Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 1087

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Chapter 1087

"Well? Was it exposed so soon? It seems that it can only be done in a tough way. "

The Qin Dynasty pinched its fists. Would you like to make a big fuss in Washington?

It's a bit too loud.

"Don't mind."

Yang Zi laughed and said, "the situation in the United States is a little tense. Originally, Dr. Zheng Siqi was not allowed to appear. However, as a major researcher, she has to come to the press conference this time. Therefore, the FBI in the United States are closely watching the Asians who come to attend the conference. We, of course, are also the focus of attention

"I see It seems that it is not easy to handle. "

Cheng Ying thought for a moment, "in this way, we should do enough foreplay, so as not to arouse their suspicion. They have to look away from their suspicions. "

Foreplay The Qin Dynasty was a bit evil.

"Divert their suspicious eyes?"

Yang Zi didn't quite understand.


Cheng Ying laughs and pulls the hands of Qin Dynasty for two times. However, she sighs and continues to say.

"Yang Zi, do you have a list of Asians who attended the conference this time?"

"Ah, you AI"

Yang Zi nodded, "as a member of mi7, I have already investigated this matter, ha ha."

He said, put a hand into his arms, took out a list, and handed it to Cheng Ying behind him.

"It's all here, ten people, four companies."

"Let me have a look..."

Cheng Ying took over the list and looked at the material carefully.

"Yes, there's a Korean technology company here."

Cheng Ying suddenly laughed, "let's start from them."

"They are Islanders, and they are too small to be suspected."

Zhou Su bin shook his head, "Cheng Ying, if you can't, don't mess about, as long as we cover up a bit better, it can't be."

"No, even if they are Korean, in this world, identity and nationality can be forged. We don't need to make any big noise, just shift the attention of these FBI

"Miss Cheng, I understand."

Yang Zi eyes a bright, "pour is also a good method, but in the implementation, a bit difficult."

"Oh, it's not difficult at all."

Cheng Ying laughed again. "It only needs a little bit of means. We just need to do this..."

Cheng Ying said her own way.

"I'll do it. You don't have to do it."

Zhou Su bin frowned and said, "and I often do such things, more experienced than you."

"No, you're the bodyguard. This kind of thing, let me this girl to do, is the most suitable

Cheng Ying shook his head. "When we get to the hotel, we will start. At that time, these Koreans will certainly attract people's attention. "

"I have to say, you have a bad heart."

While kneading his legs, the Qin Dynasty said with a smile to Cheng Ying beside him, "with such a lady sleeping by the pillow, I'm really a bit embarrassed to sit on my feet."

when Zhou Subin heard this, he was filled with jealousy!

His girlfriend, how can sleep beside him!

In the Qin Dynasty, killing him doesn't help him!

"I don't think it's for myself, it's for the country."

Cheng Ying turned her eyes and said angrily to the Qin Dynasty, "it's our country's stuff. How can we let the old Americans take it off?"

"Yes, yes, you are reasonable."

Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "anyway, I'll do it if you think about it."

"You are not alone in the task."

"There is no need for personal heroism here," Zhou said

"Did I say it was mine?"

Qin Dynasty is quite helpless, this guy is aiming at himself, he invited him to provoke him!

Well, forget it, I still feel his girlfriend's leg.

For the sake of this leg, give him another break.

Oh, I am so great and kind.

"Please don't quarrel. We're at the hotel."

Yang Zi is also very helpless, this Zhou Su bin and Qin Dynasty obviously can not get along.

Maybe the wrong people are arranged on it. These three people should not be put together at all.

But we can't blame the above. For such a task, we must consider the best talents.

These three, no matter how you look at them, are excellent.

Zhou Subin needless to say, the first agent of mi7.

Cheng Ying, also the best intelligence officer, has a strong ability of rational thinking, sometimes far better than men.

Qin Dynasty, although he did not understand, but a few days ago and Liu Aiguo said this matter, the organization's first secret agent was really looking forward to it, which made him more curious.Even Liu Aiguo, such a strong character, are looking forward to people, certainly can not be wrong.

Yang Zi parked his car in the parking lot of Citigroup Hotel, and then walked into the hotel with several people.

He was a friend to pick up a few people, so after getting out of the car, his face was full of enthusiasm.

"Mr. Qin, this is where you are going to live. Well, it's a good grade. "

"Don't call me Qin Dong. We are friends. That's too shengfen."

Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, touched his beard to say.

Because he was a little famous in China, so the appearance of Qin Dynasty was changed a little.

His change of face, to be honest, let Zhou Subin and Cheng Ying both a little surprised.

They have always thought that transfiguration is just a simple change, but they didn't expect that it could change so much.

In the end, they are also the agents of the organization. They really have two sons.

"Oh, yes. Qin Dynasty, let's go in. Cheng Ying, please come in, please come in. "

Three people walked in together, Zhou Subin with a big sunglasses, a black suit, cool to follow behind.

