Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

My Beautiful Teacher Chapter 885

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Chapter 885

"My Lord, this is Auckland."

The Qin Dynasty rode hell horse and came to a town. In front of him, there was a wall which was not very tall. There are no demons standing guard here. The city gate is opened and the demons can come in and out at will.

Faduo pointed to this and said to the Qin Dynasty.

"Well, let's go first and have a rest."

"Well My Lord, I want to find a place to take a bath first I haven't had a bath for several days. I feel very uncomfortable... "

After all, fado is also a girl and asks for Tao.


The Qin Dynasty nodded, then rode the hell horse, walked into the devil's town.

If it wasn't for these male demons with horns on their heads and tails on their backs, Qin Dynasty would have thought that they had come to the Western Towns in ancient times.

The facilities, buildings and customs are very similar.

The roadside taverns, hotels and bluestone buildings made the Qin Dynasty feel like watching a movie.

If he didn't know he was in hell, this guy would have an illusion of crossing.

The Qin Dynasty was not in the mood to stroll in exotic places. He found a hotel, tied his horse to the door, and took faduo into it.

The first floor of the hotel is also a pub.

A lot of travelling wave people, civilians, or soldiers also drink here, or inquire about the latest news and so on.

"Give us the best room, boss!"

Fado took out a bag of gold coins and immediately made the hotel owner smile.

"Good, good, just a moment! RASS, clean up the best room and take the guests up! If you're lazy again, I'll kick your ass! "

"Coming, coming!"

Immediately there was a little devil bumping over, respectfully leading the Qin Dynasty and faduo upstairs.

The Qin Dynasty noticed that those drinking in the first floor tavern looked at them strangely.

Money is not known before.

Just now faduo took out a large bag of gold coins, which probably attracted the covetous eyes of these people.

Qin Dynasty heart sneer, but not too in the heart, followed NARAS on the third floor of the hotel.

It's a nice room, but it's just a bed.

Qin Dynasty did not speak much, this faduo already regarded as a maid.

"It's OK. The room is fine."

Fado said happily, "RASS, please help me to burn some water. I want to take a bath. Do you want to wash it together, my lord? "

Wash together

The Qin Dynasty swallowed the saliva.

As the so-called, gentle Township, hero grave block

Now, it seems not the time to think about it.

One side of RASI, but very envious looking at the Qin Dynasty.

You don't have to wash it first. I'll go out and see about the double headed dragon. You can wait for me here

"Well, when the Lord comes back, I'll serve him in the bath."

Fado said happily.

It's really a pleasure to serve adults.

Well, all right

Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and patted faduo on the shoulder, "wait for me here, I'll be back soon."


Fado nodded his head.

Qin Dynasty turned out of the room, downstairs, and found those malicious eyes. He sneered and inquired about the location of the ride dealer with the boss, and went to the door of the hotel.

According to the direction of the boss, the Qin Dynasty was searching slowly in this town.

As a result, the Qin Dynasty was first attracted by a group of demons watching the fun.

The Qin Dynasty got close to it and found that there was a notice posted on it, which did not know what was written on it. Many people were watching.

"Hi, brother, what does it say?"

Qin Dynasty can not understand the devil's words, so he pushed a civilian demon man next to him and asked.

"Ah, return to the nobility, that's the draft notice of the Mamen empire!"

Next to the civilian a look, lying trough this is the aristocrat, hastily respectfully return a way.

"Conscription notice?"

"Well, that's right. It is said that the Mamen empire is going to war with the besieb Empire recently. Therefore, our empire wants to recruit soldiers. As long as men with sound limbs, no matter civilians or nobles, can sign up. "


The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking, "isn't the beshib empire far away from us? In the past three years, how can we fight such a long distance?"

"Ah, noble master, don't you know that the magic transmission array is in the hands of the army? With this magic transmission array, you can quickly reach the battlefield

This people said, well, met an illiterate aristocrat.

It's really helpless. An illiterate can be an aristocrat. With all my knowledge and ambition, I can be a civilian.Damn it.

"So it is Where can I sign up? "

"Go back to the noble Lord. There is a tent there, which is the recruitment office. If you want to join the army, just go there and sign up. "

"Yes, thank you."

"Ah, it's my honor to be able to solve the doubts of the noble master!"

The civilian was terrified.

Qin Dynasty's eyes turned, he squeezed away the crowd, came to the relatively cold draft office.

Here's a low-level demon in leather armor, sitting there bored, dozing off against a table.

