Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 931

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Chapter 931

"But what if the dark Pope doesn't come?"

Arthur asked again.

"No? It's impossible not to come. "

Boss sneered, "when we left the skeleton, we took away a huge property of the dark church. Even if the dark Pope is not interested in the fighting power of the skeleton, he will be moved by the property. "

"What if the Qin Dynasty comes along?"

"It's sure to follow."

Boss's eyes twinkled, "if it wasn't for him, we wouldn't cooperate with the stupid Argus. What do you want to find the Roman Church for? Is it not to settle the damned Qin Dynasty! "

Mention the name of the Qin Dynasty, the boss can not help but move anger, a push aside the three enchanting beauty around.

"Fuck, where did this guy come from! He used to be the biggest enemy of skeletons! Now, he's still! Why, skeletons want to kill people, will still live in this world, but also incorporated the dark Holy See! Who can tell me why! "


He said, a punch in the side of the wall, the steel wall immediately sank into a pit.

"Boss, calm down!"

Armon quickly touched the boss's strong chest, stroked it up and down, and said softly, "without him, skeletons would not have been what they are today. However, thanks to him, the skeleton can become my bag. To thank you, I have to send him to death. "

"This time, he will surely die."

Arthur thought of this plan, and began to be confident. "But, Armon, are you well placed? The man of Qin Dynasty is very cunning. "

"Ann, you are always so suspicious."

Armon waved his hand. "This boat is where they died."

"I hope so." Boss sneered, "I don't want to see that person appear."

At this point, in the casinos of the Collins.

"How many chips do you need to change, sir?"

The beautiful rabbit girl, with a professional smile on her face, looks at a man with glasses, a white shirt and black trousers in front of her.

"Two thousand. Wife, come and give me the money. "

"I just know how to play cards. Sooner or later, this salary will make you lose all."

The beauty next to the man glared at him and took out 2000 yuan of cash from his pocket.

The rabbit girl couldn't help laughing at their poverty. It's only two thousand dollars. I'm not willing to give it up. You know, in this casino, many people lose tens of millions a day.

There are also some rich and noble officials who do not care if they lose hundreds of millions at a time.

"Wife, just play this time. I promise I won't lose this time."

White shirt man coax way.


The beauty curled her lips.

Although the rabbit girl despised in her heart, she quickly changed the chips and gave them to the white shirt man.

The beauty of husband and wife turn around and listen to other people's smile.

"Xiaobai, do you see any clues?"

"Mr. Qin, there's a camera in this casino. There are also, you see, the gamblers around, as well as the Dutch officials, several of them are masters with unique skills. They should be the bodyguards of the gambling house. "

"Well, I feel it, too. The whole Corinth, it's a skeleton killer. I can feel some strength after I enter the golden body weight. Now, it seems that there are no other masters except a few Zodiac killers of skeletons. "

Using the Vajra Sutra and Xiaobai's make-up technique, the Qin Dynasty, which changed the body shape and appearance, took Xiaobai to various gambling tables while observing the surroundings.

"That's not good."

Xiaobai judged calmly, "maybe the day hasn't come, they haven't transferred other masters. Didn't vini say that the Church of Rome is not very well recently. It's terrible

"Well, Xiaobai, you and I want to go together."

The Qin Dynasty nodded, "I also think that the Roman Church may cooperate with the notorious skeleton. After all, it's too much to deal with us if we only rely on skeletons. "

"Bet, bet!"

In the orthogonal discussion, the Qin Dynasty found a gambling master

"let's try today. Come, Xiaobai, let's make a bet."

Qin Dynasty said, the face began to hang full of joy, pointing to the gambling table said, "wife, let's play this!"

"It seems easy, but don't lose all your chips! Last time, you lost a clean one. "

"I can't be lucky today."

Qin Chao sighed, "or, wife, you decide, let's buy a university or a school"

"I don't decide! You should blame me for losing! "I rolled my eyes white.

"No, my wife is the best. You can choose one."

The Qin Dynasty said with a compliment smile.

"Let's buy small ones. There are so many big people. We don't want to go with them."

Xiaobai refers to a small area.

"Good, then buy a small one! All bets! The big deal is bankruptcy

Qin Dynasty pour also simply, since play a tracheitis, natural want professional a bit. He put two thousand dollar chips, all pressed on the small.

All the people around were looking for it. The two men, after shouting for a long time, bet two thousand yuan, and returned NIMA all the money!

It seems that two more ah Chan, who have saved up hard, went to the Collins to see what they saw.


He Guan untied the treasure Gu, and it was checked at 3:32:00 in the hall, and "Wow, husband, we won!"

"Baby, you're great!"

The Qin Dynasty took Xiaobai and gave her a kiss on the face.

Xiaobai's face turned red in an instant. She was flustered and didn't know what to play.

Mr. Qin Mr. Qin actually kisses me

Heaven forbids

Small white face fever, Qin Dynasty did not care too much, put away a pile of his chips.