Enter the hotel and start checking in.

At the time of registration, Zhou Subin was not happy again.

Because the Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying played husband and wife, so they asked for two rooms. Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying, Zhou Su bin, next to each other.

"Cough, boss, I think the three of us should have a room."

Zhou Subin coughed twice and said, "as a bodyguard, I must be in the safest place for my boss."

Qin Dynasty heart secretly smile, this boy, afraid to wear a green hat, afraid to wear a green hat, also said so high sounding.

"Yes, I can."

Cheng Ying also did not object, three people together, discuss the plan of what more convenient, "then please give us a three people."

"Sorry, there are no more than three people."

Said the front desk with regret.

"Well, let's go to the president. Anyway, the company will pay for it."

Zhou Su bin quickly added a sentence.

"The president's suit is gone..."

The front desk shook his head, "because of a press conference these days, the hotel rooms are very nervous Now there are only two single rooms left. Would you like some of them? "

"Yes, of course!"

Since it matters, what else can we do.

Cheng Ying quickly ordered the room, so that Zhou Su bin eyes are red.

This son of a bitch!

I haven't slept with my girlfriend, so I gave him the first night!

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh! What early night, just sleep together!

No! Just sleeping in a room, nothing will happen! Yes, that's right. Cheng Ying is not such a girl!

Zhou Su bin was going crazy in his heart.

Especially when I saw the smiling face of Qin Dynasty, I would like to blow this guy's eyes with a fist!

How disgusting!

"Put your luggage away first, and then let's go to the restaurant and have something to eat. Yang Zi, don't go. Stay for dinner

"All right, all right."

Yang Zi nodded, "that will cost you money today."

"What's so expensive? We come all the way here and ask you to help us with the reception. It's so hard to have a meal."

Qin Dynasty laughs, two people talk very happy.

Several people checked in and followed the waiters upstairs.

Sitting on the sofa in the hall behind, a man reading a newspaper suddenly put down the newspaper and pressed it on his ear.

"They're up there. Everything's ok now, 30 percent skeptical."

"Keep watching."

"I see. I've been watching all day and haven't had breakfast and lunch yet."

The man couldn't help complaining.

"Why don't I stare at the restaurant, damn, Wayne guy I envy him so much. "

There were four people in the Qin Dynasty, who were advanced to Room 302, the rooms of Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying.

After entering, several people did not speak. Cheng Ying took out an instrument and searched the room back and forth, even a corner.

She stepped on and stepped on, occasionally bent down and squatted on the ground. The perfect curve flowing from the warped part could not help but let the Qin Dynasty swallow its saliva.

Is this woman going to sleep in a room with herself?

Hey, hey, is that a benefit for this mission?

"Over, there are no bugs or cameras."

She stood up, clapped her hands, and said.

At this moment, Zhou Subin suddenly turned around and burst into a rage. His hands seized the collar of the Qin Dynasty and pressed his body against the wall behind him.

"Zhou Subin, what are you going to do?"

Cheng Ying was startled. He didn't expect Zhou Subin to do such a thing."Boy, I warn you, if you touch my girlfriend, I want you to look good!"

Zhou Su Bin's eyes are red now. He can't hear other people's words. He yells at the Qin Dynasty.

Yang Zi was also startled. He reached out to pull Zhou Subin, but his strength was not as big as Zhou Subin. He shook off Yang Zi with a wave of his hand.

"Don't mind, it's about him and me!"

"Zhou Subin, you release him, you are crazy!"

Su bin doesn't want to hold out Zhou Ying's hand.

"Yang Zi, please lock the door."

The Qin Dynasty was still smiling and said politely to Yang Zi, "I want to have a good talk with my bodyguard."

"You, don't be impulsive."

Yang Zi was afraid of making a big fuss.

If it's a big trouble, no one can hold it!

They're all going to die.

"Don't worry, I know."

The Qin Dynasty gave Yang Zi a look.

Yang Zi had no choice but to go over and lock the door. I hope the sound insulation of this room can be better.

"If you don't want to be in danger, just let go of your hands."

The Qin Dynasty smiles at Zhou Subin.

"You threaten me?"

Zhou Su bin sneered, "can you threaten me?"

"If you don't believe it, I can let you know."

The voice of the Qin Dynasty also slowly cooled down.

"Can you two calm down?"

Cheng Ying said anxiously, "if you go on like this, it will be a mistake."

"I'm calm."

Qin Dynasty turned to her and said, "it's just that you're a little boy friend. You're too jealous. As you can see, he did it to me first. I am innocent.

you are innocent. You did not touch my leg just now!

Cheng Ying turned a white eye in the heart, but still advised.

"Zhou Subin, calm down. I am a soldier and your girlfriend. I won't do anything I'm sorry for. It's a mission requirement!"

"Go to his mission! Today I have to let this guy know what price he will pay if he dares to touch my girlfriend

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