"Hello, I'm here to sign up."

The Qin Dynasty walked over, patted the table, and woke up the devil.

"Sign up? Oh, sign up. "

The guy rubbed his sun meridians and said, "I didn't expect that on the last day of the conscription, there would be another guy to sign up. Yo, it's still a low-level demon. It's good. This is the application form. Please fill it out

The man pushed over a piece of parchment.

Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "that, I'm sorry, I can't write, but I have to ask you to help."

"I'll go, I can't write, illiterate you! If you can't write, be a soldier. Go and play. "

Crouching, I'm not an examination group.

Qin Dynasty looked at the impatient appearance of the low-level devil, but took out a golden gold coin from the ring, gently pressed it on the table, and slowly pushed down the devil's face.

Just now, the impatient devil immediately fixed his eyes on the gold coin and moved slowly.

"Hey, it's OK to be illiterate. Anyway, we are fighting and chopping people. What can we do to read? That's meaningless."

This guy quietly collected the gold coins, and then picked up the pen, "come on, I am the most enthusiastic person. As long as you have a cavity of revenge, you must be a good soldier! Come on, name. "


"From which village?"

"OSI village."

"Oh, oshi village, how many people are there in the far away AI family?"

"No father, no mother, just one brother."

"So OK, here's your form. Take it. At noon tomorrow, I will go to the third regiment outside the city for assessment. If you succeed in the examination, you can join the army. "

The man rolled up the parchment and gave it to the Qin Dynasty.

Lying trough is finished so quickly. It's a waste of a gold coin.

"That Wait a minute. I want to sign up for my brother

"It's not possible. You have to sign up in person. That's the rule."

The man shook his head in a hurry.

The Qin Dynasty took out two gold coins and pushed them forward.

"Cough, of course, the rules are dead, the devil is alive. As long as you have the blood, we are willing to help you and give you a chance to fight in the battlefield and serve the Empire. "

"What's your brother's name?"

"Law Falk. "

"Oh, Falk, good name."

There is no need to ask about the name of the village. The man wrote it well and then rolled it up and gave it to the Qin Dynasty. "Take it and show it tomorrow. My name is Larry, and I hope you'll join the army and go to our camp

"Yes, please."

The Qin Dynasty collected two sheepskin rolls, then turned over and began to go back.

As for the double headed dragon, he is no longer concerned.

Is there a faster way than magic teleportation?

I don't think so.

Even if I can return to the magma sea now, I may not see Rosie.

It's better to go directly to the besieged Empire and find the little girl Shi Xin directly. It would be better if that would save a lot of trouble.

Fado, of course, is to let her follow him. As for how to pass the examination, ha ha, I have a way.

Qin Dynasty heart plan good, full of confidence to return to the hotel.

After entering the door, I found that there were fewer people in the tavern on the first floor.

He shrugged, went straight up the third floor, went back to his room, and knocked on the door.

"Fado, have you finished washing? I'm in, ha?"

No response for a long time.

Qin Dynasty mouth slightly floating a radian, reached out to push open the door.

After opening the door, he saw that faduo was tied up and sitting on the ground. His mouth was blocked by a towel. He was staring at his big eyes, whining at himself and shaking his head.

Fado's big, watery eyes look so good no matter when they arrive

A cold steel knife, across his neck.

"The devil is on, take out all the money if you don't want to die!"

Several demons appeared in the house, one of them was a low-level demon, with a steel knife in his hand and a money bag handed to faduo before the Qin Dynasty on his waist.

"Actually, I'm very welcome."The Qin Dynasty took a look at these people and said, "however, those who come uninvited will be treated differently."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

The man thought that the Qin Dynasty was a rich man and roared, "Laozi, this sword is made of cold iron. One knife can cut off your head! Do you want money or brains? "

"You ask me?"

Qin Dynasty pointed to his nose.

"Nonsense! Are you stupid? "

That popular nose is crooked, the heart said that he did not encounter 125.

"The key is that I don't want to see either of them."

the Qin Dynasty seemed innocent and shrugged its shoulders.

"Yes, I met a fool today."

The devil couldn't help but curse, and the people around him laughed.

"What do you want?"

"I want your life."

The tone of the Qin Dynasty was suddenly cold. Then he reached out and grasped the steel knife made of the so-called cold iron. Then he put his other hand on the neck of the low-level devil, and he directly cracked his neck with a click.

The other demons are some civilian demons. At this time to see their boss was killed, all panic.

"God, kill, kill..."

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