just thinking, the Qin Dynasty suddenly pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" A sound, this shot, but hit in the empty place.

And Navarre's body, however, turned into a dark shadow and stuck to the ceiling above his head in the blink of an eye.

This vary is like a big gecko, with his hands and feet on the ceiling, his head turning around and his eyes glowing green.

"You have angered the skeleton, only death can save your soul!"

Navarre called out.

"Oh, it's just a skeleton. I don't know how many times I've been provoked." Qin Dynasty blew the muzzle of the gun, disdained to smile, "a brain damaged organization, still dare to shout with me, do not know whether to die or not."

"It's you who don't know how to live or die!" Wary grinned. "Let's show you the real power of skeletons."

With that, his body suddenly changed.

His hand, began to grow long nails, and then turned into a pair of claws with black hair.

And his face, too, began to elongate, and the tusks came out of his mouth.

The clothes on the upper body were torn to reveal the hairy body inside.

Black tail, also bright out.

"My God!"

"Werewolf, werewolf!"

"Mom, help..."

A group of people, all of them, cried out in panic.

That long Weiqiang, has been a bit of a fool.

"Tut Tut, it's a dog man"

in the Qin Dynasty, it was not surprising that he was holding his arm.

However, to his surprise, the fur of this werewolf was different from the one he had seen before.

The hair on his body is white and red in some places. I don't know how it grew like this. Did it fall into the paint?

"Boy, or a dog with mixed hair""You want to die!"

Wari roared, let out a wolf howl, then suddenly jumped from the ceiling, with a huge impact and strength, toward the Qin Dynasty.

That day, the flower board was directly buckled off a large wall by his claws.

The black shadow blocked the sight of Qin Dynasty.

"Eat the dog."

Qin Dynasty left foot a lift, turned to kick a foot, directly kicked in the werewolf's chin.

This Wari pours is joyful, generally speaking, no one can bear his flutter.

Even if it is an elephant, he can tear the neck of the other party directly with one dive.

But today, I met such a freak.

He didn't dodge. Instead, he stepped back and gave himself a kick.

This foot, the chin kick to burst like, the whole body flew out, bang smashed to the ceiling.

The ceiling was directly hit and collapsed, and Wari hit the ground with the gravel.

The moonlight came in along the gap and sprinkled on the werewolf.

"This, this is impossible!"

Wary said, trembling with a sharp pain in his chin.

"How can there be humans? There will be humans who are more powerful than werewolves!"

"Werewolf? A werewolf is a * *

Qin Dynasty disdained to curl his mouth, slowly walked forward, looking at varui lying on the ground, "it's just a variety, dare to come to the mainland to shout? Didn't you tell anyone? You filthy, disgusting, vulgar, dark creatures, are not allowed to step into our continent? Otherwise, you'll come to a bad end! "

"You, who are you?"

The werewolf finally knew that he had offended the wrong guy.

"Me? I am a man you dream of killing. "

Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, point to own nose to say.

"My name is Qin Dynasty."

"What, what?"

Vary was stunned.

In the Qin Dynasty, it was a name registered on the skeleton blacklist.

All members know that if they can kill this guy, they can get a $100 million reward!

But everyone knows how hard it is to make 100 million dollars! Because, you have to work hard to earn it back!

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