Two thousand dollars is now four thousand dollars.

The Dutch officer continued to roll the dice and put it on the table.

"Come on, wife, we're going to keep it! You are indeed my lucky star. Tell me, what's the bet this time? "

"Let's make it small."

Xiaobai's voice is a little weak.

The two people's words again attracted the attention of the people around them.

Cut, isn't it that you won 2000 yuan? What's so proud of.

"Small, small, small, we must drive small!"

Qin Dynasty is like a fanatical gambler, staring at that treasure Gu, eyes red.

He Guan opened the treasure Gu, and immediately some people were happy and others were worried.

Of course, they were happy in the Qin Dynasty.

"Yes, wife, we won again! Wife, you are wonderful

The Qin Dynasty held up Xiaobai again, surrounded by a circle, very happy.

This time, 4000 yuan became 8000 yuan.

"Two guests, good luck."

Dutch officials also smile at them.

"Do you want to keep betting?"

He asked.

"Go on, go on!"

Looking at the treasure Gu that shakes good again, Qin Dynasty asks Xiaobai, "wife, what do we bet this time?"

"Don't bet small this time. Bet big."

Xiaobai bit his lips and said, "it's impossible to always open small, right?"

"Well, listen to you!"

The Qin Dynasty lost all the chips in a big position.

He Guan's face changed slightly, but he still didn't care.

These two people are really lucky.

He opened the treasure bug. It was 4464.

Eight thousand dollars turned into sixteen thousand.

"Ha ha, wife, let's have more. I'll buy you a BMW!"

The Qin Dynasty is very happy to laugh.

Dutch officials can't help laughing. They really think this is an AMT ATM.

People around me are also a little jealous, these two people are really bad luck.

But luck won't always be there.

However, Xiaobai and the Qin Dynasty continued to play, two people still as always the whole bet.

Every time, I can get to the right place. The people around me are starting to be with them.

Dutch officials are under increasing pressure and can't help sweating.

After a while, the couple's chips have reached 200000. The 200000 Collins doesn't care, but if you go on, 40, 80 It's horrible.

Are these two people really so lucky?

In fact, where is what luck, Xiaobai's hand, has been pressing on the gambling table.

Through the induction of vitality, she can clearly know what the dice inside the treasure Gu looks like.

This kind of gadget is not difficult for her at all.

He Guan knows that he can't let two people win any more. He just smiles and says.

"You two, it's just the so-called close when you're good. This time you bet all of them. In case the goddess of fortune is not here, are you going to pay for it

"No way."

The Qin Dynasty laughed, "but the goddess of luck has been standing by my wife's side! Wife, ask your lucky lady, this time big or small! "

"My lucky lady told me that this time it was small!"

Xiaobai laughs.

"Good, then bet small!"

The Qin Dynasty did not hesitate to bet all 200000 yuan on the small.

People around suddenly exclaimed, and they all looked at Baogu nervously.

These two people are really brave. They are not afraid of losing their money!He Guan's cold sweat came down again.

Through special equipment, he really knows what points are in Baogu.

Are these two guys the God of gamblers! Every time!

But this time, you can't let two people win, otherwise you can't keep your job.

The lotus officer's finger moved slightly, and pressed in a secret place on the treasure Gu.

All the dice in Baogu immediately jumped up and became 666.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and he really relied on high technology.

But Xiaobai has already noticed that she sneers to herself. Her vitality spreads to the table through her palm, and then quickly spreads to the treasure poison.

At the moment when he was about to open, a few dice jumped again, and changed back to the one-to-one proofreading

but the lotus official didn't know, and lifted the treasure Gu.

"Open, 666..."

The eyes of the official lotus are straight.

It's not right for me to cut grass! Obviously, it's 666, but how did it turn into a little bit smaller!

Damn it!

"Honey, you see, it's Xiaoai again! We won again

"Wife, you are wonderful! We sent it out! "

Four hundred thousand chips, the Qin Dynasty called to the next rabbit maid waiter, changed the chips into a bigger one.

One hundred thousand yuan is heavy in the hands of Qin Dynasty. These four chips are all made of crystal.

"Good luck, sir and madam. Today's harvest is not small. Why don't we give you two guests for life, and we'll get a 20% discount for all the expenses on our ship. You can buy us a face and leave at this time. How about that? "

He Guan wiped his cold sweat and asked with a smile.

He knew that he should have met a master today.

"How about that?"

The Qin Dynasty stopped, "I'm killing all directions. How can I stop here! Even if I agree, luck can't do it. Come on, come on, let's go on. "

"Yes, keep going!"

"Keep going. We'll wait."

The people around also followed to watch the excitement, they also want to know, these two super lucky lovers, in the end can go to which step!

Can these four hundred thousand become four million, forty million!

"Yes, go on!"

Qin Dynasty laughed, "thank you for your support. If I want to win 40 million today, I will invite you to drink!"

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