Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 557

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Chapter 557

"Anna! What are you doing

Serena's scared.

"Water the flowers." Suu Kyi shrugged her shoulders, then went back to the bed and lay on it. She put her slender legs on the side of the bed table and leaned against the pillow. She continued to look at her book gracefully.

"You are a madman

Serena shook her head, grabbed a clean towel and rushed downstairs.

She ran downstairs and guessed the wet hair for poor Jim.

Jim looked very decadent. His guitar was in the water, and he couldn't play good music any more.

However, this did not stop him from holding back the beauty.

"Anna!" When Serena wiped his hair, he suddenly yelled, raised his fist, and exclaimed, "I will not give up! I want you to be my princess

Through the attic window, the sound came to Suu Kyi's ears. She sighed helplessly and then looked out of the window at the slowly moving clouds.

She turned pale and squeezed her chest tightly.

"Qin Dynasty, when can you come to pick me up I really miss you... "

His Qin Dynasty, which was flying to Sunan city at this time, was receiving language attacks from Chen Xin.

The plane had climbed up to the clouds and stabilized. All passengers also took off their seat belts and could walk and talk normally.

"Mr. Qin, please behave yourself in the future. I will watch you for Luo Qinglin!"

Next to that Chen Xin chatter and scold, Qin Dynasty really want to find two groups of cotton to plug their ears.

He is really depressed, Chen Xin how to say is also a jade girl level big star, how can so nag it. Crash, crash

The beautiful stewardess walked around and brought drinks to the passengers according to the list.

The first-class treatment is different. First of all, the drinks are of high quality.

The Qin Dynasty ordered a sprite. After a long time with Li Baishan, he also preferred to drink this kind of drink. Most people are afraid that they will get fat after drinking, so they don't have this worry at all.

"Chen Xin, sister Chen!"

Being scolded for a long time, the Qin Dynasty finally couldn't help it. He picked up his sprite and turned around and said.

"I'd like to propose a toast to you. Please let me go, will you?"

Chen Xin, who was breathing heavily, saw the helpless appearance of the Qin Dynasty, but he gave a smile, which made the Qin Dynasty all laugh.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

"If you want me to forgive you, promise me one thing." Chen Xin's smiling appearance reminds Qin Dynasty of the female devil Rosie.

"What, what?" Vaguely, the Qin Dynasty felt that it was not good.

"I recently received a film about a killer. I'm the number one girl, a rich lady. Man number one is a killer, but the director has been unable to find the right person. I want you to play

"What?" Qin Dynasty Leng for a moment, "you let me act? Still in male number one? Forget it, I don't have that addiction! And I don't want to be a public figure. "

Many identities of the Qin Dynasty are relatively confidential, so they can't play in movies and TV.

Otherwise, Luo Qinglin will be the first to pick away the Qin Dynasty.

Luo Qinglin, however, had long wanted to be a broker for the Qin Dynasty. It was because the Qin Dynasty always insisted on not being a public figure, so this matter did not come to an end.

"So you're going to turn me down?"

Chen Xin's beautiful small face immediately once again, make Qin Chaoxin also followed tightly for a while.

This woman, change face change too fast, let a person some unprepared.

It seems that if I don't respond to this woman, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome in the future The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and began to think about how to say it for a while.

"You look down on us artists? Qin Dong? "

Chen Xin continues to be aggressive.

At once, there were countless murderous eyes around.

Chen Xin is definitely an idol. Who does she not like? Some male fans here have been unable to help but want to beat the Qin Dynasty. In order to please Chen Xin.

"Well, how could that be possible?" Qin quickly shook his head, "it's just my job, it's not suitable to appear in public. To be a man's number one is even worse. "

"You don't want to be a man?" Chen Xin thought for a moment, "that's OK. Since you don't want to be a man, I still have a runner here. Do you want to do it?"

“……” When the Qin Dynasty heard it, he ran a dragon suit

"As long as you can let me play a corpse."

"That's about it." Chen Xin nodded with satisfaction, "but it's not as good as playing a corpse. Anyway, the character has a little line. "

"Oh? What kind of role is it? "

"It's the former fiance of the heroine, who was later assassinated by Male No.1. In the end, the heroine ran away with the number one man and wandered about the world romantically"Shit, what's the story?" Qin Dynasty can't help but curl up his mouth, too his mother's blood. The woman is too heartless. Her fiance has been dried to death, and she can run with her enemies.

"What do you know?" Chen Xin Li carved a frown and said unhappily, "this book, but I fell in love with it at a glance! You don't know. The man number one was an orphan. And the fiance of the number one girl is actually his brother. He didn't know. He was cheated by the people who organized it. And that girl, at first, is also holding the idea of revenge to approach the man No. 1, and finally found out his life experience, and then fell in love with him

"Shit, who wrote such a lousy book?"

"What a bad omen. Well, he wrote a book called "killer landlord, pretty tenant". This book is also about killers. It seems to be a prequel

"No, it's bloody. I won't do it."

The head of Qin Dynasty shakes like a rattle drum.

"No?" Chen Xin's eyes stare.

"Eh, acting, acting..." The Qin Dynasty wiped a cold sweat, "but I think, how does it seem that this is not a dragon suit It's like man number two. "

"Man number two? Have you ever seen a male number two who died in less than a minute? "

Chen Xin couldn't help laughing.

"Er..." The Qin Dynasty thought about it and came out less than a minute. Anyway, it was just a small show of face. It's estimated that the audience will not notice this little dragon suit.

"Well, I'll do it! As long as we can make our big star Chen happy, even if we play a male prostitute, I will do it! "

After all, Qin Dynasty can make a joke.

"Ah! Don't say it Chen Xin immediately beamed, "there is a role of a male prostitute in this book! God, you said that, I found that the role is very suitable for you! Tailor made! It's tailor-made! "

"What? You, you're not kidding

"Who are you kidding me?" Chen Xin's face was straight, "art is a very serious matter! Well, male prostitute, that's settled! "

"I, can I still play fiance..."

"Fiance? That's male number two. You think anyone can do that! "

"You, didn't you say that he died within a minute without appearing, male No.2..." The Qin Dynasty was stunned.

"I said it was! If you want to be a man's number two, you can do it, but you have to promise me something Chen Xin at this time, smile again let the Qin Dynasty dribble cold sweat.

"What, what conditions..."

"I haven't thought about it yet. Give me my mobile phone number first." Chen Xin eyebrows a pick, said.

"Oh, oh..." Qin Dynasty quickly told his mobile phone number, "188 ××× 1115."

He felt as if he had signed a contract of sale.

"Good, good. For the sake of your good performance, I'll let you go for the moment. Take it. This is your book. Go back and have a good look! Back till you're done with it

With that, Chen Xin took out a white cover book from her bag and threw it to the Qin Dynasty.

The toss was so crooked that it almost flew to Lawrence Chang, who was sitting in the front row.

Fortunately, the Qin Dynasty was proficient in mental ability. As soon as he reached out, the book turned a little and flew into his hand.

Qin Dynasty took a look, the name on the book is.

Thorn marriage.

Boy, stabbing. It's violent. It's better to marry naked. Well, it's a little yellow. Well, it's hard to name it.

the Qin Dynasty opened the book and took a look at it.

The story is just like what Chen Xin said. It's very bloody.

And his appearance, as expected, was less than a minute.

The routine is as follows: he takes a vertical flower and drives a sports car to pick up his girlfriend. As a result, at the moment of getting out of the car, the hero suddenly came out of the store next to him and hit him in the head with a bang. Then he fell on the ground and sacrificed. His blood dyed the rose bouquet red.

, it's very short and very awesome.

"Well, when are you going to shoot it?"

Qin asked.

"During the Spring Festival." Chen Xin thought about the time.

"Ah?" Qin Dynasty a Leng, "can't, then I will go home to see my mother. If I don't go back this year, I'll be dead. "

"It's OK. We're shooting in Jingyang."

Chen Xin laughs, "your family is from Jingyang City, right?"

"You, how do you know that?" The Qin Dynasty blinked.

"There's something you can't know, it's not a secret." Chen Xin rolled her eyes and said, "what do you think you are"

" How much can I get for the service? "

"You Chen Xin almost did not get angry in the past, "you are the chairman of the great development group! With hundreds of billions of assets! You want money! You're in charge of the program! How do you like it

"I'm sorry about that." The Qin Dynasty touches the nose, "all depend on selling oneself body to earn money."

"You! You... " Chen Xin gas of this depressed ah, she did not see before, this guy is still so stingy, so poor!"Hum! Your service fee is 2000! Love or not

"Yes The Qin Dynasty nodded and said, "two thousand yuan is quite a lot. How many roast ducks can you buy! It's going to be a secret for you. I'm so heartbroken. "

"Why didn't it hurt you so much?" Chen Xin said angrily.

Next to the orange mm is very curious, she followed Chen Xin for a period of time, or the first time to see her and a boy so reckless to fight.

What is the identity of Qin Dynasty!

Chen Xin knows a lot about a multinational boss like him. Why is he so special to him?

"Hey, hey." Qin Dynasty touched his nose, then pushed Xiaobai beside him and said, "Xiaobai, when I make this money, please eat spicy hot ha!"

"Good." Xiaobai couldn't help laughing. He invited him to have a spicy hot for 2000 yuan. Mr. Qin was really mean.

"I, I can't stand you..." Chen Xin put the sunglasses on her face, leaned against the back of her chair and said to the orange, "I'm going to have a rest. Don't let anyone disturb me! Especially some niggards

The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and began to drink his sprite.

At this moment, a beautiful blonde foreign stewardess, with a pair of dazzling white legs, came to him.

"Xiansen, can I have your autograph?"

The blonde stewardess, still speaking some poor Mandarin, asked.

"Ah?" Qin Dynasty a Leng, shake hands to say, "I am not a star, she, she is. The one with the toad mirror. "

"No, no, no, I'll get your autograph." The blonde stewardess, smiling at the Qin Dynasty.

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